
From SME Server
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This is an overview of confirmed, recently fixed and closed issues on core SME Server, you have also The Matrix Direct Link. Please see the most recent activities on on all SME Server related components, including contribs and feature requests.

We invite you to 'adopt' a bug and work on it with others. Simply jump in and add your comments to the bug to start fixing it.

Issues resolved by the release of updated RPM's since latest FINAL ISO:

SME Server 9.0

No updates found.

SME Server 8.1

No updates found.

Core SME Server version 8 and 9 components issues VERIFIED, in smetest repo and awaiting release

No core issues currently in progress.

Core SME Server version 8 and 9 components issues RESOLVED awaiting Verification

Please visit this page on how to assist in verifying.

No core issues currently in progress.

Core SME Server 9 blocking issues for next release

No core issues currently in progress.

Core SME Server 8 blocking issues for next release

No core issues currently in progress.

Core SME Server version 8 and 9 components issues CONFIRMED

IDProductVersionPackageStatusSummary (106 tasks)
12959SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-yumCONFIRMEDdnf update leaves error in logs
12954SME Server 11.X--smeserver-ntpCONFIRMEDntpd takes up to 5min30s to start
12950SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDNeed audit of all panels and languages and the coverage between them
12947SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDDesktop Backup does not allow anything after until screen is refreshed.
12946SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-managerCONFIRMED"Argument "" isn't numeric" Error message on every refresh of SM2 screen
12940SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-spamassassinCONFIRMEDspamassassin-update event has no action
12924SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDNFR: allow smanager setting for ftp Anonymous access
12911SME Server 11.X11.alpha1anacondaCONFIRMEDpatch anaconda to change default partitionning
12908SME Server 11.X11.alpha1---CONFIRMEDsm2 v50 - Variable "$config" is not imported at template webhosting.html.ep line 6.
12904SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDNFR paste ssh key in smanager Remote Access Panel
12903SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDThe jDatatable tables do not reflect the current locale in terms of language etc. Only show English
12901SME Server 11.X11.alpha1---CONFIRMEDLocale not consistently applied
12895SME Server 11.X-----CONFIRMEDIncorrect boot loader information on install
12884SME Server 11.X--e-smith-managerCONFIRMEDIf the First / last name are already duplicated in another account, then the error message is not specific enough (and confusing)
12879SME Server 11.X--smeserver-dovecotCONFIRMEDNFR define default folder
12866SME Server 11.X--smeserver-certificatesCONFIRMEDserver-manager letsencypt should have on/off for ip check
12862SME Server 11.X--mini-qmailCONFIRMEDCleanup qmail users
12799SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDNFR: Replicate user accounts to samba Active Directory
12772SME Server 11.X--smeserver-libCONFIRMEDMove network functions from util.pm to util/network.pm
12769SME Server 11.X--smeserver-mini-qmailCONFIRMEDChanging forward address isn't reflected in .qmail file
12768SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDuserdel: user is currently used by process
12756SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDLoaded Server manager 2 shows "Sme server 2 - initial" on browser tab
12738SME Server 11.X--smeserver-roundcubeCONFIRMEDupdate roundcube.identities.email field in mysql whenever domain is changed
12734SME Server 11.X--smeserver-mysqlCONFIRMEDMariaDB config setting table_definition_cache
12728SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateCONFIRMEDWarning for signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot scrolls off screen.
12726SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDSoftware Installer panel not waiting for dnf to finish and displaying log to that point.
12725SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDTop message when reconfigure required not set to be translateable.
12716SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateCONFIRMEDalert after EOL if upstream release is not up to date
12713SME Server 11.X--smeserver-localeCONFIRMEDUpdate smeserver-manager.locale with po files (for weblate import) and also fix up a few lex files
12707SME Server 11.X--smeserver-localeCONFIRMEDJapanese, Norwegian and Hebrew navigation files have incorrect language codes
12705SME Server 11.X--smeserver-localeCONFIRMEDJapanese and Romanian translations only partial - headings, but not a lot more.
12704SME Server 11.X--smeserver-localeCONFIRMEDHebrew translation only has "Date and Time" panel translated.
12702SME Server 11.X--smeserver-localeCONFIRMEDsome translations missing Menu item translation
12700SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDNo way of programming in the translation for a contrib menu item title to be translated
12699SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDSM2 Re-configure and Reboot not translated
12696SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDUncaught File 'Roboto-Regular.ttf' not found in virtual file system
12666SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDLegacy panels under Server Manager 2 still require login to SM1
12657SME Server 11.X--smeserver-nutUPSCONFIRMEDnut configuration
12580SME Server 11.X-----CONFIRMEDUpdate any other reference to e-smith-.*-update to smeserver
12566SME Server 11.X--daemontoolsCONFIRMEDseek alternative to daemontools-encore 1.10-2 / daemontools 0.76
12513SME Server 11.X--ipsvdCONFIRMEDevaluate to retire ipsvd (required by smesevrer-qpsmtpd and smeserver-tftp-server)
12482SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDMake login by ordinary user show correct menu
12446SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDInitial screen - immediately after install - fails to show translated message
12433SME Server 11.X--smeserver-backupCONFIRMEDupon restore keep user id entry from supported services
