SME Server:9.1/fr

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SME Server 9.1 Release Notes

The SME Server development team is pleased to announce the release of SME Server 9.1 which is based on CentOS 6.7 Full Release Notes

Bug reports and reports of potential bugs should be raised in the bug tracker (and only there, please);

The Koozali SME Server project

The Koozali Foundation Inc. is a nonprofit corporation that governs the open source Koozali SME Server project. Koozali SME Server is a stable, secure and easy to use/manage linux server that provides common server functionalities out of the box. Many open source contributions are available that can extend the default server functionality making Koozali SME Server an even more powerful and flexible business server solution. Thousands of Koozali SME Severs have been deployed as real or virtual servers and in the cloud to serve many small to medium enterprises, and this number is growing day by day. The Koozali SME Server is free to use but it takes a lot of effort and money to develop, make, and maintain. We therefore ask you for your considerations.


Koozali Foundation Inc. together with its community hosted at is a collaborative effort of volunteers. You too can contribute to the development and continuity of the Koozali SME Server project as described on our volunteering page. Everybody is welcome to join the already 4000+ member community and can contribute with any skill set.

Financial donations

You can also show your support by making financial donations. The preferred way to make financial donations is using the donate option in the forums. You are free to choose any amount and frequency, being monthly, yearly or only once. The benefit of donating through your forums account is that your forum user name will receive a badge, showing your donation status. If you do not have a forum account, you can create one, or select the below PayPal option to make your donations.

Commercial usage

Organizations that use Koozali SME Server for their business, provide professional services related to SME Server or in any other way benefit commercially from the Koozali SME Server project, are kindly requested to consider regular financial donations that reflect their business benefits.

Koozali Foundation Inc. is happy to supply an invoice for any donations received. For more information on invoicing please send a mail to


Thank you for your considerations and support!


Koozali SME Server : DEVELOPMENT releases
Version DVD ISO Checksum Netinstall ISO Checksum
SME Server 11 alpha1
Release notes

EOL May 31th, 2029

x86_64 MD5 SHA1 x86_64 MD5 SHA1
Koozali SME Server : STABLE releases
Version DVD ISO Checksum Netinstall ISO Checksum
SME Server 10.1
Release notes

EOL June 30th, 2024

x86_64 MD5 SHA1 x86_64 MD5 SHA1
Koozali SME Server : Obsolete releases
Version DVD ISO Checksum Netinstall ISO Checksum
SME Server 9.2
Release notes

EOL November 30th, 2020

i386 MD5 SHA1 i386 MD5 SHA1
x86_64 MD5 SHA1 x86_64 MD5 SHA1
Direct link to the Koozali SME Server mirrors and how to become a mirror.

SME Server requires a DVD/CD, a USB Stick/Disk can also be used.

The Koozali Foundation Inc. would like to thank all of our sponsors and partners.

About SME Server

SME Server is the leading Linux distribution for small and medium enterprises. SME Server is brought to you by Koozali Foundation, Inc., a non-profit corporation that exists to provide marketing and legal support for SME Server.

SME Server is freely available under the GNU General Public License and is only possible through the efforts of the SME Server community. However, the availability and quality of SME Server is dependent on meeting our expenses, such as hosting costs, server hardware, etc.

As such, we ask for a donation to offset costs and fund further development. a) If you are a school, a church, a non-profit organisation or an individual using SME Server for private purposes, we would appreciate you to contribute within your means toward the costs associated with hosting, maintenance and development. b) If you are a company or an integrator and you are deploying SME Server in the course of your work to generate revenue, we expect you to make a donation commensurate with the level of revenue you generate and the number of servers your have in the field. Please, help the project

Koozali Inc is happy to supply an invoice for any donations received, simply email


The development team would like to thank all of those who have involved themselves with this release.


Hardware requirements

Procédure d'installation.



In-place upgrades to SME 9.1 *are* supported - from 9.0 only.

