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eGroupware 1.4 for SME 7.x


Dietmar Berteld

This rpm is based on the great HowTo of Sylvain Gomez (Cool34000).


eGroupware 1.4 for SMEserver 7.x is a powerfull modular Internet/Intranet application framework.

  • Features calendaring, project management, e-mail, tasks, addressbook, file management.
  • Supports many languages. En, Sv, ....

With this RPM you can use eGroupware on your SME 7.x. You can install it as one single package in a very comfortable way. For more information see


You can download this package at smeserver-egroupware . If you would like to save it directly on your SME Server, you should give this command at a linux-prompt


Installation and Uninstall

For installation just hit the following command

yum localinstall smeserver-egroupware-1.4-8.noarch.rpm

For uninstall just hit the following command

yum remove smeserver-egroupware

You can ignore the yum-comments signal event post-upgrade and signal-event reboot.


Please perform the Intial Configuration FIRST before login to eGroupware. After that SME users can login to eGroupware with their used SME account + password. At first login, eGroupware creates user accounts and passwords automatically and synchronize them to the SME Server.

Inital Configuration

You can find eGroupware in the /opt/egroupware directory. For using eGroupware start your browser with the URL http://servername/egroupware/setup and logon with the user config-admin + password admin at Setup/Config Admin Login.


Now you should create the admin-account 'admin' with password itentical to the SME admin account for receiving and sending SME admin emails in eGroupware.


Logout after creating the admin account.

Changing passwords for eGW config-admin / header-admin

Logon to the SME console with user root and give this command at a linux-prompt

chmod 777 /opt/egroupware/html/

Go to your browser and logon with the user header-admin + password admin at Header Admin Login.


Change the passwords for the users config-admin and header-adminnow:



Store the new passwords with "Write".

Go another time to your SME console and change the rights to the former values:

chmod 644 /opt/egroupware/html/

Finally, logout of the SME console.

For security-reasons, change the passwords for the users config-admin and header-admin after your first login !


eGroupware provides Synchronization of calender, todo's, notes and adressbook with offline-clients like MS Outlook and PDA's. Unfortunally there is a requirement for PHP5 to accomplish this functions, which is not implemented in SME 7. But actual it is possible to sync to MS Outlook with the xmlrpc protocol and the eGWOSync application.

MS Outlook Synchronization

You can sync eGroupware-Data to MS Outlook as follows:

1. Install certificate with MS Internet Explorer

  • Start Internet Explorer
  • Enter URL = https://servername
  • Enter "show certificate"
  • Enter "install certificate" and go on to install your SME certificate

2. MS Outlook

  • Finish your MS Outlook if active.
  • Go to system control, register mail.
  • show profiles... -> delete all profiles
  • Start MS Outlook, create a new profile with your mail account

3. eGWOSync

Download eGWOSync and .NET, if necessary. If your .NET release is newer than version 1.x, you must uninstall your version.

  • You need .NET Version 1.x, eGWOSync accepts no newer versions
  • User/Password = SME user account/password
  • Domain = default
  • Hostname = SME domain
  • Port = 443
  • Use SSL = enabled
  • URL = keep default values
  • Perform test

4. Funambol

Download Web site: Funambol Web Site Download Funambol 6.0.14 link Funambol 6.0.14

                      1) Install Funambol 6.0.14
                      2) Change "7" to "0" for mbstring.func_overload = 0 in php.ini 
                      3) Open Outlook go to the Funambol Setup (Funambol --> Option)
                      4) Select all items
                      5) Setup options:


     Location = http://Domain Name/egroupware/rpc.php or http://Server IP/egroupware/rpc.php
     Username = Your user login name for eGroupWare
     Password = Your user password for eGroupWare


     Sync Direction = Two-Way
     Remote name = ./sifcontacts
     Data Format = SIF
     Sync Direction = Two-Way
     Remote name = calendar
     Data Format = vCalendar
     Sync Direction = Two-Way
     Remote name = ./siftasks
     Data Format = SIF
     Sync Direction = Two-Way
     Remote name = ./sifnotes
     Data Format = SIF

--Snoopyski 19:04, 20 September 2007 (MDT)

Additional information

Have much fun with eGroupware as your preferred Groupware !

Dietmar Berteld (berdie)