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Line 1: Line 1:
'''New zarafa- and z-push-install/upgradescripts for 7.0 on SME8 are on [[Talk:Zarafa on SME8]] <u>for testing</u>.'''<br>  These scipts always take the default NEW-config-files from the zarafa.rpms (found in /usr/share/doc/zarafa/example-config/) and make SME-templates of these default config-files !  So, you will always have the newest templated config-files, even after upgrading to a new Zarafa-version with altered config-files !<br>
{{Level|Advanced }}
There is even more integration with the SME-perlDB too.  (Most of the zarafa-config-keys can be set in the SME-perlDB 8).<br>  
{{Note box|
You can find a upgrade-path to Z-push 2.0 on [[Talk:Zarafa on SME8]] (tested with Zarafa 7.0.12 and Z-push 2.0.7).<br>
'''This wiki page is specific to SME8 only.'''
'''There is a separate wiki page on how to install Zarafa 7.x on SME7 [[Zarafa|Zarafa on SME 7]].'''
'''There is a separate wiki page with a ''fully automated'' install of Zarafa 7.1.x on SME9 that utilizes the unix plugin [[Zarafa on SME 9|Zarafa on SME 9]].'''
*'''New zarafa-7.0.x- and z-push-install/upgradescripts for SME8'''<br>  These new scipts always take the default NEW-config-files from the zarafa.rpms (found in /usr/share/doc/zarafa/example-config/) and make SME-templates of these default config-files !  So, you will always have the newest templated config-files, even after upgrading to a new Zarafa-version with altered config-files !<br> There is even more integration with the SME-perlDB too.  (Most of the zarafa-config-keys can be set in the SME-perlDB !).<br>  
*You can find a upgrade-path to Z-push 2.0 (tested with Zarafa 7.0.12 and Z-push 2.0.7).<br>
*For version 1.3 of the Webapp you need minimum zarafa 7.0.12.
*Placeholder for [[Zarafa quick install script]]
Placeholder for [[Zarafa quick install script]]
== Maintainer ==
== Maintainer ==
Frederik POLLET : [mailto:frederik.pollet@pollet-ghys.be email]
Frederik POLLET : [mailto:frederik.pollet@pollet-ghys.be email]
== Description ==
== Description ==
Line 16: Line 33:
Z-push is an implementation of Microsoft's ActiveSync protocol which is used 'over-the-air' for multi platform active sync devices, including Windows Mobile and active sync used on Apple's iPhone, Sony Ericsson and Nokia phones. Open source Z-Push enables any PHP-based groupware package to become fully syncable with any ActiveSync-compliant device.
Z-push is an implementation of Microsoft's ActiveSync protocol which is used 'over-the-air' for multi platform active sync devices, including Windows Mobile and active sync used on Apple's iPhone, Sony Ericsson and Nokia phones. Open source Z-Push enables any PHP-based groupware package to become fully syncable with any ActiveSync-compliant device.