You are advised to only upgrade clean machines, e.g. without contribs or other modifications.


This is the most affordable way to get a clean and secure upgrade. During the upgrade process the existing installation is detected and the option to upgrade the existing system is displayed.


Even if possible and tested the yum upgrade must be performed only with stable internet connections and, preferably, not remotely. Loosing connection may leave your system in an unknown state.

Check for known issues, here Dashboard and at open bugs for SME 9 in bugzilla.

Check for contrib packages that may need upgrading

Even though it is recommended that you only upgrade clean machines (e.g. without contribs or other modifications), it may be possible that you have a contrib installed that you forgot about. After the upgrade, check if any contribs may require an upgrade from the smecontribs repository.


  Note :
les mises à jour en place de SME 8.# à SME 9.x en utilisant yum ou un CD ne sont pas possibles en raison des contraintes de conception imposées par CentOS.

Il est nécessaire de sauvegarder le vieux serveur, puis de restaurer sur le nouveau. Les contributions doivent être réinstallées.

Le plus simple pour ce faire est la sauvegarde de l'ancien serveur à partir de la console sur un disque USB. Autrement, utiliser l'une des options de sauvegarde et de restauration disponible dans le panneau du gestionnaire du serveur, c'est-à-dire sauvegarde sur l'ordinateur local ou sauvegarde sur une sttaion de travail (soit sur un disque USB, soit par le réseau). D'autres options non normalisées existent pour sauvegarder des serveurs virtuels qui n'ont pas de ports USB, etc. et restaurer sur des systèmes similaires, en utilisant, ssh, par exemple.

Traduction en cours...

The Restore from USB on first boot function (on a newly installed SME 9 server), will only utilise backups that are saved as smeserver.tgz files, which are the Console backup to USB or the server manager backup to Desktop. The server manager backup to Workstation (either to USB or network share) creates a "backupdate.dar" type filename (or multiple split parts) & cannot be used to restore using the Restore on first boot function, it can only be used for restores from server manager.

After a Restore to new hardware, networking may not be functional. This is caused by the restored NIC settings being incorrect for the NIC's in the new hardware. To fix this, login as admin & from the console menu select Configure this server. Step through the screens & choose the new hardware network card (NIC) drivers, & leave other settings unchanged.

Upgrade via Console backup to USB drive

  • Log in as admin & Backup the old server via a Console Backup to attached USB disk. This may take many hours if you have a lot of data on your server, depending on USB port speed, USB drive speed, & types of files being backed up ie whether already compressed or not etc. Typically for 250Gb of data on your server hard drive, 2 to 4 hours.
  • Install the SME 9.x OS from CD on the new hardware (on new server).
  • Select to do a Restore on first boot of the newly installed SME Server 9. Only attach USB containing the backup file, when asked on first reboot. Restore may take a few hours depending on data size etc. Make sure you wait for the Restore complete message.

Upgrade via server manager backup to Desktop or Workstation (USB or network)

  • On the old server in server manager, configure the required backup in the Backup or Restore panel. Schedule the backup to run at a suitable time. This backup can be to a workstation desktop for systems with a smaller amount of data, which creates a smeserver.tgz backup file, or to a locally connected USB drive or to a network share, & creates xx...xx.dar files, split into multiple parts if configured & data size is large. This may take many hours to run depending on data size etc.
  • On the new SME9 server, manually configure the identical backup job in the server manager Backup or Restore panel. The backup job MUST point to the exact same location that the original backup file is saved to.
  • Select the Restore function within server manager & select the full backup you want to restore from. This may take many hours to run depending on data size, network speed etc. Make sure you wait for the Restore complete message.
  • Basic networking configuration of the new and/or restored SME9 server will be required if different from original server.

