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SME9 related issues moved from page for reference

Known issues

failure to do online upgrade from 13.0.2

The following extra files have been found:    assets
cd /usr/share/nextcloud/
rm -rf assets
yum update smeserver-nextcloud --enablerepo=smecontribs
signal-event nextcloud-update

then proceed to online web upgrade

issue upgrading from 13.0.2 to 15.0.0 RPM

Nextcloud is only build to upgrade from one major release to the next. If you try to install the nextcloud-15 rpm while you already have installed the nextcloud-13, you might have encounter the following issue.

“Updates between multiple major versions are unsupported”

goto usr/share/nextcloud

copy everything except /data and /config to temp folder

download intermediate version of nextcloud from

unzip and copy files to /usr/share/nextcloud, dont overwrite /data or /config

change ownership in /usr/share/nextcloud chown -R apache:www .

goto https://yoururl/nextcloud and run the updater

logon to nextcloud and make sure it is all working as expected

repeat above for each major update until you are one update from the latest major update. At that point you can follow the usual process. source (

Upgrading from 17.0.1.x to 17.07.x

You can use the built in updater. The only issue experienced was right at the end of the process with a http 500 error. I just did 'retry' and it completed.

You may need to update your database which I did as follows - note it may take a very long time with a lot of files:

OCC maintenance:mode --on
OCC db:convert-filecache-bigint
OCC maintenance:mode --off

Move user space from uuid to username

User stored using ldap from SME with initial install will create a space with their ldap uuid. This is not very user friendly and further more it will lead to ios app issues. Recent version will use the username for new users, but for those already created you will need to do the following you will need to do as admin :

  1. go to preference
  2. choose ldap
  3. choose expert
  4. fill the 3 fields as presented above, or using the cli do
 OCC ldap:set-config s01 ldapExpertUUIDGroupAttr cn
 OCC ldap:set-config s01 ldapExpertUUIDUserAttr uid
 OCC ldap:set-config s01 ldapExpertUsernameAttr uid
  1. in cli, you will then need to do :
  OCC user:list and save the content
  cd /home/e-smith/files/nextcloud/data ; mv OLDUUID username
  OCC files:scan username
  1. delete the UUID association for users
  2. you should then be able to login as the user with its previous files

Only drawback, trash history might be gone, a trick inside the db using a script could workaround that and avoid the OCC files:scan username