== Installing Zarafa 7.0.8 and above on SME 8 + Z-push ==
== Making some decisions before installing ==
=== Making some decisions before installing : ===
Zarafa can be configured with 3 different 'user-backends' :
Zarafa can be configured with 3 different 'user-backends' :
Line 24: Line 40:
*LDAP/AD (not implemented in this howto)
*LDAP/AD (not implemented in this howto)
Using the '''db-plugin''' in the Zarafa-configuration, let you make your zarafa-users in the MySQL-zarafadatabase, with a separate user-password for every Zarafa-user and a store. So, you make your separated Zarafa-users and the stores for these Zarafa-users one by one in the Zarafa-MySQL-database with the '''zarafa-admin'''-tool and sripts in this howto.  There is no syncronisation between the SME-user-passwords and the Zarafa-user-passwords. You can only enable maildelivery for a SME/unix-user to a Zarafa-user with the same logon-name.<br>
Using the '''db-plugin''' in the Zarafa-configuration, let you make your zarafa-users in the MySQL-zarafadatabase, with a separate user-password for every Zarafa-user and a store. So, you make your separated Zarafa-users and the stores for these Zarafa-users one by one in the Zarafa-MySQL-database with the '''zarafa-admin'''-tool and sripts in this howto.  There is no syncronisation between the SME-user-passwords and the Zarafa-user-passwords. You can only enable maildelivery for a SME/unix-user to a Zarafa-user <u>with the same logon-name</u>.<br>
When using the '''unix-plugin''' in the Zarafa-configuration, Zarafa makes a store for every SME/unix-user on your system, except for those who are excluded by the template used in this howto. Zarafa uses the passwords of the SME/unix-users. There are no separated Zarafa-users and no separated passwords. You can enable maildelivery for a SME/unix-user to Zarafa. Since the unix files do not contain enough information for Zarafa, there are some properties of a user that will be stored in the MySQL-zarafadatabase. These properties are the email address, overriding quota settings, and administrator settings. The '''zarafa-admin'''-tool has to be used to update these user properties. All other user-properties are done using the normal unix tools.  '''The unix-plugin seems to be your best choice if all your SME-users will use Zarafa Webaccess/Microsoft Outlook, and you don't need a multicompany-environment'''.<br>
When using the '''unix-plugin''' in the Zarafa-configuration, Zarafa makes a store for every SME/unix-user on your system, except for those who are excluded by the template used in this howto. Zarafa uses the passwords of the SME/unix-users. There are no separated Zarafa-users and no separated passwords. You can enable maildelivery for a SME/unix-user to Zarafa. Since the unix files do not contain enough information for Zarafa, there are some properties of a user that will be stored in the MySQL-zarafadatabase. These properties are the email address, overriding quota settings, and administrator settings. The '''zarafa-admin'''-tool has to be used to update these user properties. All other user-properties are done using the normal unix tools.  '''The unix-plugin seems to be your best choice if all your SME-users will use Zarafa Webaccess/Microsoft Outlook, and you don't need a multicompany-environment'''.<br>
Line 34: Line 50:
{{Warning box|IMPORTANT : If you want to have a multicompany-environment, <u>format of the SME/unix-username and the ZARAFA-username has to be [username].[companyname]</u> !!!<br>}}
{{Warning box|IMPORTANT : If you want to have a multicompany-environment, <u>format of the SME/unix-username and the ZARAFA-username has to be [username].[companyname]</u> !!!<br>}}
=== Search latest STABLE php53-mapi.rpm : ===
=== Search latest php53-mapi.rpm for 7.0.x (NOT 7.1.x !) ===
SME8 uses PHP5.3<br>
SME8 uses PHP5.3<br>
Line 41: Line 58:
So, search on the EPEL-repositories the latest STABLE php53-mapi-package.
So, search on the EPEL-repositories <u>'''the latest''' php53-mapi-package</u> for 7.0.x (NOT 7.1.x !).
=== Set the epel-repository :===
=== Set the epel-repository (incl. epel-testing) :===
  /sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set epel repository \
  /sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set epel repository \
Line 51: Line 68:
  BaseUrl 'http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/$basearch' \
  BaseUrl 'http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/$basearch' \
  MirrorList 'http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=epel-5&arch=$basearch' \
  MirrorList 'http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=epel-5&arch=$basearch' \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck yes \
GPGKey http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL \
Visible no \
status disabled
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set epel-testing repository \
Name 'Epel-testing - EL5' \
BaseUrl 'http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/testing/5/$basearch' \
MirrorList 'http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=testing-epel5&arch=$basearch' \
  EnableGroups no \
  EnableGroups no \
  GPGCheck yes \
  GPGCheck yes \
Line 59: Line 86:
  signal-event yum-modify
  signal-event yum-modify
=== ONLY IF YOU ARE UPDATING AN EXISTING ZARAFA-7-INSTALLATION -> Remove the existing php53-mapi.rpm first : ===
=== Download via the Zarafawebsite the package for ZCP <u>''corresponding'' with the php53-mapi.rpm (cf. version above !!)</u> ===
Make an installdirectory (ex. : /root/InstallZarafa)
  rpm -e php53-mapi --nodeps
  mkdir -p /root/InstallZarafa
=== Download via the Zarafawebsite the package for ZCP corresponding with the php53-mapi.rpm (cf. version above) : ===
Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (ex. : /root/InstallZarafa) :  
cd /to an installdirectory, ex. : /root/InstallZarafa
cd /to the installdirectory
cd /root/InstallZarafa
  wget http://download.zarafa.com/community/final/7.0/[version]/zcp-[version]-rhel-5-[cpu-arch]-free.tar.gz
  wget http://download.zarafa.com/community/final/7.0/[version]/zcp-[version]-rhel-5-[cpu-arch]-free.tar.gz
Line 71: Line 104:
The 'free'-version has the ability to connect with Microsoft Outlook (default 3 users for free, buy zarafa-CAL's if you want more).
