From SME Server
Revision as of 00:56, 12 January 2015 by RequestedDeletion (talk | contribs) (→Do not be alarmed by the listings here. If there was something serious going on.You would know about it before visiting this page!)
Do not be alarmed by the listings here. If there was something serious going on,
you would have know about it before visiting this page!
This is an overview of confirmed, recently fixed and closed issues on core SME Server. Please see the most recent activities on on all SME Server related components, including contribs and feature requests.
We invite you to 'adopt' a bug and work on it with others. Simply jump in and add your comments to the bug to start fixing it.
Last update March 19, 2025. 20:19 local time Paris
Issues resolved by the release of updated RPM's since latest FINAL ISO:
SME Server 9.0
No updates found.
SME Server 8.1
No updates found.
Core SME Server version 8 and 9 components issues VERIFIED, in smetest repo and awaiting release
No core issues currently in progress.
Core SME Server version 8 and 9 components issues RESOLVED awaiting Verification
Please visit this page on how to assist in verifying.
No core issues currently in progress.
Core SME Server version 8 and 9 components issues CONFIRMED
ID | Product | Version | Package | Status | Summary (176 tasks) ⇒ |
12959 | SME Server 11.X | 11.alpha1 | smeserver-yum | CONFIRMED | dnf update leaves error in logs |
12954 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-ntp | CONFIRMED | ntpd takes up to 5min30s to start |
12950 | SME Server 11.X | 11.alpha1 | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | Need audit of all panels and languages and the coverage between them |
12947 | SME Server 11.X | 11.alpha1 | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | Desktop Backup does not allow anything after until screen is refreshed. |
12946 | SME Server 11.X | 11.alpha1 | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | "Argument "" isn't numeric" Error message on every refresh of SM2 screen |
12940 | SME Server 11.X | 11.alpha1 | smeserver-spamassassin | CONFIRMED | spamassassin-update event has no action |
12924 | SME Server 11.X | 11.alpha1 | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | NFR: allow smanager setting for ftp Anonymous access |
12911 | SME Server 11.X | 11.alpha1 | anaconda | CONFIRMED | patch anaconda to change default partitionning |
12908 | SME Server 11.X | 11.alpha1 | --- | CONFIRMED | sm2 v50 - Variable "$config" is not imported at template webhosting.html.ep line 6. |
12904 | SME Server 11.X | 11.alpha1 | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | NFR paste ssh key in smanager Remote Access Panel |
12903 | SME Server 11.X | 11.alpha1 | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | The jDatatable tables do not reflect the current locale in terms of language etc. Only show English |
12901 | SME Server 11.X | 11.alpha1 | --- | CONFIRMED | Locale not consistently applied |
12895 | SME Server 11.X | -- | --- | CONFIRMED | Incorrect boot loader information on install |
12884 | SME Server 11.X | -- | e-smith-manager | CONFIRMED | If the First / last name are already duplicated in another account, then the error message is not specific enough (and confusing) |
12879 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-dovecot | CONFIRMED | NFR define default folder |
12866 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-certificates | CONFIRMED | server-manager letsencypt should have on/off for ip check |
12862 | SME Server 11.X | -- | mini-qmail | CONFIRMED | Cleanup qmail users |
12833 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-email | CONFIRMED | remove /usr/local/sbin/smtp-auth-proxy.pl |
12799 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | NFR: Replicate user accounts to samba Active Directory |
12772 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-lib | CONFIRMED | Move network functions from util.pm to util/network.pm |
12769 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-mini-qmail | CONFIRMED | Changing forward address isn't reflected in .qmail file |
12768 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | userdel: user is currently used by process |
12756 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | Loaded Server manager 2 shows "Sme server 2 - initial" on browser tab |
12738 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-roundcube | CONFIRMED | update roundcube.identities.email field in mysql whenever domain is changed |
12734 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-mysql | CONFIRMED | MariaDB config setting table_definition_cache |
12728 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-update | CONFIRMED | Warning for signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot scrolls off screen. |
12726 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | Software Installer panel not waiting for dnf to finish and displaying log to that point. |
12725 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | Top message when reconfigure required not set to be translateable. |
12716 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-update | CONFIRMED | alert after EOL if upstream release is not up to date |
12713 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-locale | CONFIRMED | Update smeserver-manager.locale with po files (for weblate import) and also fix up a few lex files |
12707 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-locale | CONFIRMED | Japanese, Norwegian and Hebrew navigation files have incorrect language codes |
12705 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-locale | CONFIRMED | Japanese and Romanian translations only partial - headings, but not a lot more. |
