User talk:ReetP

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My talk page (whatever that means)

TFTP Notes

Menu system

This uses syslinux available from here

I used a fairly old version but cannot remember what it is.

copy pxelinux.0 to /tftpboot

copy vesamenu.c32 to /tftpboot/com32

I have a menu system as follows

in /tftpboot create a directory called pxelinux.cfg

cd /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg

make a file called default

touch default

Sample default file - add you own submenus

[root@home pxelinux.cfg]# cat default

menu title --== SME Linux, PXE Main Menu ==--
menu background graphics/background.png
menu tabmsgrow 22
menu cmdlinerow 22
menu endrow 24
menu color title                1;34;49    #eea0a0ff #cc333355 std
menu color sel                  7;37;40    #ff000000 #bb9999aa all
menu color border               30;44      #ffffffff #00000000 std
menu color pwdheader            31;47      #eeff1010 #20ffffff std
menu color hotkey               35;40      #90ffff00 #00000000 std
menu color hotsel               35;40      #90000000 #bb9999aa all
menu color timeout_msg          35;40      #90ffffff #00000000 none
menu color timeout              31;47      #eeff1010 #00000000 none 
prompt 0
noescape 1
allowoptions 0
timeout 0 
default com32/vesamenu.c32
label linuxmenu
 menu label ^Linux Boot Disks Menu
 kernel com32/vesamenu.c32
 append pxelinux.cfg/linux_boot_disks

You need to get your distro image and extract the relevant files and put them in /tftpboot/images/distroName

typically this will be

vmlinuz initrd.img

However there could be other names. YMMV.

Now create a file called linux_boot_disks

Here are some samples (need to confirm if they all work):

label Slitaz 4 Std
 menu label SlitaZ ^4
 kernel images/slitaz_4_0/bzImage
 append initrd=images/slitaz_4_0/rootfs4.gz,images/slitaz_4_0/rootfs3.gz,images/slitaz_4_0/rootfs2.gz,images/slitaz_4_0/rootfs1.gz rw root=/dev/null vga=normal autologin
label Clonezilla-live
 MENU LABEL Clonezilla Live (Ramdisk)
 KERNEL images/clonezilla/vmlinuz
 APPEND initrd=images/clonezilla/initrd.img boot=live username=user union=overlay config components quiet noswap edd=on nomodeset nodmraid locales=en_GB.UTF-8 keyboard-layouts=uk keyboard-layouts= ocs_live_run="ocs-live-general" ocs_live_extra_param="" ocs_live_batch=no net.ifnames=0 nosplash noprompt fetch=tftp://
label SME8 Install
 menu label ^SME8 Install
 kernel images/SME8/vmlinuz
 append initrd=images/SME8/initrd.img
DEFAULT pmagic
# Boot the kernel and initramfs over PXE.
 LABEL pmagic
 LINUX images/pmagic/bzImage
 INITRD images/pmagic/initramfs
 APPEND edd=on vga=normal vmalloc=384MiB

  1. If you install the smeserver-nfs contrib and export a mount you can use something like the following :
label Bitdefender 2
  menu label ^Bitdefender
  kernel images/bitdefender_2/vmlinuz
  append boot=casper netboot=nfs nfsroot= initrd=images/bitdefender_2/initrd.gz lang=gb
label Kaspersky 10 - Rescue
 menu label ^Kaspersky 10 - Rescue
 kernel images/kaspersky_10/rescue
 append nfsdir= initrd=images/kaspersky_10/rescue.igz lang=gb ramdisk_size=1000000
label Fsecure 3.11 - Rescue
 menu label ^Fsecure 3.11 - Rescue
 kernel images/fsecure_311/linux
 append nfsdir= initrd=images/fsecure_311/minirt.gz nodhcp lang=gb ramdisk_size=1000000