Nagios NRPE
Michael Weinberger
This Document describes the installation of the Nagios Remote Plugin Executer (NRPE) installation on a SME server to be monitored by a Nagios server.
Download the packages and files from manually or run the the script wgetall to download all in one go.
bash < wgetall
Configure the dag repositoy
You need to activate the Dag reposity before installing this contrib.
see dag repository
NRPE installation
/usr/bin/yum --enablerepo=dag install \ nagios-plugins \ nagios-plugins-setuid \ perl-Config-Tiny \ perl-Class-Accessor
/usr/bin/yum --enablerepo=dag localinstall \ smeserver-nagios-nrpe-*.noarch.rpm \ smeserver-nagios-backup-*.noarch.rpm \ perl-Nagios-Plugin-*.noarch.rpm \ smeserver-nagios-plugins-mysql-*.noarch.rpm \ nagios-plugins-generic-*.noarch.rpm \ nagios-of-plugins-*.noarch.rpm
NRPE configuration
Create a the NRPE configuration file /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg. Use the nrpe.cfg provided by this conrib as a starting point. Add the IP address of your central Nagios server to the variable allowed_hosts. Use the local IP of the central Nagios server if you check the server over the local network or over a VPN, otherwise use the WAN IP.
Allow the central Nagios server to access the NRPE service
Add the IP address of the your central Nagios to Local Networks in the server-manager.
Configure the TCP wrapper. This is required for SSL connections to the NRPE.
config set nrpe service config setprop nrpe HostsAllow " NAGIOS_CENTRAL_SERVER_IP" expand-template /etc/hosts.allow
Allow the Nagios plugins to be executed as root (optional)
A few plugins only work when they are executed as root. This configures the sudoers configuration.
config setprop nrpe sudoPlugins yes expand-template /etc/sudoers
Start the service
service nrpe restart
If the NRPE SME server is behind a firewall, you must forward port 5666/tcp to the server.
Test the installation by running this command on the central Nagios server:
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H IPADDRESS
or if you have a 64 bit architecture
/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H IPADDRESS
Expected result:
NRPE v2.5.1
SSL issue
You may get the following error :
CHECK_NRPE: Error - Could not complete SSL handshake.
Edit /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg and add your Nagios server IP
e.g. (beware spaces)
Koozali v9
I used this as a guide when installing nrpe on v9. I had to do a few extra steps as follows:
Add the EPEL repo
yum --enablerepo=epel install nrpe
Create new template:
mcedit /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/hosts.allow/nrpe
Add the following and save:
{ $DB->hosts_allow_spec('nrpe'); }
Create the DB entry:
config set nrpe service HostsAllow " NAGIOS_CENTRAL_SERVER_IP" status enabled
Expand the template:
expand-template /etc/hosts.allow
Add your Nagios server IP to /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg as above.
/etc/rc.d/init.d/nrpe restart
Make a softlink:
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service S92nrpe
signal-event post-upgrade;signal-event reboot
This removes the installed Nagios packages.
service nrpe stop
rpm -e \ nagios \ smeserver-nagios-nrpe \ smeserver-nagios-backup \ nagios-plugins-nrpe \ nagios-of-plugins \ nagios-plugins-generic \ nagios-plugins-setuid \ nagios-plugins-temptrax \ perl-Nagios-Plugin \ smeserver-nagios-plugins-mysql