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{{tip box|you may use TAB to auto-complete your command line}}
{{tip box|you may use TAB to auto-complete your command line}}

Revision as of 15:02, 10 March 2013

Apache Related Commands

  • Expand httpd.conf template:
expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

  • Restart httpd:
/etc/init.d/httpd-e-smith restart


sv t /service/httpd-e-smith

  • To leave Apache reads the distributed configuration file .htaccess per ibay:
db accounts setprop IBAYNAME AllowOverride All
signal-event ibay-modify IBAYNAME

  • Allow PHP URL File Open per ibay:

Make custom httpd directory if not exist

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Create the template name 99allow_url_fopen and put the content

<Directory /home/e-smith/files/ibays/IBAYNAME/html>
php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen on

Save the file


expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Restart httpd.

/etc/init.d/httpd-e-smith restart


There appears to be no password set for the MySQL root password, but this is not true. If you are logged in to the SME Server shell a special mechanism is in place to log you in with MySQL root privileges without prompting you for the password.

The MySQL root password for SME Server is a 72 character random string generated during installation of SME Server. You should never change the MySQL root password as this will break your SME Server configuration. How to login as MySQL root user? describes how to access MySQL with root privileges on SME Server.

For more informations you can see the MySQL page

Login as MySQL root user

To login as MySQL root user, simply type 'mysql' at the SME Server shell, this will log you in with root privileges.

Create a Database and its User

Create a new MySQL database (In this example the database name is databasename. Change databasename, username and password with your own choices as required)

Login as root and issue the following command:

create database databasename;
grant all privileges on databasename.* to username identified by 'password';
flush privileges;

Other useful MySQL commands:


will list all available database. Use 'mysqlshow --help' for all available options.

mysqladmin drop databasename

will let you destroy a database. Use with care. Use 'mysqladmin --help' for all available options.

PHP Related Commands

  • Expand php.ini template:
expand-template /etc/php.ini

  • Configure PHP Basedir Restriction per ibay:
db accounts setprop IBAYNAME PHPBaseDir DIR1:DIR2:DIRn
signal-event ibay-modify IBAYNAME


db accounts setprop Primary PHPBaseDir /home/e-smith/files/ibays/Primary:/tmp
signal-event ibay-modify Primary

  • Execution Time:
db configuration setprop php MaxExecutionTime ZZ
expand-template /etc/php.ini
/etc/init.d/httpd-e-smith restart

where ZZ is the time in seconds.

  • Memory Limit:
db configuration setprop php MemoryLimit XXM
expand-template /etc/php.ini
/etc/init.d/httpd-e-smith restart

where XX is the amount of memory in Mb.

  • Upload Max File Size:
db configuration setprop php UploadMaxFilesize WW
expand-template /etc/php.ini
/etc/init.d/httpd-e-smith restart

where WW is the file size in Mb.

  • Allow URL FOpen:

Not secure. Instead use per ibay or directory.

Squid Cache

Extracted from: http://forums.contribs.org/index.php?topic=38848.msg176737#msg176737

Flush and Restart

sv d /service/squid
echo "" > /var/spool/squid/swap.state
sv u /service/squid

& to check it's running

sv s /service/squid


  • Enable ssh access (the lazy not-so-secure way, but I am assuming for this testing/dev scenario that your external IP is really a local address behind a router)
db configuration setprop sshd status enabled
db configuration setprop sshd PermitRootLogin yes
db configuration setprop sshd acccess public
db configuration setprop sshd PasswordAuthentication yes
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event remoteaccess-update

  • Allow ssh in public or private mode : public= all internet private= only your network
db configuration sshd access public
signal-event remoteaccess-update

Command-Line Quick Reference Guide

Below is a list of commands that I use all the time & tend to forget.