The 'free'-version has the ability to connect with Microsoft Outlook (default 3 users for free, buy zarafa-CAL's if you want more).
=== Download the Z-push-package (version 1.5 !!) : ===
=== Unpack the corresponding package for ZCP :===
wget http://zarafa-deutschland.de/z-push-download/final/1.5/[z-push-latest version]
Save in the same installdirectory, ex. : root/InstallZarafa
=== Unpack the corresponding package for ZCP and the package for Z-push :===
Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (if you haven't done this yet) :
cd /to the installdirectory
And unpack :
  tar -zxvf zcp-*
  tar -zxvf zcp-*
tar -zxvf z-push-[latest version] -C /var/www/html
Change the name of the created z-push-directory in /var/www/html to 'z-push'.
=== Remove the devel packages ===
Go  (cd ./zcp-...) to the created subdirectory (zcp-...) :
Go  (cd ./zcp-...) to the created subdirectory (zcp-...) :
  cd ./zcp- ...  
  cd ./zcp- ...  
rm -f *-dev*.rpm
'''Remove the devel packages'''
Move the windows-directory to an installshare in your network
'''Move the windows-directory to an installshare in your network'''
=== Download the latest webapp.rpm too in the same subdirectory : ===
=== Download the latest webapp.rpm too in the same subdirectory :===
  wget http://download.zarafa.com/community/final/WebApp/1.1/rhel/[zarafa-webapp-version.noarch.rpm]
  wget http://download.zarafa.com/community/final/WebApp/[version]/rhel/[zarafa-webapp-version.noarch.rpm]
=== Install all rpm's in the unpacked package of ZCP and the webapp.rpm too : ===
=== Install all rpm's in the unpacked package of ZCP and the webapp.rpm too :===
  yum localinstall *.rpm
  yum localinstall *.rpm
Line 107: Line 126:
All packages have dependencies that cannot be resolved if you install only part of the rpm's.
All packages have dependencies that cannot be resolved if you install only part of the rpm's.
If you only want to upgrade one package (ex. the Webapp) :
=== Remove the default php-mapi.rpm ===
cd /to the new Webapp.rpm
rpm -Uvh --force zarafa-webapp-[version].noarch
=== Remove the default php-mapi.rpm : ===
We have to remove the installation of the default php-mapi (because it's not built for php 5.3).
We have to remove the installation of the default php-mapi (because it's not built for php 5.3).
Line 118: Line 132:
  rpm -e php-mapi --nodeps
  rpm -e php-mapi --nodeps
=== Install the php53-mapi.rpm : ===
=== Install the php53-mapi.rpm ===
Install the php53-mapi.rpm of the EPEL-repository :
-If you downloaded the rpm :
-If you downloaded the rpm :
Line 128: Line 139:
-If you did set the EPEL-repository :
-If you did set the EPEL-repository :
  yum install php53-mapi --enablerepo=epel
  yum install php53-mapi-[same ZCP-verion as above] --enablerepo=epel --enablerepo=epel-testing
=== Make install/update-actions ===
===== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-install =====
#!/usr/bin/env bash
=== ONLY FOR FIRST INSTALLATION : Make actions : ===
if [ `whoami` != "root" ]; then
echo "This installation must be run as user root."
echo "Become root, and run this script again."
