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Devel 11:
Alpha 10:
The latest version of smeserver-sogo is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.


SOGo - Scaleable

SOGo is a groupware server built around (OGo) and the SOPE application server. It focuses on scalability.

SOGo provides a rich AJAX-based Web interface and supports multiple native clients through the use of standard protocols such as CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV.

Once configured, SOGo offers multiple ways to access the calendaring and messaging data. Your users can either use a web browser, Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple iCal, or a mobile device to access the same information. SOGo provides native Microsoft ActiveSync support. Mobile devices such as Apple iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry 10 can fully synchronize emails, contacts, events and tasks with SOGo.


Stéphane de Labrusse AKA Stephdl

and for SME10 Brian Read AKA brianr

The original work has been made by nethesis. Many thanks to all previous developers


The latest SOGo requires SME10, the SME8 and 9 instructions are left for legacy systems only.


In order to get the latest stable SOGo you need a support contract as described here and here

Otherwise you can install SOGo from the nightly build as follows:

db yum_repositories set sogo repository \
BaseURL '$releasever/$basearch' \
EnableGroups yes \
GPGCheck no \
Name 'Inverse Sogo5 Repository' \
Visible yes \
status disabled

signal-event yum-modify

If you have a support contract, then edit the above to the stable repo and add in the username and password as described in the link above. and then:

yum install smeserver-extrarepositories-epel -y
yum install smeserver-sogo --enablerepo=sogo,epel,smecontribs -y

Pro Tem you may need to add smedev to the enablerepo list above to pick up the latest version of smeserver-sogo. Once it is verified it will be copied to smecontribs. Once you have picked up the nightly version then you will not update it unless you specifically add the sogo repo to the yum update command:

yum update --enablerepo=sogo

Install SOGO 2

Important.png Note:
due to the version of dovecot, I cannot maintain sogo for sme8, please upgrade to sme9

You need to activate Stephdl, epel and sogo repository

Warning.png Warning:
due to the limitation of dovecot 1.0 in SME server 8.0, you cannot use sogo (superior of 2.0 version) without bugs. If it is absolutely needed (eg : you should use SME9) you can install smeserver-dovecot from firewall-services :

This contrib is currently held in several repositories, so the following commands will install it on your smeserver. For SME 8 , You need to activate Stephdl, epel and sogo repository

yum --enablerepo=stephdl,epel,sogo install smeserver-sogo

You will then need to activate the database changes etc. The 'official' way is to perform

signal-event post-upgrade;  signal-event reboot

or if you don't want to reboot your server

signal-event sogo-modify; config set UnsavedChanges no

Install SOGO 2

You need to activate Stephdl, epel and sogo repository

This contrib is currently held in several repositories, so the following commands will install it on your smeserver. For SME 9 , You need to activate Stephdl, epeland sogo repository

yum --enablerepo=stephdl,epel,sogo,fws install smeserver-sogo

You will then need to activate the database changes etc. The 'official' way is to perform

signal-event post-upgrade;  signal-event reboot

or if you don't want to reboot your server

signal-event sogo-modify; config set UnsavedChanges no

Install SOGO 3 (ONLY SME9)

First installation

This contrib is currently held in several repositories, so the following commands will install it on your smeserver. For SME 9 , You need to activate Stephdl, epel and sogo repository

yum --enablerepo=stephdl,epel,sogo3,fws install smeserver-sogo

You will then need to activate the database changes etc. The 'official' way is to perform

signal-event post-upgrade;  signal-event reboot

or if you don't want to reboot your server

signal-event sogo-modify; config set UnsavedChanges no

Upgrade from sogo2

For SME 9 , You need to activate Stephdl, epel, fws and sogo repository

signal-event yum-modify
yum update  --enablerepo=sogo3
yum reinstall sope\* --enablerepo=sogo3

You will then need to activate the database changes etc. The 'official' way is to perform

signal-event post-upgrade;  signal-event reboot

or if you don't want to reboot your server

signal-event sogo-modify; config set UnsavedChanges no


To access webmail and calenders, open the url

If you disable webmail access from within SmeServer email panel, opening you'll be redirected to SOGo.


