Qmhandle mail queue manager

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Revision as of 09:52, 13 July 2010 by RayMitchell (talk | contribs) (added wget download command)
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qmHandle mail queue manager


The qmHandle rpm will install a Mail queue manager panel in server manager.

The current download location for a sme7.x compatible rpm is


and the current rpm is


You will have to manually download the rpm using a web browser as the site does not support wget downloads


Manually download the rpm using a web browser as the saco site does not support wget downloads. Then copy to your SME server and install with the command

yum localinstall smeserver-saco-qmHandle-1.3.4-3.noarch.rpm

Alternatively download using wget from a contribs.org mirror site that has a copy of the rpm and do a local install

wget http://mirror.contribs.org/contribs/rmitchell/smeserver/contribs/qmhandle/smeserver-saco-qmHandle-1.3.4-3.noarch.rpm  
yum localinstall smeserver-saco-qmHandle-1.3.4-3.noarch.rpm

The post upgrade event and reboot are not required.


Installing the rpm will add a panel to server manager that controls the mail queue.

You should preferably use the server manager panel.

You can also control the mail queue using qmHandle at the command prompt with the following parameters:

 -a       : try to send all queued messages now (qmail must be running) 
 -l       : list message queues 
 -L       : list local message queue 
 -R       : list remote message queue 
 -s       : show some statistics
 -mN      : display message number N 
 -dN      : delete message number N 
 -fsender : delete message from sender
 -f're'   : delete message from senders matching regular expression re
 -Stext   : delete all messages that have/contain text as Subject 
 -h're'   : delete all messages with headers matching regular expression re (case insensitive)
 -b're'   : delete all messages with body matching regular expression re (case insensitive)
 -H're'   : delete all messages with headers matching regular expression re (case sensitive)
 -B're'   : delete all messages with body matching regular expression re (case sensitive)
 -t're'   : flag messages with recipients in regular expression 're' for earlier retry (note: this lengthens the time message can stay in queue)
 -D     : delete all messages in the queue (local & remote) 
 -V     : print program version 

Additional (optional) parameters are:

 -c     : display colored output 
 -N     : list message numbers only 
          (to be used either with -l, -L or -R) 

Examples of usage syntax would be:

To list all the messages in the queue

qmHandle -l

To list all the messages in the queue counting the number of messages with the same subject

qmHandle -l|grep Subject|sort| uniq -c|sort -n

Important.png Note:
In some cases qmail does not restart after messages have been deleted. You should check the status of qmail after deleting messages.

To check status of qmail

sv s /service/qmail

Warning.png Warning:
Before deleting messages from the queue, you should stop qmail first. If you delete messages without stopping qmail, then qmail may stop and you will unknowingly be without a operational mail server (ie qmail)


To stop qmail

sv d /service/qmail

To start qmail

sv u /service/qmail


Remove (uninstall) the rpm with the command

rpm -e smeserver-saco-qmHandle



