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This wiki page will be used to track the integration effort of Samba 4 into SME 9+
This wiki page will be used to track the integration effort of Samba 4 into SME 9+
G.Zartman Note: At this point, I'm just going to randomly ramble on this wiki page as I work on Samba 4.  Once I get some workable pieces, I'll go back and format this page so that it makes more sense.
Lead developer: [[User:Gzartman|Gzartman]]
=Samba 4 Packages=
Upstream Centos 6 & 7 do not provide support for the full version of Samba 4.  Packages available in the upstream repos are a crippled version of Samba 4, with many of the features associates with Active Directory disabled.  The reason for this is detailed here: https://blog.cryptomilk.org/2014/07/09/samba-ad-dc-in-fedora-and-rhel/  A solution to provide Samba 4 active directory does not look to be forthcoming by viewing Samba status in the Fedora project.
=Overview and Objectives=
To further development of support for Samba 4 on the Koozali SME Server, Samba 4 packages from Sernet were selectedThese packages will not immediately install cleaning on SME 9 due to the customization of Centos associated with SME 9, so the Sernet packages where re-built for SME 9.  Details of this rebuild along with a link to the rebuilt packages are located in the following bug report:  http://bugs.contribs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8075
The primary objective of this effort is to create Active Directory support on SME 9+ with a focus on simplicity and easy integration, as is done on many of the other sub-systems on SME Server.  Other distributions with Samba 4 support take the approach of providing a fairly complex front end to Samba 4 with many configuration parameters and options.  Our approach for Samba 4 is to stream line implementation to provide a straight forward and simple set of UI parameters for the administrator to deploy Active Directory in a configuration that will work in most deploymentsSupport for the full array of Samba 4 options is provided under the hood in SME Server, but will be available primary from the console.  The SME Server community may decide to create an Advanced Samba server-manager panel to control and configure some of the more advanced features available in Samba 4, but the Core SME Server deployment of Active Directory will remain focused on simplicity.  
After rebuilding, these packages do install cleanly but the services will not start using the init.d scripts provided with the packaged due to changes made during the re-build of the packages for SME 9.  A Daemontools run script will need to be developed to start the Samba 4 service.\
Deployment of Samba 4 on SME Server means that many of the authentication mechanisms on SME Server need to change to integrate with Active Directory, therefore this development effort is quite far reaching.
=General Development Notes=
Samba 4 on SME Server is targeted for Koozali SME Server 10
==Template Fragments==
=Current Status=
Complete rewrite of all template fragments
====smb.conf Considerations====
'''Current Release:'''  Alpha 7
The smb.conf configuration file can be simplified significantly for Samba 4. Of specific interest are the following new parameters:
Samba 4 on SME Server will be provided by way of the package smeserver-samba, which will upgrade and obsolete e-smith-samba.  The current release of Samba 4 on SME Server is available here: [http://www.leiengineering.com/repository/smeserver/Packages/Samba4_Alpha7/ SME Server Samba 4 Packages]
These packages are currently not provided by the Koozali buildsys because there is still a fair bit of work to do to integrate this code with existing SME services.  Since Samba 4 on SME Server includes many other sub-systems, inclusion of the Samba 4 code is not being including in current development streams until the code is closer to release so as not to hold up other development activities.  However, this code is available in CVS.