12704 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-locale | CONFIRMED | Hebrew translation only has "Date and Time" panel translated. |
12702 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-locale | CONFIRMED | some translations missing Menu item translation |
12700 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | No way of programming in the translation for a contrib menu item title to be translated |
12699 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | SM2 Re-configure and Reboot not translated |
12696 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | Uncaught File 'Roboto-Regular.ttf' not found in virtual file system |
12692 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | use same wording for user action script |
12666 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | Legacy panels under Server Manager 2 still require login to SM1 |
12657 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-nutUPS | CONFIRMED | nut configuration |
12580 | SME Server 11.X | -- | --- | CONFIRMED | Update any other reference to e-smith-.*-update to smeserver |
12566 | SME Server 11.X | -- | daemontools | CONFIRMED | seek alternative to daemontools-encore 1.10-2 / daemontools 0.76 |
12513 | SME Server 11.X | -- | ipsvd | CONFIRMED | evaluate to retire ipsvd (required by smesevrer-qpsmtpd and smeserver-tftp-server) |
12482 | SME Server 11.X | 11.alpha1 | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | Make login by ordinary user show correct menu |
12446 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | Initial screen - immediately after install - fails to show translated message |
12433 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-backup | CONFIRMED | upon restore keep user id entry from supported services |
12400 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | adapt last update for yum panel to smanager |
12394 | SME Server Future | Unknown | smeserver-ldap | CONFIRMED | failure to login for some user after post-upgrade or e-smith-ldap-update events |
12377 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-mock | CONFIRMED | BogusDateBot.sh not handling multiple spaces within data |
12375 | SME Server Future | Unknown | smeserver | CONFIRMED | Change description of e-smith package to say what it does |
12370 | SME Server 11.X | -- | --- | CONFIRMED | new smeserver package to trigger install of smeserver packages on rocky 8 |
12360 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-apache | CONFIRMED | Change all references to httpd-e-smith to httpd-smeserver |
12320 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-ibays | CONFIRMED | Add functions to e-smith-ibays for webapps |
12312 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-clamav | CONFIRMED | Extraneous database update values in clamav and freshclam |
12302 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-php | CONFIRMED | NFR allow admin customization of ibays php fpm pool |
12245 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager-AdminLTE | CONFIRMED | Menu formatting with Server Manager 2 and AdminLTE |
12218 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | self-signed certificate renews every 24hrs with ' (apostrophe) in ldap field |
12156 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-backup | CONFIRMED | log user to remove as they have no more use and missing their home |
12141 | SME Server 10.X | 10.1 | smeserver-support | CONFIRMED | list contribs |
12110 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | untainting printers server-manager2 |
12099 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-openssh | CONFIRMED | Increase MaxAuthTries for sshd |
11935 | SME Server 11.X | -- | --- | CONFIRMED | oauth soon mandatory to fetch from gmail accounts |
11925 | SME Server Future | Unknown | smeserver-qpsmtpd | CONFIRMED | misleading comment output in /var/service/qpsmtpd/config/relayclients |
11900 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-mysql | CONFIRMED | check use of /sbin/e-smith/mysql-preload |
11884 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-backup | CONFIRMED | desync of /etc/shadow - /etc/passwd /etc/group /etc/gshadow |
11817 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager-AdminLTE | CONFIRMED | Get Breadcrumb trail working - AdminLTE theme |
11810 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | License panel is left truncated, does not flow. |
11772 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | ssl.pm does not handle elliptic curve certificates |
11646 | SME Server Future | Unknown | --- | CONFIRMED | Use of 0 and perl || Logical Operators can be problamatic as 0 is evaluated as false not a numeral |
11560 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-grub | CONFIRMED | update-grub action runt by local on every reboot |
11540 | SME Server 11.X | -- | mod_auth_tkt | CONFIRMED | cookie without SameSite property |
11444 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-php | CONFIRMED | ibay customisation: merge SSL option |
11427 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-php | CONFIRMED | allow set timeout |
11419 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-radiusd | CONFIRMED | remove pptpd references |
11406 | SME Server Future | Unknown | smeserver-apache | CONFIRMED | SSLRequire is deprecated |
11400 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-php | CONFIRMED | ease php change for contribs |
11271 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-mysql | CONFIRMED | Changing host.domain does not update Host in mysql database |
11235 | SME Server 11.X | -- | --- | CONFIRMED | config memory / number convert sanitizer |
11085 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-certificates | CONFIRMED | improve integration of certificate with dehydrated using a dedicated domain |
