Talk:Build an Official ISO
From SME Server
Jump to navigationJump to searchEach installer and ISO needs to built on the corresponding version (cos5 for sme8 and cos6 for sme9).
- This can be misleading. The build box can be the same, eg COS6 x64 for all ISOs, it is only the mock image that needs to match the ISO, and this is magically handled by the mock configs
Note I needed to edit mock cfg file to include /build in the chroot due to my local setup.
- These are the changes that I made as I do not have the nfs mounts on my local machine. I replaced
config_opts['plugin_conf']['mount_opts']['dirs'].append(('storage:/export/build', '/build', 'nfs', 'defaults,noatime,nodiratime,nosuid'))
config_opts['plugin_conf']['mount_opts']['dirs'].append(('storage:/mirrors', '/mirrors', 'nfs', 'defaults,noatime,nodiratime,nosuid'))
- with
config_opts['plugin_conf']['bind_mount_opts']['dirs'].append(('/build', '/build' ))