Revision as of 23:25, 6 February 2013 by Gregswallow (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Output of 'yum list installed' after installing CentOS 6.3 minimal, updating, and installing all the rpms included with SME8, most of which have a SME9/CentOS6 version now. A...")
Output of 'yum list installed' after installing CentOS 6.3 minimal, updating, and installing all the rpms included with SME8, most of which have a SME9/CentOS6 version now.
As of: - Feb 6 2013 (Greg Swallow) - 709 rpms
Note: in excel,
will help give you a nicely formatted mediawiki table.
NAME | VERSION | SOURCE | NOTES_________________________________________________________________ |
ConsoleKit.x86_64 | 0.4.1-3.el6 | @base | |
ConsoleKit-libs.x86_64 | 0.4.1-3.el6 | @base | |
DCC.x86_64 | 1.3.103-23.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
GConf2.x86_64 | 2.28.0-6.el6 | @base | |
GeoIP.x86_64 | 1.4.8-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
LPRng.x86_64 | 3.8.32-2.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
MAKEDEV.x86_64 | 3.24-6.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
ORBit2.x86_64 | 2.14.17-3.2.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
acl.x86_64 | 2.2.49-6.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
acpid.x86_64 | 1.0.10-2.1.el6 | @base | |
aic94xx-firmware.noarch | 30-2.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
apr.x86_64 | 1.3.9-5.el6_2 | @smeupdates9 | |
apr-devel.x86_64 | 1.3.9-5.el6_2 | @updates | |
apr-util.x86_64 | 1.3.9-3.el6_0.1 | @base | |
apr-util-devel.x86_64 | 1.3.9-3.el6_0.1 | @base | |
apr-util-ldap.x86_64 | 1.3.9-3.el6_0.1 | @base | |
aspell.x86_64 | 12:0.60.6-12.el6 | @base | |
aspell-en.x86_64 | 50:6.0-11.el6 | @epel | |
at.x86_64 | 3.1.10-43.el6_2.1 | @base | |
atrpms.noarch | 76-1 | @smeupdates9 | |
attr.x86_64 | 2.4.44-7.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
audit.x86_64 | 2.2-2.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
audit-libs.x86_64 | 2.2-2.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
audit-libs-python.x86_64 | 2.2-2.el6 | @base | |
authconfig.x86_64 | 6.1.12-10.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
autoconf.noarch | 2.63-5.1.el6 | @base | |
automake.noarch | 1.11.1-1.2.el6 | @base | |
avahi-libs.x86_64 | 0.6.25-11.el6 | @base | |
basesystem.noarch | 10.0-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
bash.x86_64 | 4.1.2-9.el6_2 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
bc.x86_64 | 1.06.95-1.el6 | @base | |
bfa-firmware.noarch | | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
bglibs.x86_64 | 1.102-1.el6.sme | @smeupdates9 | |
bind-libs.x86_64 | 32:9.8.2-0.10.rc1.el6_3.6 | @smeupdates9 | |
bind-utils.x86_64 | 32:9.8.2-0.10.rc1.el6_3.6 | @smeupdates9 | |
binutils.x86_64 | | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
bridge-utils.x86_64 | 1.2-9.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
buffer.x86_64 | 1.19-7.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
bzip2.x86_64 | 1.0.5-7.el6_0 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
bzip2-libs.x86_64 | 1.0.5-7.el6_0 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
ca-certificates.noarch | 2010.63-3.el6_1.5 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
centos-release.x86_64 | 6-3.el6.centos.9 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
checkpassword-pam.x86_64 | 0.99-1.2.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
checkpolicy.x86_64 | 2.0.22-1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
chkconfig.x86_64 | | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
clamav.x86_64 | 0.97.6-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
clamav-db.x86_64 | 0.97.6-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
clamd.x86_64 | 0.97.6-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
coreutils.x86_64 | 8.4-19.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
coreutils-libs.x86_64 | 8.4-19.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
cpio.x86_64 | 2.10-11.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
cpu.x86_64 | 1.4.3-14.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
cpuspeed.x86_64 | 1:1.5-18.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
cracklib.x86_64 | 2.8.16-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
cracklib-dicts.x86_64 | 2.8.16-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
cronie.x86_64 | 1.4.4-7.el6 | @base | |
cronie-anacron.x86_64 | 1.4.4-7.el6 | @base | |
crontabs.noarch | 1.10-33.el6 | @base | |
cryptsetup-luks.x86_64 | 1.2.0-7.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
cryptsetup-luks-libs.x86_64 | 1.2.0-7.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
cups-libs.x86_64 | 1:1.4.2-48.el6_3.3 | @smeupdates9 | |
curl.x86_64 | 7.19.7-26.el6_2.4 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
cvm.x86_64 | 0.82-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
cvs.x86_64 | 1.11.23-15.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
cyrus-sasl.x86_64 | 2.1.23-13.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
cyrus-sasl-devel.x86_64 | 2.1.23-13.el6_3.1 | @updates | |
cyrus-sasl-lib.x86_64 | 2.1.23-13.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
cyrus-sasl-md5.x86_64 | 2.1.23-13.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
daemontools.x86_64 | 0.76-6.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
dar.x86_64 | 2.3.8-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
dash.x86_64 | | @smeupdates9 | |
db4.x86_64 | 4.7.25-17.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
db4-cxx.x86_64 | 4.7.25-17.el6 | @base | |
db4-devel.x86_64 | 4.7.25-17.el6 | @base | |
db4-utils.x86_64 | 4.7.25-17.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
dbus.x86_64 | 1:1.2.24-7.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
dbus-glib.x86_64 | 0.86-5.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
dbus-libs.x86_64 | 1:1.2.24-7.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
dbus-python.x86_64 | 0.83.0-6.1.el6 | @base | |
deltarpm.x86_64 | 3.5-0.5.20090913git.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
