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Status of the contribs.org mirrors

To view the status of contribs.org mirrors, look at http://mirror.contribs.org/mirrors.

Accessing the contribs.org mirrors

To access the contribs.org download mirrors, always use the URL http://mirror.contribs.org. The current releases can be found at http://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/releases/, the contribs section can be found at: http://mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/contribs/

If you use the mirrors.contribs.org URL you will automatically be redirected to a mirror that is current within the last 8 hours.


Hard disk size

The amount of physical hard disk size taken up by the contribs.org data will be about 30Gb, the /release tree, which holds the iso images and the repositories, accounts for about 6Gb of said amount. The /contribs tree will account for a little over 1Gb of the total. The obsolete directory accounts for 16Gb, and the testing directory which include the next version SME8 is 7Gb big.

If you are short in space you can easily save 16Gb with --exclude=obsolete/ in the EXCLUDE="" tag in etc/ftpsync-smeserver.conf like this:


More information on the configuration file can be found at Mirrors#Configuration options.


Due to the small number of mirrors, the bandwidth routed to your servers will be in the order of 200Gb/month on average, which translates to about 80kB/s.

Requirements for mirrors

  • Static IP address
  • Dedicated user for syncing
  • Allow SSH from internet to static IP (port doesn't matter)

How to become a mirror site?

If you or your company has some spare bandwidth and would like to be included in mirror.contribs.org, become a mirror by following these steps:

Preparing your system

  1. Create a storage location for mirror
    mkdir -p {/path/to/your/data/store/}
  2. Create a new user to perform sync. If you are running SME Server you can create the user through the server-manager panel.
  3. Go to the new user's directory. On SME server this will be: /home/e-smith/files/users/{user}/ cd {/path/to/user/dir/}
  4. Now it is time to download the ftpsync script and all files it requires: wget http://wiki.contribs.org/files/ftpsync.tgz
  5. Extract the tarball in users directory tar zxof ftpsync.tgz
  6. Change the ownership of the directories to the new user chown -R {user} bin etc log locks .ssh {/path/to/your/data/store/}
  7. Now we have installed and set things up as is required but we will need to update the configuration file to point to the storage location of the data (TO) in the config file (etc/ftpsync-smeserver.conf). Use your favorite text editor for it.
  8. TO="/path/to/your/data/store/"
  9. Only when you are setting your server up as a pull-mirror, set the RSYNC_HOST value in the config file (etc/ftpsync-smeserver.conf) to (this is the default setting - disable for push) :
    This because of the recent unreliability of ibiblio.org (see: bugzilla:7360).

Testing your setup

  1. Now it is time to perform the initial sync (and test that script does what it needs to)
    This may take a long time depending on the speed of your connection

    su - {user} -s /bin/bash
    ~/bin/ftpsync sync:archive:smeserver
  2. Now check the logs to see if there are any errors. Since the initial sync will take a lot of time you can best do this in a second terminal window: cd ~/log cat rsync-ftpsync-smeserver.error.0

Configuring the web server

You will need to configure your web server to make the files available to the public.

For that you need to enable the FollowSymLinks option in the apache config file.

If your mirror is hosted on a SME Server 7.x (or higher version), in an ibay, you should issue the following commands after creating the ibay:

db accounts setprop {ibayname} FollowSymLinks enabled
signal-event ibay-modify {ibayname}

Keeping your mirror up-to-date

The ftpsync script allows for two sync methods: push or pull.

We prefer you configure your mirror to be setup as a push mirror because:
  • Sync only happens when there are changes
  • Changes are propagated as close to real-time as possible
  • Changes can be staged (sync data first, repodata second)
  • Less out of sync mirrors for yum

Why we prefer push

First some background on ssh. Ssh allows people to connect to accounts on different machines in a secure way. Not only are passwords never passed in the clear, once you connect to a machine you are basically guaranteed that future connections will be to the same machine. This prevents many man-in-the-middle attacks.

One capability ssh has is the ability for a user to take the public identity key for a user on another machine and add it to a file of authorized keys on your machine. By default, the user on the other machine (who has the private identity key associated with the public identity key given to you) then has login privileges to your account. It is possible, though, to add text to an authorized key restricting the type of access a person accessing your account using that key has.

So to protect the downstream mirror, the key provided by the upstream mirror has text added to it to limit it to only give the person accessing your account permission to do one thing — start the program on your machine that updates your mirror. Even if someone (an evil third party) was able to break the key, the most they could do is to start the mirror program on your machine. You do not even have to worry about multiple copies of the program being started as a lockfile is used.