Upgrade using command line restore via ssh or USB

  • It is possible to use the command line to transfer a backup file via ssh (or USB) to the new server & then to run the restore. Standard & non standard backup concepts & procedures are outlined in the Backup server config Howto, If using any non standard method, then the integrity of your SME server data cannot be guaranteed.
  • To do a standard backup & restore using CLI, on the old server log in as admin & perform the Console Backup to USB drive (to a locally connected USB). Alternatively using suitable commands, a smeserver.tgz backup file could be created & saved to / folder, refer Howto.
  • Install the SME 9.x OS from CD on the new hardware (on new server).
  • Answer No when asked if you want to restore from USB during the first boot.

  • If you created or have the backup file on the old server, transfer the smeserver.tgz backup file via ssh from your old server to your new server. Both servers must be connected & remote access enabled
  • On the old server do:
scp -P zzzz /smeserver.tgz newserverIP:/

(where zzzz = port number)

  • If you saved the backup file to USB, then transfer the smeserver.tgz backup file from USB to your new server
  • Log in as root or a root user on the new server & do:
mount /media/usbdisk
cp /media/usbdisk/Backup-date-folder/smeserver.tgz /

(replace usbdisk with actual mount point name & Backup-date-folder with actual folder date name)

  • After the backup file has been copied to the new server, on the new server do:
cd /
signal-event pre-restore
tar -C / -xzvf smeserver.tgz
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event post-upgrade
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event reboot
  • Before restarting the new server, disconnect old server from network (as you will have clashes due to duplicate IPs)
  • On new server do:
cd /
rm smeserver.tgz
  • Note the backup & restore may take many hours to complete depending on data size etc.
  • After restore, the Configuration of the new server should be identical to the old server.
  • Note with two servers connected during ssh copying operations, basic networking configuration of the new unrestored SME9 server will need to be temporarily different to the old server to avoid clashes

Reinstall Contribs after restore

Add on contrib rpm packages will need to be re-installed on the new SME 9.x server as these are NOT included in the backup. Contrib data & configuration is included in backups & will be restored, but its usefulness will depend on the contrib design being unchanged between older (SME7/el4 or SME8/el5) & SME9/el6 package versions.

Delete & Reconfigure Manual tweaks

Other manual tweaks eg custom templates or scripts, will need to be deleted & recreated in line with SME 9.x template code & base code.

Where extensive modifications have been made to the "old server (eg SME8.1)", it is recommended to carry out a test backup & restore upgrade first, to discover any problems & ascertain suitable fixes & workarounds. Removing contribs & custom templates before upgrading is recommended.


/boot partition is always RAID 1.

The spare handling for RAID arrays is not implemented.


Changes from SME9rc1

USB Install working once again

Anaconda lang syntax error

Changes from Beta 4

USB installs now supported.

RAID 'n' now supported.

ISOLINUX menu screen added.

Allow workstation backup to mounted drive.

Changes from Beta 3

The installer has been substantially modified in Beta 3.

The remaining relevant patches from SME Server 8 have been ported.

Note: The spare handling for RAID arrays is not implemented. Workstation Backup has had many minor changes, see below for details.

A new feature has been introduced to block SSH login attempts,

It is set by default to reject SSH connections when there have been 3 or more requests in the previous 15 minutes.

See the link above to tune the defaults, or to disable:

db configuration setprop sshd AutoBlock enabled

signal-event remoteaccess-update

Changes from Beta 2

The installer has been substantially modified in Beta 2. It now creates the degraded RAID1 array with a single disk install. Some, but not all, install options are now supported.

The base has been updated to CentOS 6.5

The network interface code has been reworked to remove all hardcoding relating to eth0 and eth1.

Major changes in this release

Added functionality to use a Dummy NIC for the internal interface. Set the check update frequency of smecontribs through the server-manager. Disable SSLv3. Added Windows 10 support for SME Domain.

Changes in this release

Only the changes since SME Server 9.0 are listed, mainly autogenerated from the changelogs.

Packages altered by Centos, Redhat, and Fedora-associated developers are not included.


