Qpsmtpd:denysoft multi rcpt
Revision as of 13:52, 8 April 2019 by Mmccarn (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<span id="_top">Qpsmtpd#Plugins</span> = NAME = denysoft_multi_rcpt = DESCRIPTION = Plugin to return DENYSOFT for all recipients after the first...")
Plugin to return DENYSOFT for all recipients after the first (or all recipients having a different domain than the first, if 'match domain' set).
The following parameters can be passed to denysoft_multi_rcpt:
- match (domain|config)
match domain: denysoft all recipients having a different domain to the first recipient. Subdomains do not match i.e. they are denied.
match config: denysoft all recipients who have different sets of config files to the first recipient. This option currently only supports per_user_config style configs. If using this option, the plugin must come after the per_user_config plugin.
Written by Gavin Carr <gavin@openfusion.com.au>.