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This is an overview of recently fixed and closed issues on core SME Server. Please see the most recent activities on bugzilla.

IDProductVersionPackageStatusSummary (251 tasks)
12960SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-updateRESOLVEDnot all rpm gpg keys are added
12955SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-updateRESOLVEDdisable mariadb 10.5 module to use rpm directly from MariaDB repo
12952SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-phpRESOLVEDset base php to php84
12945SME Server 11.X--smeserver-hostsRESOLVEDwrite systemd unit for tinydns to drop deps on runit
12944SME Server 11.X--smeserver-domainsRESOLVEDwrite systemd unit for tinydns to drop deps on runit
12942SME Server 11.X--smeserver-proftpdRESOLVEDtemplate expand error
12941SME Server 11.X11.alpha1---RESOLVEDSpamassassin update needs to run sa_update on install
12938SME Server 11.X11.alpha1spamassassinRESOLVEDUpdate Spamassassin to 4.0.1
12937SME Server 11.X--smeserver-managerRESOLVEDpassword requirement is different in panel and from samba
12930SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-mysqlRESOLVEDchange mariadb version from 10.5 to 10.11 or 11.4
12929SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-roundcubeRESOLVEDneed to login again after /etc/roundcubemail/config.inc.php update
12928SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-roundcubeRESOLVEDroundcube not accessible after install
12926SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-baseRESOLVED(Login failed): Invalid shell: '/usr/sbin/false'
12925SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-proftpdRESOLVEDunknown protocol: 'TLSv1.3' proftpd 1.3.6 does not support TLS v1.3
12917SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-roundcubeRESOLVEDdnf post transaction calls signal-event smeserver-roundcube
12915SME Server 11.X11.alpha1e-smith-managerVERIFIEDupdate eol message and date
12914SME Server 11.X11.alpha1pam_ablRESOLVEDbuild missing pam_abl and add as requirement of smeserver-base
12913SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-baseRESOLVEDpam_tally is deprecated
12912SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-quotaRESOLVEDquota on non root partition is not initialized
12909SME Server 11.X11.alpha1isdn4k-utilsRESOLVEDmissing isdn4k-utils
12906SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-managerRESOLVEDsmanager Quota.pm and other SM2 controller files still using FormMagick routines
12902SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-baseRESOLVEDboot order aleatory, with services starting before bootstrap-console
12899SME Server 11.X11.alpha1smeserver-updateVERIFIEDdnf update @smeserver serves packages we do not want after install/configuration
12880SME Server 11.X--smeserver-mockRESOLVEDremove copy of perl.prov
12878SME Server 11.X--smeserver-dnscacheRESOLVEDwrite systemd unit for dnscache and dnscache.forwarder to drop runit
12877SME Server 11.X--smeserver-tinydnsRESOLVEDwrite systemd unit for tinydns to drop deps on runit
12876SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseRESOLVEDwrite systemd unit for ippp to remove deps on daemontools
12875SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseRESOLVEDwrite wan systemd unit to remove deps on daemontools
12874SME Server 11.X--smeserver-proftpdRESOLVEDcreate systemd unit to remove deps on daemontools
12873SME Server 11.X-----VERIFIEDNeeds ignoredir for /var/service/qpsmtpd and "u" and "s"
12872SME Server 11.X--mini-qmailRESOLVEDmini-qmail is missing pre and post scriptlet
12863SME Server 11.X--smeserver-postfixRESOLVEDEmail to pseudonym is rejected
12861SME Server 11.X--smeserver-roundcubeVERIFIEDcsp breaks roundcube
12859SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseRESOLVEDincomplet support for systemd service with instance service@instance.service
12858SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseRESOLVEDPrimary default to SSLRequireSSL=enabled
12857SME Server 11.X--smeserver-apacheRESOLVEDadd X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies: none header
12856SME Server 11.X--smeserver-apacheRESOLVEDadd Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy headers
12855SME Server 11.X--smeserver-apacheRESOLVEDadd Permissions-Policy headers if not set
12852SME Server 11.X--qmailanalogRESOLVEDRemove qmailanalog
12848SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseRESOLVEDcheck and add back www user in shared group
12842SME Server 11.X--smeserver-manager-jqueryRESOLVEDpdfmake.min.js.map is not found 404
12836SME Server 11.X--smeserver-postfixRESOLVEDIn Template for main.cf and sasl_passwd need quotes due to hyphens in name for smtp-auth-proxy
12835SME Server 11.X--smeserver-apacheVERIFIEDX-Content-Type-Options nosniff
12834SME Server 11.X--smeserver-postfixVERIFIEDvirtual expected format: key whitespace value
12832SME Server 11.X--smeserver-postfixRESOLVEDcatch-all in /etc/postfix/virtual gives unexpected mailbox_command environment variables values
12831SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateRESOLVEDSoftware installer setting are not saved
12830SME Server 11.X--smeserver-devtoolsRESOLVEDremove /etc/yum.repos.d/e-smith-devtools.repo
12829SME Server 11.X--smeserver-mockRESOLVEDupdate /etc/yum.repos.d/smeserver-mock.repo
12827SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseRESOLVEDput default cipher and default ssl protocol in esmith::ssl
12825SME Server 11.X--smeserver-proftpdRESOLVEDadd cipher list and order it
12824SME Server 11.X--smeserver-ldapRESOLVEDimprove cipher list and order
12823SME Server 11.X--smeserver-dovecotRESOLVEDimprove cipher list and order
12822SME Server 11.X--smeserver-qpsmtpdRESOLVEDimprove cipher list and order
12821SME Server 11.X--smeserver-apacheRESOLVEDimprove cipher list and order
12819SME Server 11.X--smeserver-apacheRESOLVEDadd OCSP Stapling
12818SME Server 11.X--smeserver-apacheRESOLVEDadd .well-known/security.txt and more ..
