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The instructions for installing and using Roundcube can be followed by a beginner, changing options requires a basic knowledge of linux.

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RoundCube V1.0 for SME Server


stephdl Stéphane de Labrusse AKA Stephdl

Contrib 10:
Contrib 9:
The latest version of smeserver-roundcube is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.

Contrib 9:
The latest version of roundcubemail_plugins is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.


For SME9

yum install smeserver-roundcube --enablerepo=smecontribs

answer yes (y) for all plugins you want to activate

If you do not want to restart your server

signal-event roundcube-update


signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
yum upgrade --enablerepo=smecontribs,remi-roundcube

For SME8

Remember to first configure the two required repositories, stephdl and epel, then issue the following command on the SME Server shell:

yum install smeserver-roundcube --enablerepo=epel,stephdl

answer yes (y) for all plugins you want to activate

If you do not want to restart your server

signal-event roundcube-update


signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot


To remove the package issue the following command on the SME Server shell:

yum remove roundcube smeserver-roundcube smeserver-roundcube_plugins

To remove mysql database and user, both are roundcube, see MySQL#Remove a database and MySQL#Remove a user. There is no need to reboot.


http://servername/roundcube and logon with your SME Server user account.


Logs are available :

  • for sme8
less /opt/roundcube/logs/errors
  • for sme9
less /var/log/roundcubemail/errors

Limit access to web interface

By default, the Roundcube webmail interface is accessible from the entire internet without requiring additional HTTP authentication.

Access to Roundcube can be fine-tuned by setting the corresponding property in the configuration DB of SME server:

config setprop roundcube PublicAccess OPTION

where OPTION is either of the following:

       none             => No access
       local            => Local network  (no password required)
       local-pw         => Local network  (password required)
       global           => Entire Internet(no password required, this is the default on SME)
       global-pw        => Entire Internet(password required)
       global-pw-remote => Entire Internet(password required outside local network)

For example, to restrict access to LAN only:

config setprop roundcube PublicAccess local

To activate these changes to the configuration DB, run these commands

expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
sv h /service/httpd-e-smith


Note: For a general description of how DB settings work on SME server, have a look at Web Application RPM#New DB settings.


Roundcube plugins

Default plugins shipped with smeserver-roundcube

The smeserver-roundcube contrib is shipped with the following plugins already installed and enabled by default:

config getprop roundcube PluginsList

Installing additional plugins
The upstream Roundcube project is currently transitioning from making plugins available through to a new full fledged plugin repository at and a semi-automated plugin installation process. SME server admins are encouraged to use the new style method described below.

To install an additional (non-default) Roundcube plugin in SME server roundcube :

Step 1: Find the plugin page on (eg.

Step 2: Take note of the package name and version shown in the 'require:' line right below the title of the plugin's version heading (eg. "cor/message_highlight": "dev-master")

Step 3: Add the package name and version to the "require:" block in /opt/roundcube/composer.json. Take attention to the comma (,) separator, it is really important!

  • for sme8
nano /opt/roundcube/composer.json
  • for sme9
nano /usr/share/roundcubemail/composer.json
 "require": {
      	"php": ">=5.3.0",
      	"roundcube/plugin-installer": ">=0.1.3",
      	"johndoh/markasjunk2": "dev-release-1.0",
      	"johndoh/contextmenu": "dev-master",
      	"johndoh/globaladdressbook": "dev-release-1.0",
        "cor/message_highlight": "dev-master"

Step 4: after each modification to composer.json, in order to automatically download and install the plugin launch

When asked, answer yes to automatically activate the plugin in the current Roundcube configuration.

Step 5: In order to keep the list of installed plugins persistent when this contrib is updated (ie. configuration templates are expanded again), you *absolutely* need to add the newly installed Roundcube plugin to the "PluginsList" property of "roundcube" in the configuration database of SME server in addition to steps above:

Step 5a: First show the list of plugins currently in the configuration DB:

config getprop roundcube PluginsList


Step 5b: Add your newly installed plugin to the list (separated by a comma (,) and without spaces) and activate the change:

config setprop roundcube PluginsList globaladdressbook,carddav,calendar,libcalendaring,contextmenu,markasjunk2,vcard_attachments,newmail_notifier,emoticons,tasklist,managesieve,message_highlight

Step 5c: Activate the changes to the config DB:

signal-event roundcube-update

Step 5 in short, using backticks:

config setprop roundcube PluginsList `config getprop roundcube PluginsList`,message_highlight
signal-event conf-roundcube

To check for updates to plugins already installed, you can at any time issue the following command again:

Customize Roundcube settings

For special needs you should create your personal template file if you want your config file will not be overwritten by the smeserver-roundcube templates. This also applies to Roundcube plugins in /opt/roundcube/plugins/ which occasionally come with their own or generic which you can use to set default options.