'''Server Services:''' This parameter is not very well documented, but from what I could find thefollow services can be provided by the Samba daemon: s3fs, rpc, nbt, wrepl, ldap, cldap, kdc, drepl, ntp_signd, kcc, dnsupdate, dns, smb, nmb, winbind.  The default for this parameter is: server services = s3fs rpc nbt wrepl ldap cldap kdc drepl winbind ntp_signd kcc dnsupdate dns. Services can be added/remove from the default by a +/- and the service to add/remove.  Example
=Samba 4 Packages=
server services = -s3fs (remove) +smb (add).  Note that the smb, nmb, and windbind services are services equivalent to the older, Samba 3, type services (stand alone daemons).  Of specific interest to SME 9 may be the use of the nmb service for WINS support.  As we begin testing we may need to enable this service and possibly smb for simple share access.
'''Server Role:''' Samba 4 currently only supports the active directory domain controller server role.  For now, we'll force Samba config into DC server role, but provide a fragment for expansion later.  There is a long explanation behind this, but for now, restriction doesn't hurt us.  SME as a DC will provide auth for both domain membership and simple shares by either joining the domain or logging into the server every time.
Need to check and/or modify the following existing fragments:
etc/raddb/radiusd.conf/25modules30smbpasswd:    # An example configuration for using /etc/samba/smbpasswd.
Upstream Centos 6 and 7 do not provide Samba 4 packages with full Active Directory supportThis is because Samba 4 Kerberos is based upon Heimdal Kerberos whereas the upstream vendor uses MIT Kerberos. Heimdal Kerberos and MIT Kerberos are not compatible with one another and so the upstream vendor has decided to disable Kerberos support in Samba until such time as Samba supports MIT Kerberos. Details can be found here  https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/MIT_Build
etc/raddb/radiusd.conf/25modules30smbpasswd:}  passwd smbpasswd \{
and here https://blog.cryptomilk.org/2014/07/09/samba-ad-dc-in-fedora-and-rhel/
etc/raddb/radiusd.conf/25modules30smbpasswd:            filename = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
etc/raddb/radiusd.conf/25modules25mschap:               #  reading from /etc/smbpasswd.
etc/raddb/radiusd.conf/25modules25mschap:              #  If you are using /etc/smbpasswd, see the 'passwd'
etc/raddb/radiusd.conf/25modules25mschap:              #  module for an example of how to use /etc/smbpasswd
etc/raddb/radiusd.conf/65authorization40default:        #  If you are using /etc/smbpasswd, and are also doing
etc/raddb/radiusd.conf/65authorization40default:        #  configure the 'smbpasswd' module, above.
etc/raddb/radiusd.conf/65authorization40default:        ( $ldap{Authentication} || 'disabled' ) eq 'enabled' ? 'ldap' : 'smbpasswd';
To provide Active Directory support, the Koozali devteam has decided to fork the upstream Samba 4 package and re-compile with Heimdal Kerberos support on Koozali SME Server 10. Details of this rebuild are located in [[bugzilla:9751]].  Support for Active Directory on SME 9 can be provided by Sernet Samba 4.2 packages, which are the last set of open source Sernet packages.  However, the devteam is currently focusing development effort on SME 10.
Create based new template fragments for this configuration file
==Configuration Database Parameters==
'''SMBD''' : Delete
RPMs for this release can be found here: [https://www.leiengineering.com/repository/smeserver/Packages/Samba4_Alpha7/ SME Server Samba 4 Packages]
'''NMBD''' : Delete
Install Instructions:
'''SMB''' :  In general, all of the template fragments will be redesigned to allow dbase parameters to override many Samba defaultsSpecific parameters that need to be defined or modified are as follows:
# Download all rpms to a fresh SME 9.1 install.   
# yum localinstall *.rpm
# signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
# Once the server comes back up, provision the domain with:   signal-event provision-domain-controller admin_password
*'''''Remove from current default'''''
Note: The password utilities in the server-manager are not yet working.  We will be working to include SSSD in the next alpha and then all password utilities and functions will work as expected.
**''UnixCharSet'': Delete
=Change Log / Release Notes=
**''Workgroup'': Defaulted to sme-server
==Alpha 7==
