Talk:Mod dav

From SME Server
Revision as of 18:46, 12 December 2008 by Mmccarn (talk | contribs) (typo)
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I was about to add the following to the article, but there seem to be some problems w/ the ibay support. (I'm putting this here so I don't lose my work).


  1. the current ibay script does not set any "AuthName", so the ibays fail if you enable WebDav
  2. The group auth logic doesn't seem to work - it is based on the groups listed in 'db accounts' as groups - so there doesn't seem to be an easy way to authenticate using the ibay username and password (you have to create an empty group, then assign the ibay to that group using server-manager, which doesn't feel very intuitive to me...)

DAV Enabled Ibays

smeserver-mod_dav now provides dav-enabled i-bays (at least as of smeserver-mod_dav-0.1-15.el4.sme).

You can enable

Command Apache Directive Effect notes
db accounts setprop ibayname ModDav enabled [DAV On] Enable DAV for ibayname. If the ModDav property does not exist, or if it has any value other than "enabled", DAV is not enabled for this ibay.
db accounts setprop ibayname ModDav-FileETag "some values" [FileETag] Controls the FileEtag directive for ibayname. Read more at
db accounts setprop ibayname Group groupname [Require-user] Authentication If groupname exists (in the accounts database) and has members, add all current members of the specified group as authorized users.
If groupname has no members (which is the case if you select the ibayname as the group name), set ibayname as the only authorized user.
If this keyword does not exist, then any local SME user can access ibayname using their own username and password.

Mmccarn 13:40, 16 September 2008 (UTC)

Text removed from the article:

This contrib can be found in the SME Dev repository. To install this contrib get shell access as root user and issue the following command:

yum install smeserver-mod_dav --enablerepo=smedev

Mmccarn 08:05, 20 November 2007 (MST)