
From SME Server
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  • Is there a authentication method incorporated against SME server somehow please? RequestedDeletion


After uninstalling (and using the full uninstall script) there is still an entry left in the accounts db:

 # db accounts show mediawiki

--jester 16:56, 11 August 2009 (UTC)

There is a newer version 1.6.10-9 on smecontribs so I assume the wget/localinstall instructions are now out of date.

Just installed with

yum install --enablerepo=smecontribs smeserver-mediawiki 

and all looks good.

Also login was with user admin and the password of the SME Server admin user - as opposed to password admin stated in wiki Timn 14:46, 24 February 2010 (UTC)

-- This howto was posted at the URL - which is no longer working - copied from the google cache: --

#                                                                                                         # 
# ++++++++ Draft v0.3 - 14022011 ++++++++++                                                               #
#                                                                                                         #
# +++ Author Franz J. PANIS - +++                                               #
#                                                                                                         #

+++ Howto install Mediawiki 1.16.x on SME8b6 ( +++

# download and untar the files
cd /usr/local/src
wget -c
tar xvf mediawiki-1.16.2.tar.gz
mv /usr/local/src/media*/ /opt/mediawiki/
rm -f mediawiki-1.16.2.tar.gz

# Change permissions
chown -R www.www /opt/mediawiki
chmod a+w /opt/mediawiki/config

# Just for installation create the mysql-user temp
mysql -e "CREATE USER 'temp'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'temp';"
mysql -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'temp'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;"

# Create a Template Fragement
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/
cd /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/

nano 89mediawiki

------------------------------------ Begin - Content of 89mediawiki --------------------------------------

Alias /mediawiki /opt/mediawiki
Alias /wiki      /opt/mediawiki/index.php

<Directory /opt/mediawiki>
          # SSLRequireSSL on
        AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
        Options FollowSymLinks
        order deny,allow
          allow from all
        php_flag register_globals off
        php_admin_value open_basedir /opt/mediawiki/:/tmp/

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/includes>
        order deny,allow
          allow from all

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/languages>
        order deny,allow
          allow from all

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/maintenance>
        order deny,allow
          allow from all

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/math>
        order deny,allow
          allow from all

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/tests>
        order deny,allow
          allow from all

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/maintenance/archives>
        order deny,allow
          allow from all

------------------------------------ End - Content of 89mediawiki --------------------------------------

# Expand template
expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd-e-smith restart

# Configure MediaWiki
Goto http://<your-server-ip>/mediawiki/index.php

# Site config

	- Wiki name: 		your-wikiname
	- Contact e-mail: 	admin@your-domain
	- Language: 		chose-your-language
	- Copyright/license: 	what-you-need
	- Admin username: 	WikiSysop
	- Password: 		your-WikiSysop-password
	- Password confirm: 	your-WikiSysop-password
	- Object caching: 	No caching

# E-mail, e-mail notification and authentication setup

	- E-mail features (global):		Enabled
	- User-to-user e-mail:			Enabled
	- E-mail notification about changes:	Enabled
	- E-mail address authentication:	Enabled

# Database config

	- Database type:	MySQL
	- Database host:	localhost
	- Database name:	wikidb
	- DB username:		wikiuser
	- DB password:		your-wikiuser-password
	- DB password confirm:	your-wikiuser-password
	- Superuser account:	click to activate
	- Superuser name:	temp
	- Superuser password:	temp

# MySQL-specific options

	- Storage Engine:		InnoDB
	- Database character set:	MySQL 4.1/5.0 binary

Finaly click on  Install MediaWiki! Button

# After the Configuration move LocalSettings.php and change Permissions
mv /opt/mediawiki/config/LocalSettings.php /opt/mediawiki/
chmod 600 /opt/mediawiki/LocalSettings.php

# Delete config folder
rm -rf /opt/mediawiki/config

# Drop the mysql-user temp with:
mysql -e "DROP USER 'temp'@'localhost'"

# Finaly goto this Link:

# Login as wiki-admin
username: 	WikiSysop
passwword:	your-WikiSysop-password

this is the original template based in SME7 

cat /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/95mediawiki 

------------------------------------ Begin - Content of 95mediawiki --------------------------------------

#   Mediawiki
Alias /mediawiki /opt/mediawiki
Alias /wiki      /opt/mediawiki/index.php

<Directory /opt/mediawiki>
	    my $mwsec = $mediawiki{'HTTPS'} || "off";
	    if ($mwsec eq "off")
	  $OUT .= "  # SSLRequireSSL on";    
	    } else {
	  $OUT .= "  SSLRequireSSL on";
	AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml
	Options FollowSymLinks
	order deny,allow
	    my $mwiki = $mediawiki{'PublicAccess'} || "local";
	    if ($mwiki eq "local")
	  $OUT .= "  deny from all\n";
	  $OUT .= "  allow from $localAccess";    
	    } else {
	  $OUT .= "  allow from all";
	php_flag register_globals off
	php_admin_value open_basedir /opt/mediawiki/:/tmp/

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/includes>
	order deny,allow
	    my $mwiki = $mediawiki{'PublicAccess'} || "local";
	    if ($mwiki eq "local")
	  $OUT .= "  deny from all\n";
	  $OUT .= "  allow from $localAccess";    
	    } else {
	  $OUT .= "  allow from all";

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/languages>
	order deny,allow
	    my $mwiki = $mediawiki{'PublicAccess'} || "local";
	    if ($mwiki eq "local")
	  $OUT .= "  deny from all\n";
	  $OUT .= "  allow from $localAccess";    
	    } else {
	  $OUT .= "  allow from all";

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/maintenance>
	order deny,allow
	    my $mwiki = $mediawiki{'PublicAccess'} || "local";
	    if ($mwiki eq "local")
	  $OUT .= "  deny from all\n";
	  $OUT .= "  allow from $localAccess";    
	    } else {
	  $OUT .= "  allow from all";

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/math>
	order deny,allow
	    my $mwiki = $mediawiki{'PublicAccess'} || "local";
	    if ($mwiki eq "local")
	  $OUT .= "  deny from all\n";
	  $OUT .= "  allow from $localAccess";    
	    } else {
	  $OUT .= "  allow from all";

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/tests>
	order deny,allow
	    my $mwiki = $mediawiki{'PublicAccess'} || "local";
	    if ($mwiki eq "local")
	  $OUT .= "  deny from all\n";
	  $OUT .= "  allow from $localAccess";    
	    } else {
	  $OUT .= "  allow from all";

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/maintenance/archives>
	order deny,allow
	    my $mwiki = $mediawiki{'PublicAccess'} || "local";
	    if ($mwiki eq "local")
	  $OUT .= "  deny from all\n";
	  $OUT .= "  allow from $localAccess";    
	    } else {
	  $OUT .= "  allow from all";

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/serialized>
  order deny,allow
            my $mwiki = $mediawiki{'PublicAccess'} || "local";
            if ($mwiki eq "local")
	  $OUT .= "  deny from all\n";
          $OUT .= "  allow from $localAccess";
            } else {
          $OUT .= "  allow from all";

<Directory /opt/mediawiki/t>
  order deny,allow
            my $mwiki = $mediawiki{'PublicAccess'} || "local";
            if ($mwiki eq "local")
          $OUT .= "  deny from all\n";
          $OUT .= "  allow from $localAccess";
            } else {
          $OUT .= "  allow from all";

------------------------------------ End - Content of 95mediawiki --------------------------------------
the standard db configuration entries also from sme7

db configuration show mediawiki 

In "PublicAcces = local" scenario you can add also one Entry AllowHosts with comma separatd IP's from where you like to be accessed (even outzide local network)

something like