On SME9 and SME10


After a modification (for SME10):

signal-event smeserver-sogo-update 

SME9 requires a call to sogo-modify

Sieve integration (SME 9 and maybe SME10)

Installing SOGo on SME 9 according to the instructions above also installs smeserver-dovecot-extras as a dependency. In order to make full use of sieve functionality in SOGo (such as auto expiration of vacation messages), make sure that the following property is enabled in the configuration database:

db configuration setprop dovecot AdminIsMaster enabled

signal-event email-update

Special Settings (SME 9 and maybe SME10!)

Sogo is full of settings that I cannot provide all, please read the sogo's book

Now when you want to add a specific option, 'SOGoMailComposeMessageType html' per example

vim /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sogo/sogo.conf/80MYOPTIONS

Add you modifications (contrary is 'text')

SOGoMailComposeMessageType = html;

Expand and restart sogo

signal-event smeserver-sogo-update

If you want to go back, then

rm -f /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sogo/sogo.conf/80MYOPTIONS
signal-event smeserver-sogo-update


All events are logged in the relevant log file

less /var/log/sogo/sogo.log


Please RTFM instead of raising bugs against smeserver-sogo :)

You have more documentation available here on all SOGo's aspects

You can fine tune thunderbird to be a pure "heavy" client for SOGo. See the Documentation

Fine tune SOGo

Sogo must be tuned following the number of users, some settings can be tested.

Keep in mind to set one worker per user for the activesync connection.

  • 100 users, 10 EAS devices
config setprop sogod WOWorkersCount 15
config setprop sogod SOGoMaximumPingInterval 3540
config setprop sogod SOGoMaximumSyncInterval 3540
config setprop sogod SOGoInternalSyncInterval 30
signal-event smeserver-sogo-update
  • 100 users, 20 EAS devices
config setprop sogod WOWorkersCount 25
config setprop sogod SOGoMaximumPingInterval 3540
config setprop sogod SOGoMaximumSyncInterval 3540
config setprop sogod SOGoInternalSyncInterval 40
signal-event smeserver-sogo-update
  • 1000 users, 100 EAS devices
config setprop sogod WOWorkersCount 120
config setprop sogod SOGoMaximumPingInterval 3540
config setprop sogod SOGoMaximumSyncInterval 3540
config setprop sogod SOGoInternalSyncInterval 60
signal-event smeserver-sogo-update


Maximum IMAP command line length in kilo bytes. Some clients generate very long command lines with huge mailboxes, so you may need to raise this if you get "Too long argument" or "IMAP command line too large" errors often.

set by default to 2048KB

config setprop dovecot ImapMaxLineLenght 2048
signal-event smeserver-sogo-update

Thunderbird Configuration

You are encouraged to use Thunderbird ESR (Extended Support Release) and corresponding compatible Lightning plugin. According to Mozilla Team "Thunderbird Extended Support Release (ESR) is intended for groups who deploy and maintain the desktop environment in large organizations such as universities and other schools, county or city governments and businesses". Furthermore the latest releases of Lightning plugin is fully SOGo compatibile, so no more need of a SOGo customized version.

1.) From a Windows client create the folder "SOGo-plugins\WINNT_x86-msvc" in your Primary ibay "html" folder (e.g. \\<SME server name>\Primary\hmtl\SOGo-plugins\WINNT_x86-msvc)

2.) Download the latest Lightning, Connector and Integrator plugins from [1] and place them in the "WINNT_x86-msvc" folder.

3.) Rename "sogo-integrator-<version>-sogo-demo.xpi" to "sogo-integrator-<version>-sogo.xpi". (This is optional)

4.) Open the "sogo-integrator-<version>-sogo.xpi" file with your favorite zip program (it is just a renamed zip file. 7-zip works nicely for this) and edit the file "\chrome\content\sogo-integrator\extensions.rdf".

Change the following lines:

       <Seq about=""
               em:name="SOGo Integrator"/>
               em:name="SOGo Connector"/>

To read: (change the server address to your server and add the Lightning plugin to the extensions list): (Then save the "extensions.rdf" back to the same place in the "sogo-integrator-<version>-sogo.xpi" file and then save the .xpi file back on the server in the "\\<SME server name>\Primary\hmtl\SOGo-plugins\WINNT_x86-msvc" folder.)

