P2P blocking

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Revision as of 20:40, 3 October 2010 by RayMitchell (talk | contribs) (link corrected)
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The goal of the IPP2P project is to identify peer-to-peer (P2P) data in IP traffic.

Refer http://ipp2p.org/ which then refers to http://opendpi.org/

It appears the ipp2p project may now be defunct (at February 2010).

These instructions refer to smeserver-ipp2p.

The package must be recompiled for each released version of SME server and the corresponding kernel (and kernel mod) version.

The last smeserver-ipp2p package was released on 3 March 2009.

See Bugzilla:38 for information regarding the current status of development & maintenance.

Also see this related Forum thread http://forums.contribs.org/index.php/topic,43669.0.html


The rpm is currently located in the smetest repository here


To install do

yum install --enablerepo=smetest smeserver-ipp2p



set configuration values for various networks
The default is disabled, ie no blocking of p2p
bit = bittorrent and ipp2p = are the common protocols, the others are less common and not as well tested.

config setprop ipp2p apple enabled
config setprop ipp2p bit enabled
config setprop ipp2p ares enabled 
config setprop ipp2p ipp2p enabled
config setprop ipp2p soul enabled 
config setprop ipp2p winmx enabled 

check settings are correct

config show ipp2p

apply changes and restart server

signal-event remoteaccess-update


To disable blocking setprop to disabled

config setprop ipp2p apple disabled
config setprop ipp2p bit disabled
config setprop ipp2p ares disabled 
config setprop ipp2p ipp2p disabled
config setprop ipp2p soul disabled 
config setprop ipp2p winmx disabled

apply changes and restart server

signal-event remoteaccess-update


yum remove smeserver-ipp2p