10977 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | Make remoteaccess.pm also validate the subnet octets - make change for Server-Manager2 |
10778 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-qpsmtpd | CONFIRMED | 554 Message not allowed - [299] on yahoo server after enabling disclaimer |
10598 | SME Server 11.X | -- | spamassassin | CONFIRMED | spamassassin needs updating to GeoIP2 |
10590 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-ldap | CONFIRMED | NFR: limit access to some groups |
10570 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | remove key StatusReports from config db |
10550 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-lib | CONFIRMED | NFR password generator |
10440 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-postfix | CONFIRMED | email to pseudonyms pointing to another pseudonym fails when they are another full email |
10285 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | Prevent entering invalid netmask |
10233 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-backup | CONFIRMED | restore from console will not restore mysql db |
10103 | SME Server 11.X | -- | perl-Mail-DMARC | CONFIRMED | DMARC sql error in qpsmtpd log |
10090 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-email | CONFIRMED | modify SM email panel wording to make spamassassin setting clearer |
9943 | SME Server Future | Unknown | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | reorganize manager foot copyright |
9906 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-qpsmtpd | CONFIRMED | Rejected DMARC emails are tried every night, and never deleted? |
9844 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-manager | CONFIRMED | User-password gives misleading error on entering same password |
9805 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-qpsmtpd | CONFIRMED | Failure in DMARC report sending overnight |
9696 | SME Server 11.X | -- | --- | CONFIRMED | update link http://www.contribs.org/development/ |
9656 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-qpsmtpd | CONFIRMED | Return 4XX in case of DNS timeout while fetching dkim policies |
9431 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | error running bootstrap-console |
9426 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | warning in messages logs and on screen when running ippp |
9273 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-spamassassin | CONFIRMED | TextCat spamassassin plugin not loaded in the correct file |
9058 | SME Server 11.X | -- | smeserver-samba | CONFIRMED | Oplock break failed for file USER.V5/NTUSER.DAT |
Warnings were generated during the execution of function
- Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100
Core SME Server documentation and translations issues CONFIRMED
ID | Product | Version | Package | Status | Summary (63 tasks) ⇒ |
12957 | SME Server Documentation | 12.x | --- | CONFIRMED | move documentation and developer guide to sphinx documentation |
12851 | SME Server Documentation | 11.x | smeserver-apache | CONFIRMED | add .well-known/security.txt and more .. |
12850 | SME Server Documentation | 11.x | smeserver-apache | CONFIRMED | Template for Content-Security-Policy on VirtualHosts |
12849 | SME Server Documentation | 11.x | smeserver-apache | CONFIRMED | add hsts support |
12455 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | Missing PassivePorts documentation |
12409 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | Zabbix-proxy - No version number |
12408 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | Zabbix contrib - Uninstall is missing |
12407 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | zabbix contrib - obsolete XML exports templates link |
11962 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | Config properties for rsyslog, log messages from systemd journal to syslog. |
11746 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-radiusd | CONFIRMED | Add Radius auth via PAP and db settings add LDAP and WAP auth now available see bugs |
11709 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | contrib smeserver-dokuwiki - link to http://gitweb.firewall-services.com |
11594 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-backup | CONFIRMED | Workstation backup no longer supports SMB1, now includes option to backup to a SMB1 target |
11585 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-samba | CONFIRMED | new default executable files disabled by default smb, ibay and pers space |
11584 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-mysql | CONFIRMED | Template more mysqld parameters list of avail db settings |
11583 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-mysql | CONFIRMED | Enable mysqld slow queries log see db settings |
11562 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-samba | CONFIRMED | SMB config settings for client min protocol and server min protocol |
11538 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-email | CONFIRMED | ClamAV silently ignores .rar archives - enable this filter if you want to exclude rar archives |
11533 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | NFR: Template dhcpd.conf domain-name-servers setting |
11509 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-email | CONFIRMED | ClamAV silently ignores .rar archives |
11497 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | contribs: change usage of headertabs to tabs |
11473 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-horde | CONFIRMED | when accessing to admin panel in Horde we get this message on red background |
11472 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-php | CONFIRMED | Option to update PHPBaseDir to include PEAR on dynamic content enabled ibay |