12817SME Server 11.X--smeserver-apacheVERIFIEDreferrer-Policy "same-origin"
12816SME Server 11.X--smeserver-apacheVERIFIEDX-Frame-Options SAMEORIGINE
12815SME Server 11.X--smeserver-apacheRESOLVEDadd hsts support
12812SME Server 11.X--smeserver-roundcubeRESOLVEDv11 roundcube errors on first install
12808SME Server 11.X--smeserver-emailRESOLVEDmove from smeserver-mini-qmail to smeserver-email
12806SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateRESOLVED$releasever not expanding in enabled repositories list in SM1 software installer
12805SME Server 11.X--smeserver-phpRESOLVEDadd support to php84
12804SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateRESOLVEDtidy repo list for SME11
12793SME Server 11.X--smeserver-mini-qmailRESOLVEDcreate a smeserver-mini-qmail for final delivery using qmail behind postfix
12792SME Server 11.X--mini-qmailRESOLVEDcreate mini-qmail
12791SME Server 11.X--smeserver-qpsmtpdRESOLVEDprepare qpsmtpd to use postfix
12790SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateRESOLVEDadd and enable powertools repo as needed to get openldap-server
12789SME Server 11.X--smeserver-emailRESOLVEDAH01215: CGI::param called in list context can lead to vulnerabilities (pseudonyms)
12773SME Server 11.X--smeserver-backupVERIFIEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12771SME Server 11.X--smeserver-ldapVERIFIEDldap logs to message
12763SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseVERIFIEDFailed to delete /var/spool/mail/groupname
12760SME Server 11.X--smeserver-libRESOLVEDFailed to modify (ldap) group description/email
12759SME Server 11.X--smeserver-opensshRESOLVEDCannot load private key "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_key": invalid format; and comment of host keys not updated
12743SME Server 11.X--smeserver-emailRESOLVEDWebmail parameter "Save" on email panel gives "not updated"
12740SME Server 11.X--smeserver-opensshVERIFIEDmotd is displayed twice
12737SME Server 11.X--smeserver-postfixRESOLVEDMigrate from qmail to postfix
12735SME Server 11.X--smeserver-dovecotRESOLVEDmerge dovecot-extras to dovecot
12729SME Server 11.X--smeserver-phpRESOLVEDallow ibay setting of number of workers
12723SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateRESOLVEDIt restarts yum rather than dnf in update event script for smeserver-updates-update
12722SME Server 11.X--smeserver-backupRESOLVEDcan't restore
12720SME Server 11.X--smeserver-ldapRESOLVEDfilter utf8/iso to ascii in field accepting only ascii [smeserver-ldap]
12719SME Server 11.X--smeserver-libRESOLVEDcreate esmith::util:ldap wrapper around Net::LDAP
12717SME Server 11.X--smeserver-localeRESOLVEDapply patch 2024-08-08 from sme10
12715SME Server 10.X10.1smeserver-yumVERIFIEDwrong url for vault sclo
12693SME Server 11.X--smeserver-ldapRESOLVEDprestart script logs to messages
12691SME Server 11.X--smeserver-radiusdRESOLVEDnew log does not fill after log rotate smeserver-radiusd
12690SME Server 11.X--smeserver-opensshRESOLVEDnew log does not fill after log rotate smeserver-openssh
12689SME Server 11.X--smeserver-spamassassinRESOLVEDnew log does not fill after log rotate smeserver-spamassassin
12688SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseRESOLVEDnew log does not fill after log rotate smeserver-base
12687SME Server 11.X--smeserver-sambaRESOLVEDconvert CPU usage to Net::LDAP [smeserver-samba]
12686SME Server 11.X--smeserver-ibaysRESOLVEDconvert CPU usage to Net::LDAP [smeserver-ibay]
12678SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseRESOLVEDrework pppoe for kernel space rather than use rspace
12677SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseRESOLVEDadd support for external VLAN
12673SME Server 11.X--smeserver-ldapRESOLVEDnew log does not fill after log rotate semserver-ldap
12670SME Server 11.X--smeserver-opensshVERIFIEDremove references to rssh
12668SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateRESOLVEDdnf-makecache.service logs output
12665SME Server 11.X--smeserver-phpRESOLVEDerror: stat of /var/log/php/php/error.log failed: Permission denied
12663SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseRESOLVEDconvert CPU usage to Net::LDAP [smeserver-base]
12662SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateRESOLVEDyum plugin fails to restart servioces correctly after update
Warnings were generated during the execution of function
  1. Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100

Important.png Note:
The above fixed core packages will automatically be made available as regular updates through the updates repository. Before they become available as a regular update, the packages will be in the smetest repository for testing purposes.