Email Statistics

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Email Statistics

How to get statistics about the performance of your mail server

Built-In Statistical Reports


Some email statistics can be seen from server-manager under "Administration", "Mail log file analysis"

SME 7.2 and later include the 'logterse' plugin to qpsmtpd as well as the '' statistics script. '' creates and updates /var/log/qpsmtpd/state which shows per-plugin statistics for any qpsmtpd plugin that appears in a qpsmtpd logterse entry.

Contribs & Addons

Brian Read's

Brian Read's script analyzes your qpsmtpd log files and sends a daily email to "admin" summarizing that day's email activity.

Download & Installation
wget -O /etc/cron.d/mailstats.cron \
wget -O /usr/bin/ \

WARNING: Make sure that these files are accessible before executing the above commands! If you are unable to access the above commands will create empty files, overwriting existing versions.

Change Email Recipient

The email recipient is specified in the file, currently (v0.6.11) at line 108, using:

 $opt{'mail'}     = "admin";

which will deliver email to the local 'admin' account on your SME server. Configure email forwarding in server-manager::Collaboration::Users::admin to deliver the emails to another location.

Handling @*.u Logfiles

Multilog occasionally generates log files that end in ".u" instead of ".s". The multilog manual says this:

  • .s: This file is completely processed and safely written to disk.
  • .u: This file was being created at the moment of an outage. It may have been truncated. It has not been processed.

While these files should not be generated under normal circumstances, they are (as attested by personal experience, forum posts and bug reports). In order to include these files when reporting email statistics, you will need to modify /etc/cron.d/mailstats.cron by changing

0    0   *    *   *    root    perl /usr/bin/ /var/log/qpsmtpd/*.s /var/log/qpsmtpd/current


0    0   *    *   *    root    perl /usr/bin/ /var/log/qpsmtpd/*.[us] /var/log/qpsmtpd/current


0    0   *    *   *    root    perl /usr/bin/ /var/log/qpsmtpd/@* /var/log/qpsmtpd/current