device-mapper.x86_64 | 1.02.74-10.el6_3.3 | @smeupdates9 | |
device-mapper-event.x86_64 | 1.02.74-10.el6_3.3 | @smeupdates9 | |
device-mapper-event-libs.x86_64 | 1.02.74-10.el6_3.3 | @smeupdates9 | |
device-mapper-libs.x86_64 | 1.02.74-10.el6_3.3 | @smeupdates9 | |
device-mapper-multipath.x86_64 | 0.4.9-56.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
device-mapper-multipath-libs.x86_64 | 0.4.9-56.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
dhclient.x86_64 | 12:4.1.1-31.0.1.P1.el6.centos.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
dhcp.x86_64 | 12:4.1.1-31.0.1.P1.el6.centos.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
dhcp-common.x86_64 | 12:4.1.1-31.0.1.P1.el6.centos.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
dialog.x86_64 | 1.1-9.20080819.1.el6 | @base | |
diffutils.x86_64 | 2.8.1-28.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
djbdns.x86_64 | 1.05-8.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
dmidecode.x86_64 | 1:2.11-2.el6 | @base | |
dmraid.x86_64 | 1.0.0.rc16-11.el6 | @base | |
dmraid-events.x86_64 | 1.0.0.rc16-11.el6 | @base | |
dos2unix.x86_64 | 3.1-37.el6 | @base | |
dosfstools.x86_64 | 3.0.9-4.el6 | @base | |
dot-forward.x86_64 | 0.71-4.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
dovecot.x86_64 | 1:2.0.9-2.el6_1.1 | @base | |
dracut.noarch | 004-284.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
dracut-kernel.noarch | 004-284.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
dracut-network.noarch | 004-284.el6_3.1 | @updates | |
dstat.noarch | 0.7.2-1.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
dump.x86_64 | 1:0.4-0.6.b42.el6 | @base | |
dvdtools.x86_64 | 7.1-6.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
e2fsprogs.x86_64 | 1.41.12-12.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
e2fsprogs-libs.x86_64 | 1.41.12-12.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
ed.x86_64 | 1.1-3.3.el6 | @base | |
efibootmgr.x86_64 | 0.5.4-10.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
eggdbus.x86_64 | 0.6-3.el6 | @base | |
eject.x86_64 | 2.1.5-17.el6 | @base | |
elfutils.x86_64 | 0.152-1.el6 | @base | |
elfutils-libelf.x86_64 | 0.152-1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
elfutils-libs.x86_64 | 0.152-1.el6 | @base | |
elinks.x86_64 | 0.12-0.20.pre5.el6 | @base | |
enscript.x86_64 | 1.6.4-15.el6 | @base | |
e-smith.noarch | 5.4.0-1.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
e-smith-apache.noarch | 2.2.0-9.el5.sme | @smeupdates8 | |
e-smith-backup.noarch | 2.2.0-61.el5.sme | @smeupdates8 | |
e-smith-base.x86_64 | 5.4.0-6.el6.sme | @smeupdates9 | |
e-smith-cvm-unix-local.noarch | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-devtools.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
e-smith-dnscache.noarch | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-domains.noarch | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-dynamicdns-dyndns.noarch | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | | | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-dynamicdns-tzo.noarch | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-dynamicdns-yi.noarch | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-email.noarch | 5.2.0-19.el5.sme | @smeupdates8 | |
e-smith-flexbackup.noarch | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-formmagick.noarch | 2.4.0-1.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
e-smith-grub.noarch | 2.4.0-1.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
e-smith-horde.noarch | 4.2.0-17.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-hosts.noarch | 2.2.0-8.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-ibays.noarch | 2.2.0-11.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-imap.noarch | 2.2.0-3.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-imp.noarch | 5.2.0-9.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-ingo.noarch | 2.2.0-5.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-ldap.noarch | 5.2.0-78.el5.sme | @smeupdates8 | |
e-smith-lib.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
e-smith-lib-compspec.noarch | 2.4.0-1.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
e-smith-LPRng.noarch | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-manager.noarch | 2.4.0-4.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
e-smith-mysql.noarch | 2.2.0-6.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-ntp.noarch | 2.4.0-3.el6.sme | @smeupdates9 | |
e-smith-nutUPS.noarch | 2.2.0-2.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-oidentd.noarch | 2.2.0-2.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-openssh.noarch | 2.2.0-5.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-packetfilter.noarch | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-php.noarch | 2.2.0-6.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-pop3.noarch | 2.2.0-6.el5.sme | @smeupdates8 | |
e-smith-portforwarding.noarch | 2.2.0-6.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-pptpd.noarch | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-proftpd.noarch | 2.2.0-2.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-proxy.noarch | 5.2.0-5.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-qmail.noarch | 2.2.0-6.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-qmailanalog.noarch | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-quota.noarch | 2.2.0-10.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-radiusd.noarch | 2.2.0-4.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-runit.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
e-smith-samba.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
e-smith-starterwebsite.noarch | 2.4.0-1.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
e-smith-test.noarch | 2.4.0-1.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
e-smith-tinydns.noarch | 2.2.0-2.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-turba.noarch | 3.2.0-17.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
e-smith-viewlogfiles.noarch | 2.2.0-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
ethtool.x86_64 | 2:2.6.33-0.3.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