- dar new upstream version
- dar add pkgconfig
- The mountpoint is tested before attempting the console backup
- Workstation Backup, do not fail backup for mtime/ctime mismatch
- Change the sub checkMount() to findmnt Ian Wells <>
- Add requires nfs-utils
- The nfs service is neither started or allowed to start
- Don't remove the apache group during restore

File Server

- The samba performance registry is now added in the win10samba.reg
- Fix samba audit parameters
  Patch from Jorge Gonzalez
  Replace syslog template to rsyslog so samba audits are logged in the correct
  Corrected typo in patch of bad character '“', relative to roaming profile
  Roaming profiles follow Windows version (.V2,.V3,.V4,.V5)
  added W10 support to SME Domain
- Added e-smith-samba-2.4.0.bz9048.RoamingProfileForW8.patch
  Modified the registry file for roaming profile with W8
  Roaming profiles follow Windows version (.V2,.V3,.V4,.V5)
- Add dependency on perl(Crypt::Cracklib), needed for ftpasswd --use-cracklib
  Add -utils subpackage for support tools (#1258440), using a sub-package to
  ensure that the main package does not require perl
  Update ftpasswd to version from proftpd 1.3.5a for additional functionality
  (SHA passwords, locking and unlocking of accounts)


- Remove size limit for search result
- Make pdbedit output independent from locale and timezone so it can be
- Symlink /etc/init.d/ldap to /usr/bin/sv
- Chown all DB files to ldap before staring slapd
- Set checkpoint in slapd.conf instead of DB_CONFIG
- Stop ldap on shutdown (rc0 and rc6)
- Don't overwrite the ldif dump if slapcat's output is empty
  (code from Charlie Brady)
- Run db_recover on startup
- Don't wipe LDAP DB when the ldif dump is empty


- apply locale smeserver-locale-2.4.0-locale-2015-07-12.patch
- apply locale smeserver-locale-2.4.0-locale-2015-07-01.patch
- apply locale 2015-03-14 patch from pootle
- apply locale 2014-12-25 patch from pootle

Mail Server

- ClamAV Updated to release 0.98.7
- Remove the patch e-smith-email-5.4.0-UEsDBBQDAAAIA-new-signature.patch
- Add new zip file signatures to default mailpatterns database : UEsDBBQDAAAIA
- Add new zip file signatures to default mailpatterns database : ZIPVOSX & ZIPV3
- Disable fips mode on stunnel
- Use stunnel instead of sslio to support TLS
- Revert forcing TLSv1 patch as it breaks some inbound delivery
- Revert whitelist_soft dnsbl as it hasn't been verified yet and we need to
  push the fix for TLSv1
- Modify whitelist_soft transaction to interact with dnsbl filter
  by John Crisp <>
- Force usage of TLSv1
- Increase MemLimit to 700M for clamav-0.98
- Allow custom passdb args
- allow IP relayclient stored by DB
  Code from Stefano ZAmboni <>
  & Charlie Brady <>
- allow IP relayclient stored by DB
  Code from Stefano ZAmboni <>