On the upstream end, rsync can be configured to restrict who can mirror a given area by username and password. These are totally separate from /etc/passwd so a push server doesn't have to worry about giving others access to their machine. As it is set up, the username and password are passed in the clear. This shouldn't be a problem though, as the worst that can happen is that a third party gains the ability to mirror the SME Server packages from that site.

(source: Debian: Push mirroring)

How push works

Below is a short description of the push process:

  1. Master mirror updates timestamp file
  2. Master initiates ssh into tier 1 mirrors to start stage 1 sync (wait)
  3. Tier 1 mirrors rsync everything but repodata from designated targets (no delete)
  4. Tier 1 mirrors initiate ssh into tier 2 mirrors to start stage 1 sync (wait)
  5. Repeat prior to steps for each tier under 2
  6. Master initiates ssh into tier 1 mirrors to start stage 2 sync
  7. Tier 1 mirrors rsync everything from designated targets (with delete)
  8. Tier 1 mirrors initiate ssh into tier 2 mirrors to start state 2 sync
  9. Repeat prior to steps for each tier under 2
  10. Master mirror checks freshness of mirrors and generates mirrorlists
Configuring for push

The push system uses private public key pairs for communication, for this you will need to execute some additional configuration steps:

  1. First and foremost you will need SSH to be configured and running on your server. If you are using SME Server for your mirror you will have to enable remote access on your server through the server-manager.
  2. You will also need to enable bash as the shell for this user.
    If you are running SME Server you can do that like this: db accounts setprop {user} Shell /bin/bash signal-event user-modify {user}
  3. You will also have to append the keys to the authorized_keys file of the user su - {user} -s /bin/bash cat .ssh/pushmirror-*.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys
Configuring for pull
We prefer you configure your mirror to be setup as a push mirror, but if you can not do so or have other reasons for not doing so you can also configure your mirror to pull.

Configuring for a pull based mirror is easy. Just schedule a cron job to run every 2 hours that does the exact same sync command you do to get the mirror in the first place, you can add a comment like in the example below:

1 */2  * * *  {user} ~/bin/ftpsync sync:archive:smeserver

Advertising your mirror

After your mirror is synced and working properly the last thing you need to do is let us know by filing a bug report on bugs.contribs.org under the website category or by following this link . Please include the following in the bug report:

  • name of site
  • primary contact name/email
  • location/country
  • bandwidth available to mirror
  • URL to site (for freshness checks and yum)
  • hostname to connect to (for ssh)
  • port to connect to (for ssh)
  • username to connect with (for ssh)

Configuration options

The ftpsync configuration file can be found in ~/etc/ftpsync-smeserver.conf. The ftpsync configuration file has a number of options you can configure. You might have already seen some of them when you had to adjust the storage location in the configuration process. The configuration file is well documented but we will discuss some of the features here.

This article or section needs to be expanded. Please help to fill the gaps or discuss the issue on the talk page

Configure your mirror as hub

this is intented to do on an already synced mirror in push mode.

setting up rsync as server

as root.

open /etc/xinetd.d/rsync and remove the disabled line

vim /etc/xinetd.d/rsync

create a rsyncd.conf file

vim /etc/rsyncd.conf

then add this

# rsync.conf
use chroot = yes
max connections = 5
timeout = 300
read only = true
strict modes = true
transfer logging = true
dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.iso *.bz2 *.tbz

    path = /home/e-smith/files/ibays/{IBAY}/html
    comment = SME Server Mirror
    hosts allow = {YOUR CLIENT IP}

install xinetd

yum install xinetd

configure as services

ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc7.d/S91xinetd
config set xinetd service status enabled
config set rsyncd service TCPPort 873 access public status enabled
signal-event remoteaccess-update
service xinetd start

configure hosts.allow

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/hosts.allow/
echo "rsync: ALL" > /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/hosts.allow/rsync
signal-event remoteaccess-update

you can browse your server like this

rsync --list-only rsync://YourIP

you can download from your server like this

rsync -avz  YourIP::smeserver YourLocalFolder

create a rsa file

as user responsible of ftpsync.

 ssh-keygen -qt rsa -b 1024 -C "contribs-push@{MY MIRROR}" -f ~/.ssh/contribs-push\@{MY MIRROR}.rsa

then to protect the key and limit it to one usage and only one IP. You need to change {MY MIRROR} and {MY HUB IP }

echo "no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty,command=\"~/bin/ftpsync\",from=\"{MY HUB IP }\" "|cat - ~/.ssh/contribs-push\@{MY MIRROR}.rsa.pub > ~/.ssh/contribs-push.tmp && mv ~/.ssh/contribs-push.tmp ~/.ssh/contribs-push\@{MY MIRROR}.rsa.pub

finally protect your keys

chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/contribs-push\@{MY MIRROR}.rs*

never give your private key, only send your public (.pub) to the downstream mirror.