**''serverString'': Defaulted to SME Server
* Implementation of Samba 4 on SME 10.
**''ServerRole'':  Redefine with the following:
* Drop bootstrap-console patch for e-smith-base for provisioning samba 4 from the consoleWe'll add this back in later
***SA:  Stand Alone Server Mode
***BD:  Backup Domain Controller/Member
***DC:  Domain Controller (Current default. See server role explanation)
**''OpLocks'': Defaulted to enabled
**''KernelOplocks'':  Add and default to enabled
**''Level2Oplocks'': Add and default to enabled
**''OSLevel'':  Redefine to 65
**''dnsForwarder'':  New parameter that could be defined to forward DNS requests from the Samba DNS to another DNS.
*'''''Others (optional)''''': These parameters are meant to take smb.conf inputs as defined the man pages.  Defaults for these parameters are the same as the corresponding defaults in the smb.conf man pageTemplate fragments feed these parameters into the smb.conf file with minimal syntax checking, as it is assumed those who manually input them know what they are doing.
==Alpha 6==
**''NameResolveOrder'':  The order in which name resolution will take place by the Samba daemon. 
* Final alpha on SME 9.  Going forward, this code will be moved to the SME 10 alpha release for ongoing development and testing
**''ServerServices'':  See the server services discussion detailed under smb.conf section
* Change the way we are naming alpha package versions because it is becoming difficult to apply alpha level changes with patch files. Each alpha release will have its own source archiveSource archive (.tar.xz) file version numbers will track with the alpha release number.
* Rewrite server-manager user accounts panel for AD integration, except for the Reset Password link.  We won't be able to update this function until we deploy SSSD, which will come in the next release
* Move smb.conf and AD schema extension fragments to /etc/samba
* Extend AD schema to include the attributes: lockable, removable, and emailForward
* Change the koozliUser objectClass to smeExtended for extended schema attributes
**''GuestOK'': y/n
* Get rid of the user-create-AD action because we don't have enough control over the user create process in a server-manager panel using an action.  Instead, we added the esmith::util::createADUser() function that sets up a basic Active Directory user.  This function is somewhat analogous to the useradd utility
**''LogonDrive'': Drive letter to be used to the login drive when users login to a domain
* Drop "Legacy Mode," which was part of the user-create-AD action
**''RoamingProfiles'':  y/n
* Replace user-create event with user-initialize
* Add user-create-profiledir and user-create-home actions as part of the user-intialize event, since the useradd utility used to do this
**''BindInterfacesOnly'':  y/n
* Update user-modify, user-delete, user-lock events for AD integration
**''CaseSensitive'': y/n
* Create user-AD-enable and user-AD-disable actions
**''MaxLogSize'': Samba log size in kilobytes. Default set to 50.
* Extensive clean-up of smb.conf fragments now that we have a working Samba 4 deployment, including default configuration dbase parameters.  This clean-up and enhancement results in a very clean smb.conf file
* Update qmail and .qmail template fragments and configuration to pull user data from the Active Directory.   Spam and filtering fragments have been excluded because we have not yet decided how to handle these configuration in the Active Directory
* Further enhancement and refinement to esmith::AD
'''KRB5''' : Create new configuration dbase entry for Kerberos service in Samba
==Alpha 5==
*''default_realm'': This parameter is built into a template fragment, but we will not define it at default. The template fragment will build the default realm by concatenating the SystemName and DomainName reordered elsewhere in the configuration dbase.
* Extend Active Directory schema to include quota and smeCustom attributes via the koozaliUser objectClass
*''dns_lookup_realm'' = false;
* Remove adjust-samba event and use services2adjust
*''dns_lookup_kdc'' = true;
* Add Group-create-AD action
* Design changes to provision-domain-controller and bootstrap-provision-dc events to provision samba entirely cold using ldif
