Clamav unofficial sigs

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ClamAV comes with a default database that is regularly and automatically updated. Next to the default database there are additional 'unofficial' databases that can be added to ClamAV. This contrib smeserver-uofficial-sigs adds various and well known databases to the default installation of SME Server, providing better chance of protection to virusses, malware and ransomeware and phishing attempts.


The smeserver-clamav-unofficial-sigs contrib is available from the fws repo and this repo should be enabled first. Please see fws on how to enable the fws repo. After the fws repo has been enabled you can install smeserver-unofficial-sigs by the following command:

yum install smeserver-clamav-unofficial-sigs

Since there are much more signatures, ClamAV needs more memory to operate correctly. To set the required memory enter the following command:

config setprop setprop clamd MemLimit 1500000000

followed by

signal-event clamav-update

To invoke the download of the unofficial signature databases the following script has to be run once (it's in the SME Server $PATH):

That's it ClamAV now has a lot more signatures to work with, and will autmatically update all databases.