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#REDIRECT [[Smeadmin]]
== sme9admin for SME Server ==
for a sme 7 version check [[sme7admin|sme7admin]]<br />
for a sme 8 version check [[sme8admin|sme8admin]]
for SME10 you might want to visit:  [[Smeadmin]]
{note} Note that sme9admin for SME10 is now called "smeadmin". Installation is "yum install smeserver-smeadmin --enablerepo=smecontribs,epel {note}
=== Version ===
{{#smeversion: smeserver-sme9admin}}
=== Maintainer ===
[mailto:daniel@firewall-services.com][[User:VIP-ire|Daniel B.]] from [http://www.firewall-services.com Firewall Services]
[mailto:stephdl@de-labrusse.fr stephdl] Stéphane de Labrusse AKA [[User:stephdl|Stephdl]]<br />
=== Description ===
* sme9admin is a graphical monitor, alert raising, and services supervision tool for your SME 9 Server.
* It adds a headline + several subpages to the server-manager.
=== Installation ===
yum install smeserver-sme9admin --enablerepo=smecontribs
  signal-event sme9admin-update
or if you want to restart your server
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
==== Sensor detection ====
Detect the sensors on your mainboard, (run as root)
For my mainboard, I just hit enter for all questions, which then uses the defaults which can be seen as CAPs.
You will need to follow the instructions in order to add the detected sensors in rc.local to have them loaded on reboot.
see [http://lm-sensors.org/ lm-sensors wiki] and more particularly [http://lm-sensors.org/wiki/Devices lm-sensors device]
==== Check installed versions ====
yum info installed smeserver-sme9admin
yum info installed sysstat
yum info installed hddtemp
yum info installed perl-rrdtool
yum info installed rrdtool
==== Uninstall ====
yum remove smeserver-sme9admin
=== Additional information ===
If you connect to the SMEserver console by Putty ssh-client (or similar) you can copy and paste the commands (very convenient).
Good luck [http://wiki.contribs.org/User:Per /Per]
===Known Problems===
==== du -s and CPU ====
The '''du -s''' option allows you to have detailed information on the use of your hard drive. Unfortunately with the high volume of data in recent huge drives and/or with older slower CPUs, you should NOT use this option unless you want to see constant high CPU utilization, as this command will be launched every 5 minutes.
==== disabling IMAP ====
Disabling IMAP will fails webmail authentication. As a result, disabling IMAP will only work until new reboot or some event to be trigger. This will also make webmail fails until next reboot.
After reboot disabled IMAP will be set automatically to enabled and access to localhost.
==== CRITICAL - md0 [U_] has 1 of 2 devices active (active=sda1 failed=none spare=none) ====
Any sme9 installation will have a raid 1 boot partition. If you want to avoid to see this warning you can do the following:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
mdadm --grow /dev/md0 --raid-devices=1 --force
===Troubleshoot section===
Here some tricks and tips to understand  what is occurring if you have problem with sme9admin
* look what sysstat can collect
/usr/lib/sa/sadc 1 2 > sadc.bout
sar -A -n DEV -f sadc.bout
* look what sadf has stocked (sadf is a human readable file)
less /var/log/sarXX
XX is a number adapt it.
* look if sensors are working
sensors need to be activated first
press 'enter' for all questions and reboot
* look if hddtemp is working
hddtemp /dev/sda
* rdd files
all rdd files are in /var/lib/sme9admin, which are binary files. If you want to look the dump to see what it contains
rrdtool dump /var/lib/sme9admin/sensors.rrd > /tmp/sensors.xml
less /tmp/sensors.xml
You have to do it for each file.rrd
* Logs of sme9admin
less /var/log/sme9admin.log
* you get after migration from i386 to x86_64 the error that RRD were created on different architecture, then do on previous server:
  cd /var/lib/sme9admin
  for f in *.rrd; do rrdtool dump ${f} > ${f%.*}.xml; done
  rsync *.xml root@newserver:/var/lib/smeadmin/
then on new server
  cd /var/lib/smeadmin/
  for f in *.xml; do rrdtool restore -f ${f}  ${f%.*}.rrd; done
  systemctl restart smeadmind
=== Bugs ===
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in {{BugzillaFileBug|product=|component=|title=bugzilla}}and select the smeserver-smeadmin component or use {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=smeserver-smeadmin|title=this link}}.
Below is an overview of the current issues for this contrib:
{{#bugzilla:columns=id,product,version,status,summary|sort=id|order=desc|component=smeserver-smeadmin,smeserver-sme9admin,smeserver-sme8admin |noresultsmessage=No open bugs found.}}
Only released version in smecontrib are listed here.
{{#smechangelog: smeserver-sme9admin }}
[[Category: Deprecated Contrib]]
[[Category: Administration:Monitoring]]

Latest revision as of 02:02, 4 April 2022

sme9admin for SME Server

for a sme 7 version check sme7admin

for a sme 8 version check sme8admin

for SME10 you might want to visit: Smeadmin

{note} Note that sme9admin for SME10 is now called "smeadmin". Installation is "yum install smeserver-smeadmin --enablerepo=smecontribs,epel {note}


Contrib 9:
The latest version of smeserver-sme9admin is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.