12400SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDadapt last update for yum panel to smanager
12377SME Server 11.X--smeserver-mockCONFIRMEDBogusDateBot.sh not handling multiple spaces within data
12370SME Server 11.X-----CONFIRMEDnew smeserver package to trigger install of smeserver packages on rocky 8
12360SME Server 11.X--smeserver-apacheCONFIRMEDChange all references to httpd-e-smith to httpd-smeserver
12320SME Server 11.X--smeserver-ibaysCONFIRMEDAdd functions to e-smith-ibays for webapps
12312SME Server 11.X--smeserver-clamavCONFIRMEDExtraneous database update values in clamav and freshclam
12302SME Server 11.X--smeserver-phpCONFIRMEDNFR allow admin customization of ibays php fpm pool
12245SME Server 11.X--smeserver-manager-AdminLTECONFIRMEDMenu formatting with Server Manager 2 and AdminLTE
12218SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDself-signed certificate renews every 24hrs with ' (apostrophe) in ldap field
12156SME Server 11.X--smeserver-backupCONFIRMEDlog user to remove as they have no more use and missing their home
12141SME Server 10.X10.1smeserver-supportCONFIRMEDlist contribs
12110SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDuntainting printers server-manager2
12099SME Server 11.X--smeserver-opensshCONFIRMEDIncrease MaxAuthTries for sshd
11935SME Server 11.X-----CONFIRMEDoauth soon mandatory to fetch from gmail accounts
11900SME Server 11.X--smeserver-mysqlCONFIRMEDcheck use of /sbin/e-smith/mysql-preload
11884SME Server 11.X--smeserver-backupCONFIRMEDdesync of /etc/shadow - /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/gshadow
11817SME Server 11.X--smeserver-manager-AdminLTECONFIRMEDGet Breadcrumb trail working - AdminLTE theme
11810SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDLicense panel is left truncated, does not flow.
11772SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDssl.pm does not handle elliptic curve certificates
11560SME Server 11.X--smeserver-grubCONFIRMEDupdate-grub action runt by local on every reboot
11540SME Server 11.X--mod_auth_tktCONFIRMEDcookie without SameSite property
11427SME Server 11.X--smeserver-phpCONFIRMEDallow set timeout
11400SME Server 11.X--smeserver-phpCONFIRMEDease php change for contribs
11271SME Server 11.X--smeserver-mysqlCONFIRMEDChanging host.domain does not update Host in mysql database
11235SME Server 11.X-----CONFIRMEDconfig memory / number convert sanitizer
11085SME Server 11.X--smeserver-certificatesCONFIRMEDimprove integration of certificate with dehydrated using a dedicated domain
10977SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDMake remoteaccess.pm also validate the subnet octets - make change for Server-Manager2
10778SME Server 11.X--smeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMED554 Message not allowed - [299] on yahoo server after enabling disclaimer
10598SME Server 11.X--spamassassinCONFIRMEDspamassassin needs updating to GeoIP2
10590SME Server 11.X--smeserver-ldapCONFIRMEDNFR: limit access to some groups
10550SME Server 11.X--smeserver-libCONFIRMEDNFR password generator
10440SME Server 11.X--smeserver-postfixCONFIRMEDemail to pseudonyms pointing to another pseudonym fails when they are another full email
10285SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDPrevent entering invalid netmask
10233SME Server 11.X--smeserver-backupCONFIRMEDrestore from console will not restore mysql db
10103SME Server 11.X--perl-Mail-DMARCCONFIRMEDDMARC sql error in qpsmtpd log
10090SME Server 11.X--smeserver-emailCONFIRMEDmodify SM email panel wording to make spamassassin setting clearer
9906SME Server 11.X--smeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDRejected DMARC emails are tried every night, and never deleted?
9844SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDUser-password gives misleading error on entering same password
9805SME Server 11.X--smeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDFailure in DMARC report sending overnight
9656SME Server 11.X--smeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDReturn 4XX in case of DNS timeout while fetching dkim policies
9431SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDerror running bootstrap-console
9426SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDwarning in messages logs and on screen when running ippp
9273SME Server 11.X--smeserver-spamassassinCONFIRMEDTextCat spamassassin plugin not loaded in the correct file
9058SME Server 11.X--smeserver-sambaCONFIRMEDOplock break failed for file USER.V5/NTUSER.DAT
8945SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerCONFIRMEDNFR: present option to set forward or adjust wording on Locked account screen
8420SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDLocal Networks - Delete Form - "Abbrechen" Button does not work correct
8192SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDMove dmount() to backup.pm
8074SME Server 11.X--smeserver-emailCONFIRMEDSMTP to ISP Authentication timeout problem
7891SME Server 11.X--smeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDEmail - Block Executable Content false positives when signature found in the middle of a file
7840SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDCannot exit from console on tty1 when console boot set to auto mode
7805SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDAdditional old name cannot be removed in DNS panel after updating e-smith-base to version 5.2.0-79.el5.sme
7804SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDOld name cannot be removed in DNS panel after server name is changed after updating e-smith-base to version 5.2.0-79.el5.sme
7742SME Server 11.X--smeserver-dovecotCONFIRMEDIMAP session continues after disable IMAP in server-manager
7044SME Server FutureUnknown---CONFIRMEDInstallation: hard disk preparation exceptions after selecting Greek language
6836SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDconsole backup does not cope well with multiple removable devices available [8b7]
6796SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDhostentries do no survive change of domain
Warnings were generated during the execution of function
  1. Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100