       <Seq about=""
           isi:updateURL="https://<sme server name.domain>/SOGo-plugins/updates.php?plugin=%ITEM_ID%&version=%ITEM_VERSION%&platform=%PLATFORM%">
               em:name="SOGo Integrator"/>
               em:name="SOGo Connector"/>

5.) Create the file "updates.php" in the "SOGo-plugins" folder

6.) Add the following lines to the file: (Please note you must customize the "version =>", "filename =>" and "<em:updateLink>http://<sme server name.domain>/SOGo-plugins/<?php echo $plugin["filename"] ?></em:updateLink>" in the lines below!)

      /* updates.php - this file is part of SOGo
       *  Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Inverse inc.
       * Author: Wolfgang Sourdeau <>
       * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
       * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
       * any later version.
       * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       * GNU General Public License for more details.
       * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
       * along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
       * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
       * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
      /* This script handles the automatic propagation of extensions pertaining to a
         SOGo site. It requires PHP 4.1.0 or later. */
      = array( ""
               => array( "application" => "thunderbird",
                         "version" => "0.99",
                         "filename" => "sogo-connector-0.99.xpi" ),
               => array( "application" => "thunderbird",
                         "version" => "0.99",
                         "filename" => "sogo-integrator-0.99-sogo.xpi" ),
               => array( "application" => "thunderbird",
                         "version" => "0.9.9",
                         "filename" => "lightning-0.9.9-inverse.win32.xpi" ));
      = array( "thunderbird" => "<em:id>{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6}</em:id>
               "firefox" => "<em:id>{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384}</em:id>
                         <em:maxVersion>2.0.*</em:maxVersion>" );
      $pluginname = $_GET["plugin"];
      $plugin =& $plugins[$pluginname];
      $application =& $applications[$plugin["application"]];
      if ( $plugin ) {
        $platform = $_GET["platform"];
        if ( $platform
             && file_exists( $platform . "/" . $plugin["filename"] ) ) {
          $plugin["filename"] = $platform . "/" . $plugin["filename"];
        elseif ( !file_exists( $plugin["filename"] ) ) {
          $plugin = false;
      if ( $plugin ) {
        header("Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8");
        echo ('<?xml version="1.0"?>' . "\n");
      <!DOCTYPE RDF>
      <RDF xmlns=""
        <Description about="urn:mozilla:extension:<?php echo $pluginname ?>">
                  <em:version><?php echo $plugin["version"] ?></em:version>
                    <Description><?php echo $applications[$plugin["application"]] ?>
                      <em:updateLink>https://<sme server name.domain>/SOGo-plugins/<?php echo $plugin["filename"] ?></em:updateLink>
      } else {
        header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8", true, 404);
        echo( 'Plugin not found' );

(You will have to update this file everytime you update the plugins.)

7.) Install the Thunderbird ESR and configure it to use the SME IMAP email.

8.) Install the "sogo-integrator-<version>-sogo.xpi" plugin you modified, into Thunderbird and restart Thunderbird. Sogo will then go to the server and install the other plugins as configured in your "updates.php" file. As default the SOGo-Thunderbird components will associate Calendar and Addressbook to the Sme user/account corresponding to default Thunderbird Imap mail account; so take care to set the desired Imap account as default in Thunderbird before installing plugins.

Now you can create and share address books and calendars in Thunderbird with other SME users and control access rights to them. Your calendars and address books will also sync with the SOGO webmail page as well as any other computers where you have the SOGO Integrator plugin installed.

