Placeholder for anything to do with Docker (
We will 'abuse' SME Server as a host for Docker for now. Once there is a basic SME Server image then it's time to setup a regular Centos box that will run docker and hosts many happy SME Server containers ;-)
- Enable the EPEL repository
yum install docker
yum install docker-io --enablerepo=epel service docker start
and then
to see the available command line options
Docker notes
For Shipyard to be able to connect to the Docker deamon, the file /etc/sysconfig/docker has to be adjusted to enable socket support and TCP.
Templated /etc/sysconfig/docker based on below db settings
other_args="-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock" (localhost) or (public) based on db key shipyard Access
The restart the Docker deamon:
service docker restart
Loose notes:
docker=service access=public status=enabled
Shipyard is a separate GUI project hosted on Github. It will allow you to manage Docker instances and images from your browser. It is not required to use and run Docker containers, for all Docker commands can be issued from the command line.
Loose notes:
shipyard=service TCPPort=4243 access=public status=enabled
Shipyard agent
Loose notes
shipyard-agent=service TCPPort=8000;4500 access=public status=enabled
Things to do
- Create link to appropriate run level to auto start docker
- Get the shipyard GUI going
- A LOT more ;-)