[2]Daniel B. from Firewall Services

stephdl Stéphane de Labrusse AKA Stephdl


  • sme9admin is a graphical monitor, alert raising, and services supervision tool for your SME 9 Server.
  • It adds a headline + several subpages to the server-manager.


yum install smeserver-sme9admin --enablerepo=smecontribs


 signal-event sme9admin-update

or if you want to restart your server

signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot

Sensor detection

Detect the sensors on your mainboard, (run as root)


For my mainboard, I just hit enter for all questions, which then uses the defaults which can be seen as CAPs. You will need to follow the instructions in order to add the detected sensors in rc.local to have them loaded on reboot.

see lm-sensors wiki and more particularly lm-sensors device

Check installed versions

yum info installed smeserver-sme9admin
yum info installed sysstat
yum info installed hddtemp
yum info installed perl-rrdtool
yum info installed rrdtool


yum remove smeserver-sme9admin

Additional information

If you connect to the SMEserver console by Putty ssh-client (or similar) you can copy and paste the commands (very convenient).

Good luck /Per

Known Problems

du -s and CPU

The du -s option allows you to have detailed information on the use of your hard drive. Unfortunately with the high volume of data in recent huge drives and/or with older slower CPUs, you should NOT use this option unless you want to see constant high CPU utilization, as this command will be launched every 5 minutes.

disabling IMAP

Disabling IMAP will fails webmail authentication. As a result, disabling IMAP will only work until new reboot or some event to be trigger. This will also make webmail fails until next reboot.

After reboot disabled IMAP will be set automatically to enabled and access to localhost.

CRITICAL - md0 [U_] has 1 of 2 devices active (active=sda1 failed=none spare=none)

Any sme9 installation will have a raid 1 boot partition. If you want to avoid to see this warning you can do the following:

 mdadm --grow /dev/md0 --raid-devices=1 --force

Troubleshoot section

Here some tricks and tips to understand what is occurring if you have problem with sme9admin

  • look what sysstat can collect
/usr/lib/sa/sadc 1 2 > sadc.bout
sar -A -n DEV -f sadc.bout
  • look what sadf has stocked (sadf is a human readable file)
less /var/log/sarXX

XX is a number adapt it.

  • look if sensors are working

sensors need to be activated first


press 'enter' for all questions and reboot

  • look if hddtemp is working
hddtemp /dev/sda
  • rdd files

all rdd files are in /var/lib/sme9admin, which are binary files. If you want to look the dump to see what it contains

rrdtool dump /var/lib/sme9admin/sensors.rrd > /tmp/sensors.xml
less /tmp/sensors.xml

You have to do it for each file.rrd

  • Logs of sme9admin
less /var/log/sme9admin.log
  • you get after migration from i386 to x86_64 the error that RRD were created on different architecture, then do on previous server:
 cd /var/lib/sme9admin
 for f in *.rrd; do rrdtool dump ${f} > ${f%.*}.xml; done
 rsync *.xml root@newserver:/var/lib/smeadmin/

then on new server

 cd /var/lib/smeadmin/
 for f in *.xml; do rrdtool restore -f ${f}  ${f%.*}.rrd; done
 systemctl restart smeadmind


Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the smeserver-smeadmin component or use this link .

Below is an overview of the current issues for this contrib:

IDProductVersionStatusSummary (10 tasks)
12961SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDsmeadmin error since mariadb version 11.4
12787SME Contribs11.0CONFIRMEDperl-CGI 'startform' and 'endform' are dropped in favor of 'start_form' and 'end_form'
12186SME Contribs10.0CONFIRMED[NFR]increase size of loging
11865SME ContribsFuturUNCONFIRMEDmake a user friendly message when data is not yet available to display graphs
11764SME Contribs10.0UNCONFIRMEDqueries fail with missing tables
11575SME Contribs10.0rcCONFIRMEDNo content-type / charset in sent emails
10855SME Contribs9.2CONFIRMEDfalse report of system total hd space
10292SME Contribs9.2CONFIRMEDPing hosts targets
9878SME Contribs9.0CONFIRMEDNFR: vpn port customization
8091SME ContribsFuturCONFIRMEDNFR: monitor mysql


Only released version in smecontrib are listed here.