Rocket Chat:Contrib

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Contrib: John Crisp

Important.png Note:
Please note that there is also a howto on installing Rcoket.Chat manually here

smeserver-rocketchat contrib

  Work in Progress:
This page is a Work in Progress. The contents off this page may be in flux, please have a look at this page history the to see list of changes.

This contrib aims to reduce some of the setup for rocketchat and add some flexibility with settings

Add repos:

yum install rh-python34-python rh-mongodb26-mongodb rh-mongodb26-mongodb-server nodejs010 GraphicsMagick --enablerepo=centos-sclo-rh,epel
scl enable nodejs010 bash
npm install -g inherits
npm install -g n
n 0.10.40

Please be careful to only install JUST the required packages in my repo. There are various testing packages in there that will BREAK YOUR SYSTEM !

You should now be able to install the rocketchat bundle with:

yum --enablerepo=reetp install rocketchat

This may take a while on first install as it installs the npm modules for the first time.

Now you should be able to install the rocketchat contrib:

yum enablerepo=reetp install smeserver-rocketchat
db setprop rocketchat status enabled
signal-event post-upgrade;signal-event reboot

DB settings


BEFORE we login for the first time we need to set up mail settings correctly:

From bash:

mongo rocketchat --eval 'db.rocketchat_settings.update({"_id" : "SMTP_Host"}, {$set: {"value":"localhost"}});'
mongo rocketchat --eval 'db.rocketchat_settings.update({"_id" : "From_Email"}, {$set: {"value":""}});'

We can check the individual values set like this:

mongo rocketchat --eval 'db.rocketchat_settings.find({"_id":"From_Email"}, {_id:0, value:1}).shellPrint();'
mongo rocketchat --eval 'db.rocketchat_settings.find({"_id":"SMTP_Host"}, {_id:0, value: 1}).shellPrint();'

All values per _id:

mongo rocketchat --eval 'db.rocketchat_settings.find({"_id" : "SMTP_Host"}).shellPrint();'
mongo rocketchat --eval 'db.rocketchat_settings.find({"_id" : "From_Email"}).shellPrint();'

Now restart rocketchat to reread the DB settings:

service rocketchat restart

Login at http://yourdomain:3000

It will first get you to create an admin user.

If you have an issue with no email sent/received then login using the email address and password you just set


If there is an update to Rocket.Chat I will add to my repo. You should just be able to run:

yum --enablerepo=reetp install rocketchat

You can also update the smeserver-rocketchat contrib in the same way

yum --enablerepo=reetp install smeserver-rocketchat


This is still experimental and there may be issues with SSL only for the Primary iBay and Letsencrypt. You will need a minimum version of smeserver-rocketchat-0.1-5

It is recommended to add Letsencrypt support as detailed below.

We need some extra settings to enable SSL with ProxyPass.

First install proxy pass rpm:

yum --enablerepo=fws install mod_proxy_wstunnel

Regenerate httpd.conf

signal-event remoteaccess-update

Now we need to setup our subdomain

db domains set chat.mycompany.local domain Description RocketChat Nameservers internet \
TemplatePath ProxyPassVirtualRocketchat ProxyPassTarget http://localhost:3000/

It should look like this:


We need to set Rocket.Chat to listen on localhost now:

config setprop rocketchat rootURL localhost
signal-event remoteaccess-update
service rocketchat restart

If you can now successfully get to Rocketchat on your subdomain https://chat.mycompany.local you can disable default access on port 3000:

config setprop rocketchat access private
signal-event remoteaccess-update

Letsencrypt support

26 Aug 2016 - This should now work for a subdomain

You can add letsencrypt should you wish - please see

You will need to add the domain key as follows, and add your letsencrypt certificates as per the wiki page:

db domains setprop chat.mycompany.local letsencryptSSLcert enabled

Note that smeserver-rocketchat adds redirect on port 80 for the letsencrypt directory .well-known/acme-challenge

You should be able to reach:


This should redirect to:


Anything else going to chat.mycompany.local should get to Rocket.Chat


Look for bugs :-) As the contrib is not in CVS please report them in the forum and I will try and keep an eye out.

You ay get an error on install of the rocketchat rpm as follows:

npm WARN deprecated minimatch@2.0.10: Please update to minimatch 3.0.2 or higher to avoid a RegExp DoS issue

This is due to the installed version of npm/node from SCL. Rocket.Chat should till work

Mongo DB examples

Example using mongo itself:

use rocketchat
db.rocketchat_settings.find({"_id" : "SMTP_Host"})
db.rocketchat_settings.find({"_id" : "From_Email"})
db.rocketchat_settings.findOne({_id : "From_Email"}, {_id:0, value: 1})
db.rocketchat_settings.findOne({_id : "SMTP_Host"}, {_id:0, value: 1})

db.rocketchat_settings.update({"_id" : "From_Email"}, {$set: {"value":""}})
db.rocketchat_settings.update({"_id" : "SMTP_Host"}, {$set: {"value":""}})