To configure other devices refer to website; look however at SOGo official up-to-date front-end software and documentation with latest upgrades for server, client and device configuration ( -

Mixed warnings

You can experience some problem with IMAP authentication: you can login to SOGo but you can't see mail messages; only admin can see his mail. Looking at sogo log you can find erros like this:

Aug 15 21:41:04 sogod [19261]: [ERROR] <0x0xba13edec[NGImap4ConnectionManager]> IMAP4 login failed:
 host=localhost, user=xxxxxx, pwd=yes
 = <0x0xba14cdec[NGImap4Client]: login=xxxxxx(pwd) socket=<NGActiveSocket[0x0xba14d194]: mode=rw address=<0x0xba14d1d4[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=localhost port=35161>  connectedTo=<0x0xba14cebc[NGInternetSocketAddress]: host=localhost port=143>>>
Aug 15 21:41:04 sogod [19261]: [ERROR] <0xBA13C964[SOGoMailAccount]:0> Could not connect IMAP4 - - [15/Aug/2014:21:41:04 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/xxxxxx/Mail/0/mailboxes HTTP/1.1" 200 17/0 0.018 - - 252K - - [15/Aug/2014:21:41:04 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/xxxxxx/Mail/1/mailboxes HTTP/1.1" 200 343/0 0.243 - - 24K - - [15/Aug/2014:21:41:05 GMT] "POST /SOGo/so/xxxxxx/Mail/1/folderINBOX/unseenCount HTTP/1.1" 200 13/0 0.263 - - 48K

This seems related to users not belonging to a group; so be careful that all of your users belong to a group before using SOGo. For existing users:

Create a group
Reset the users password
Add user to the group

More details can be found in this post:,51038.0.html



yum --enablerepo=stephdl,epel,sogo update smeserver-sogo sogo\* libmemcached
signal-event smeserver-sogo-update


yum remove sope* libwbxml gnustep* smeserver-sogo xmlsec* \
memcached python-memcached sogo* dovecot-pigeonhole smeserver-dovecot-extras libobjc libmemcached



IDStatusComponentVersionSummary (7 tasks)
11629RESOLVEDsmeserver-sogo10.0import smeserver-sogo into 10.x
10465UNCONFIRMEDsmeserver-sogo9.2Error message returned as Vacation auto reply
9916UNCONFIRMEDsmeserver-sogo9.1Sogo/ActiveSync Freebusy empty file issue
8862UNCONFIRMEDsmeserver-sogo9.0Yum hangs when updating to smeserver-sogo-1.3-12.el6.sme.noarch
8847CONFIRMEDsmeserver-sogo9.0Domain name hardcoded, not considering virtual domains
8348CONFIRMEDsmeserver-sogo8.1Error adding a second attachments composing a message in SOGo
7674UNCONFIRMEDsmeserver-sogo8.0smeserver-sogo: need to change /etc/sysconfig/memcached


IDStatusComponentVersionSummary (7 tasks)
10269CLOSEDsmeserver-sogo9.2SOGO - WOWorkersCount does not get set via "config setprop sogod WOWorkersCount 25" command
10168CLOSEDsmeserver-sogo9.1Sogo: ActiveSync drains iphone battery with Contacts enabled
9908CLOSEDsmeserver-sogo9.1Incorrect syntax in (s80-)sogobackup
9699CLOSEDsmeserver-sogo9.1Problem with restarting sogod
8756CLOSEDsmeserver-sogo9.0sogo-ealarms-notify cronjob fills up qmail log
8753CLOSEDsmeserver-sogo9.0Automatic expiry of vacation messages in SOGo broken (Authentication failure for sogo user)
8452CLOSEDsmeserver-sogo9betaSOGo on SME9: missing dependency


Only released version in smecontrib are listed here.

smeserver-ddclient Changelog: SME 10 (smecontribs)
2024/09/04 Terry Fage 1.3.0-34.sme
- Update locale 2024-09-04.patch

2024/05/08 Brian Read 1.3.0-33.sme
- change command on ppoe up to use systemd [SME: 12676]

- Add console-save and bootrap-console-save to expand template take out post-upgrade [SME: 12675]
2024/04/11 John Crisp 1.3.0-32.sme
- update NameCheap [SME: 12598]
2024/04/07 Jean-Philippe Pialasse 1.3.0-31.sme
- add fix for namecheap to last patch [SME: 12598]

2024/04/07 Brian Read 1.3.0-30.sme
- Merge template files for Virtual and free form domains and fix incompatibility with 3.11.2 [SME: 12598]

- Localist free form table [SME: 12600]