* Add pseudonym support to esmith::AD
* Further enhancement to esmith::AD to provide user & group management functionality similar to that provided by AccountsDB
* Re-write createlinks to flow a more logical sequence
* Fix dnsforwarder in smb.conf
* Fix several esmith::AD::User and esmith::AD::Group methods broken in 0.1-0-3 when we added runtime binding
==Services to Modify==
==Alpha 4==
* Add dnscache and tinydns config per bug [SME: 9711]
* Add iptables preroute rule for DNS per bug [SME: 9711]
* Fix issues with domain admins assignment during provisioning
* Nearly full re-write of user-create-AD action to utilize esmith::AD class
* Add Legacy Mode to user-create-AD action to allow this action to work with AccountsDB
* Add user-create-AD to user-create event
* Add user-AD-disable action to disable AD user
* Continued development and enhancement to esmith::AD including POD documentation
* Continued development and enhancement to esmith::AD::User including POD documentation
* Add esmith::AD::OU to manage Organizational Units in the Active Directory
* Fix realm definition in provision action
'''smbd''' : Remove
==Alpha 3==
* Remove /var/service/smbd
* Reconfigure provision event to account for default Samba complex password policy
* Remove /services/smbd
* Abstract core LDAP queries in esmith::AD using runtime binding
* Remove /etc/rc.d/init.d/supervise/smb
* REmove /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S91smb
* Remove /etc/rc.d/init.d/smbd
'''nmbd''' : Remove
==Alpha 2==
* Remove /var/service/smbd
* Set requires to e-smith-base-5.6.0-30+ [SME:8668]
* Remove /services/smbd
* Set requires for e-smith-LPRng-2.5.0+ [SME:8632]
* Remove /etc/rc.d/init.d/smbd
'''smb''': Create  (Note:  I would have liked to have called this "Samba," but that would have meant changing alot of existing code that looks for "smb"
* Create /var/service/smb, using smbd as a template.  Samba 4 should be started with /usr/sbin/samba -D
* Create symlink /service/smb -> /var/service/smb
* Create symlink /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb -> /etc/rc.d/init.d/daemontools
* Create symlink /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S91smb -> /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service
==Alpha 1==
* Roll new smeserver alpha package for Samba4 [SME:8075]
Samba 4 includes an builtin DNS server that is required for proper operation of active directory. This internal DNS server is for AD functions only and does not provide caching DNS functions.  Therefore, further research and development will be required to integrate the Samba DNS with TinyDNS.
=Bugzilla references=
'''[[bugzilla:4667]]''' <br>
'''[[bugzilla:8075]]''' Adding Samba 4<br>
'''[[bugzilla:8632]]''' Remove smb.conf template fragments from e-smith-LPRng-2.4.0-1<br>
'''[[bugzilla:8638]]''' Modify e-smith-dnscache for Samba 4 support<br>
'''[[bugzilla:8660]]''' User account authentication with Active Directory and AccountsDB<br>
'''[[bugzilla:8663]]''' Proftpd and active directory authentication (Samba 4)<br>
'''[[bugzilla:8665]]''' esmith::AD perl module for interacting with Active Directory<br>
'''[[bugzilla:8668]]''' Get rid of PPTP when we upgrade to Samba 4<br>
'''[[bugzilla:8670]]''' Qmail updates for Samba 4<br>
'''[[bugzilla:8674]]''' Remove smbpasswd and WINS pieces for Samba 4<br>
'''[[bugzilla:8675]]''' e-smith-LDAP + Samba 4<br>
'''[[bugzilla:8687]]''' Add SSSD daemon for Samba 4 local authentication<br>
'''[[bugzilla:8703]]''' Samba 4: Home directory<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9651]]''' Remove Samba Parts from esmith::Util for Samba 4 <br>
'''[[bugzilla:9653]]''' Pseudonyms handling with Active Directory<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9662]]''' System Initialization and Re-Configuration with Active Directory<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9700]]''' Consider removing /sbin/e-smith/samba_check_password <br>