expat.x86_64 | 2.0.1-11.el6_2 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
expat-devel.x86_64 | 2.0.1-11.el6_2 | @base | |
fastforward.x86_64 | 0.51-04.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
fcoe-utils.x86_64 | 1.0.22-3.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
fetchmail.x86_64 | 6.3.17-1.el6 | @base | |
file.x86_64 | 5.04-15.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
file-libs.x86_64 | 5.04-15.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
filesystem.x86_64 | 2.4.30-3.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
findutils.x86_64 | 1:4.4.2-6.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
fipscheck.x86_64 | 1.2.0-7.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
fipscheck-lib.x86_64 | 1.2.0-7.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
flexbackup.noarch | 1.2.1-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
freeradius.x86_64 | 2.1.12-4.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
freetype.x86_64 | 2.3.11-14.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
ftp.x86_64 | 0.17-53.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
gamin.x86_64 | 0.1.10-9.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
gawk.x86_64 | 3.1.7-10.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
gdb.x86_64 | 7.2-56.el6 | @base | |
gdbm.x86_64 | 1.8.0-36.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
genisoimage.x86_64 | 1.1.9-12.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
gettext.x86_64 | 0.17-16.el6 | @base | |
glib.x86_64 | 1:1.2.10-33.el6 | @epel | |
glib2.x86_64 | 2.22.5-7.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
glibc.x86_64 | 2.12-1.80.el6_3.7 | @smeupdates9 | |
glibc-common.x86_64 | 2.12-1.80.el6_3.7 | @smeupdates9 | |
gmp.x86_64 | 4.3.1-7.el6_2.2 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
gnupg2.x86_64 | 2.0.14-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
gnutls.x86_64 | 2.8.5-4.el6_2.2 | @base | |
gpgme.x86_64 | 1.1.8-3.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
gpm.x86_64 | 1.20.6-12.el6 | @base | |
gpm-libs.x86_64 | 1.20.6-12.el6 | @base | |
grep.x86_64 | 2.6.3-3.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
groff.x86_64 | | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
grub.x86_64 | 1:0.97-77.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
grubby.x86_64 | 7.0.15-3.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
gzip.x86_64 | 1.3.12-18.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
hal.x86_64 | 0.5.14-11.el6 | @base | |
hal-info.noarch | 20090716-3.1.el6 | @base | |
hal-libs.x86_64 | 0.5.14-11.el6 | @base | |
hdparm.x86_64 | 9.16-3.4.el6 | @base | |
headermatch.x86_64 | 0.0.1-3.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
hesiod.x86_64 | 3.1.0-19.el6 | @base | |
hmaccalc.x86_64 | 0.9.12-1.el6 | @base | |
horde.noarch | 3.3.11-2.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
htop.x86_64 | 1.0.2-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
httpd.x86_64 | 2.2.15-15.el6.centos.1 | @base | |
httpd-devel.x86_64 | 2.2.15-15.el6.centos.1 | @base | |
httpd-tools.x86_64 | 2.2.15-15.el6.centos.1 | @base | |
hunspell.x86_64 | 1.2.8-16.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-bg.noarch | 4.1-5.1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-da.noarch | 1.7.29-1.1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-de.noarch | 0.20090107-4.1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-el.noarch | 1:0.7-5.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-es.noarch | 0.20081215-3.1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-et.noarch | 0.20030606-5.1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-fr.noarch | 3.4-1.1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-he.x86_64 | 1.1-3.2.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-hu.noarch | 1.5-3.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-id.noarch | 0.20040812-3.1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-it.noarch | 2.4-0.3.20070901.1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-nb.noarch | 2.0.10-5.1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-nl.noarch | 1.10-2.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-pl.noarch | 0.20090908-1.1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-pt.noarch | 0.20090702-4.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-ro.noarch | 3.3-1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-ru.noarch | 1:0.99f7-4.1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-sl.noarch | 0.20070127-4.1.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-sv.noarch | 1.39-3.el6 | @base | |
hunspell-th.noarch | 0.20061212-4.1.el6 | @base | |
hwdata.noarch | 0.233-7.8.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
imake.x86_64 | 1.0.2-11.el6 | @base | |
imp-h3.noarch | 4.3.9-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
info.x86_64 | 4.13a-8.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
ingo-h3.noarch | 1.2.5-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
initscripts.x86_64 | 9.03.31-2.el6.centos.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
iproute.x86_64 | 2.6.32-20.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
ipsvd.x86_64 | 0.12.1-5.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
iptables.x86_64 | 1.4.7-5.1.el6_2 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
iptables-ipv6.x86_64 | 1.4.7-5.1.el6_2 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
iptraf.x86_64 | 3.0.1-14.el6 | @base | |
iptstate.x86_64 | 2.2.2-4.el6 | @base | |
iputils.x86_64 | 20071127-16.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
irqbalance.x86_64 | 2:0.55-35.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
iscsi-initiator-utils.x86_64 | | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
isdn4k-utils.x86_64 | 3.2-75.el6 | @base | |
kbd.x86_64 | 1.15-11.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
kbd-misc.noarch | 1.15-11.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
kernel.x86_64 | 2.6.32-279.19.1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
