TeamSpeak Server

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Sylvain Gomez


Alpha 9:
The latest version of smeserver-teamspeak-server is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.


TeamSpeak is a quality, scalable application which enables people to speak with one another over the Internet. TeamSpeak consists of both client and server software. The server acts as a host to multiple client connections, capable of handling literally thousands of simultaneous users. This results in an Internet based teleconferencing solution that works in a variety of applications such as team mates speaking with one another while playing their favorite online game, small businesses cutting costs on long distance charges, or for personal communication with friends and family. For more information see


TeamSpeak is free of charge to non-commercial users. Please see their FAQ for more information on licensing and terms of use.


For installation just hit the following command

yum localinstall smeserver-teamspeak-server-


This RPM is not updatable. Please uninstall old version before installing the new one.


For uninstall just hit the following command

yum remove smeserver-teamspeak-server

You can ignore the yum-comments signal event post-upgrade and signal-event reboot.


Client side

  • Download and install latest TeamSpeak client (TS is available on all platforms)
  • Connect to your server with the client and enjoy!

You can see who is connected and connect to TeamSpeak using the new built-in website at


Server side

Important.png Note:
In server-only mode, you will have to forward UDP port 8767 from your router to your SME!


You will need admin and superadmin passwords which can be retrieved by typing this command at a linux-prompt

service teamspeak passwords
Important.png Note:
To connect with superadmin you have to go to slogin.html not login.html

Custom banner

If you want a custom banner, edit /opt/teamspeak/server.ini and add following lines at the end of the file:

GFX URL=http://link_to_image/banner.jpg

Banner logo MUST BE JPG (150x80 pixels max)


TeamSpeak's service accepts following commands:

service teamspeak {start|stop|restart|status|passwords}

To view the full configuration of TeamSpeak service:

config show teamspeak

Optionnal Firewall settings

  • You could want the web interface to be globaly accessible:
db configuration setprop teamspeak TCPPort 14534
signal-event remoteaccess-update
  • You could also want to view your server's activity on your website (if the web server is outside your LAN):
db configuration setprop teamspeak TCPPort 51234
signal-event remoteaccess-update

You can even use both:

db configuration setprop teamspeak TCPPort 14534,51234
signal-event remoteaccess-update
  • Allow another server instance on port 8768 (server still needs to be added in the web interface!)
db configuration setprop teamspeak UDPPort 8767,8768
signal-event remoteaccess-update
Important.png Note:
In server-only mode, you need to forward these ports from your router to your SME!

To revert to defaults settings, issue following commands:

db configuration delprop teamspeak TCPPort
db configuration setprop teamspeak UDPPort 8767
signal-event remoteaccess-update

Additional information

Sylvain Gomez (Cool34000)


Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla

and select the smeserver-teamspeak-server component or use this link

Below is an overview of the current issues for this contrib:

