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{{#bugzilla:columns=id,product,version,cf_package:Package,status,summary |resolution=FIXED |sort=id |order=desc |component=e-smith-*/smeserver-* packages | status=CLOSED |noresultsmessage="No updates found."}}
{{#bugzilla:columns=id,product,version,cf_package:Package,status,summary |status=CLOSED| resolution=FIXED |sort=id |order=desc |component=e-smith-*/smeserver-* packages | noresultsmessage="No updates found."}}
{{Note box |The above fixed core packages will automatically be made available as regular updates through the updates repository. Before they become available as a regular update, the packages will be in the smetest repository for testing purposes. Entries marked in red are critical updates, and should be installed immediately.}}
{{Note box |The above fixed core packages will automatically be made available as regular updates through the updates repository. Before they become available as a regular update, the packages will be in the smetest repository for testing purposes. Entries marked in red are critical updates, and should be installed immediately.}}

Revision as of 07:27, 16 November 2014

This is an overview of recently fixed and closed issues on core SME Server. Please see the most recent activities on on all SME Server related components, including contribs and feature requests.

Updated core SME Components since last ISO release (June 30th, 2014)

IDProductVersionPackageStatusSummary (1603 tasks)
12739SME Server 11.X--smeserver-qmailCLOSEDreplace qmail with postfix
12732SME Server 11.X-----CLOSEDsmecontribs packages migrated to git still have e-smith Requires: and BuildRequires:
12709SME Server 10.X10.1---CLOSEDyum update fails with repo error for centos sclo after update to vault url
12681SME Server 10.X10.1smeserver-dovecotCLOSEDDovecot panic & process killed
12632SME Server 11.X--smeserver-baseCLOSEDdrop smeserver-dynamicdns-dyndns and other related rpm
12597SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateCLOSEDsmeserver.py: transaction error mesasge - AttributeError: 'RPMTransactionItemWrapper' object has no attribute 'installed'
12588SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateCLOSEDWhen dnf/yum is run smeserver.py echoes to terminal after update of smeserver-update
12561SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateCLOSEDpost-upgrade error in migrate/39VisibleSmeContribs
12560SME Server 11.X--smeserver-updateCLOSEDpost-upgrade Missing perl-File-Slurp
12521SME Server 11.X--multiple-packagesCLOSEDinitial instal on rocky8 minimal
12396SME Server 11.X--cvmCLOSEDobsolete cvm-unix
12359SME Server 11.X-----CLOSEDRename all baseos e-smith* packages to smeserver*
12269SME Server 10.X10.1smeserver-phpCLOSEDusers are not detected
12164SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-baseCLOSEDPressing reconfigure from SM after an update won't restart server
12131SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-emailCLOSEDfetchmail retrieve all mails after server reboots
12130SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-baseCLOSED/sbin/e-smith/generate-subjectaltnames should not list Local and remote host
12129SME Server 10.X10.0e-smith-managerCLOSEDhttpd: directives Order, Allow, Deny, and Satisfy should migrate to Require e-smith-admin
12118SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-releaseCLOSEDbump smeserver-release
12117SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-localeCLOSEDupdate translations
12115SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-ntpCLOSEDntpd logs to messages
12107SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-ntpCLOSEDuntainting
12106SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-LPRngCLOSEDuntainting printers
12091SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-yumCLOSEDavoid reboot on install of dbus-glib
12090SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-mockCLOSEDremove python scl dependencies
12089SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-mockCLOSEDupdate mock files
11993SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-devtoolsCLOSEDease backup of contribs
11991SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-mysqlCLOSEDMariaDB 104+ incorrect init options
11981SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-hordeCLOSED$ldapServer is commented out if Horde ForcePrimaryDomain is disabled
11980SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-hordeCLOSEDInvalid default e-mail address in Horde if ForcePrimaryDomain is enabled
11974SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-qpsmtpdCLOSEDsmeserver-qpsmtpd update qpsmtpd-print-dns to produce full length DKIM key
11968SME Server 10.X10.0e-smith-cvm-unix-localCLOSEDanacron: gzip: stdin: file size changed while zipping
11963SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-clamavCLOSEDAfter logrotate clamd keeps logging to old suffixed log
11961SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-yumCLOSEDAutoInstallUpdates randomly set back to disabled
11956SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-baseCLOSEDrsshusers ldap group does not exist
11953SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-mysqlCLOSEDmysql.init logs to messages
11952SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-yumCLOSEDyum_update_dbs and yum[14377] in log message
11951SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-yumCLOSEDyum log rotation
11950SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-baseCLOSEDlogrotate does not rotate log using symlinks
11947SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-radiusdCLOSEDradiusd logs to messages
11945SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-hordeCLOSEDupdate to httpd 2.4 syntax (smeserver-horde)
11944SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-proxyCLOSEDupdate to httpd 2.4 syntax (e-smith-proxy)
11943SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-phpCLOSEDupdate to httpd 2.4 syntax (smeserver-php)
11936SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-mysqlCLOSEDtypos for mariadb10*
11934SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-qmailCLOSEDon group creation / group deletion no change in qmail
11933SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-qpsmtpdCLOSEDemails pseudonyms internal only does not work
11932SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-audittoolsCLOSEDadd remi-safe in newrpms