'''[[bugzilla:9708]]''' Evaluate registry fragments in server-resources for Samba 4<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9711]]''' Include dnscache and tinydns config in smeserver-samba for Samba 4 DNS queries<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9712]]''' Reconfigure shadowcopy for Samba 4<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9713]]''' Reconfigure recycle bin for Samba 4<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9715]]''' Modify e-smith-dnscache to allow connections from entire loopback network<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9755]]''' Re-Write Users Panel for AD integration<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9799]]''' Update esmith::util::chown for Samba users<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9800]]''' Update e-smith-quota to process quotas for active directory users<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9802]]''' Modify user events/actions and server-manager panel<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9804]]''' Update password functions in esmith::util for Samba 4<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9806]]''' e-smith-openssh modifications for Samba 4<br>
'''[[bugzilla:9807]]''' smeserver-qpsmtpd changes for Samba 4<br>
Need to look at the LDAP authentication backend and mechanism on SME.  On the surface, it looks like all of the Samba related LDAP code will be dropped and much of the standard authentication code will need to be converted to Active Directory authThis task should include looking at openldap-proxy.
=Active Directory Schema=
Following is a direct dump of the active directory from a freshly provisioned SME Server domainThe DNS/Kerberos domain is domain.com, the hostname is virgin, and the windows domain is sme-serverThe ipaddress for this test machine is These data is quite long, but I found it very useful; as it is extremely difficult to find these attributes in any documentation about Samba 4 and ADDC:
==Other Development Tasks to Research and Complete==
[http://wiki.contribs.org/SAMBA_4_Active_Directory_Schema Samba 4 Active Directory Schema]
#'''Local Authentication''': Samba 4 provides support for local authentication through PAM. This will need to be looked and and sorted out, especially as it relates to the previous LDAP authentication work.
#'''Domain Server-Manager Panel''': A new Domain server-manager panel should be developed and the workgroup panel removed.  Further discussion will need to take place to determine what needs to go into this new panel.  This panel will likely be fairly simple, as much of the configuration parameters associated Samba Active directory will be incorporated into template fragments and database entries.
#'''User/Group Server-Manager Panels''':  These panels will need to be looked at as they relate to template fragments, adjusting services, and updating database entries associated with Samba.
#'''Ibay Server-Manager Panel''':  This panel will need to be looked at as it relates to template fragments, adjusting services, and updating database entries associated with Samba.
#'''Events/Actions'''':  Existing events and actions related to samba will need to be reviewed and updated accordingly.  A new event/action may need to be developed to provision a new Active Directory Domain using the Samba-Tool utility.
#'''e-smith-samba''':  This package needs to be updated with development pieces detailed in this wiki page, for wider testing and development assistance.
=[http://wiki.contribs.org/SAMBA_4_-_Misc_Development_Topics Misc Development Topics]=
* Sernet Samba 4 package rebuild:                DONE.
* Create daemontools service for Samba 4:        DONE.
* Re-Write smb.conf template fragments:          DONE.
* Create Kerberos template fragments:            DONE.
* Add/Modify SMB database entries:                DONE.
* Create krb5 configuration dbase key:            DONE.
* Re-configure init.d start-up/shutdown scripts:  DONE.
* Investigate Samba DNS + TinyDNS:            UNDERWAY.
Line 141: Line 150:
# https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_AD_DC_HOWTO
# https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_AD_DC_HOWTO
# http://www.alexwyn.com/computer-tips/centos-samba4-active-directory-domain-controller
# http://www.alexwyn.com/computer-tips/centos-samba4-active-directory-domain-controller
[[Category:Core Development]]

