Koji Build Farm

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Official Koji documentation can be found at: https://docs.pagure.org/koji/

Important.png Note:
This is a work in progress.....

And some components do not work yet

I'll document what I have done so far, what is working and what is not.

When the build farm is working, we'll add in how to configure it for building smeserver (packages, repositories and ISOs etc.)

Building blocks

A Koji Build farm is comprised of a number of components that work together.

Major Koji components:

  • hub
  • web server
  • build servers
  • build daemon
  • Dnf|Yum repository creation and maintenance daemon

In our build, we will have only 2 servers.

  • hub - which will run the hub, web, build daemon and def|Yum repository daemon
  • build server - there can be multiple of these, but we'll just do 1 to start with

These servers will be based on bare Rocky 8 - minimal install, servers.

Hub/Web Server

OS: Rocky 8.8-minimal

Memory: 8GB

Disk: 20GB (but I'm only using ~25%)

You'll need to set up your network:

Log into your server as root and

ip address
ping google.com

I'd suggest an update is in order

dnf update

Configure some basic tools and settings

dnf install setools-console
dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
dnf install epel-release
dnf install policycoreutils-python-utils
dnf install rsyslog
dnf install cockpit
systemctl enable cockpit.socket --now
systemctl start cockpit.socket
dnf install setroubleshoot-server
setsebool -P allow_httpd_anon_write=1
SSL preparations

We'll be using ssl certificates so let's create the koji ssl working directories and edit the koji ssl config file

mkdir -p /etc/pki/koji/{certs,private,confs}
cd /etc/pki/koji
nano ssl.cnf

and insert the following into ssl.conf

I suggest you change the defaults in [req_distinguished_name] to yours to make it easier when generating certs....

Important.png Note:
I suggest you change the defaults in [req_distinguished_name] to yours to make it easier when generating certs....

HOME                    = .
RANDFILE                = .rand

default_ca              = ca_default

dir                     = .
certs                   = $dir/certs
crl_dir                 = $dir/crl
database                = $dir/index.txt
new_certs_dir           = $dir/newcerts
certificate             = $dir/%s_ca_cert.pem
private_key             = $dir/private/%s_ca_key.pem
serial                  = $dir/serial
crl                     = $dir/crl.pem
x509_extensions         = usr_cert
name_opt                = ca_default
cert_opt                = ca_default
default_days            = 3650
default_crl_days        = 30
default_md              = sha256
preserve                = no
policy                  = policy_match

countryName             = match
stateOrProvinceName     = match
organizationName        = match
organizationalUnitName  = optional
commonName              = supplied
emailAddress            = optional

default_bits            = 2048
default_keyfile         = privkey.pem
default_md              = sha256
distinguished_name      = req_distinguished_name
attributes              = req_attributes
x509_extensions         = v3_ca # The extensions to add to the self signed cert
string_mask             = MASK:0x2002

countryName                     = Country Name (2 letter code)
countryName_default             = AU
countryName_min                 = 2
countryName_max                 = 2
stateOrProvinceName             = State or Province Name (full name)
stateOrProvinceName_default     = Victoria
localityName                    = Locality Name (eg, city)
localityName_default            = Melbourne
0.organizationName              = Organization Name (eg, company)
0.organizationName_default      = Koozali
organizationalUnitName          = Organizational Unit Name (eg, section)
commonName                      = Common Name (eg, your name or your server\'s hostname)
commonName_max                  = 64
emailAddress                    = Email Address
emailAddress_max                = 64

challengePassword               = A challenge password
challengePassword_min           = 4
challengePassword_max           = 20
unstructuredName                = An optional company name

basicConstraints                = CA:FALSE
nsComment                       = "OpenSSL Generated Certificate"
subjectKeyIdentifier            = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier          = keyid,issuer:always

subjectKeyIdentifier            = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier          = keyid:always,issuer:always
basicConstraints                = CA:true

Create the ca key for the server

touch index.txt
echo 01 > serial
openssl genrsa -out private/koji_ca_cert.key 2048
openssl req -config ssl.cnf -new -x509 -days 3650 -key private/koji_ca_cert.key -out koji_ca_cert.crt -extensions v3_ca

Create a script to make certs

mkdir -p ~/bin
nano ~/bin/koji_make_cert.sh

and add the following

# if you change your certificate authority name to something else you will
# need to change the caname value to reflect the change.

# user is equal to parameter one or the first argument when you actually
# run the script

openssl genrsa -out private/${user}.key 2048
cat ssl.cnf | sed 's/insert_hostname/'${user}'/'> ssl2.cnf
openssl req -config ssl2.cnf -new -nodes -out certs/${user}.csr -key private/${user}.key
openssl ca -config ssl2.cnf -keyfile private/${caname}_ca_cert.key -cert ${caname}_ca_cert.crt \
    -out certs/${user}.crt -outdir certs -infiles certs/${user}.csr
cat certs/${user}.crt private/${user}.key > ${user}.pem
mv ssl2.cnf confs/${user}-ssl.cnf

and make it executable

chmod a+x ~/bin/koji_make_cert.sh

Lets create some certificates and add our admin user

koji_make_cert.sh kojihub
koji_make_cert.sh kojiweb
koji_make_cert.sh kojira
koji_make_cert.sh kojid
koji_make_cert.sh kojiadmin
useradd kojiadmin

We need to be the kojiadmin user to get the right permissions when we copy over the required certs, so...

su - kojiadmin
mkdir ~/.koji
cp /etc/pki/koji/kojiadmin.pem ~/.koji/client.crt   # NOTE: It is IMPORTANT you use the PEM and NOT the CRT
cp /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt ~/.koji/clientca.crt
cp /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt ~/.koji/serverca.crt
Koji Hub

