zarafa won't see Mail sent to a users ~/Maildir
- spam could be sorted to ~/Maildir/junkmail
- The smeserver-mailsorting contrib sorts to Maildir folders, disable procmail/maildrop and re-create internal zarafa rules
Address book
The Zarafa global address book finds users and groups from /etc/passwd etc/group
We don't want machine names, ibays, system, the group of a user, maybe others. I don't see how to hide them, changing shell to /bin/false may break things
SME Actions
Actions to be linked into events
To delete a user from the server, use the following command:
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin -d <user name>
The user will be deleted from the database. The store of the user will be placed in the public store, in a 'Deleted Stores' folder. This folder is only available to administrative users of Zarafa.
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the smeserver-zarafa component or use this link .
Search open bugs for smeserver-zarafa at
Zarafa use their forum for bug reporting,