setting up ftpsync-smeserver.conf

as user responsible of ftpsync.

this step will allow your ftpsync to know that he need to trigger another server

edit ~/etc/ftpsync-smeserver.conf

vim ~/etc/ftpsync-smeserver.conf

under the line #HUB=false, insert


setting up runmirrors-smeserver.conf

as user responsible of ftpsync.

vim ~/etc/runmirrors-smeserver.conf

then comment out the following line and adapt it to the path of you private key

KEYFILE=.ssh/contribs-push\@{MY MIRROR}.rsa

setting up runmirrors-smeserver.mirror

as user responsible of ftpsync.

edit the file

vim ~/etc/runmirrors-smeserver.mirror

add the following at the end of the file


Configure your mirror under another hub

follow : http://wiki.contribs.org/Mirrors#How_to_become_a_mirror_site.3F

except you will have to import your own public key (generated just above)

then you will have to tunes :

vim ~/etc/ftpsync-smeserver.conf

change RSYNC_HOST= to point to your hub mirror


tada! you are done!

Current SME Server contribs.org Mirror Tree

koozali.org mirrors mirror.canada.pialasse.com

Rsync, Push


Rsync / 1GPs /pull %36h


Rsync, Push














ftp.nluug.nl / ftp.vim.org







Rsync, Pull

RSYNC access

  1. ibiblio : rsync://distro.ibiblio.org/smeserver/releases/ ( rsync -avv --stats distro.ibiblio.org::smeserver/releases . )
  2. mirror.canada.pialasse.com: rsync -avv mirror.canada.pialasse.com::smeserver/releases .
  3. mirrorservice.org : rsync//rsync.mirrorservice.org/sites/mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/releases/ (rsync -avv --stats rsync.mirrorservice.org::mirror.contribs.org/smeserver/releases/ . )

FTP access

  1. ftp://distro.ibiblio.org/smeserver/releases/


Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the component or use this link

Below is an overview of the current issues for this contrib:

