User talk:Calisun

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Revision as of 06:59, 29 June 2011 by Calisun (talk | contribs)
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Following Step-by-Step instructions are for installing wordpress in an iBay of SME 8.x

(tested on 8b6)

== PART ONE: ==

---Before installing Wordpress:


Any subsequent wordpress installs, go to the Second Part.

1) Wordpress needs php temporary directory, but on a default SME install this is not enabled.

SME developers state that this can be a security issue, but until there is a workaround, we need to create it:

Follow Jonathans instructions from here to create it:

[ ]

2) This step is not necessary, you can do it if you need to upload files/ pictures larger than the default settings in php.

(It can be done again if for some reason values need to be changed)

   db configuration setprop php MemoryLimit 128M
   db configuration setprop php PostMaxSize 112M
   db configuration setprop php UploadMaxFilesize 96M
   expand-template /etc/php.ini 
   sv t httpd-e-smith

== PART TWO: ==

---Wordpress install on SME server:

1) Create an iBay in which you wish to install wordpress on.

When creating the iBay in admin panel, change the group from Admin to everyone. This will allow users to create blogs and post pictures without having permission issues. Also, under Public access via web, choose Entire internet without password. And enable Execution of dynamic content.

2) Issue following command (Change "iBay" to the name of your ibay)

   db accounts setprop "iBay" AllowOverride all
   db accounts setprop "iBay" FollowSymLinks enabled
   db accounts setprop "iBay" Indexes disabled
   signal-event ibay-modify "iBay"

3) Issue following command (Change "iBay" to the name of your ibay)

   db accounts setprop "iBay" PHPBaseDir /home/e-smith/files/ibays/"iBay":/tmp
   signal-event ibay-modify "iBay"

4) Create mysql database and database user for wordpress to use. Make sure database user has all the privileges to the database you have created. For security reasons, allow access to the database from localhost only.

5) Download latest version from to your computer and unzip it. Upload unzipped wordpress to desired ibay/html

6) In the admin panel, point the correct domain to this new iBay.

6) Point your web browser to your domain and go through the installation process.

      • If you want to have a single blog (personal blog) on one domain, you are done.

--- To enable Multisite:

1) Open wp-config.php and add the folowing code:

   define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);

- just above

   define('DB_NAME', .....

2) Log into your wordpress Dashboard

Under: Tools, Network

Choose desired settings and click on Install

3) After you click install, you will be taken to a "Enabling the Network" screen

Make sure you follow ALL 3 steps.

4) SME Server specific change, in the .htaccess file change:


   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteBase /


   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteBase /"ibay"

      • If you are planning to run several blogs under one domain, than you are done.

But if you are planning to run several Domains on one wordpress install, in wp-config.php, change:


   define( ‘DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE’, ‘’ );