Core SME Server documentation and translations issues CONFIRMED

IDProductVersionPackageStatusSummary (63 tasks)
12957SME Server Documentation12.x---CONFIRMEDmove documentation and developer guide to sphinx documentation
12851SME Server Documentation11.xsmeserver-apacheCONFIRMEDadd .well-known/security.txt and more ..
12850SME Server Documentation11.xsmeserver-apacheCONFIRMEDTemplate for Content-Security-Policy on VirtualHosts
12849SME Server Documentation11.xsmeserver-apacheCONFIRMEDadd hsts support
12455SME Server Documentation10.0---CONFIRMEDMissing PassivePorts documentation
12409SME Server Documentation10.0---CONFIRMEDZabbix-proxy - No version number
12408SME Server Documentation10.0---CONFIRMEDZabbix contrib - Uninstall is missing
12407SME Server Documentation10.0---CONFIRMEDzabbix contrib - obsolete XML exports templates link
11962SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDConfig properties for rsyslog, log messages from systemd journal to syslog.
11746SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-radiusdCONFIRMEDAdd Radius auth via PAP and db settings add LDAP and WAP auth now available see bugs
11709SME Server Documentation10.0---CONFIRMEDcontrib smeserver-dokuwiki - link to http://gitweb.firewall-services.com
11594SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-backupCONFIRMEDWorkstation backup no longer supports SMB1, now includes option to backup to a SMB1 target
11585SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-sambaCONFIRMEDnew default executable files disabled by default smb, ibay and pers space
11584SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-mysqlCONFIRMEDTemplate more mysqld parameters list of avail db settings
11583SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-mysqlCONFIRMEDEnable mysqld slow queries log see db settings
11562SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-sambaCONFIRMEDSMB config settings for client min protocol and server min protocol
11538SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-emailCONFIRMEDClamAV silently ignores .rar archives - enable this filter if you want to exclude rar archives
11533SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-baseCONFIRMEDNFR: Template dhcpd.conf domain-name-servers setting
11509SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-emailCONFIRMEDClamAV silently ignores .rar archives
11497SME Server Documentation10.0---CONFIRMEDcontribs: change usage of headertabs to tabs
11473SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-hordeCONFIRMEDwhen accessing to admin panel in Horde we get this message on red background
11472SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-phpCONFIRMEDOption to update PHPBaseDir to include PEAR on dynamic content enabled ibay
11460SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-phpCONFIRMEDsync php properties accross ibays fpm and php.init
11434SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-mysqlCONFIRMEDEnabling MySQL 4-byte support
11377SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-spamassassinCONFIRMEDspamd SpamLearning needs to be changed to spamassassin SpamLearning
11347SME Server Documentation10.0---CONFIRMEDInitial Import in SME 10 [smeserver-remoteuseraccess]
11346SME Server Documentation10.0rsshCONFIRMEDuser needing scp access with rssh shell need to be member of rsshusers group
11261SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-runitCONFIRMEDNeeds details adding to wiki for info - runit should run at basic.target and before network.target
11260SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-packetfilterCONFIRMEDUpdate wiki re use of pptpd for sme10, has been depreciated
11259SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-emailCONFIRMEDmigration to systemd - smtp-auth-proxy - /service/smtp-auth-proxy/run
11258SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-ldapCONFIRMEDmigration to systemd - ldap - /service/ldap/run