IDProductVersionStatusSummary (1446 tasks)
12790SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDadd and enable powertools repo as needed to get openldap-server
12789SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDAH01215: CGI::param called in list context can lead to vulnerabilities (pseudonyms)
12788SME Server 11.XunspecifiedIN_PROGRESSAH01215: CGI::param called in list context can lead to vulnerabilities (Persistent)
12787SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12786SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12785SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12784SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12783SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12782SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12781SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12780SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12779SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12778SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12777SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12776SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12775SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12774SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12773SME Server 11.XunspecifiedVERIFIEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12772SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDMove network functions from util.pm to util/network.pm
12771SME Server 11.XunspecifiedVERIFIEDldap logs to message
12770SME Server 10.X10.1CONFIRMEDChanging forward address isn't reflected in .qmail file
12769SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDChanging forward address isn't reflected in .qmail file
12768SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDuserdel: user is currently used by process
12767Koozali SME server infrastructureunspecifiedRESOLVEDReadme Entries have wrong link to Bugzilla
12766SME Contribs11.0UNCONFIRMEDchange php version to contrib smeserver-wordpress
12765SME Server 11.XunspecifiedVERIFIEDOne can retrieve the list of users without being logged on the domain
12764SME Server 10.X10.1IN_PROGRESSOne can retrieve the list of users without being logged on the domain
12763SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDFailed to delete /var/spool/mail/groupname
12762SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDNo valid prefix found in any entries
12761SME Server 10.X10.1CONFIRMEDFailed to delete /var/spool/mail/groupname
12760SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDFailed to modify (ldap) group description/email
12759SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDCannot load private key "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key": invalid format; and comment of host keys not updated
12758SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDAfter install a "signal-event smanager-refresh" is needed before SM2 comes up.
12757SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDArrange that all language translations are installed with smeserver-manager
12756SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDLoaded Server manager 2 shows "Sme server 2 - initial" on browser tab
12755SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDSetting deltarpm parameter in SM2 dnf/yum config results on warning on dnf call
12753SME Server 11.XunspecifiedVERIFIEDInclude release number in Version of SM2 in footer.
12752SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDNFR Server-manager - Add DHCP Wake On LAN links in hostnames panel
12751SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDAdd email link to action column in user accounts panel
12750SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDAdd EmailSettings options for uqpsmtpd, sqpsmtpd and qpsmtpd
12749SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDAccount name argument missing at S95ldap-update-simple line 38
12748SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDSM2 - After hitting the "save" button on a panel, then need some feedback to show it is working on the change.
12747SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDSM2 - After adding a remote network network, then changing FTP settings, save gives error on empty network fields
12746SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDSM2 does not seem to take the passwordStrength db property into allowance when checking passwords for users
12745SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDReconfigure message stays despite post-upgrade.
12744SME Server 11.XunspecifiedIN_PROGRESSSetting webmail permissions in email panel is not correctly reflected in email front panel
12743SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDWebmail parameter "Save" on email panel gives "not updated"
12742SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDWebmail parameter "Save" on email panel gives "not updated"
12741SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDqpsmtpd rejects email passed on from an SME10 mailserver specified in the MailServer property of the domain DB
12740SME Server 11.XunspecifiedVERIFIEDmotd is displayed twice
12739SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDreplace qmail with postfix
12738SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDupdate roundcube.identities.email field in mysql whenever domain is changed
12737SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDMigrate from qmail to postfix
12736SME Contribs11.0RESOLVEDfirst build for sme11
12735SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDmerge dovecot-extras to dovecot
12734SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDMariaDB config setting table_definition_cache
12731SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDInstall fails - -needs "httpd-filesystem"
12729SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDallow ibay setting of number of workers
12728SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDWarning for signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot scrolls off screen.
12727SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDSoftware Install panel: Submit button for subservient panels centered.
12726SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDSoftware Installer panel not waiting for dnf to finish and displaying log to that point.
12725SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDTop message when reconfigure required not set to be translateable.
12724SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDBackground update using dnf does not update software in SM2 software installer panel
12723SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDIt restarts yum rather than dnf in update event script for smeserver-updates-update
12722SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDcan't restore
12720SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDfilter utf8/iso to ascii in field accepting only ascii [smeserver-ldap]
12719SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDcreate esmith::util:ldap wrapper around Net::LDAP
12718SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDError clicking on software manager
12717SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDapply patch 2024-08-08 from sme10
12716SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDalert after EOL if upstream release is not up to date
12715SME Server 10.X10.1VERIFIEDwrong url for vault sclo
12714SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDTurkish menu missing from SM2 menu - does exist in SM1
12713SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDUpdate smeserver-manager.locale with po files (for weblate import) and also fix up a few lex files
12707SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDJapanese, Norwegian and Hebrew navigation files have incorrect language codes
12706SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDAdd flag indication of locale in header for SM2
12705SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDJapanese and Romanian translations only partial - headings, but not a lot more.
12704SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDHebrew translation only has "Date and Time" panel translated.
12703SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDGreek user panel has tag showing.
12702SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDsome translations missing Menu item translation
12701SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDSome translated panels are scrambled good example is Hostnames panel
12700SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDNo way of programming in the translation for a contrib menu item title to be translated
12699SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDSM2 Re-configure and Reboot not translated
12698SME Contribs10.0CONFIRMEDSpelling error in table header (see attached picture)
12696SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDUncaught File 'Roboto-Regular.ttf' not found in virtual file system
12695SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDcache issue
12694SME Server 11.XunspecifiedIN_PROGRESSshould not allow non ascii characters in ldap
12693SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDprestart script logs to messages
12692SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDuse same wording for user action script
12691SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDnew log does not fill after log rotate smeserver-radiusd
12690SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDnew log does not fill after log rotate smeserver-openssh
12689SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDnew log does not fill after log rotate smeserver-spamassassin
12688SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDnew log does not fill after log rotate smeserver-base
12687SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDconvert CPU usage to Net::LDAP [smeserver-samba]
12686SME Server 11.XunspecifiedRESOLVEDconvert CPU usage to Net::LDAP [smeserver-ibay]
12685SME Contribs10.0VERIFIEDInstall fails when attempting occ cmd at cli and no browser access
12680SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDAlign "submit" button on the left consistently on initial panel for each function
12679SME Server 11.XunspecifiedVERIFIEDAdd mojolicious logo to footer
12678SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDrework pppoe for kernel space rather than use rspace
12677SME Server 11.XunspecifiedCONFIRMEDadd support for external VLAN
12676SME Contribs10.0RESOLVEDwhen using pppoe 2nd instance of ddclient running as root
Warnings were generated during the execution of function
  1. Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100