Windows 10 Support

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Flep based on windows_7_support of David Harper


Windows 10 was released in July 2015. Due to changes in the way that trust relationships are established with domain controllers, some modifications to the windows registry need to take place.

(Note: Windows 11 is due soon. This will be revised in the light of experience for Windows 11).

Microsoft How To detect, enable and disable SMBv1, SMBv2, and SMBv3 in Windows

Join a Window 10 client to SME Server 10

Previously you needed to edit your Win10 registry to facilitate the joining of a SME Server Domain, however this can more easily be achieved by importing win10samba.reg fix either by using a usb key or by the network with http.To proceed:

  • Save the Win10 registry patch (win10samba.reg) from https://your-server-ip/server-resources/regedit/ with your favourite web browser
  • On your windows desktop, start "regedit" from the start menu and import the win10samba.reg
  • Set your domain instead of your workgroup. Add the client machine to the domain as normal.
  • When asked on your Windows PC use the 'admin' username and your SME Server admins password.
  • You have to reboot your computer to reach the domain

Using PowerShell
As seen on,54125.0.html there is another way (maybe both changes are needed - needs verification):

Start Powershell:


Run as superuser:

start-process powershell –verb runAs

Check Client settings:

Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName "SMB1Protocol"

Enable SMB1:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName "SMB1Protocol" -All

If you want to disable it:

Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName "SMB1Protocol"


To connect a windows 10 client to your domain, Go to the "start menu", right click on Settings, select "Accounts", select the link "Work Access", then " join or leave a Domain". Enter your servers "Domain" value in the domain field and 'Connect'. Enter the username of admin(*) with the servers admin password when asked.

(*) Admin or any user in the 'Domain Admins' group can join the domain.

MS Windows Workgroup configuration

Go to the "start menu", right click on computer, select "System", select the link "System Info", then click on "Change settings" Tab. In the field for "Computer name, domain and workgroup settings", type your "workgroup".

Adding a Microsoft account to your domain account

When you are using Windows 10 in a SME Server domain environment you will normally login with your domain account to be able to use network shares without entering your credentials. You can still login with a local account by using the 'Other user' option and entering the computer name as the domain in the Username box, like this: <ComputerName>\<LocalUsername>

If you want to be automatically signed into Microsoft's Cloud services (like you would when you login to Windows 10 with a Microsoft Account) you can add your Microsoft Account to your Domain account:

  • Go to: Start > Settings > Accounts > Your account
  • Scroll down to the section: 'Other accounts you use'
  • Click on the 'Add a Microsoft account' link and supply your credentials

Setting up network drives

If you are using SME Server as a domain controller and the workstations have joined the domain you can automate drive mapping and synchronise the PC time with the netlogon.bat file

Note: Chapter 13 has a method for the admin to edit the netlogon.bat file without using the command line. You can consider also the chapter 7 on Configuring the Computers on Your Network

nano -w /home/e-smith/files/samba/netlogon/netlogon.bat
REM To set the time when clients logon to the domain:
net time \\servername /set /yes
REM To map a home directory to drive h:
net use h: /home /persistent:no
net use j: \\servername\ibay1 /persistent:no
net use p: \\servername\ibay2 /persistent:no
if exist Z: net use Z: /del /yes

and reset file to dos format

unix2dos /home/e-smith/files/samba/netlogon/netlogon.bat

Outlook 2016 on Win10

reference: Bugzilla:10106 and SME10 Bugzilla:10169

A registry modification has been added to the default win10samba.reg. While setting up an email account on a Windows 10 computer joined to a domain (with roaming profiles) you would get an error code: 0x8004011c without this modification.


Notes concerning Windows 10 and SME Server 10

As reported in Bugzilla:9555, with a default configuration, while samba 4.4.4-12 should be able to use the SMB3_11 protocol and Windows 10 should ask for it, it could occur that the negotiation fails, if so, please report. However, there seem to be two ways to work around this. First, by editing the server config:

 config setprop smb ServerMaxProtocol NT1 
 expand-template /etc/smb.conf
 service smb restart
 config setprop smb ServerMinProtocol NT1 
 expand-template /etc/smb.conf
 service smb restart

Second, an alternative would be to patch the registry of every windows 10 client with the following:


Reverting win10samba.reg changes

If you need to revert the win10samba.reg changes, this is a batch file to do it:

@echo off
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManWorkstation\Parameters /v "DNSNameResolutionRequired" /f
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanManWorkstation\Parameters /v "DomainCompatibilityMode" /f
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetworkProvider\HardenedPaths /v "\\\\*\\netlogon" /f
reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ProfSvc\Parameters /v "UseProfilePathExtensionVersion" /f
reg delete  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System /v "SlowLinkDetectEnabled" /f
reg delete  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System /v  "DeleteRoamingCache" /f
reg delete  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System /v "WaitForNetwork" /f
reg delete  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System /v  "CompatibleRUPSecurity" /f

Windows 10 update error when using ESET products and can't access SME SERVER : SSL_ERROR_BAD_CERT_ALERT

See Bugzilla:9205 and forum post,53813.0.html

Re issues when ESET products are installed on Windows 10.