Install koji hub and pre-requisites

dnf install koji-hub mod_ssl
dnf module enable postgresql:10
dnf install postgresql-server
dnf install koji

As root we need to do the initial config

postgresql-setup --initdb --unit postgresql
systemctl enable postgresql --now

We have a different account for managing the database (i.e. create the koji user and add a password)

useradd koji
passwd koji

Create the koji user and database and add password for user

su - postgres
createuser --no-superuser --no-createrole --no-createdb koji
createdb -O koji koji
psql -c "alter user koji with encrypted password 'mypassword';"

Create the koji db schema from the included script (need to be the koji user)

su - koji
psql koji koji < /usr/share/doc/koji*/docs/schema.sql

Authorize the Koji-hub service to PostgreSQL. As the hub and DB are on the same server we are using Unix sockets for connection

nano /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf

and add the following lines

local   koji        koji                       trust
local   all         postgres                   peer

and blank out the listen address (we are using sockets, not via IP)

nano /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf

by changing this line

listen_addresses = ''

and reload the PostgreSQL daemon

systemctl reload postgresql

add the initial admin user manually to the user database (we need to be the koji user to do this) We can add additional users and change privileges of those users via the koji command line tool

su - koji
koji=> insert into users (name, status, usertype) values ('admin-user-name', 0, 0);
koji=> select * from users;
koji=> insert into user_perms (user_id, perm_id, creator_id) values (<id of user inserted above>, 1, <id of user inserted above>);

We can now set up the hub itself. As we are using SSL certificates, we need to tweak the httpd configs

nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/kojihub.conf

and uncomment the lines as below

# uncomment this to enable authentication via SSL client certificates
<Location /kojihub/ssllogin>
#         SSLVerifyClient require
#         SSLVerifyDepth  10
        SSLOptions +StdEnvVars

Setup the SSL certificates required

nano /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf

and add these lines

SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/koji/certs/kojihub.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/koji/private/kojihub.key
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt
SSLCACertificateFile /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt

Point Koji Hub to the database

nano /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf

and set these parameters. Make sure that DBHost and DBPass are commented out as we are using the DB on the same host

DBName = koji
DBUser = koji

# If PostgreSQL is on another host, set that here:
#DBHost = db.example.com
#DBPass = mypassword

KojiDir = /mnt/koji
LoginCreatesUser = On
KojiWebURL = https://koji.example.com/koji

edit the koi-hub conf file for access

nano /etc/koji-hub/hub.conf

ProxyDNs should be set to the DN of the kojiweb certificate. For example:

DNUsernameComponent = CN
ProxyDNs = CN=koji.koozali.org,OU=kojiweb,O=Koozali,ST=Victoria,C=AU

create the koji skeleton file system

cd /mnt
mkdir koji
cd koji
mkdir {packages,repos,work,scratch,repos-dist}
chown apache.apache *

and tweak SELinux to allow apache write access

setsebool -P allow_httpd_anon_write=1
semanage fcontext -a -t public_content_rw_t "/mnt/koji(/.*)?"
restorecon -r -v /mnt/koji

We'll want the build servers to have access to the koji filesystem via nfs

dnf install nfs-utils
systemctl enable --now nfs-server
nano /etc/exports

we only have one build server, but you can add additional to the line, separated by a space

/mnt/koji build1.koozali.org(rw,sync,root_squash)

export, verify and allow Apache access via SELinux

exportfs -ra
exportfs -v
setsebool -P httpd_use_nfs=1

Allow nfs access through the firewall

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=nfs
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=mountd
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=rpc-bind
firewall-cmd --reload

Restart httpd

systemctl restart httpd
Koji CLI client

Let's configure the cli client. The system setting is in /etc/koji.conf, individual user settings can be set in ~/.koji/config

nano /etc/koji.conf

We define the urls of each component and tell it where to find the SSL certificates (we copied them across earlier)


;url of XMLRPC server
server = https://koji.koozali.org/kojihub

;url of web interface
weburl = http://koji.koozali.org/koji

;url of package download site
topurl = http://koji.koozali.org/kojifiles

;path to the koji top directory
topdir = /mnt/koji

; configuration for SSL athentication

;client certificate
cert = ~/.koji/client.crt

;certificate of the CA that issued the HTTP server certificate
serverca = ~/.koji/serverca.crt

Log in as kojiadmin and test the connection

su - kojiadmin
koji moshimoshi

you should see

zdravstvuite, kojiadmin!

You are using the hub at https://koji.koozali.org/kojihub
Authenticated via client certificate /home/kojiadmin/.koji/client.crt
Koji Web Service

Install the koji web components

dnf install koji-web mod_ssl

edit the web config file to point at the right urls and SSL certificates

nano /etc/kojiweb/web.conf
SiteName = koji
# KojiTheme =

# Necessary urls
KojiHubURL = https://koji.koozali.org/kojihub
KojiFilesURL = http://koji.koozali.org/kojifiles

## Kerberos authentication options
; WebPrincipal = koji/web@EXAMPLE.COM
; WebKeytab = /etc/httpd.keytab
; WebCCache = /var/tmp/kojiweb.ccache

## SSL authentication options
WebCert = /etc/pki/koji/koji-web.pem
KojiHubCA = /etc/pki/koji/koji_ca_cert.crt

LoginTimeout = 72

# This must be set before deployment
Secret = CHANGE_ME

LibPath = /usr/share/koji-web/lib

Make sure that the firewall will allow http & https access

firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=https
firewall-cmd --reload