kernel-firmware.noarch | 2.6.32-279.19.1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
keyutils.x86_64 | 1.4-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
keyutils-libs.x86_64 | 1.4-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
kpartx.x86_64 | 0.4.9-56.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
krb5-libs.x86_64 | 1.9-33.el6_3.3 | @smeupdates9 | |
less.x86_64 | 436-10.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libacl.x86_64 | 2.2.49-6.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libaio.x86_64 | 0.3.107-10.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libattr.x86_64 | 2.4.44-7.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libblkid.x86_64 | 2.17.2-12.7.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
libcap.x86_64 | 2.16-5.5.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libcap-ng.x86_64 | 0.6.4-3.el6_0.1 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libc-client.x86_64 | 2007e-11.el6 | @base | |
libcgroup.x86_64 | 0.37-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libcom_err.x86_64 | 1.41.12-12.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libconfig.x86_64 | 1.3.2-1.1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libcurl.x86_64 | 7.19.7-26.el6_2.4 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libdar.x86_64 | 2.3.8-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
libdrm.x86_64 | 2.4.25-2.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libedit.x86_64 | 2.11-4.20080712cvs.1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libevent.x86_64 | 1.4.13-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libffi.x86_64 | 3.0.5-3.2.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libgcc.x86_64 | 4.4.6-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libgcrypt.x86_64 | 1.4.5-9.el6_2.2 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libgomp.x86_64 | 4.4.6-4.el6 | @base | |
libgpg-error.x86_64 | 1.7-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libgsf.x86_64 | 1.14.15-5.el6 | @base | |
libgssglue.x86_64 | 0.1-11.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libhbaapi.x86_64 | 2.2-14.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libhbalinux.x86_64 | 1.0.13-1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libIDL.x86_64 | 0.8.13-2.1.el6 | @base | |
libidn.x86_64 | 1.18-2.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libjpeg.x86_64 | 6b-46.el6 | @base | |
libnetfilter_conntrack.x86_64 | 0.0.100-2.el6 | @base | |
libnfnetlink.x86_64 | 1.0.0-3.el6 | @epel | |
libnih.x86_64 | 1.0.1-7.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libnl.x86_64 | 1.1-14.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libpcap.x86_64 | 14:1.0.0-6.20091201git117cb5.el6 | @base | |
libpciaccess.x86_64 | 0.12.1-1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libpng.x86_64 | 2:1.2.49-1.el6_2 | @base | |
libproxy.x86_64 | 0.3.0-3.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
libproxy-bin.x86_64 | 0.3.0-3.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
libproxy-python.x86_64 | 0.3.0-3.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
libselinux.x86_64 | 2.0.94-5.3.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libselinux-python.x86_64 | 2.0.94-5.3.el6 | @base | |
libselinux-utils.x86_64 | 2.0.94-5.3.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libsemanage.x86_64 | 2.0.43-4.1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libsepol.x86_64 | 2.0.41-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libsmbclient.x86_64 | 3.5.10-125.el6 | @base | |
libss.x86_64 | 1.41.12-12.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libssh2.x86_64 | 1.2.2-11.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
libstdc.x86_64 | 4.4.6-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libsysfs.x86_64 | 2.1.0-7.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
libtalloc.x86_64 | 2.0.1-1.1.el6 | @base | |
libtasn1.x86_64 | 2.3-3.el6_2.1 | @base | |
libtdb.x86_64 | 1.2.1-3.el6 | @base | |
libtiff.x86_64 | 3.9.4-9.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
libtirpc.x86_64 | 0.2.1-5.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libtool-ltdl.x86_64 | 2.2.6-15.5.el6 | @base | |
libudev.x86_64 | 147-2.42.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
libusb.x86_64 | 0.1.12-23.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libusb1.x86_64 | 1.0.9-0.5.rc1.el6 | @base | |
libuser.x86_64 | 0.56.13-5.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libutempter.x86_64 | 1.1.5-4.1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
libuuid.x86_64 | 2.17.2-12.7.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
libX11.x86_64 | 1.3-2.el6 | @base | |
libX11-common.noarch | 1.3-2.el6 | @base | |
libXau.x86_64 | 1.0.5-1.el6 | @base | |
libxcb.x86_64 | 1.5-1.el6 | @base | |
libXdmcp.x86_64 | 1.0.3-1.el6 | @base | |
libxml2.x86_64 | 2.7.6-8.el6_3.4 | @smeupdates9 | |
libxml2-python.x86_64 | 2.7.6-8.el6_3.4 | @smeupdates9 | |
libXpm.x86_64 | 3.5.8-2.el6 | @base | |
libxslt.x86_64 | 1.1.26-2.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
lldpad.x86_64 | 0.9.43-20.el6_3 | @updates | |
lm_sensors.x86_64 | 3.1.1-17.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
lm_sensors-libs.x86_64 | 3.1.1-17.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
lockdev.x86_64 | 1.0.1-18.el6 | @base | |
logrotate.x86_64 | 3.7.8-16.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
lrzsz.x86_64 | 0.12.20-27.1.el6 | @base | |
lsof.x86_64 | 4.82-4.el6 | @base | |
lua.x86_64 | 5.1.4-4.1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
lvm2.x86_64 | 2.02.95-10.el6_3.3 | @smeupdates9 | |
lvm2-libs.x86_64 | 2.02.95-10.el6_3.3 | @smeupdates9 | |
m2crypto.x86_64 | 0.20.2-9.el6 | @base | |
m4.x86_64 | 1.4.13-5.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
mailcap.noarch | 2.1.31-2.el6 | @base | |
mailfront.x86_64 | 1.10-9.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
mailx.x86_64 | 12.4-6.el6 | @base | |
make.x86_64 | 1:3.81-20.el6 | @base | |
man.x86_64 | 1.6f-30.el6 | @base | |
mbuffer.x86_64 | 20070502-1.fc6 | @smeos8 | |
mc.x86_64 | 1: | @base | |
mcstrans.x86_64 | 0.3.1-4.el6 | @base | |
mdadm.x86_64 | 3.2.3-9.el6 | @base | |