exit 1
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-expand-templates ====
# Creating some Zarafa-actions
#--- zarafa-expand-templates ---
echo "Creating zarafa-expand-templates-action ..."
cat <<HERE1 > /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-expand-templates
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
Line 146: Line 177:
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services ====
#--- zarafa-services ---
echo "Creating zarafa-services-action ..."
cat <<HERE2 > /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services
if [ "$1" == start ]; then
if [ "\$1" == start ]; then
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical start
  if [ -a $FILE ]; then $FILE start; fi
  if [ -a \$FILE ]; then \$FILE start; fi
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-spooler start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-spooler start
Line 164: Line 201:
  exit 0
  exit 0
if [ "$1" == stop ]; then
if [ "\$1" == stop ]; then
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical stop
  if [ -a $FILE ]; then $FILE stop; fi
  if [ -a \$FILE ]; then \$FILE stop; fi
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-indexer stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-indexer stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-spooler stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-spooler stop
Line 175: Line 212:
  exit 0
  exit 0
if [ "$1" == restart ]; then
if [ "\$1" == restart ]; then
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical stop
  if [ -a $FILE ]; then $FILE stop; fi
  if [ -a \$FILE ]; then \$FILE stop; fi
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-indexer stop
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-indexer stop
Line 187: Line 224:
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical start
  if [ -a $FILE ]; then $FILE start; fi
  if [ -a \$FILE ]; then \$FILE start; fi
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-server start
  /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-server start
Line 194: Line 231:
  exit 0
  exit 0
if [ "$1" == enabled ]; then
if [ "\$1" == enabled ]; then
  config setprop zarafa-gateway status enabled
  config setprop zarafa-gateway status enabled
  config setprop zarafa-ical status enabled
  config setprop zarafa-ical status enabled
  if [ -a $FILE ]; then config setprop zarafa-licensed status enabled; fi
  if [ -a \$FILE ]; then config setprop zarafa-licensed status enabled; fi
  config setprop zarafa-monitor status enabled
  config setprop zarafa-monitor status enabled
  config setprop zarafa-server status enabled
  config setprop zarafa-server status enabled
Line 205: Line 242:
  exit 0
  exit 0
if [ "$1" == disabled ]; then
if [ "\$1" == disabled ]; then
  config setprop zarafa-gateway status disabled
  config setprop zarafa-gateway status disabled
  config setprop zarafa-ical status disabled
  config setprop zarafa-ical status disabled
  if [ -a $FILE ]; then config setprop zarafa-licensed status disabled; fi
  if [ -a \$FILE ]; then config setprop zarafa-licensed status disabled; fi
  config setprop zarafa-monitor status disabled
  config setprop zarafa-monitor status disabled
  config setprop zarafa-server status disabled
  config setprop zarafa-server status disabled
Line 218: Line 255:
echo "Usage: start|stop|restart|enabled|disabled"
echo "Usage: start|stop|restart|enabled|disabled"
exit 0
exit 0
#--- zarafa-create-user-action ---
echo "Creating zarafa-create-user-action ..."
cat <<HERE3 > /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-user
/bin/echo "Enter the username of the ZARAFA-user"
/bin/echo "If you have a multicompany-setup, format of the SME-username and the ZARAFA-username"
/bin/echo "has to be [username].[companyname] !!!"
/bin/echo "Enter password:"
/bin/echo "Enter e-mail address:"
read EMAIL
/bin/echo "Enter full name:"
/bin/echo "Executing..."
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin -c "\$USERNAME" -p "\$PASSWORD" -e "\$EMAIL" -f "\$FULLNAME"
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin -l
/sbin/e-smith/db accounts setprop \$USERNAME zarafa enabled
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-install ====
#--- zarafa-create-company-action ---
echo "Creating zarafa-create-company-action ..."
cat <<HERE4 > /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-company
/bin/echo "Enter the companyname :"
/bin/echo "Executing..."
