Updates cycles

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The SME Server update and maintenance cycle consists in the management of a number of repositories and package categories.


The master directories associated with the update and maintenance cycles are located on the build system. Their content is then propagated to the mirrors.

They are:

-dev [corresponds to smedev in the mirrors] 
-test [corresponds to smetest in the mirrors]
-updates-testing [corresponds to smeupdates-testing in the mirrors]
-updates [corresponds to smeupdates in the mirrors]

In addition, there is a staging area (stage) that is used to build the next ISO, you will see reference to it in some repository update emails.

Package Categories

-Sme modified packages.  

Changelog generated in-house and including a reference to a Bug in Bugzilla. Verification required before release.

-Upstream packages (i.e. packages from centos, epel, atrpms, rpmforge, etc).

These are either not SME modified packages, or are kernel mods. There are no bug reports or in-house changelog generated, summary testing only before release.

-Clamav packages.

This is a special case. Whilst not build by SME, and due to problem having been experienced in the past, these packages (three of them) are attached to a single SME bug in bugzilla. There is no specific changelog. However, verification is recommended before release.


Not part of the updatesteam maintenance cycle. Verification and release are managed by individual maintainers. However, contribs packages are created in smetest, then moved direct to smecontribs - they do not appear in smeupdates-testing.


The build system generates automatically all categories of packages by means of a script developed by Shad Lords. The script looks for all packages in higher level repos (contribs, updates, os, extras, etc) and checks for newer version in centos, epel, atrpms, rpmforge, buildsys. If it finds a newer version then it will automatically move it to the smetest repo. This is where developers/contributors should look for possible updates. No checking has been done at this point and quiet often the packages pulled automatically aren't fully compatible.

In most instances, the script will see newly built packages and put them in smetest automatically. All transaction are the subject of a repository update email (from releases@contribs.org) to the updatesteam list. For example, as soon as a new tzdata package from centos becomes available for sme8, the new package is dropped into smetest.


An automated email is also generated:

-Subject:[updatesteam] Repository Update
-Date: 	Mon, 26 Nov 2012 10:47:31 -0700
-From: 	releases@contribs.org (Releases)
-To: 	updatesteam@lists.contribs.org
-tzdata (sme8)
-copy from centos to smetest (tzdata-2012i-2.el5.i386.rpm)
-copy from centos to smetest (tzdata-2012i-2.el5.src.rpm)
-copy from centos to smetest (tzdata-2012i-2.el5.x86_64.rpm)
-rebuild repo (sme8)
-rebuild smetest/i386
-rebuild smetest/x86_64
-SME Server maintenance team internal discussion
-To unsubscribe, e-mail updatesteam-unsubscribe@lists.contribs.org
-Searchable archive at http://lists.contribs.org/mailman/private/updatesteam/

However, if the build system has never seen a package before, the package will end up in smedev instead of smetest. Smedev is where all first time built packages end up. It is also where all the extra packages that come out of a build end up if we don't use them. An example is php. We don't use all the packages that come out of the php srpm. The ones we don't use end up in smedev while the rest that we do would progress from smetest -> smeupdates-testing -> smeupdates -> smeos. Smetest and smedev are basically on the same level but are separate so the developers don't have to sift through all the unwanted/unneeded packages. If a package becomes wanted or needed then move it from smedev to smetest.

All packages we know about are checked. If a developer adds a new dependency that we haven't seen before, then the developer will need to manually scp the file into smetest on first use for it to be processed and added to the distro. After that the script will check for newer/updated versions and drop them automatically in smetest whenever a new version is available. To build a package (the buildsys will choose itself where it goes) simply send the build command from your environement (see the wiki page for package build).

Smetest can have multiple versions of a package, maybe the three newest. I am not aware whether they are archived. As they are built from CVS it should be possible to recreate one if really needed.

When the developer is satisfied that a package won't break the system and wants wider testing without actually releasing things, the package should be moved manually into smeupdates-testing. This is a semi-stable testing area that shouldn't break a system but hasn't been verified yet. This repo is also included in Shad's staging area (stage) for the purpose of building the next ISO. All verifications should be done on packages in smeupdates-testing. Once the package is verified, and agreement reached on the Go/NoGo for releasing, the package should be copied manually to smeupdates and released.