microcode_ctl.x86_64 | 1:1.17-11.el6 | @base | |
mingetty.x86_64 | 1.08-5.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
minicom.x86_64 | 2.3-6.1.el6 | @base | |
mkbootdisk.x86_64 | 1.5.5-3.el6 | @base | |
mlocate.x86_64 | 0.22.2-4.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
mod_auth_external.x86_64 | 2.2.8-5.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
mod_auth_tkt.x86_64 | 2.1.0-2.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
mod_perl.x86_64 | 2.0.4-10.el6 | @base | |
mod_perl-devel.x86_64 | 2.0.4-10.el6 | @base | |
mod_ssl.x86_64 | 1:2.2.15-15.el6.centos.1 | @base | |
module-init-tools.x86_64 | 3.9-20.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
mtools.x86_64 | 4.0.12-1.el6 | @base | |
mtr.x86_64 | 2:0.82-1.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
mt-st.x86_64 | 1.1-5.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
mutt.x86_64 | 5:1.5.20-2.20091214hg736b6a.el6_1.1 | @base | |
mysql.x86_64 | 5.1.67-1.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
mysql-libs.x86_64 | 5.1.67-1.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
mysql-server.x86_64 | 5.1.67-1.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
nano.x86_64 | 2.0.9-7.el6 | @base | |
nc.x86_64 | 1.84-22.el6 | @base | |
ncurses.x86_64 | 5.7-3.20090208.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
ncurses-base.x86_64 | 5.7-3.20090208.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
ncurses-libs.x86_64 | 5.7-3.20090208.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
neon.x86_64 | 0.29.3-2.el6 | @base | |
net-snmp.x86_64 | 1:5.5-41.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
net-snmp-libs.x86_64 | 1:5.5-41.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
net-snmp-utils.x86_64 | 1:5.5-41.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
net-tools.x86_64 | 1.60-110.el6_2 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
newt.x86_64 | 0.52.11-3.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
newt-python.x86_64 | 0.52.11-3.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
nfs-utils.x86_64 | 1:1.2.3-26.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
nfs-utils-lib.x86_64 | 1.1.5-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
nscd.x86_64 | 2.12-1.80.el6_3.7 | @smeupdates9 | |
nspr.x86_64 | 4.9.2-0.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
nss.x86_64 | 3.13.6-2.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
nss_compat_ossl.x86_64 | 0.9.6-1.el6 | @base | |
nss-pam-ldapd.x86_64 | 0.7.5-15.el6_3.2 | @smeupdates9 | |
nss-softokn.x86_64 | 3.12.9-11.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
nss-softokn-freebl.x86_64 | 3.12.9-11.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
nss-sysinit.x86_64 | 3.13.6-2.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
nss-tools.x86_64 | 3.13.6-2.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
nss-util.x86_64 | 3.13.6-1.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
ntp.x86_64 | 4.2.4p8-2.el6.centos | @base | |
ntpdate.x86_64 | 4.2.4p8-2.el6.centos | @base | |
nut.x86_64 | 2.6.5-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
nut-client.x86_64 | 2.6.5-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
oidentd.x86_64 | 2.0.8-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
openldap.x86_64 | 2.4.23-26.el6_3.2 | @smeupdates9 | |
openldap-clients.x86_64 | 2.4.23-26.el6_3.2 | @smeupdates9 | |
openldap-devel.x86_64 | 2.4.23-26.el6_3.2 | @updates | |
openldap-servers.x86_64 | 2.4.23-26.el6_3.2 | @smeupdates9 | |
openssh.x86_64 | 5.3p1-81.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
openssh-clients.x86_64 | 5.3p1-81.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
openssh-server.x86_64 | 5.3p1-81.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
openssl.x86_64 | 1.0.0-25.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
openssl098e.x86_64 | 0.9.8e-17.el6.centos.2 | @base | |
pakchois.x86_64 | 0.4-3.2.el6 | @base | |
pam.x86_64 | 1.1.1-10.el6_2.1 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
pam_abl.x86_64 | 0.2.3-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
pam_ldap.x86_64 | 185-11.el6 | @base | |
passwd.x86_64 | 0.77-4.el6_2.2 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
patch.x86_64 | 2.6-6.el6 | @base | |
pciutils.x86_64 | 3.1.4-11.el6 | @base | |
pciutils-libs.x86_64 | 3.1.4-11.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
pcmciautils.x86_64 | 015-4.2.el6 | @base | |
pcre.x86_64 | 7.8-6.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
perl.x86_64 | 4:5.10.1-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Apache-AuthTkt.noarch | 2.1-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Archive-Tar.x86_64 | 1.58-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Authen-PAM.x86_64 | 0.16-8.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Authen-SASL.noarch | 2.15-1.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-BSD-Resource.x86_64 | 1.29.03-3.el6 | @base | |
perl-CGI.x86_64 | 3.51-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-CGI-FormMagick.noarch | 0.93-1.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
perl-CGI-Persistent.noarch | 1.11-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Class-ParamParser.noarch | 1.041-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Clone.x86_64 | 0.31-3.1.el6 | @base | |
perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2.x86_64 | 2.052-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib.x86_64 | 1:2.020-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Compress-Zlib.x86_64 | 2.020-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Convert-ASN1.noarch | 0.22-1.el6 | @base | |
perl-Convert-BinHex.noarch | 1.119-10.1.el6 | @base | |
perl-Convert-TNEF.noarch | 0.17-10.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Crypt-Cracklib.x86_64 | 1.7-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum.x86_64 | 0.04-8.1.el6 | @base | |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random.x86_64 | 0.04-9.1.el6 | @base | |
perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA.x86_64 | 0.28-1.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Date-Manip.noarch | 6.24-1.el6 | @base | |