Latest revision as of 21:08, 3 October 2016



This wiki page will be used to track the integration effort of Samba 4 into SME 9+

Lead developer: Gzartman

Overview and Objectives

The primary objective of this effort is to create Active Directory support on SME 9+ with a focus on simplicity and easy integration, as is done on many of the other sub-systems on SME Server. Other distributions with Samba 4 support take the approach of providing a fairly complex front end to Samba 4 with many configuration parameters and options. Our approach for Samba 4 is to stream line implementation to provide a straight forward and simple set of UI parameters for the administrator to deploy Active Directory in a configuration that will work in most deployments. Support for the full array of Samba 4 options is provided under the hood in SME Server, but will be available primary from the console. The SME Server community may decide to create an Advanced Samba server-manager panel to control and configure some of the more advanced features available in Samba 4, but the Core SME Server deployment of Active Directory will remain focused on simplicity.

Deployment of Samba 4 on SME Server means that many of the authentication mechanisms on SME Server need to change to integrate with Active Directory, therefore this development effort is quite far reaching.

Samba 4 on SME Server is targeted for Koozali SME Server 10

Current Status

Current Release: Alpha 7

Samba 4 on SME Server will be provided by way of the package smeserver-samba, which will upgrade and obsolete e-smith-samba. The current release of Samba 4 on SME Server is available here: SME Server Samba 4 Packages

These packages are currently not provided by the Koozali buildsys because there is still a fair bit of work to do to integrate this code with existing SME services. Since Samba 4 on SME Server includes many other sub-systems, inclusion of the Samba 4 code is not being including in current development streams until the code is closer to release so as not to hold up other development activities. However, this code is available in CVS.

Samba 4 Packages

Upstream Centos 6 and 7 do not provide Samba 4 packages with full Active Directory support. This is because Samba 4 Kerberos is based upon Heimdal Kerberos whereas the upstream vendor uses MIT Kerberos. Heimdal Kerberos and MIT Kerberos are not compatible with one another and so the upstream vendor has decided to disable Kerberos support in Samba until such time as Samba supports MIT Kerberos. Details can be found here https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/MIT_Build and here https://blog.cryptomilk.org/2014/07/09/samba-ad-dc-in-fedora-and-rhel/

To provide Active Directory support, the Koozali devteam has decided to fork the upstream Samba 4 package and re-compile with Heimdal Kerberos support on Koozali SME Server 10. Details of this rebuild are located in bugzilla:9751. Support for Active Directory on SME 9 can be provided by Sernet Samba 4.2 packages, which are the last set of open source Sernet packages. However, the devteam is currently focusing development effort on SME 10.


RPMs for this release can be found here: SME Server Samba 4 Packages

Install Instructions:

  1. Download all rpms to a fresh SME 9.1 install.
  2. yum localinstall *.rpm
  3. signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
  4. Once the server comes back up, provision the domain with: signal-event provision-domain-controller admin_password

Note: The password utilities in the server-manager are not yet working. We will be working to include SSSD in the next alpha and then all password utilities and functions will work as expected.

Change Log / Release Notes

Alpha 7

  • Implementation of Samba 4 on SME 10.
  • Drop bootstrap-console patch for e-smith-base for provisioning samba 4 from the console. We'll add this back in later

Alpha 6

  • Final alpha on SME 9. Going forward, this code will be moved to the SME 10 alpha release for ongoing development and testing
  • Change the way we are naming alpha package versions because it is becoming difficult to apply alpha level changes with patch files. Each alpha release will have its own source archive. Source archive (.tar.xz) file version numbers will track with the alpha release number.
  • Rewrite server-manager user accounts panel for AD integration, except for the Reset Password link. We won't be able to update this function until we deploy SSSD, which will come in the next release
  • Move smb.conf and AD schema extension fragments to /etc/samba
  • Extend AD schema to include the attributes: lockable, removable, and emailForward
  • Change the koozliUser objectClass to smeExtended for extended schema attributes
  • Get rid of the user-create-AD action because we don't have enough control over the user create process in a server-manager panel using an action. Instead, we added the esmith::util::createADUser() function that sets up a basic Active Directory user. This function is somewhat analogous to the useradd utility
  • Drop "Legacy Mode," which was part of the user-create-AD action
  • Replace user-create event with user-initialize
  • Add user-create-profiledir and user-create-home actions as part of the user-intialize event, since the useradd utility used to do this
  • Update user-modify, user-delete, user-lock events for AD integration
  • Create user-AD-enable and user-AD-disable actions
  • Extensive clean-up of smb.conf fragments now that we have a working Samba 4 deployment, including default configuration dbase parameters. This clean-up and enhancement results in a very clean smb.conf file
  • Update qmail and .qmail template fragments and configuration to pull user data from the Active Directory. Spam and filtering fragments have been excluded because we have not yet decided how to handle these configuration in the Active Directory
  • Further enhancement and refinement to esmith::AD

Alpha 5

  • Extend Active Directory schema to include quota and smeCustom attributes via the koozaliUser objectClass
  • Remove adjust-samba event and use services2adjust
  • Add Group-create-AD action
  • Design changes to provision-domain-controller and bootstrap-provision-dc events to provision samba entirely cold using ldif
  • Add pseudonym support to esmith::AD
  • Further enhancement to esmith::AD to provide user & group management functionality similar to that provided by AccountsDB
  • Re-write createlinks to flow a more logical sequence
  • Fix dnsforwarder in smb.conf
  • Fix several esmith::AD::User and esmith::AD::Group methods broken in 0.1-0-3 when we added runtime binding

