SME Server talk:Documentation:Administration Manual:Chapter6

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Need to add backup to USB Disk

Snoble 19:37, 27 September 2007 (MDT)

Would like to add more explanation regarding "reconfigure your server". I tested this and the option does not bring you to the "configure server" screens as it might imply but rather it only invokes the "Activating configuration settings" routine followed by a reboot. Newer users may not be familiar with the signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot routines just yet. More clarification is needed as to what a "reconfigure server" actually is, does, and when it is needed.

I suggest you make a proposition here so we can review it and when satisfied add it to the manual. Thanks in advance. — Cactus (talk | contribs 08:08, 17 May 2009 (UTC)