Affa - Automated Remote Disk Archiver
Michael Weinberger
This contrib ...
Download the smeserver-affa package from
Download the perl-Filesys-DiskSpace package from DAG or from one of the mirrors above.
Install the RPMs.
Property | Value | Description |
remoteHostName | FQHN or IP | of the source host |
TimeSchedule | HHMM,HHMM,... | doesn't need to be ordered. At least one time is mandatory |
Description | text string | |
scheduledKeep dailyKeep weeklyKeep monthlyKeep yearlyKeep |
integer >= 1 | how many of the scheduled, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly backups should be kept |
SMEServer | yes or no | when set to yes the default e-smith directories are automatically included and the properties RPMCheck and Watchdog can be used |
Include[0] Include[1] ... |
full path | additional files or directories to include |
Exclude[0] Exclude[1] ... |
full path | additional files or directories exclude from backup |
RPMCheck | yes or no | compares the packages installation of the source host with this affa backup host. Sends a message with diff list if not in sync. This check is usefull, if you want have the option to rise the backup server to a production server from a backup. |
DiskSpaceWarn | strict or normal or risky or none | run a disk space check after a job has been completed. With level 'strict' a warning message will be sent, if the available space is less then the size of the just completed backup. With level 'normal'/'risky' the message is sent, if less than 50%/10% of the backup size is still available. |
localNice | -19...+19 | run rsync local process niced. |
remoteNice | -19...+19 | run rsync process on source niced. |
Watchdog | yes or no | when a job is started, affa installs a watchdog script on the source in /etc/cron.d/, which sends a warning message, if the next scheduled job (taken from the TimeSchedule property + 10 minutes) did not run. This guarantees, that you will be notfied even in case of a affa server outage. The watchdog script send a daily reminder message, if the error continues. The next run job replaces the watchdog script with a new trigger time. |
ConnectionCheckTimeout | seconds | before the rsync is started on the remote source host, affa check the ssh conncetion and exits with an error after the configured time, if the host does not response. |
rsyncTimeout | seconds | Rsync exits, if no data is transferred for the configured time. This avoids infinitely hanging in case of a network error. |
rsyncCompress | yes or no | compress the tranferred data. May be useful with slow internet connections. Needs addtional CPU resources on source and backup host. |
EmailAddresses |,,... | comma separated list of mail addresses where the messages should be sent to |