perl-DBD-MySQL.x86_64 | 4.014-1.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-DBI.x86_64 | 1.621-1.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-devel.x86_64 | 4:5.10.1-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Digest-HMAC.noarch | 1.01-22.el6 | @base | |
perl-Digest-SHA.x86_64 | 1:5.47-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Digest-SHA1.x86_64 | 2.12-2.el6 | @base | |
perl-Email-Date-Format.noarch | 1.002-5.el6 | @base | |
perl-Encode-Detect.x86_64 | 1.01-2.el6 | @base | |
perl-Error.noarch | 1:0.17015-4.el6 | @base | |
perl-ExtUtils-Embed.x86_64 | 1.28-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker.x86_64 | 6.55-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS.x86_64 | 1:2.2003.0-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-File-MMagic.noarch | 1.27-7.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Geography-Countries.noarch | 2009041301-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-gettext.x86_64 | 1.05-16.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-HTML-Parser.x86_64 | 3.69-1.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-HTML-Tabulate.noarch | 0.35-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-HTML-Tagset.noarch | 3.20-4.el6 | @base | |
perl-I18N-AcceptLanguage.noarch | 1.04-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-IO-Compress-Base.x86_64 | 2.020-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-IO-Compress-Bzip2.x86_64 | 2.020-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-IO-Compress-Zlib.x86_64 | 2.020-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-IO-Socket-INET6.noarch | 2.57-2.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-IO-Socket-SSL.noarch | 1.44-1.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-IO-stringy.noarch | 2.110-10.1.el6 | @base | |
perl-IO-Zlib.x86_64 | 1:1.09-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-IP-Country.noarch | 2.27-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-LDAP.noarch | 1:0.40-1.el6 | @base | |
perl-libs.x86_64 | 4:5.10.1-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-libwww-perl.noarch | 5.833-2.el6 | @base | |
perl-Mail-DKIM.noarch | 0.39-1.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Mail-RFC822-Address.noarch | 0.3-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Mail-SPF.noarch | 2.007-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-MailTools.noarch | 2.04-4.el6 | @base | |
perl-MIME-Lite.noarch | 3.028-1.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-MIME-tools.noarch | 5.427-4.el6 | @base | |
perl-Module-Pluggable.x86_64 | 1:3.90-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-NetAddr-IP.x86_64 | 4.061-1.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Net-DNS.x86_64 | 0.68-1.el6.rfx | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Net-Ident.noarch | 1.23-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Net-IP.noarch | 1.25-13.el6 | @base | |
perl-Net-IPv4Addr.noarch | 0.10-6.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Net-Server.noarch | 0.99-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Net-SMTP-SSL.noarch | 1.01-4.el6 | @base | |
perl-Net-SSLeay.x86_64 | 1.35-9.el6 | @base | |
perl-Object-Persistence.noarch | 0.92-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Package-Constants.x86_64 | 1:0.02-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Pod-Escapes.x86_64 | 1:1.04-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Pod-Simple.x86_64 | 1:3.13-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Quota.x86_64 | 1.6.7-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
perl-Razor-Agent.x86_64 | 2.85-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-RPM2.x86_64 | 0.68-4.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Socket6.x86_64 | 0.23-3.el6 | @base | |
perl-suidperl.x86_64 | 4:5.10.1-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Test-Harness.x86_64 | 3.17-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Test-Harness-Straps.noarch | 0.30-4.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
perl-Test-Inline.noarch | 0.16-1.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
perl-Test-Simple.x86_64 | 0.92-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Text-Iconv.x86_64 | 1.7-6.el6 | @base | |
perl-Text-Template.noarch | 1.45-3.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-TimeDate.noarch | 1:1.16-11.1.el6 | @base | |
perl-Time-HiRes.x86_64 | 4:1.9721-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-Time-TAI64.noarch | 2.11-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-Unix-ConfigFile.noarch | 0.06-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-URI.noarch | 1.40-2.el6 | @base | |
perl-version.x86_64 | 3:0.77-127.el6 | @base | |
perl-WWW-Automate.noarch | 0.21-1.2.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
perl-XML-Filter-BufferText.noarch | 1.01-8.el6 | @base | |
perl-XML-LibXML.x86_64 | 1:1.70-5.el6 | @base | |
perl-XML-NamespaceSupport.noarch | 1.10-3.el6 | @base | |
perl-XML-Parser.x86_64 | 2.36-7.el6 | @base | |
perl-XML-SAX.noarch | 0.96-7.el6 | @base | |
perl-XML-SAX-Writer.noarch | 0.50-8.el6 | @base | |
perl-YAML-Syck.x86_64 | 1.07-4.el6 | @base | |
php.x86_64 | 5.3.3-14.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-cli.x86_64 | 5.3.3-14.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-common.x86_64 | 5.3.3-14.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-gd.x86_64 | 5.3.3-14.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-imap.x86_64 | 5.3.3-14.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-ldap.x86_64 | 5.3.3-14.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-mbstring.x86_64 | 5.3.3-14.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-mysql.x86_64 | 5.3.3-14.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pdo.x86_64 | 5.3.3-14.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear.noarch | 1:1.9.4-4.el6 | @base | |