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --create-company "\$COMPANYNAME"
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-expand-templates
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-expand-templates
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-update
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-user
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-user
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-company
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-company
/bin/echo "Enter the language of your choice for your zarafa-mailboxes and public store. Values: en_US.UTF-8, en_GB.UTF-8, nl_NL.UTF-8, fr_FR.UTF-8, de_DE.UTF-8, ..."
#--- zarafa-configuration-helper-action ---
/sbin/e-smith/config set zarafa service status enabled language $ZARAFALANGUAGE
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/sysconfig/zarafa
echo "Creating zarafa-configuration-helper-action ..."
cat <<HERE5 > /etc/e-smith/events/actions/helpers.inc
# -*- Mode: sh -*-
replace() {
# escape &-signs, and % for sed
value=\`echo \$value | sed -e 's/\&/\\\\\&/g' -e 's/\%/\\\\\%/g'\`
sed -i -e "s%\([[:space:]]*\$option[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\).*%\1\$value%" \$file
. /etc/e-smith/events/actions/helpers.inc
# Creating zarafa-db-creation-templates
#--- /etc/e-smith/db/configuration/migrate/80zarafa ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/db/configuration/migrate/80zarafa ..."
cat <<HERE6 > /etc/e-smith/db/configuration/migrate/80zarafa
    use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
    my \$rec = \$DB->get('zarafa-server') || \$DB->new_record('zarafa-server', {type => 'service'});
    my \$pw = \$rec->prop('DbPassword');
    return "" if \$pw;
    \$rec->set_prop('DbPassword', sprintf("%15.0f", int( (1000000000000000) * rand() )));
#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa ..."
cat <<HERE7 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa
    my \$db = \${'zarafa-server'}{DbName} || 'zarafa';
    my \$user = \${'zarafa-server'}{DbUser} || 'zarafa';
    my \$pass = \${'zarafa-server'}{DbPassword} || 'changeme';
    \$OUT .= <<END
#! /bin/sh
    if [ -d /var/lib/mysql/\$db ]; then
    /usr/bin/mysql <<EOF
    use \$db;
    use mysql;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \$db.* TO \$user\@localhost
            IDENTIFIED BY '\$pass';
    flush privileges;
#--- /etc/e-smith/templates.metadata/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates.metadata/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa ..."
cat <<HERE8 > /etc/e-smith/templates.metadata/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa
# Creating SME-HTTPD-templates
#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ..."
cat <<HERE9 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases
    # vim: ft=perl:
    \$haveSSL = (exists \${modSSL}{status} and \${modSSL}{status} eq "enabled") ?  'yes' : 'no';
    my \$zwebmailStatus = \$zarafa{'status'} || "disabled";
    my \$zwebmailAccessType = \$zarafa{'access'} || "SSL";
    my \$dirs;
    \$dirs{zarafa} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    \$dirs{webaccess} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    \$dirs{webmail} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    if (\$imp{'status'} eq 'enabled') {\$dirs{webmail} = ''};
    \$dirs{webapp} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webapp';
    return "    # Zarafa is disabled in this VirtualHost\n"
                unless \$zwebmailStatus eq 'enabled';
    foreach \$place ('zarafa','webmail','webaccess','webapp')
        if ((\$port eq "80") && (\$haveSSL eq 'yes') && (\$zwebmailAccessType eq 'SSL'))
            \$OUT .= "    RewriteRule ^/\$place(/.*|\\$)    https://%{HTTP_HOST}/\$place\\\$1 [L,R]\n";
        } else {
            if ((\$dirs{\$place}) ne '') {\$OUT .= "    Alias /\$place  \$dirs{\$place}\n"};
#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ..."
cat <<HERE10 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias
    my \$zstatus = \$zarafa{'status'};
    if (defined \$zstatus && \$zstatus eq 'enabled')
        \$OUT .= qq(
# Zarafa specific configuration files.
Alias /zarafa /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/
<Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/>
  Options -Indexes
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  php_flag track_vars on
Alias /webapp /usr/share/zarafa-webapp/
<Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webapp/>
  Options -Indexes
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  php_flag track_vars on
      \$OUT .= "# Zarafa Webmail is not configured as it is disabled in the config db";
# Creating SME-QMAIL-user-templates
#--- /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail/80Zarafa ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail/80Zarafa ..."