Server manager

- fix gzfile accept paths with NUL character #1213407
- fix patch for CVE-2015-4024
- fix more functions accept paths with NUL character #1213407
- soap: missing fix for #1222538 and #1204868
- core: fix multipart/form-data request can use excessive
  amount of CPU usage CVE-2015-4024
- fix various functions accept paths with NUL character
  CVE-2015-4026, #1213407
- ftp: fix integer overflow leading to heap overflow when
  reading FTP file listing CVE-2015-4022
- phar: fix buffer over-read in metadata parsing CVE-2015-2783
- phar: invalid pointer free() in phar_tar_process_metadata()
- phar: fix buffer overflow in phar_set_inode() CVE-2015-3329
- phar: fix memory corruption in phar_parse_tarfile caused by
  empty entry file name CVE-2015-4021
- soap: more fix type confusion through unserialize #1222538
- soap: more fix type confusion through unserialize #1204868
- core: fix double in zend_ts_hash_graceful_destroy CVE-2014-9425
- core: fix use-after-free in unserialize CVE-2015-2787
- exif: fix free on unitialized pointer CVE-2015-0232
- gd: fix buffer read overflow in gd_gif.c CVE-2014-9709
- date: fix use after free vulnerability in unserialize CVE-2015-0273
- enchant: fix heap buffer overflow in enchant_broker_request_dict
- phar: use after free in phar_object.c CVE-2015-2301
- soap: fix type confusion through unserialize
- fileinfo: fix out-of-bounds read in elf note headers. CVE-2014-3710
- xmlrpc: fix out-of-bounds read flaw in mkgmtime() CVE-2014-3668
- core: fix integer overflow in unserialize() CVE-2014-3669
- exif: fix heap corruption issue in exif_thumbnail() CVE-2014-3670
- spl: fix use-after-free in ArrayIterator due to object
  change during sorting. CVE-2014-4698
- spl: fix use-after-free in SPL Iterators. CVE-2014-4670
- gd: fix NULL pointer dereference in gdImageCreateFromXpm.
- fileinfo: fix incomplete fix for CVE-2012-1571 in
  cdf_read_property_info. CVE-2014-3587
- core: fix incomplete fix for CVE-2014-4049 DNS TXT
  record parsing. CVE-2014-3597
- core: type confusion issue in phpinfo(). CVE-2014-4721
- date: fix heap-based buffer over-read in DateInterval. CVE-2013-6712
- core: fix heap-based buffer overflow in DNS TXT record parsing.
- core: unserialize() SPL ArrayObject / SPLObjectStorage type
  confusion flaw. CVE-2014-3515
- fileinfo: out-of-bounds memory access in fileinfo. CVE-2014-2270
- fileinfo: unrestricted recursion in handling of indirect type
  rules. CVE-2014-1943
- fileinfo: out of bounds read in CDF parser. CVE-2012-1571
- fileinfo: cdf_check_stream_offset boundary check. CVE-2014-3479
- fileinfo: cdf_count_chain insufficient boundary check. CVE-2014-3480
- fileinfo: cdf_unpack_summary_info() excessive looping
  DoS. CVE-2014-0237
- fileinfo: CDF property info parsing nelements infinite
  loop. CVE-2014-0238
- add php_get_module_initialized internal function (#1053301)
- soap: fixRFC2616 transgression (#1045019)
- fix static calling in non-static method (#953786)
- fix autoload called from closing session (#954027)
- drop unneeded part of CVE-2006-724.patch and fileinfo.patch
  extension not provided or git binary patches (#1064027)
- odbc: fix incompatible pointer type (#1053982)
- mysqli: fix possible segfault in mysqli_stmt::bind_result
  php bug 66762 (#1069167)
- mysql: fix php_mysql_fetch_hash writes long value into int
  php bug 52636 (#1054953)

Web Server

- DIsable SSLv3
- Revert CRIME mitigation patch, as it's not needed
- Mitigate CVE-2012-4929
- Turn SSLEngine on in the SSL vhost (ProxyPassVirtualHosts)
- Remove obsolete gpc_order setting from php.ini.
- Add an upload_tmp_folder setting by db command
- Thanks to Michael McCarn and Jean-philippe Pialasse