IDProductVersionStatusSummary (1532 tasks)
12927SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDRemote Access access setting ftp to Public Access entire interne fails
12926SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVED(Login failed): Invalid shell: '/usr/sbin/false'
12925SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDunknown protocol: 'TLSv1.3' proftpd 1.3.6 does not support TLS v1.3
12924SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDNFR: allow smanager setting for ftp Anonymous access
12923SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDstatus select field can not be set to current value
12922SME Server 11.X11.alpha1UNCONFIRMEDsmeserver-affa /usr/sbin/affa permissions
12921SME Contribs11.0RESOLVEDcreate akmod wrapper
12920SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDremove epel as in core
12919SME Contribs11.0RESOLVEDxt_geoip requires xtables-addons built for current kernel
12918SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDInclude End of Life, EOL, statement in Server Manager
12917SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDdnf post transaction calls signal-event smeserver-roundcube
12916SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDmove letsencrypt panel to smeserver-certificates
12915SME Server 11.X11.alpha1VERIFIEDupdate eol message and date
12914SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDbuild missing pam_abl and add as requirement of smeserver-base
12913SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDpam_tally is deprecated
12912SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDquota on non root partition is not initialized
12911SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDpatch anaconda to change default partitionning
12910SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDWebmail / Roundcube access from user panel and menu does not work if local DNS not used.
12909SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDmissing isdn4k-utils
12908SME Server 11.X11.alpha1UNCONFIRMEDsm2 v50 - Variable "$config" is not imported at template webhosting.html.ep line 6.
12907SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDSM2 V50 - Server-Error on Review Configuration
12906SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDsmanager and other SM2 controller files still using FormMagick routines
12905SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDMake SM2 db opening specific to the route, rather than opening only once
12904SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDNFR paste ssh key in smanager Remote Access Panel
12903SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDThe jDatatable tables do not reflect the current locale in terms of language etc. Only show English
12902SME Server 11.X11.alpha1RESOLVEDboot order aleatory, with services starting before bootstrap-console
12901SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDLocale not consistently applied
12900SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDHtml shown in button labels on email panel italian locale
12899SME Server 11.X11.alpha1VERIFIEDdnf update @smeserver serves packages we do not want after install/configuration
12898SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDdefault kernel entries show Rocky
12897SME Server 11.X11.alpha1CONFIRMEDfeedback plugin: failed to retrieve the MAC address
12896SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDNo dns resolution in clean build Server-only mode
12895SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDIncorrect boot loader information on install
12894SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDError in <unknown> scriptlet in rpm package systemd
12893SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDCountry flag display uses a google data lookup to find country name
12892SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDCSRF protection plugin causes error message when in production mode
12891SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDShould only display "Reconfiguration required" based on Configuration/UnsaveChanges DB entry
12889SME Server 11.X--IN_PROGRESSViewlogfiles panel has use perl::Time:TAI64 - not needed.
12888SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDFetching the value or values of a single named parameter
12887SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDMake Version number only display on admin login
12886SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDAdd Mojolicious version to footer
12885SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDUpdate to fix crash with perl-mojolicious 9.39
12884SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDIf the First / last name are already duplicated in another account, then the error message is not specific enough (and confusing)
12883SME Contribs11.0RESOLVEDclosure of openfusion repo
12882SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDcleanup yum_repositories : closure of openfusion repo
12880SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDremove copy of perl.prov
12879SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDNFR define default folder
12878SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDdrop for bind or write systemd unit for dnscace and dnscace.forwarder to drop daemontools
12877SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDdrop for bind or write systemd unit for tinydns to drop deps on daemontools
12876SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDwrite systemd unit for ippp to remove deps on daemontools
12875SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDwrite wan systemd unit to remove deps on daemontools
12874SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDcreate systemd unit to remove deps on daemontools
12873SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDNeeds ignoredir for /var/service/qpsmtpd and "u" and "s"
12872SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDmini-qmail is missing pre and post scriptlet
12871SME Server 11.X--RESOLVED/bin/sh is needed by smeserver-qpsmtpd
12870SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDMessages dropdown in View Log Files for Server manager 2 is too wide.
12867SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDEFI local.service tries writing grub.cfg to /boot/efi/EFI/centos
12866SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDserver-manager letsencypt should have on/off for ip check
12865SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDserver-manager reconfigure returns blank page
12864SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDserver-manager letsencrypt panel spelling
12863SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDEmail to pseudonym is rejected
12862SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDCleanup qmail users
12861SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDcsp breaks roundcube
12860SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDMULTIPLE_RPM_OWNERS smeserver-samba-11.0.0-8.el8.sme, smeserver-ibays-11.0.0-9.el8.sme
12859SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDincomplet support for systemd service with instance service@instance.service
12858SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDPrimary default to SSLRequireSSL=enabled
12857SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDadd X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: none header
12856SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDadd Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy headers
12855SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDadd Permissions-Policy headers if not set
12854SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDAdapt for postfix queue
12853SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDRewrite for postfix queue
12852SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDRemove qmailanalog
12851SME Server Documentation11.xCONFIRMEDadd .well-known/security.txt and more ..
12850SME Server Documentation11.xCONFIRMEDTemplate for Content-Security-Policy on VirtualHosts
12849SME Server Documentation11.xCONFIRMEDadd hsts support
12848SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDcheck and add back www user in shared group
12847SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDunexpected path fails some action scripts
12846SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDonclick should be replaced by href
12845SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDflag-icon.min.css should not be provided by cloud flare
12844SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDxxcolor unknown property for selector .login-button
12843SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDcross request to external website should be removed
12842SME Server is not found 404
12841SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDUpdate Mailstats (perl and python) to accommodate SME11 log format.
12840SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDServer-Manager 2 CSP policy
12839SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDthere might be something hardcoded in userpanelaccess
12838SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDDevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for
12837SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDExternal files from CDN need to be internal
12836SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDIn Template for and sasl_passwd need quotes due to hyphens in name for smtp-auth-proxy
12835SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDX-Content-Type-Options nosniff
12834SME Server 11.X--VERIFIEDvirtual expected format: key whitespace value
12833SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDremove /usr/local/sbin/
12832SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDcatch-all in /etc/postfix/virtual gives unexpected mailbox_command environment variables values
12831SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDSoftware installer setting are not saved
12830SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDremove /etc/yum.repos.d/e-smith-devtools.repo
12829SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDupdate /etc/yum.repos.d/smeserver-mock.repo
12828SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDUpdate JS components to latest version
12827SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDput default cipher and default ssl protocol in esmith::ssl
12826SME Server 11.X--CONFIRMEDhandle dhparams via template
12825SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDadd cipher list and order it
12824SME Server 11.X--RESOLVEDimprove cipher list and order
Warnings were generated during the execution of function
  1. Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100


Only released version in smecontrib are listed here.