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Revision as of 06:50, 15 October 2008 by RayMitchell (talk | contribs) (added Configuration section)
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Dietmar Berteld


With this RPM you can use the popular Content-Management-System (CMS) Joomla on your SME 7.x. You can install it as one single package in a very comfortable way. For more information see

Installation and Uninstall

Initially check the current version available from which at the time of writing is smeserver-joomla-1.5.1-2.noarch.rpm

Download and install using the following commands (Please remember to replace the version number in the command with the currently available version number or the download will fail)

cd /tmp
yum localinstall smeserver-joomla*.rpm

For uninstall use the following command

rpm -e smeserver-joomla

You can ignore the yum-comments signal event post-upgrade and signal-event reboot.


You can find joomla in the /opt/joomla directory. For using Joomla start your browser with the URL http://servername/joomla and logon with the user admin + password admin as administrator.


If you want to redirect your joomla installation to your favorite URL, use this Redirection Tutorial.

For security-reasons, change your admin-password after your first login !


Initial configuration (in the Joomla control panel) requires permissions on the configuration.php file to be made web accessible. This should only be done temporarily as anyone can have access to the file when it is in web accessible write mode.

cd to the folder where configuration.php is located eg if in /opt/joomla then do

cd /opt/joomla

or if installed to an ibay

cd /home/e-smith/files/ibays/joomla/html/

to see the current permissions (and you should make a note of them)

ls -al configuration.php

to TEMPORARILY change to a suitable value to allow Joomla control panel to make and save changes

chmod 770 configuration.php

Then make & save your changes in Joomla

Then you MUST change permissions back to safe values to prevent anyone from accessing the config file eg

chmod 640 configuration.php

Have much fun with Joomla as your preferred CMS !

Dietmar Berteld (berdie)