Alpha 4

  • Add dnscache and tinydns config per bug [SME: 9711]
  • Add iptables preroute rule for DNS per bug [SME: 9711]
  • Fix issues with domain admins assignment during provisioning
  • Nearly full re-write of user-create-AD action to utilize esmith::AD class
  • Add Legacy Mode to user-create-AD action to allow this action to work with AccountsDB
  • Add user-create-AD to user-create event
  • Add user-AD-disable action to disable AD user
  • Continued development and enhancement to esmith::AD including POD documentation
  • Continued development and enhancement to esmith::AD::User including POD documentation
  • Add esmith::AD::OU to manage Organizational Units in the Active Directory
  • Fix realm definition in provision action

Alpha 3

  • Reconfigure provision event to account for default Samba complex password policy
  • Abstract core LDAP queries in esmith::AD using runtime binding

Alpha 2

  • Set requires to e-smith-base-5.6.0-30+ [SME:8668]
  • Set requires for e-smith-LPRng-2.5.0+ [SME:8632]

Alpha 1

  • Roll new smeserver alpha package for Samba4 [SME:8075]

Bugzilla references

bugzilla:8075 Adding Samba 4
bugzilla:8632 Remove smb.conf template fragments from e-smith-LPRng-2.4.0-1
bugzilla:8638 Modify e-smith-dnscache for Samba 4 support
bugzilla:8660 User account authentication with Active Directory and AccountsDB
bugzilla:8663 Proftpd and active directory authentication (Samba 4)
bugzilla:8665 esmith::AD perl module for interacting with Active Directory
bugzilla:8668 Get rid of PPTP when we upgrade to Samba 4
bugzilla:8670 Qmail updates for Samba 4
bugzilla:8674 Remove smbpasswd and WINS pieces for Samba 4
bugzilla:8675 e-smith-LDAP + Samba 4
bugzilla:8687 Add SSSD daemon for Samba 4 local authentication
bugzilla:8703 Samba 4: Home directory
bugzilla:9651 Remove Samba Parts from esmith::Util for Samba 4
bugzilla:9653 Pseudonyms handling with Active Directory
bugzilla:9662 System Initialization and Re-Configuration with Active Directory
bugzilla:9700 Consider removing /sbin/e-smith/samba_check_password
bugzilla:9708 Evaluate registry fragments in server-resources for Samba 4
bugzilla:9711 Include dnscache and tinydns config in smeserver-samba for Samba 4 DNS queries
bugzilla:9712 Reconfigure shadowcopy for Samba 4
bugzilla:9713 Reconfigure recycle bin for Samba 4
bugzilla:9715 Modify e-smith-dnscache to allow connections from entire loopback network
bugzilla:9755 Re-Write Users Panel for AD integration
bugzilla:9799 Update esmith::util::chown for Samba users
bugzilla:9800 Update e-smith-quota to process quotas for active directory users
bugzilla:9802 Modify user events/actions and server-manager panel
bugzilla:9804 Update password functions in esmith::util for Samba 4
bugzilla:9806 e-smith-openssh modifications for Samba 4
bugzilla:9807 smeserver-qpsmtpd changes for Samba 4

Active Directory Schema

Following is a direct dump of the active directory from a freshly provisioned SME Server domain. The DNS/Kerberos domain is domain.com, the hostname is virgin, and the windows domain is sme-server. The ipaddress for this test machine is These data is quite long, but I found it very useful; as it is extremely difficult to find these attributes in any documentation about Samba 4 and ADDC:

Samba 4 Active Directory Schema

Misc Development Topics


  1. http://dev.nethserver.org/projects/nethserver/wiki/Samba4 (Thanks Filippo!)
  2. https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba/2014-April/180336.html
  3. https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_AD_DC_HOWTO
  4. http://www.alexwyn.com/computer-tips/centos-samba4-active-directory-domain-controller