11460 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-php | CONFIRMED | sync php properties accross ibays fpm and php.init |
11434 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-mysql | CONFIRMED | Enabling MySQL 4-byte support |
11377 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-spamassassin | CONFIRMED | spamd SpamLearning needs to be changed to spamassassin SpamLearning |
11347 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | Initial Import in SME 10 [smeserver-remoteuseraccess] |
11346 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | rssh | CONFIRMED | user needing scp access with rssh shell need to be member of rsshusers group |
11261 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-runit | CONFIRMED | Needs details adding to wiki for info - runit should run at basic.target and before network.target |
11260 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-packetfilter | CONFIRMED | Update wiki re use of pptpd for sme10, has been depreciated |
11259 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-email | CONFIRMED | migration to systemd - smtp-auth-proxy - /service/smtp-auth-proxy/run |
11258 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-ldap | CONFIRMED | migration to systemd - ldap - /service/ldap/run |
11257 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-apache | CONFIRMED | migration to systemd - httpd-e-smith - /service/httpd-e-smith/run - httpd.service |
11240 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-radiusd | CONFIRMED | Wiki needs update re migration to systemd - radiusd - /service/radiusd/run - radiusd.service |
11238 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-nutUPS | CONFIRMED | Service migrated to systemd, renamed ups, changes to template structure and nameing |
11237 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | multiple-packages | CONFIRMED | Changes to actions and events as indicated a consequence of systemd-reload changes |
11236 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | CONFIRMED | Update docs with change to systemd - qpsmtpd - /service/qpsmtpd/run |
11225 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-php | CONFIRMED | [systemd] enable php services for sme-server.target |
11220 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-qmail | CONFIRMED | [updates w/o reboot] migration intergration - e-smith-qmail |
11219 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-base | CONFIRMED | [systemd] starting a service with systemd only if `db configuration getprop SERVICE status` is enabled |
11218 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-qmail | CONFIRMED | service needs migration to systemd - qmail - /service/qmail/run |
11214 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-tinydns | CONFIRMED | service needs migration to systemd - tinydns - /service/tinydns/run |
11213 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-dnscache | CONFIRMED | service needs migration to systemd - dnscache - /service/dnscache/run |
11188 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | AMD processors other than server class have no official support |
10990 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | Software_Collections:Python wiki instructions are need to be updated in particular for SME10 |
10555 | SME Server Documentation | 9.2 | --- | CONFIRMED | update wiki pages |
10553 | SME Server Documentation | 9.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | update way we configure repo in wikipage |
10540 | SME Server Documentation | 9.2 | --- | CONFIRMED | NICBonding not documented in server manual |
10375 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | Anaconda exception report - name already in use |
9941 | SME Server Documentation | 9.0 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | CONFIRMED | Disable DMARC and SPF rejections by default |
9545 | SME Server Documentation | 9.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | replace manually entered repo info in wiki pages |
9469 | SME Server Documentation | 9.1 | smeserver-qpsmtpd | CONFIRMED | Document qpsmtpd changes |
9371 | SME Server Translations | 8.x | --- | CONFIRMED | Pootle does not import already present translation |
9083 | SME Server Documentation | 9.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | All qpsmtpd properties should be listed in http://wiki.contribs.org/DB_Variables_Configuration |
8885 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-packetfilter | CONFIRMED | masq TCPMinimizeDelay db setting and masq template |
8844 | SME Server Documentation | 9.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | The pointer of the download page is lost in too much Informations |
8843 | SME Server Documentation | 9.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | Update the wiki UPS Page |
8798 | SME Server Documentation | 9.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | Affa 3 Wiki Page |
8779 | SME Server Documentation | 9.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | Keep a copy of all emails - not working |
8148 | SME Server Documentation | 8.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | Document changes to backup (DAR) in respect of inconsistent set numbers |
7799 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-ibays | CONFIRMED | An ibay cannot have the same name as an html sub-directory |
7664 | SME Server Documentation | 8.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | installing modSSL verified certificate doesn't work for SSL IMAP or SSMTP transactions |
6749 | SME Server Documentation | 8.0 | --- | CONFIRMED | Audit the pages listed under Category:Contrib in the wiki |
1695 | SME Server Documentation | 10.0 | smeserver-ibays | CONFIRMED | NFR: allow i-bays named after reserved names. |