11257SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-apacheCONFIRMEDmigration to systemd - httpd-e-smith - /service/httpd-e-smith/run - httpd.service
11240SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-radiusdCONFIRMEDWiki needs update re migration to systemd - radiusd - /service/radiusd/run - radiusd.service
11238SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-nutUPSCONFIRMEDService migrated to systemd, renamed ups, changes to template structure and nameing
11237SME Server Documentation10.0multiple-packagesCONFIRMEDChanges to actions and events as indicated a consequence of systemd-reload changes
11236SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDUpdate docs with change to systemd - qpsmtpd - /service/qpsmtpd/run
11225SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-phpCONFIRMED[systemd] enable php services for sme-server.target
11220SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-qmailCONFIRMED[updates w/o reboot] migration intergration - e-smith-qmail
11219SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-baseCONFIRMED[systemd] starting a service with systemd only if `db configuration getprop SERVICE status` is enabled
11218SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-qmailCONFIRMEDservice needs migration to systemd - qmail - /service/qmail/run
11214SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-tinydnsCONFIRMEDservice needs migration to systemd - tinydns - /service/tinydns/run
11213SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-dnscacheCONFIRMEDservice needs migration to systemd - dnscache - /service/dnscache/run
11188SME Server Documentation10.0---CONFIRMEDAMD processors other than server class have no official support
10990SME Server Documentation10.0---CONFIRMEDSoftware_Collections:Python wiki instructions are need to be updated in particular for SME10
10555SME Server Documentation9.2---CONFIRMEDupdate wiki pages
10553SME Server Documentation9.0---CONFIRMEDupdate way we configure repo in wikipage
10540SME Server Documentation9.2---CONFIRMEDNICBonding not documented in server manual
10375SME Server Documentation10.0---CONFIRMEDAnaconda exception report - name already in use
9941SME Server Documentation9.0smeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDDisable DMARC and SPF rejections by default
9545SME Server Documentation9.0---CONFIRMEDreplace manually entered repo info in wiki pages
9469SME Server Documentation9.1smeserver-qpsmtpdCONFIRMEDDocument qpsmtpd changes
9371SME Server Translations8.x---CONFIRMEDPootle does not import already present translation
9083SME Server Documentation9.0---CONFIRMEDAll qpsmtpd properties should be listed in http://wiki.contribs.org/DB_Variables_Configuration
8885SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-packetfilterCONFIRMEDmasq TCPMinimizeDelay db setting and masq template
8844SME Server Documentation9.0---CONFIRMEDThe pointer of the download page is lost in too much Informations
8843SME Server Documentation9.0---CONFIRMEDUpdate the wiki UPS Page
8798SME Server Documentation9.0---CONFIRMEDAffa 3 Wiki Page
8779SME Server Documentation9.0---CONFIRMEDKeep a copy of all emails - not working
8148SME Server Documentation8.0---CONFIRMEDDocument changes to backup (DAR) in respect of inconsistent set numbers
7799SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-ibaysCONFIRMEDAn ibay cannot have the same name as an html sub-directory
7664SME Server Documentation8.0---CONFIRMEDinstalling modSSL verified certificate doesn't work for SSL IMAP or SSMTP transactions
6749SME Server Documentation8.0---CONFIRMEDAudit the pages listed under Category:Contrib in the wiki
1695SME Server Documentation10.0smeserver-ibaysCONFIRMEDNFR: allow i-bays named after reserved names.

Important.png Note:
The above fixed core packages will automatically be made available as regular updates through the updates repository. Before they become available as a regular update, the packages will be in the smetest repository for testing purposes. Entries marked in red are critical updates, and should be installed immediately.