cat <<HERE11 > /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail/80Zarafa
  my \$zarafa = \$user->prop('zarafa') || 'disabled';
  my \$zarafa2 = \${'zarafa-server'}{GlobalForward} || 'disabled';
  if (\$zarafa eq 'enabled' || \$zarafa2 eq 'enabled')
  { return "| /usr/bin/zarafa-dagent -q \$USERNAME ; if [ \\$\\? -ne 0 ] ; then exit -1; else exit 99; fi;"
#--- /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail-junkmail/01Zarafa ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail-junkmail/01Zarafa ..."
cat <<HERE12 > /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail-junkmail/01Zarafa
    # vim: ft=perl:
    die "USERNAME not set." unless defined (\$USERNAME);
    use esmith::AccountsDB;
    \$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro or die "Couldn't open AccountsDB";
    \$user = \$adb->get(\$USERNAME) or die "No user \$USERNAME in AccountsDB";
    my \$zarafa = \$user->prop('zarafa') || 'disabled';
    my \$zarafa2 = \${'zarafa-server'}{GlobalForward} || 'disabled';
    return "| /usr/bin/zarafa-dagent -qj \$USERNAME ; if [ \\$\\? -ne 0 ] ; then exit -1; else exit 99; fi;"
          if (\$zarafa eq 'enabled' || \$zarafa2 eq 'enabled');
# Creating Zarafa-configuration-templates
#--- unix config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-unix-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg
cat <<HERE13 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg/unix.cfg
use esmith::AccountsDB
# Any of these directives that are required, are only required if the
# userplugin parameter is set to unix.
# Charset used in /etc/passwd for the fullname of a user. Normally this
# is us-ascii, but this can differ according to your setup.
# The charset specified here must be supported by your iconv(1)
# setup. See iconv -l for all charsets.
fullname_charset = iso-8859-15
# Default email domain for constructing new users
# Required, no default
default_domain = { \${'zarafa-server'}{DomainName} || \$DomainName; }
# The lowest user id that is considered a regular user
# Optional, default = 1000
min_user_uid = 101
# The highest user id that is considered a regular user
# Optional, default = 10000
max_user_uid = 10000
# A list of user ids that are not considered to be regular users
# Optional, default = empty
# except_user_uids =
except_user_uids = {
\$accounts = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro or die "Could not open AccountsDB";
while ((\$name, \$passwd, \$uid, \$gid, \$quota,
    \$comment, \$gcos, \$dir, \$shell) = getpwent())
\$user = \$accounts->get(\$name);
\$OUT .= "\$uid "
    unless \$uid <= 101 or (defined \$user and \$user->prop('type') eq "user");
# The lowest group id that is considered a regular group
# Optional, default = 1000
min_group_gid = 5000
# The highest group id that is considered a regular group
# Optional, default = 10000
max_group_gid = 10000
# A list of group ids that are not considered to be regular groups
# Optional, default = empty
# except_group_gids =
except_group_gids = {
while ((\$name, \$passwd, \$uid, \$gid, \$quota,
    \$comment, \$gcos, \$dir, \$shell) = getpwent())
\$group = \$accounts->get(\$name);
\$OUT .= "\$gid "
    unless \$gid < 5000 or (defined \$group and \$group->prop('type') eq "group");
# Create a user as non-active when it has this unix shell
non_login_shell = /bin/false
#--- sysconfig config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-sysconfig-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa
cat /etc/sysconfig/zarafa | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa ZARAFA_LOCALE '"{ ${'\''zarafa'\''}{language} || '\''en_US.UTF-8'\'' ; }"'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa ZARAFA_USERSCRIPT_LOCALE '"{ ${'\''zarafa'\''}{language} || '\''en_US.UTF-8'\'' ; }"'
#--- licensed config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-licensed-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-licensed/example-config/licensed.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-licensed'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-licensed'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-licensed'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
#--- server config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-server-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa/example-config/server.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_tcp_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_tcp_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_tcp_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''236'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_pipe_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_pipe_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_name '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_name} || '\''Zarafa'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg database_engine '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{database_engine} || '\''mysql'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg allow_local_users '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{allow_local_users} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg local_admin_users '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{local_admin_users} || '\''root'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg system_email_address '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{system_email_address} || '\''postmaster@localhost'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg session_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{session_timeout} || '\''300'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg license_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{license_timeout} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg audit_log_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{audit_log_enabled} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg audit_log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{audit_log_level} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg audit_log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{audit_log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_host '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{mysql_host} || '\''localhost'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{mysql_port} || '\''3306'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_user '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbUser} || '\''zarafa'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_password '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbPassword}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_database '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbName} || '\''zarafa'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg attachment_storage '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{attachment_storage} || '\''files'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg attachment_path '/home/e-smith/files/zarafa'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg attachment_compression '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{attachment_compression} || '\''6'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-ssl'\''}{server_ssl_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-ssl'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''237'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_key_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.pem/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.pem'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_key_pass '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbPassword}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_ca_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_ca_path '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sslkeys_path '/home/e-smith/ssl.pem'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{threads} || '\''8'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg watchdog_frequency '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{watchdog_frequency} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg