Nag for SME Server
John Bennett Services - JBS (software)
- Nag is the Horde task list application. It stores todo items, things due later this week, etc.
- It is very similar in functionality to the Palm ToDo application.
1. Log in (with username root) to the SMEserver console.
2. Download and install nag and smeserver-nag with:
yum --enablerepo=smecontribs install smeserver-nag
3. Do following commands for the changes to take effekt:
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
Your SME server reboots
4. Enable webmail access in server-manager (if not already done)
5. Open https://yourserver/webmail
6. Log in and check out "ToDo"-item.
Check installed version
yum info installed *nag*
That will show both packages (+ e-smith manager).
yum remove nag-h3
This will also remove smeserver-nag.
Additional information
Announcement: SME Server 7.x Contribs
More tips about email in this HowTo: Email
If you connect to the SMEserver console by Putty ssh-client (or similar) you can copy and paste the commands (very convenient).
Please do edit if you find errors or have improvements.
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the smeserver-nag component or use this link .
Tested software versions
Host: SMEserver v7.3
Installed: smeserver-nag.noarch 0:1.1-3
Dependency Installed: nag-h3.noarch 0:2.1.3-1