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{{Note box|To be a language responsible, you must create a bug as described above. Then Shad Lords grant "translate" access for you. If you are the first language responsible, you have the responsibility to accept other language responsible people based on the quality of his or hers translations.}}
{{Note box|To be a language responsible, you must create a bug as described above. Then Shad Lords grant "translate" access for you. If you are the first language responsible, you have the responsibility to accept other language responsible people based on the quality of his or hers translations.}}
*'''DANISH:''' koopmann, p1ur, skovsgaard
*'''DUTCH:''' thf, jester
*'''FRENCH:''' jpl, mmccarn, esibert, GrandPa, dadoudidon, Cool34000
*'''GERMAN:''' Reinhold, ente, koopmann
*'''GREEK:''' MAuVE, pfloor
*'''HUNGARIAN:''' tacsaby
*'''INDONESIAN:''' thomasch
*'''ITALIAN:''' matprova, nicolatiana, Fumetto, nenonano
*'''BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE:''' --[[User:Jader|Jáder Marasca]] 08:45 16 April 2008 (BRA)
*'''SLOVENIAN:''' bpivk
*'''SPANISH:''' --[[User:PicsOne|Normando Hall]] 04:46, 16 April 2008 (MDT)
*'''SPANISH:''' Normando, juanidada
*'''SWEDISH:''' chrille
== Translating with Pootle ==
== Translating with Pootle ==

Revision as of 15:24, 16 April 2008

Latest news about pootle translations

Because we have detected some bad edits to the existing translated languages, we resolved to restrict direct translation at the Pootle. Instead of translate (Send) you can Suggest only, and a translator responsible accept or decline the suggestions.

If you want to be a language responsible, create a new bug HERE

Warning.png Warning:
Before you can request responsible access, you must add the language and projects to your account in Pootle. To make these go to "My Account" --> "Change options" and select the three projects under "My Projects" SME Server Console, SME Server Panels, and SME Contribs Panels (use ctrl key for multiple select). Then select your language under "My Languages".

Then you can translate directly your strings clicking at the "Send" button, and review the suggestions made for other translators. You can accept or decline the suggestions.

Language Responsible's

Important.png Note:
To be a language responsible, you must create a bug as described above. Then Shad Lords grant "translate" access for you. If you are the first language responsible, you have the responsibility to accept other language responsible people based on the quality of his or hers translations.

  • DANISH: koopmann, p1ur, skovsgaard
  • DUTCH: thf, jester
  • FRENCH: jpl, mmccarn, esibert, GrandPa, dadoudidon, Cool34000
  • GERMAN: Reinhold, ente, koopmann
  • GREEK: MAuVE, pfloor
  • HUNGARIAN: tacsaby
  • INDONESIAN: thomasch
  • ITALIAN: matprova, nicolatiana, Fumetto, nenonano
  • SLOVENIAN: bpivk
  • SPANISH: Normando, juanidada
  • SWEDISH: chrille

Translating with Pootle

SME Server Supports English, French, German, Spanish, Italian and Swedish.

Other Languages are in progress

To translate to another language, raise a bug in the bug tracker to let us know you would like to start.

Pootle for translators

Register and login at http://translate.contribs.org and you can begin with the translations.

Please DON'T use automatic nor machine generated translations. These are BAD quality. Leave human translators them make its work!

Untranslated words

Click "Show Editing Functions" and finally at "Quick Translate" for each file or whole language.

Also you can see the suggestions clicking at "Review Suggestions".

Translation Memory

You can use the matching translations from the Pootle right side "related" strings to speed up the translation process. Make the necessary fixes for the non matching strings.

Checks before finish your work

Please run these checks before conclude your work:

Under the language of your choice at root level project, click at "Show Editing Functions" and then "Show Checks" to see a list of syntax errors.

See http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/guide/pofilter_examples and http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/guide/translation/commonerrors

Important.png Note:
We need to make consistent translations. The system detect some consistence errors for all languages. You can check http://translate.contribs.org/errors/ and see your language errors. Please fix the inconsistency errors

Example for Italian:

#: root/etc/e-smith/locale/en-us/etc/e-smith/web/functions/clamav:60(trans)
#: root/etc/e-smith/locale/en-us/etc/e-smith/web/functions/emailsettings:118(trans)
#, fuzzy
msgid "During office hours (8:00 AM to 6:00 PM) on weekdays"
msgstr ""
"#-#-#-#-#  clamav.po (SME Panels)  #-#-#-#-#\n"
"Durante l'orario d'ufficio (dalle 8:00 alle 18:00) giorni lavorativi\n"
"#-#-#-#-#  emailsettings.po (SME Panels)  #-#-#-#-#\n"
"Orario ufficio (8:00-18:00 Lun-Ven)"

You must fix the file clamav.po or emailsettings.po (not both) to only use one of the following translated values:

Durante l'orario d'ufficio (dalle 8:00 alle 18:00) giorni lavorativi 


Orario ufficio (8:00-18:00 Lun-Ven)

Please ensure to remove all \n characters from end of translation and escape characters \ before each " not present in english source language. ex. \"{$acct}\" should be "{$acct}". This only happens in the consistence checks.

So, at equal English strings values => equal translations (Italian) values.

In this example (Italian) the files clamav.po and emailsettings.po should have the same translated value:

Durante l'orario d'ufficio (dalle 8:00 alle 18:00) giorni lavorativi or Orario ufficio (8:00-18:00 Lun-Ven).

Pootle tips

To speed up your translation process follow these tips:

Enter at "My account" and then at "Change options".

Set these values:

  • Number of rows in translate mode = 1
  • Number of rows in view mode = 5
  • Input Height (in lines) = 10

You can select your language and projects to see shortcuts at your home page.

Pootle for developers

Lexicons for rpms in smecontribs and smeserver are automatically added to Pootle.

A patch is automatically created at http://translate.contribs.org/patches/ You then apply this to the rpm to add the new translations or update the existing ones.

We need a few volunteers to apply these patches, say weekly, or more or less as the need arises, it isn't difficult and we will guide you.

  • The English locale file is used as the Pootle template. Other languages are edited/translated at Pootle.
  • Every time you modify, add to or remove strings from the English locale file, just re-commit to cvs. There is a daily update to apply cvs changes to Pootle
  • Make your original FM file XML strict. Always close the opened tags (<i>...</i>). Use the same caps for tags (<b> is not equal to <B>).

Considerations for XXX-LANGUAGE translators

  • Not use colloquial terms. Only formal XXX-LANG.
  • Review the orthographic errors. A very simple way is to use Firefox with the installed XXX-LANG dictionary.
  • Verify the translation in the context.
  • Not to be brief words. Ej. "Ud." instead of "Usted" (Spanish example)
  • The subscripts "_" in Pootle indicate a space in target.
  • Not to add capital letters in where in English they are not it. Ej. "Web page" must be translated like "Página web" and not like "Página Web" (Spanish example). The intention is to translate and not to invent. For it we must be exact although it demands much greater time the translation.
  • Any discussion or doubts or interchange of ideas can be made at the tab "discussion" in the top part of this page. Indent the answers adding two points at the beginning of each new line.
  • IMPORTANT. If at the moment of an installation or modification of the adjustments of SME Server it detects an inexact translation or that one does not adjust to the context, please, takes note precise from the same one and in where it found it, soon to correct it. If you want you can fix at http://translate.contribs.org. Does not let save the opportunity to correct.