  • The config file for Roundcube itself is now templated, so changes need to be made in a new custom template fragment
  • for sme8
ll /etc/e-smith/templates/opt/roundcube/config/

10default_host           15Ldap_addressbook       20plugins_configuration  template-begin           template-end             
  • for sme9
ls /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/roundcubemail/
  • check which setting you want to change with
cat /opt/roundcube/config/
  • Extend the default settings by adding a new template fragment and add your customizations/additions there, eg.:
vim /etc/e-smith/templates/opt/roundcube/config/
  • Finally, expand the template:
signal-event roundcube-update

Likewise, plugin customization can be done by creating custom template fragments. For example, to set if and how the "vacation management panel" of the "managesieve" plugin should appear in the Roundcube webmail frontend:

  • check the current configuration of the managesieve plugin:
cat /opt/roundcube/plugins/managesieve/
  • check current template fragments for the plugin configuration:
ll /etc/e-smith/templates/opt/roundcube/plugins/managesieve/
 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  266 30. Nov 19:45 30showvacation
  • copy the relevant template fragment to /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/... and modify the setting:
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/opt/roundcube/plugins/managesieve/
cp /etc/e-smith/templates/opt/roundcube/plugins/managesieve/ /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/opt/roundcube/plugins/managesieve/

vim /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/opt/roundcube/plugins/managesieve/
  • Finally, expand the customized template:
signal-event roundcube-update
If you think your setting should be the SME default raise a bug

Add an alternative URL

If Roundcube should be reachable by an alternative URL to, eg. 


The URL /webmail is by default used by the horde webmail, so you have to deactivate the webmail in the server-manager's "Configuration" -> "Email" panel if you want to use it for roundcube instead.

this adds another url, it doesn't remove the default

config setprop roundcube URL webmail


config setprop roundcube URL mail

To enable your changes run these commands

expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
sv h /service/httpd-e-smith
  • If you want to remove completely the new url
config delprop roundcube URL


expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
sv h /service/httpd-e-smith

Miscellaneous notes

Mail filter support (Sieve)

Roundcube V1.0 on SME server comes with the managesieve plugin installed and enabled by default. The managesieve plugin adds additional menu items to the settings in Roundcube's webinterface to allow users to define mail filters and vacation messages in a convenient way. However, to make use of these features, the smeserver-dovecot-extras contrib also has to be installed (this adds sieve script support and a manage sieve daemon to SME server). If these features are not wanted, Roundcube's managesieve plugin should be disabled (reverse Step 5 described above, ie. remove managesieve from the list of installed plugins).

Managesieve or sieverules

you have 2 plugins which are able to manage sieve and therefore the vacation message managesieve (provided in the bundle) and sieverules provided by composer. You must select one.

config setprop roundcube PluginsList globaladdressbook,calendar,libcalendaring,contextmenu,markasjunk2,vcard_attachments,newmail_notifier,emoticons,tasklist,managesieve


config setprop roundcube PluginsList globaladdressbook,calendar,libcalendaring,contextmenu,markasjunk2,vcard_attachments,newmail_notifier,emoticons,tasklist,sieverules


signal-event roundcube-update
  • If mails are not correctly filtered by the filters configured in user's roundcube settings, check the following:
    • Is smeserver-dovecot-extras installed and is the sieve service enabled ( config getprop sieve status => enabled )? If it is not enabled: config setprop sieve status enabled
    • Is using sieve deliberately disabled for the user in question ( db accounts getprop $USER Sieve => disabled )? If it is disabled: db accounts setprop $USER Sieve enabled (Note the capital "S" in Sieve!)
    • If smeserver-mailsorting is also installed on the server, mails are first filtered by procmail or maildrop before they are handed off to the dovecot delivery agent and sieve filters. Chances are that a rule exists in a user's .procmailrc or .mailfilter file that intercepts all mails before they get to the latter stage in the mail delivery process.


Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the smeserver-roundcube component or use this link .

  • smeserver-roundcube
IDProductVersionStatusSummary (2 tasks)
12587SME Contribs10.0CONFIRMEDcomposer installs skins in plugins folder
12270SME Contribs10.0CONFIRMEDNFR: Allow the specification of the host for the imap mail
  • roundcubemail_plugins
"No open bugs found."