Other fixes and updates

- Update /etc/mime.types templates
- Use sha256 algorithm for signature of SSL cert.
- Added new createlinks function event_templates event_actions event_services
- Don't claim to own /sbin and /sbin/e-smith
- display variable name in the server-manager $domainName, $domainDesc $domain
- Revert the upload_tmp_folder patch as it needs some more work
- Add dummy NIC support as InternalInterface
- Only fire the ip-change event when IP is assigned to WAN nic
  (Code by Charlie Brady and John Crisp)
- Only reset service access when switching to or from private server mode
  (Code by Charlie Brady)
- When quiting the console app with unsaved changes set the default selected
  answer to NO
- Added a comment to specify the real configuration file of dhcpd
- Modified the patch of daniel e-smith-base-5.6.0-ensure_apache_alias_www.patch
- Ensure www group exists and that apache is an alias of www
- Check where running runlevel 4, not 7 in service wrapper
- Correctly update NIC configuration on single NIC systems
- Symlink udev-post service in rc7
- Fix PPPoE after a post-upgrade
- Remove dependency on microcode_ctl
- Prevent emailing about the normal, weekly, checks of RAID arrays, by Mark    Casey
- Don't claim to own /sbin and /sbin/e-smith
- Add an upload_tmp_folder setting by db command
  Thanks to Michael McCarn and Jean-philippe Pialasse
- the folder /tmp is created by the event init-ibays
- the event ibay-modify create/chown/chmod the folder /tmp
- Add an upload_tmp_folder setting by db command
  Thanks to Michael McCarn and Jean-philippe Pialasse
- Force SSL following ibays settings to the relevant domain
- Perl::critic syntax modifications
- Add more PHP options to ibays only by db commands
- Add SSLRequireSSL to ibays when SSL is set to enabled
- Allow the admin upsd in /etc/hosts.allow
- Creation Admin Privilege for use of upscmd & upsrw
- Remove obsolete directives {allowfrom}
- Access property created (default value is 'localhost')
- Remove obsolete directives {ACL,ACCEPT,REJECT} and switch to LISTEN
  in /etc/ups/upsd.conf
- Allow NUT in /etc/hosts.allow and in /etc/services
  Code change from Daniel B.<>
- Revert the patch e-smith-tinydns-2.4.0_add_hostname_following_dhcpdleases_hostname.patch
- Duplicate hostnames with different IP are not used, a warn in log is printed
- The server hostname can not be used by a dhcp client, a warning in log is printed
- Changed the name of /tmp/dhcpd.leases to /tmp/tmpdhcpd.leases
  when the dhcpd lease is modified
- Do template-expand of /var/service/tinydns/root/data
- Do sigus1 of dhcp-dns & dnscache
- Forked DHCPparse for parsing the end of lease and remove old entry of dnscache
- Require perl-Text-DHCPparse removed
- Timestamp added in tinydns, the entry in dnscache is cleared when the lease is over
- Add new feature 'Parse dhcpd.leases and feed to tinydns'
- e-smith-tinydns-2.4.0_add_hostname_following_dhcpdleases_hostname.patch
  made from the solution of Stefano Zamboni
- Make slapd service an alias for ldap
- Switched to sysvinit from systemd (it's rhel-6)
- Fixed license tag Related: rhbz#632853
- pptpd New version
- Dropped pppd-unbundle patch (upstreamed)
- Various fixes according to Fedora review Related: rhbz#632853
- Modified for Fedora Resolves: rhbz#632853
- Update to upstream version 2.3.4, which fixes CVE-2012-3478 and CVE-2012-2252
- Updated rsync-protocol.patch to fix CVE-2012-2251, and to apply on top of the
  CVE-2012-3478 and CVE-2012-2252 fixes.
- Updated makefile.patch to preserve RPM CFLAGS.
- Added command-line-error.patch (from Debian), correcting error message
  generated when insecure command line option is used (CVE-2012-3478 fix
- Rebuilt for
- Add patch for rsync3 compat (#485946)
- Update runit to 2.1.2
- Remove now uneeded obsolete directives
- Remove openssl from the Exclude list of centos repo
- Add a default Yum db property for check4contribsupdates
- Added a check-update for the smecontribs repository
- Move protected package list to the correct location

General features

- Based on CentOS 6.7 and all available updates

Known issues

  • It can happen that during installation or after changing network interfaces, they appear in reverse order to the system, leaving the network (LAN/WAN) non functional. This has been fixed.

Fixed in e-smith-base-5.6.0-10