php-pear-Auth-SASL.noarch | 1.0.4-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-Cache.noarch | 1.5.6-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-Date.noarch | 1.4.7-5.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-DB.noarch | 1.7.13-3.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-File.noarch | 1.4.0-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-File-CSV.noarch | 1.0.0-2.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-File-Util.noarch | 1.0.0-2.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-HTTP.noarch | 1.4.1-5.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-HTTP-Request.noarch | 1.4.4-2.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-Log.noarch | 1.12.7-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-Mail.noarch | 1.2.0-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-Mail-Mime.noarch | 1.8.4-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-MDB2.noarch | 2.5.0-0.3.b3.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-Net-DIME.noarch | 1.0.2-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-Net-FTP.noarch | 1.3.7-4.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-Net-SMTP.noarch | 1.6.1-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-Net-Socket.noarch | 1.0.10-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-Net-URL.noarch | 1.0.15-4.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-Services-Weather.noarch | 1.4.5-2.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-SOAP.noarch | 0.12.0-4.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-XML-Parser.noarch | 1.3.4-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-pear-XML-Serializer.noarch | 0.20.2-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
php-xml.x86_64 | 5.3.3-14.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
pinentry.x86_64 | 0.7.6-6.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
pkgconfig.x86_64 | 1:0.23-9.1.el6 | @base | |
plymouth.x86_64 | 0.8.3-24.el6.centos | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
plymouth-core-libs.x86_64 | 0.8.3-24.el6.centos | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
plymouth-scripts.x86_64 | 0.8.3-24.el6.centos | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
pm-utils.x86_64 | 1.2.5-10.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
policycoreutils.x86_64 | 2.0.83-19.24.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
polkit.x86_64 | 0.96-2.el6_0.1 | @base | |
popt.x86_64 | 1.13-7.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
portreserve.x86_64 | 0.0.4-9.el6 | @base | |
postgresql-libs.x86_64 | 8.4.13-1.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
ppp.x86_64 | 2.4.5-5.el6 | @base | |
pptpd.x86_64 | 1.3.4-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
prelink.x86_64 | 0.4.6-3.el6 | @base | |
procmail.x86_64 | 3.22-25.1.el6 | @base | |
procps.x86_64 | 3.2.8-25.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
proftpd.x86_64 | 1.3.3g-2.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
psacct.x86_64 | 6.3.2-63.el6_3.3 | @smeupdates9 | |
psmisc.x86_64 | 22.6-15.el6_0.1 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
pth.x86_64 | 2.0.7-9.3.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
pv.x86_64 | 1.3.1-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
pygpgme.x86_64 | 0.1-18.20090824bzr68.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
pyOpenSSL.x86_64 | 0.10-2.el6 | @base | |
python.x86_64 | 2.6.6-29.el6_3.3 | @smeupdates9 | |
python-iniparse.noarch | 0.3.1-2.1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
python-libs.x86_64 | 2.6.6-29.el6_3.3 | @smeupdates9 | |
python-paste.noarch | 1.7.4-1.el6 | @base | |
python-pycurl.x86_64 | 7.19.0-8.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
python-simplejson.x86_64 | 2.0.9-3.1.el6 | @base | |
python-urlgrabber.noarch | 3.9.1-8.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
pyxf86config.x86_64 | 0.3.37-7.1.el6 | @base | |
pyzor.noarch | 0.5.0-3.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
ql2100-firmware.noarch | 1.19.38-3.1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
ql2200-firmware.noarch | 2.02.08-3.1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
ql23xx-firmware.noarch | 3.03.27-3.1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
ql2400-firmware.noarch | 5.06.05-1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
ql2500-firmware.noarch | 5.06.05-1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
qmail.x86_64 | 1.03-17.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
qmailanalog.x86_64 | 0.70-8.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
qpsmtpd.noarch | 0.84-4.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
qpsmtpd-plugins.noarch | 0.0.1-3.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
quota.x86_64 | 1:3.17-18.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
radiusclient.x86_64 | 0.3.2-0.2.el5.rf | @smeos8 | |
razor-agents.x86_64 | 2.85-1.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
readline.x86_64 | 6.0-4.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
redhat-logos.noarch | 60.0.14-12.el6.centos | @smeupdates9 | |
rmt.x86_64 | 1:0.4-0.6.b42.el6 | @base | |
rootfiles.noarch | 8.1-6.1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
rpcbind.x86_64 | 0.2.0-9.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
rpm.x86_64 | 4.8.0-27.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
rpm-build.x86_64 | 4.8.0-27.el6 | @base | |
rpm-libs.x86_64 | 4.8.0-27.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
rpm-python.x86_64 | 4.8.0-27.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
rp-pppoe.x86_64 | 3.10-8.el6 | @base | |
rssh.x86_64 | 2.3.3-2.el6.rf | @smeupdates9 | |
rsync.x86_64 | 3.0.6-9.el6 | @base | |
rsyslog.x86_64 | 5.8.10-2.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
runit.x86_64 | 2.0.0-1.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
samba.x86_64 | 3.5.10-125.el6 | @base | |
samba-client.x86_64 | 3.5.10-125.el6 | @base | |
samba-common.x86_64 | 3.5.10-125.el6 | @base | |
samba-winbind-clients.x86_64 | 3.5.10-125.el6 | @base | |
screen.x86_64 | 4.0.3-16.el6 | @base | |
sed.x86_64 | 4.2.1-10.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
selinux-policy.noarch | 3.7.19-155.el6_3.14 | @updates | |