11930SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-baseCLOSEDincoming traffic denylog with external interface as dhcp
11922SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-mysqlCLOSEDsystemd Warning: mysql.init.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.
11921SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-yumCLOSEDsmeserver.py try to restart mysqld
11899SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-mysqlCLOSEDprepare smeserver-mysql spec file to support multiple sclo
11898SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-mysqlCLOSEDmove mysql-init script out of /etc/rc.d/init.d
11897SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-mysqlCLOSEDrename e-smith-mysql to smeserver-mysql
11886SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-yumCLOSEDrestart cvm after cvm package updating 0.97
11885SME Server 10.X10.0e-smith-cvm-unix-localCLOSEDrestart cvm after cvm package updating 0.97
11883SME Server 10.X10.0bglibsCLOSEDbglibs 2.04 needed for cvm 0.97
11872SME Server 10.X10.0e-smith-managerCLOSEDlogfiles2timestamp creates dangling symlinks
11867SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-apacheCLOSEDuse logrotate for httpd
11864SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-qpsmtpdCLOSEDregression rfc helo policy in place of lenient
11859SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-radiusdCLOSEDmissing /var/run/radiusd/tmp
11858SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-qpsmtpdCLOSEDSOFTLIMIT not set for sqpsmtpd
11851SME Server 10.X10.0qpsmtpdCLOSEDsmtp check_goodrcptto rejects valid email address
11842SME Server 10.X10.0---CLOSEDDelhi
11814SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-phpCLOSEDAssignment outside of section
11813SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-baseCLOSEDrsyslog should enable imjournal module
11808SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-yumCLOSEDsmeserver.py yum plugin signals pop3(s) to restart, only dovecot is needed
11807SME Server 10.X10.0e-smith-cvm-unix-localCLOSEDcvm-unix logs to journactl
11803SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-yumCLOSEDthe plugin for yum lists spamd as service to restart in place of spamassassin
11799SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-emailCLOSEDRemoving pseudonym firstname.lastname removes firstname group from accounts db
11798SME Server 10.X10.0spamassassinCLOSEDSpamassassin 3.4.6 released
11795SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-baseCLOSEDmake journald persistent
11792SME Server 10.X10.0e-smith-cvm-unix-localCLOSEDauthcvm crash - users unable to send email
11790SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-yumCLOSEDRe-word the message about needing a reboot
11774SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-ibaysCLOSEDiBay external access via http error AH01797: client denied by server conf
11768SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-yumCLOSEDNo conf db entry for service d
11766SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-baseCLOSEDRunning event handler: /etc/e-smith/events/temp/S15group-modify-unix ... Group name arg missing
11763SME Server 10.X10.0qpsmtpdCLOSEDEmails fetched with fetchmail are not scanned by spamassassin anymore
11760SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-apacheCLOSEDadd missing modules from previous webapps-common
11759SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-qpsmtpdCLOSEDqpsmtpd does not respect CONCURRENCY_PER_IP (until a SIGHUP)
11757SME Server 10.X10.0multiple-packagesCLOSEDuntainting
11753SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-ldapCLOSEDrsshusers ldap group does not exist
11745SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-ldapCLOSEDslapd logs to journactl
11736SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-radiusdCLOSEDInformational error in radiusd startup
11735SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-radiusdCLOSEDAdd Radius auth via PAP
11725SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-sambaCLOSEDWindows roaming user profile ".V6" for Windows10 since "anniversary update"
11719SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-radiusdCLOSEDAdd Radius auth via LDAP
11718SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-radiusdCLOSEDRadius auth via WAP not working
11717SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-phpCLOSEDadd support for php81
11716SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-emailCLOSEDuntainting pseudonym string wrongly made
11713SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-proxyCLOSEDWeb proxy incorrect startup
11695SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-clamavCLOSEDWARNING: Using deprecated option "ArchiveBlockEncrypted"
11680SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-radiusdCLOSEDerror expanding radius ssl cert
11674SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-audittoolsCLOSEDtemp event should not be reported by audittools
11673SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-audittoolsCLOSED/sbin/e-smith/audittools/events wrongly mark as MODIFIED
11672SME Server 10.X10.0---CLOSEDDuplicate max_allowed_packet setting in my.cnf
11666SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-phpCLOSEDPHP display_errors needs to be configurable per ibay not permanently set off
11648SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-qpsmtpdCLOSEDtnef2mime FATAL PLUGIN ERROR
11645SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-qmailCLOSEDSetting qmail {ConcurrencyRemote} to 0 returns 20 (default value)
11641SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-phpCLOSEDError in SSLDirectives when expanding httpd.conf
11640SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-packetfilterCLOSED90local_chk50networks
11633SME Server 10.X10.0smeserver-nutUPSCLOSEDMisspelling in /usr/lib/systemd/system/nut.service file "Master service for Koozali SME Srrver"
Warnings were generated during the execution of function
  1. Report truncated - count greater than max allowed 101 > 100

Important.png Note:
The above fixed core packages will automatically be made available as regular updates through the updates repository. Before they become available as a regular update, the packages will be in the smetest repository for testing purposes. Entries marked in red are critical updates, and should be installed immediately.