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(should we raise a bug for that?)
Line 87: Line 87:
still waiting...
still waiting...
I found this [http://perl-xml.sourceforge.net/faq/#parserdetails.ini link]
I found this [http://perl-xml.sourceforge.net/faq/#parserdetails.ini link]
Line 104: Line 106:
goodwork, do we notify the upstream rpm packager, or just add it to your rpm for now
maybe i have a SSL error, or maybe i have to wait, but PC's are going off now

Revision as of 17:00, 6 November 2007

see history for old info !

rpm -3 installs fine, deploy=>builds ok, /downloads is accessible

a minor point, I suggest you add /downloads to accounts db as a url next rpm

deploying =>

I think we should just ignore the activate error, the files are visible from clients

i installed a cacert certificate as per the contribs howto,

copied the domain.crt to cacert.pem in the client ocs folder

deployed a file, run a client update and it is now aware of the update, so we now wait

impatient people see http://forums.ocsinventory-ng.org/viewtopic.php?id=1079


Thanks for cleaning this up!

Your comments are on my todo's list ;-)

Can you confirm that ipdiscover works on your install?

As I used 3 PCs to get ipdiscover info, I didn't test only with SME enabled.

Try the following:

ipdiscover eth0 10
Important.png Note:
Usage : ipdiscover [iface name] [latency in ms]

Here's what I got on my server:


Sounds like it's working for me...


looks to be working here also, maybe it was operator error ?

[root@kiwi more]# ipdiscover eth0 10

prompt client to call home

ocsinventory-client.pl -debug 
DOWNLOAD: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>
   <PARAM ID="1194355263" CERT_PATH="INSTALL_PATH" PACK_LOC="2321.net/download" CERT_FILE="INSTALL_PATH/cacert.pem" TYPE="PACK" NFO_LOC="2321.net/download" />
   <PARAM ID="1194356189" CERT_PATH="INSTALL_PATH" PACK_LOC="2321.net/download" CERT_FILE="INSTALL_PATH/cacert.pem" TYPE="PACK" INFO_LOC="2321.net/download" />

DOWNLOAD: Writing config file.
DOWNLOAD: Retrieving info file for 1194355263
DOWNLOAD: Initialize ssl layer...
DOWNLOAD: Connect to server: 2321.net/download...
DOWNLOAD: Starting SSL connection...
28948: callback: ssl connect!

deploy stalls, with this error/warning on server

# tail  /var/log/httpd/error_log 
could not find ParserDetails.ini in /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/XML/SAX

hide warning ? with
touch /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/XML/SAX/ParserDetails.ini

still waiting...


I found this link We need to build this file!

touch /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/XML/SAX/ParserDetails.ini
perl -MXML::SAX -e "XML::SAX->add_parser(q(XML::SAX::PurePerl))->save_parsers()"
chmod 0444 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5/XML/SAX/ParserDetails.ini

Here's the content of generated file:

http://xml.org/sax/features/namespaces = 1

No more warning! :-D

That's strange, this RPM (XML::SAX) comes from smeupdates. Shouldn't it create this file on its own?


goodwork, do we notify the upstream rpm packager, or just add it to your rpm for now

maybe i have a SSL error, or maybe i have to wait, but PC's are going off now
