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This is one of the numerous web interface to browse archives of ezmlm. Of course you first need of install ezmlm system and its admin web interface here

alternative use could be http://untroubled.org/ezmlm-browse/ but no contribs available


Some years ago (2.5) I have published a how-to in the forum http://forums.contribs.org/index.php?topic=27460.0 for install mharc mailist web publisher in sme6. Now I have found a little but good app to do the same: publish ezmlm archives on the web beautify.


The author is Alessandro Ranellucci and the aplication is ezmlm-www and can be found at http://ezmlm-www.sourceforge.net/


Contrib 10:
The latest version of smeserver-ezmlm-www is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.


Of course you must have installed and configured ezmlm as described here: Ezmlm

If you do not have the Dag repository configured you should do so:

You need to activate the Dag reposity before installing this contrib.

see dag repository

Install the perl dependancy:

yum --enablerepo=dag install perl-Mail-Box perl-User-Identity perl-TimeDate perl-Email-Simple perl-Plucene perl-KinoSearch

Install ezmlm-www:

yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install perl-Mail-Ezmlm-Archive smeserver-ezmlm-www


I have explain the basic steps to run ezmlm-www. You can read the README file under /opt/mailinglist to customize your list.

Open the file config.pm and replace the string PUT_YOUR_LISTNAME_HERE with the name of your ezmlm list.

And say as README file configure the following parameters:

==> name
Full e-mail address of list
==> local_part
Chars that comes before che '@' sign in list address.
==> host_part
Chars that comes after che '@' sign in list address.
==> description
Verbose description of list (for indexing purposes).
==> archive
Mail::Ezmlm::Archive object, specify list path.
==> conceal_senders
Set this to 1 (otherwise to 0) if you want domains to be replaced by 
'...' in e-mail addresses to prevent spammers to read them.
==> subscription_info
Set this to 1 (otherwise to 0) if you want some info about 
subscribing and unsubscribing to be put on main list page.
==> default_sorting
This may be 'thread', 'date' or 'subject'.
==> descending_by_default
Set this to 1 (otherwise to 0) if you want threads to be listed in 
descending order by default.
==> show_html
Set this to 1 (otherwise to 0) if you want to display HTML messages.
==> highlight
Set this to 1 (otherwise to 0) if you want to highlight parts of messages.
such as replies, signatures, URLs.
==> show_inline_images
Set this to 1 (otherwise to 0) if you want to display inline images
instead of just a link.
$lang must be 'br', 'en', 'es', 'de', 'no', 'pt' or 'it' depending on your chosen language.

Access at http://yourserver/mailinlist and see if run ok.

Open the file ez_indexer.pl under search directory and change the string PUT_YOUR_LISTNAME_HERE with the name of your ezmlm list, as above.

Now launch ez_indexer.pl from the command line to index your existing messages (it may take a while!) to use the search function:

/opt/mailinglist/search/ez_indexer.pl --create --verbose

And then add it to crontab. Create a file named ezw-search and add this content:

cd /opt/mailinglist/search
./ez_indexer.pl --update

Save and correct perms:

chmod 755 ezw-search
chown root.root ezw-search

Then move under /etc/cron.hourly

Note that indexing is done incrementally, so it will be faster when just updating.

The End

This app can run with mod_perl, but I can't do it. Please, read the readme file, and if you can, please tell me howto, and then I update the package.

This is my first RPM package. If you have found a bug, please tell me about that.


Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the smeserver-ezmlm-www component or use this link .

IDProductVersionStatusSummary (6 tasks)
12125SME Contribs10.0CONFIRMEDNFR: add the migrate procedure for mailman
11917SME Contribs10.0CONFIRMEDNFR ezmlm-web and ezmlm-www cron script to update indexes, archives and search indexes
11916SME Contribs10.0CONFIRMEDez-indexer fails after about 7000 messages to index
11915SME Contribs10.0CONFIRMEDNFR www archive interface access permission
11914SME Contribs10.0CONFIRMEDwww archive interface kinosearch not working
9473SME Contribs8.2CONFIRMED[ezmlm-web 3.3.1] update db accounts setprop MLname Owner


Only released version in smecontrib are listed here.

smeserver-ezmlm-www Changelog: SME 10 (smecontribs)
2022/07/30 Brian Read 2.0.0-12.sme
- Re-build and link to latest devtools [SME: 11997]

2022/07/22 Jean-Philippe Pialasse 2.0.0-11.sme
- add to core backup [SME: 12124]

- update to httpd 2.4 syntax [SME: 12045]
2022/03/20 Jean-Philippe Pialasse 2.0.0-10.sme
- chmod +x ezw-search [SME: 11909]
2022/03/20 Jean-Philippe Pialasse 2.0.0-9.sme
- protect indexes and configuration [SME: 11909]
2022/03/19 Jean-Philippe Pialasse 2.0.0-8.sme
- Re-build and link to latest devtools wide character error preventing to display message [SME: 11912]