Zarafa Bayesian Learning
Zarafa Bayesian learning
This howto enables SpamAssasin Bayesian learning for Zarafa
The DMZS script (LGPL) works over IMAP. It reads the mail from two folders (LearnAsSpam and LearnAsHam) and feeds it to SpamAssasin's sa-learn. This script is implemented here in a way that it makes use of public folders in Zarafa.
yum install perl-Mail-IMAPClient --enablerepo=extras wget mv /usr/bin/
Create a user-account in Zarafa for reading the public spam-folders.
db method, Replace the <MyPassword> with a proper strong password. zarafa-admin -c 'SpamAdmin' -p '<MyPassword>' -f 'Spam Administration Account' -e root@localhost unix method, if per user db accounts setprop SpamAdmin zarafa enabled /etc/e-smith/events/actions/qmail-update-user
Now we'll edit the script and replace the Server, User and Password values. We will also have to replace two folder names throughout the script:
pico /usr/bin/
Replace the values so it looks like below, replace <MyPassword> for the password you have chosen in a previous step:
my $imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new( Server=> '', User => 'SpamAdmin', Password => '<MyPassword>', Debug => $debug);
Throughout the script (be aware of the quotes):
replace: 'spam' -> with: 'Public folders/LearnAsSpam' replace: 'not-spam' -> with: 'Public folders/LearnAsHam' remove: --showdots
Set proper permissions on the script:
chmod 555 /usr/bin/
Create a file for the script to write some temporary output to:
touch /tmp/salearn
Login to Zarafa with an account that has admin rights and make two new folders LearnAsSpam and LearnAsHam under: Public folder > Public folders. Set the permissions (right-click folder > Properties > Permission-tab) on both these new folders to:
Spam administration account * Folder visible * Read items * Edit items: all * Delete items: all Everyone (and/or other users/groups you've added at least need:) * Folder visible * Create items * Edit items: none * Delete items: none
Create a new crontab fragment:
pico /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/crontab/91_SpamAssasinLearn
Add the following to the template (change the execution times to your own likings -- Wikipedia on Cron):
# Running the Spamassasin Bayesian SPAM learning script every hour from 8:00 to 22:00 during weekdays 0 8-22 * * 1-5 root /usr/bin/
Make the new fragment active by expanding the template:
expand-template /etc/crontab
Spamassassin has to be enabled in the Email Panel
Bayesian learning has to be enabled and configured in SME with
config setprop spamassassin UseBayes 1 config setprop spamassassin BayesAutoLearnThresholdSpam 4.00 config setprop spamassassin BayesAutoLearnThresholdNonspam 0.10 expand-template /etc/mail/spamassassin/ sa-learn --sync --dbpath /var/spool/spamd/.spamassassin -u spamd chown spamd.spamd /var/spool/spamd/.spamassassin/bayes_* chown spamd.spamd /var/spool/spamd/.spamassassin/bayes.mutex chmod 640 /var/spool/spamd/.spamassassin/bayes_* signal-event email-update
These commands will:
- enable bayesian filter
- 'autolearn' as SPAM any email with a score above 4.00
- 'autolearn' as HAM any email with a score below 0.10
- Move/copy spam messages that are delivered to your Inbox to the public LearnAsSpam folder.
- COPY regular messages that end up in your Junk E-mail folder to the public LearnAsHam folder.
After the messages have been processed they will be deleted to save your valuable space.