How To use SME as an NFS server
This came from a dtech post about to use SME as a NFS server
1. Install the smeserver-nfs contrib like this:
yum install smeserver-nfs --enablerepo=smecontribs
2. Then execute the following:
config setprop nfs status enabled config setprop portmap status enabled
3. Edit /etc/exports to add the directories to be shared (this line exports user home directories and ibays):
/home/e-smith/files *.mydomain(rw,sync,no_wdelay,nohide,no_root_squash)
4. Then, the following, which will reboot the server:
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
5. Finally, after rebooting, check to see what is being exported:
showmount -e
Couple of notes whilst installing on SME8.....
DB options as follows - status disabled by default :
nfs=service TCPPorts=2049,4002,4003 UDPPorts=2049,4002,4003 access=private mountdPort=4002 rquotadPort=4003 status=disabled
nfslock=service TCPPorts=4000,4001,4004 UDPPorts=4000,4001,4004 access=private lockdPort=4001 statdOutgoingPort=4004 statdPort=4000 status=disabled
portmap=service TCPPort=111 UDPPort=111 access=private status=disabled
After installation & reboot you should be able to update with
signal-event remoteaccess-update
However, I don't think this starts/restarts portmap, hence the reboot on install which should not really be necessary.
Probably better to make a custom template for /etc/exports
Would be better if there was a web panel to enable/disable nfs per ibay