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Revision as of 05:59, 13 April 2007 by PicsOne (talk | contribs)
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-(, it seems that putting in the template for the DAG repository puts this page also in the Yum_Repository category which is not my intention, will try to find a workaround - Cactus 02:56, 11 April 2007 (EDT)

DAG repository

I have noticed with any of the repos it place expand-template /etc/yum.conf at the bottom, however, when the command is run, an error is given

expand-template /etc/yum.conf
-bash: expand-temlpate: command not found
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/yum.conf

After quickly reviewing your contribution I would suggest you to rewrite your howto as not to install in an ibay as this is not prefferred behaviour, use /opt or something like that for beter customizability. - Cactus 02:58, 11 April 2007 (EDT)

we should have a template inserted into any howto that doesn't install into /opt, asking for the howto be modified. Snoble 23:20, 11 April 2007 (EDT)

Fixed the problem with unwanted inclusion of the template by using the <noincludes></noincludes> keywords around the category as described in the Help:Category section of the wikimedia site. - Cactus 03:36, 11 April 2007 (EDT)

I have tried many attempts to put Metadot into the opt/ without success, I have found it to be easier to put Metadot into an ibay.

Russel you can sign your comments with 4 ~
>>yum -y --enablerepo=updates --enablerepo=addons
I wouldn't use -y, users should be allowed to see what will happen, and not proceed
updates is already enabled and is unneeded

Snoble 08:58, 11 April 2007 (EDT)


Hi fixit. In the point "modify 50DirectoryIndex00 to include" not modify template. Instead copy this template to customs-template dir, and make the necesary changes under customs-template files. --PicsOne 14:12, 11 April 2007 (EDT)


I would if I knew how

What or how do I create this

I also need info on how to put this into a opt/

what changes would I need to make to the template fragement, any ideas


DocumentRoot "/home/e-smith/files/ibays/youribay/html/metadot/"
Alias /images/ /home/e-smith/files/ibays/youribay/html/images/
Alias /js/ /home/e-smith/files/ibays/youribay/html/js/
Alias / /home/e-smith/files/ibays/youribay/html/metadot/
Alias /public/   /home/e-smith/files/ibays/youribay/html/sitedata/public/
Alias /skins/    /home/e-smith/files/ibays/youribay/html/sitedata/skins/
Alias /htmlarea3/ /home/e-smith/files/ibays/youribay/html/js/htmlarea3/
Alias /private/  /home/e-smith/files/ibays/youribay/html/sitedata/private/
Alias / /home/e-smith/files/ibays/youribay/html/metadot/

<Directory	"/home/e-smith/files/ibays/youribay/html/metadot">
	Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
 	AllowOverride All
	SetHandler	cgi-script
	PerlHandler	speedy::Registry
	PerlSendHeader	On
	Options		+ExecCGI
	AddType application/.html .pl .pm .cgi


If you want to modify the original templates, you must copy to the templates-custom dir:

cp /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/50DirectoryIndex00 /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/

then make the necesary changes there:

cd /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/
pico 50DirectoryIndex00

To run under /opt dir I think this can run:


Alias /metadot /opt/metadot
Alias /images/ /opt/metadot/html/images/
Alias /js/ /opt/metadot/html/js/
Alias / /opt/metadot/html/metadot/
Alias /public/ /opt/metadot/html/sitedata/public/
Alias /skins/ /opt/metadot/html/sitedata/skins/
Alias /htmlarea3/ /opt/metadot/html/js/htmlarea3/
Alias /private/ /opt/metadot/html/sitedata/private/
Alias / /opt/metadot/html/metadot/

<Directory	"/opt/metadot">
	Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
 	AllowOverride All
	SetHandler	cgi-script
	PerlHandler	speedy::Registry
	PerlSendHeader	On
	Options		+ExecCGI
	AddType application/.html .pl .pm .cgi

--PicsOne 09:18, 12 April 2007 (EDT)

Those option above I have tried and they don't work. Don't you need something like <VirtualHost> and all that



DocumentRoot /opt/metadot/

I seem to have a lot of trouble installing Metadot into the opt/, I have managed to do that at one stage with Virtual domains though, but you need the primary ibay to host the main metadot portal and the Virtual domains in the opt/.

I have attempted many different ways and I have found that the ibay option works best, if I could find a method for the opt/ I would use that for sure.

I make a minor modification in your howto about expand template. I go to install under /opt dir and tell you the results. --PicsOne 12:21, 12 April 2007 (EDT)

Finally I run metadot under /opt. The following is the template dir

Alias /metadot /opt/metadot/metadot
Alias /images/ /opt/metadot/images/
Alias /js/ /opt/metadot/js/
Alias / /opt/metadot/metadot/
Alias /public/   /opt/metadot/sitedata/public/
Alias /skins/    /opt/metadot/sitedata/skins/
Alias /htmlarea3/ /opt/metadot/js/htmlarea3/
Alias /private/  /opt/metadot/sitedata/private/
Alias / /opt/metadot/metadot/

<Directory /opt/metadot>
    Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews +ExecCGI
    AllowOverride All
    allow from all
    AddHandler  cgi-script .pl
    PerlHandler speedy::Registry
    PerlSendHeader      On

Pay attention to the differences, and try to fix the ibay template. For example AddHandler cgi-scipt .pl and not .cgi

Also not necesary DocumentRoot and ServerName. I try different settings and +ExecCGI run ok in the first Oprtions line. Not include a second Options.

I have untarring under /opt/metadot and move the content /opt/metadot/html to /opt/metadot like you do with ibay placement.

Well, try and comment. --PicsOne 00:59, 13 April 2007 (EDT)