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Revision as of 18:37, 21 April 2007 by Berdie (talk | contribs)
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Mediawiki 1.6.10 für SME 7.x


Dietmar Berteld


With this RPM you can use the popular Wiki Mediawiki (known as Wikipedia) on your SME 7.x. You can install it as one single package in a very comforable way. For more information see


You can download this package at smeserver-mediawiki . If you would like to save it directly on your SME Server, you should give this command at a linux-prompt


Installation and Uninstall

For installation just hit the following command

yum localinstall smeserver-mediawiki-1.6.10-1.noarch.rpm

For uninstall just hit the following command

yum remove smeserver-mediawiki

You can ignore the yum-comments signal event post-upgrade and signal-event reboot.


For using Mediawiki start your browser with the URL http://servername/mediawiki and logon with the user admin + password admin.


This special SME version is stored at '/opt/mediawiki'. You can change your settings in the file '/opt/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php' ändern.

The default name of the wiki is simlpy 'Wiki'. Change the wiki-name in 'LocalSettings.php' at

$wgSitename         = "Wiki";

The wiki comes with sme styled logo and favicon stored at


You can upload your favorite logo and favicon and change the settings in the file LocalSettings.php as follows

$wgLogo             = "$wgStylePath/common/images/sme.png";
$wgFavicon          = "$wgStylePath/common/images/sme.ico";

The new logo should have 135 x 135 Pixel.

Have much fun with Mediawiki as your preferred Wiki !

Dietmar Berteld (berdie)