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Let's delete the mysql custom-template in the RPM and document how to change both values to allow uploading larger files!
Let's delete the mysql custom-template in the RPM and document how to change both values to allow uploading larger files!
I think you should restrict the affect to just the ocs directory
config setprop ocs MaxUpload 50M
php_admin_value post_max_size $ocs{'MaxUpload'}
php_admin_value upload_max_filesize $ocs{'MaxUpload'}
expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
/etc/init.d/httpd-e-smith condrestart
$ocs{'MaxUpload'} default = 10M
yes delete /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/my.cnf/005mysqld
you have to set a db value anyway so you may as well add it to the ocs fragment

Revision as of 12:05, 8 November 2007

ipdiscover bug

We need to confirm that ipdiscover works when the smeserver is the forced client.

I Tried the following:

ipdiscover eth0 10
Important.png Note:
Usage : ipdiscover [iface name] [latency in ms]

Here's what I got on my server:


Sounds like it's working for me... But IpDiscover discovers nothing when launched by SME OCS' Agent. There must be a problem here!

Windows Agent don't have this problem...



deletion bug

When you delete a package, ocs complains, but it deletes the files anyway, document later


The only way I was able to reproduce an error on package deletion is when I refreshed the page (as files were already removed, I got an error)

Could you be more clear on this bug? How did it happened?


add a package, deploy > activate > click on the red X

ERROR: Can't delete directory /opt/inventory/ocs/download/1194511477

I have documented that you can ignore the error, maybe i should say if you see the error you can ignore?


Upload size limit

Must document that on the Wiki:

Max allowed packet value is locked at 10M by default on SME.

No need to create a custom template: DB values already exist for this! They are hidden in php.ini templates 40DataHandling and 60FileUploads

What is the impact of setting large values on the server?

php Values can be changed with the following:

config setprop php UploadMaxFilesize 50M PostMaxSize 50M
expand-template /etc/php.ini
signal-event ocsglpi-update

I will add php.ini to the list of templates2expand

Let's delete the mysql custom-template in the RPM and document how to change both values to allow uploading larger files!


I think you should restrict the affect to just the ocs directory

config setprop ocs MaxUpload 50M
php_admin_value post_max_size $ocs{'MaxUpload'}
php_admin_value upload_max_filesize $ocs{'MaxUpload'}
expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
/etc/init.d/httpd-e-smith condrestart

$ocs{'MaxUpload'} default = 10M

yes delete /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/my.cnf/005mysqld


you have to set a db value anyway so you may as well add it to the ocs fragment


a minor change, don't release an rpm just for this

/glpi is hard to remember

can we add a duplicate alias, eg /reports

or make a URL db setting so it is configurable


  if (exists $foo{'URL'})
  { $OUT .= "Alias  /$foo{'URL'}  /opt/foo\n"; }


NP, I'll add this improvement in the next release. Do you want this for OCS too?

=> Is there a way to improve your code to test before using the alias that it will not override an existing one?

I will also set 'ocsinventory' and 'ocsinterface' as 'url' types to avoid using these virtual locations ;-) (forgot these ones!)

By the way, it's not so hard to remember: GLPI means Gestion Libre de Parc Informatique :-D

Very easy to remember... For a French guy!


ocs is ok, but maybe give it a URL db for completness,

as the fragment is last in httpd overwriting another value isn't a problem, the point is valid but the only thing that will happen in one of the local sites won't be visible