Generic Linux

df -h shows disk usage in human readable form
man <commandname> shows more info about a command
uname -a kernel release version
/usr/sbin/smbd -V samba version
/usr/sbin/httpd -v apache version
mysql -v mysql version
php -v php version
mv moves or renames a file
cp copies or backup a file
rm removes or deletes a file
grep <process> outputs processes running <process>
ps -AH report process status
top shows processes
top -i shows only active processes
htop shows processes (more versatile than top)
iptraf shows network info
mc -d show midnight commander (cli file browser) to navigate through system easily
cat /proc/mdstat shows software raid
host -t mx aol.com shows the mx records for aol.com
net groupmap list shows samba mappings to nt groups
telinit 1 changes to single user mode
ifconfig shows detailed info on ethernet ports
grep -r "casesensitivesearch" * finds all documents containing the criteria in a dir
tail -f /var/log/<LOGFILE> realtime viewing of your log file
hdparm -Tt /dev/mdx (where x is 0,1,2,etc) shows software raid performance
mdadm --detail /dev/mdx (where x is 0,1,2,etc) gives raid info
tar -czvf foo.tar.gz foo creates a tar/zip file of a directory
tar -xvzf foo.tar.gz untar/unzip a tar/zip file
scp -P <ssh_portnumber> foo.tar.gz <user>@<other_server_ipaddress>:/opt transfers file to another server in /opt directory
rsync --progress -te "ssh -p <ssh_portnumber>" foo <other_server_ipaddress>:/opt transfers file to another server
sed -i s/foo/fee/g <FILENAMEORPATHTODIR> replaces foo with fee

Estimate file space usage - drill down into directories

cd /
du --si --max-depth 1
cd /home
du --si --max-depth 1
cd /home/e-smith
du --si --max-depth 1


Command Explanation
rpm -qa shows all rpms installed
rpm -qa --last shows all rpms installed & installation date
rpm -q asks for rpm info
rpm -qi asks for detailed rpm info
rpm -ql <packagename> lists all files in a package
rpm -qf <filename> reports what package a file belongs to


Command Explanation
yum install <packagename> installs packagename & any package it may need
yum remove <packagename> removes packagename
yum list updates list updates to any installed package
yum list available list available packages in all repos not already installed
grep <reponame> list available packages -shows only from repo name
yum search <packagename> lists all packages in all repos matching packagename
yum clean all Is used to clean up various things which accumulate in the yum cache
yum --enablerepo=<reponame> <command> enables a repo not normally enabled
/sbin/e-smith/audittools/newrpms shows all extra packages installed
/sbin/e-smith/audittools/repositories show all repositories and if they are activated or not

Restoring Default Yum Repositories

Important.png Note:
If you have problems with your yum setup you may have entered incorrect repository values. Remove the current values and restore the original setting with these commands

cd /home/e-smith/db/
mv yum_repositories yum_repositories.po

Now you have a clean install, you can re-add 3rd party repos as described above

signal-event yum-modify

and check if you can update your server

yum update

SME Server specific

Command Explanation
signal-event post-upgrade performs SME Server to go regenerate all templates
signal-event reboot reboots the server
signal-event <event> performs SME Server to go regenerate event template (you may use TAB to auto-complete your command line)
signal-event dns-update refreshes the DNS cache, useful for when you know a domain has changed IP and the TTL is too long to wait
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/navigation-conf recreates server-manager navigation panel
config show display the internal configuration of the server
config show <service name> show the service configuration (you may use TAB to auto-complete your command line)
db shows the syntax of the db command
db configuration show shows the entire server configuration
db configuration setprop <record> <property> <value> sets or changes a property in the configuration database
db accounts show shows all account details
db accounts show <accountname> shows the account details

db command

Important.png Note:
SME Server comes with the most used parameters set as variables in its internal configuration databases. These variables are used to store values to be used in the final configuration files. Please, read the SME_Server:Documentation:Developers_Manual:Section2 to understand the template and database process.

you can see this page of the wiki DB_Variables_Configuration

General Service Handling

  • start
sv u /service/servicename
  • stop
sv d /service/servicename
  • restart
sv t /service/servicename

Information.png Tip:
you may use TAB to auto-complete your command line



sv t /service/httpd-e-smith