setserial.x86_64 | 2.17-25.el6 | @base | |
setup.noarch | 2.8.14-20.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
sgml-common.noarch | 0.6.3-32.el6 | @base | |
sgpio.x86_64 | | @base | |
shadow-utils.x86_64 | 2: | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
slang.x86_64 | 2.2.1-1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
smartmontools.x86_64 | 1:5.42-2.el6 | @base | |
smeserver-audittools.noarch | 1.4.0-1.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-clamav.noarch | 2.2.0-12.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
smeserver-locale-bg.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-da.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-de.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-el.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-es.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-et.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-fr.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-he.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-hu.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-id.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-it.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-ja.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-nb.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-nl.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-pl.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-pt.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-pt_BR.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-ro.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-ru.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-sl.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-sv.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-th.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-tr.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-zh_CN.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-locale-zh_TW.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-qpsmtpd.noarch | 2.2.0-15.el5.sme | @smeupdates8 | |
smeserver-release.noarch | 26:9.0-0.alpha1.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-spamassassin.noarch | 2.2.0-9.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
smeserver-support.noarch | 2.4.0-3.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smeserver-yum.noarch | 2.4.0-2.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
smolt.noarch | 1.4.3-5.el6.sme | @smeupdates-testing9 | |
spamassassin.x86_64 | 3.3.1-52.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
sqlite.x86_64 | 3.6.20-1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
squid.x86_64 | 7:3.1.10-9.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
strace.x86_64 | 4.5.19-1.11.el6_3.2 | @smeupdates9 | |
stunnel.x86_64 | 4.29-2.el6 | @base | |
stunnel-tls.x86_64 | 3.22-4.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
sudo.x86_64 | 1.7.4p5-13.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
sysfsutils.x86_64 | 2.1.0-7.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
syslinux.x86_64 | 4.02-7.el6 | @base | |
system-config-firewall-base.noarch | 1.2.27-5.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
sysvinit-tools.x86_64 | 2.87-4.dsf.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
tai64nunix.x86_64 | 0.70-5.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
tar.x86_64 | 2:1.23-9.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
tcp_wrappers.x86_64 | 7.6-57.el6 | @base | |
tcp_wrappers-libs.x86_64 | 7.6-57.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
tcpdump.x86_64 | 14:4.0.0-3.20090921gitdf3cb4.2.el6 | @base | |
tcsh.x86_64 | 6.17-19.el6_2 | @base | |
tdb-tools.x86_64 | 1.2.1-3.el6 | @base | |
telnet.x86_64 | 1:0.17-47.el6_3.1 | @smeupdates9 | |
time.x86_64 | 1.7-37.1.el6 | @base | |
tmpwatch.x86_64 | 2.9.16-4.el6 | @base | |
tnef.x86_64 | 1.4.9-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
tokyocabinet.x86_64 | 1.4.33-6.el6 | @base | |
traceroute.x86_64 | 3:2.0.14-2.el6 | @base | |
turba-h3.noarch | 2.3.5-1.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
tzdata.noarch | 2012j-1.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
ucspi-tcp.x86_64 | 0.88-5.el5.sme | @smeos8 | |
udev.x86_64 | 147-2.42.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
ulogd.x86_64 | 1.24-2.fc6 | @smeos8 | |
unix2dos.x86_64 | 2.2-35.el6 | @base | |
unzip.x86_64 | 6.0-1.el6 | @base | |
upstart.x86_64 | 0.6.5-12.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
urlview.x86_64 | 0.9-7.el6 | @base | |
usbutils.x86_64 | 003-4.el6 | @base | |
usermode.x86_64 | 1.102-3.el6 | @base | |
ustr.x86_64 | 1.0.4-9.1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
util-linux-ng.x86_64 | 2.17.2-12.7.el6_3 | @smeupdates9 | |
uuid.x86_64 | 1.6.1-10.el6 | @base | |
uuid-perl.x86_64 | 1.6.1-10.el6 | @base | |
vconfig.x86_64 | 1.9-8.1.el6 | @base | |
vim-common.x86_64 | 2:7.2.411-1.8.el6 | @base | |
vim-enhanced.x86_64 | 2:7.2.411-1.8.el6 | @base | |
vim-minimal.x86_64 | 2:7.2.411-1.8.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
wget.x86_64 | 1.12-1.8.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
which.x86_64 | 2.19-6.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
wodim.x86_64 | 1.1.9-11.el6 | @base | |
words.noarch | 3.0-17.el6 | @base | |
wv.x86_64 | 1.2.7-2.el6 | @smeupdates9 | |
xfsprogs.x86_64 | 3.1.1-7.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
xlhtml.x86_64 | 0.5-6.fc6 | @smeos8 | |
xz.x86_64 | 4.999.9-0.3.beta.20091007git.el6 | @base | |
xz-libs.x86_64 | 4.999.9-0.3.beta.20091007git.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
xz-lzma-compat.x86_64 | 4.999.9-0.3.beta.20091007git.el6 | @base | |
yum.noarch | 3.2.29-30.el6.centos | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
yum-metadata-parser.x86_64 | 1.1.2-16.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
yum-plugin-fastestmirror.noarch | 1.1.30-14.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
yum-presto.noarch | 0.6.2-1.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 | |
zip.x86_64 | 3.0-1.el6 | @base | |
zlib.x86_64 | 1.2.3-27.el6 | @anaconda-CentOS-201207061011.x86_64/6.3 |