watchdog_max_age '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{watchdog_max_age} || '\''500'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_max_keep_alive_requests '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_max_keep_alive_requests} || '\''100'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_recv_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_recv_timeout} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_read_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_read_timeout} || '\''60'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_send_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_send_timeout} || '\''60'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg softdelete_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{softdelete_lifetime} || '\''30'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sync_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{sync_lifetime} || '\''365'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sync_log_all_changes '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{sync_log_all_changes} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_sso '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_sso} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_gab '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_gab} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg auth_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{auth_method} || '\''plugin'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg pam_service '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{pam_service} || '\''passwd'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_cell_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_cell_size} || '\''268435456'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_object_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_object_size} || '\''5242880'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_indexedobject_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_indexedobject_size} || '\''16777216'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_quota_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_quota_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_quota_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_quota_lifetime} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_acl_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_acl_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_store_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_store_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_user_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_user_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_userdetails_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_userdetails_size} || '\''26214400'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_userdetails_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_userdetails_lifetime} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_server_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_server_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_server_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_server_lifetime} || '\''30'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg quota_warn '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{quota_warn} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg quota_soft '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{quota_soft} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg quota_hard '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{quota_hard} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg companyquota_warn '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{companyquota_warn} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg user_plugin '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{user_plugin} || '\''db'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg user_plugin_config '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{user_plugin_config}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg user_safe_mode '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{user_safe_mode} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg thread_stacksize '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{thread_stacksize} || '\''512'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_hosted_zarafa '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_hosted_zarafa} || '\''false'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_distributed_zarafa '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_distributed_zarafa} || '\''false'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg storename_format '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{storename_format} || '\''%f'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg loginname_format '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{loginname_format} || '\''%u'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg client_update_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{client_update_enabled} || '\''false'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg client_update_path '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{client_update_path} || '\''/var/lib/zarafa/client'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg client_update_log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{client_update_log_level} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg hide_everyone '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{hide_everyone} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg hide_system '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{hide_system} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg index_services_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{index_services_enabled} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg index_services_search_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{index_services_search_timeout} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg index_services_prefix_chars '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{index_services_prefix_chars} || '\''3'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_enhanced_ics '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_enhanced_ics} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sync_gab_realtime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{sync_gab_realtime} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg disabled_features '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{disabled_features}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg max_deferred_records '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{max_deferred_records} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg max_deferred_records_folder '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{max_deferred_records_folder} || '\''20'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg coredump_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{coredump_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_enable_v2 '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_ssl_enable_v2} || '\''no'\''; }'
#--- dagent config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-dagent-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-dagent/example-config/dagent.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_raw_message '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_raw_message} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg lmtp_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{lmtp_port} || '\''2003'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg lmtp_max_threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{lmtp_max_threads} || '\''20'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg process_model '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{process_model} || '\''fork'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg spam_header_name '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{spam_header_name} || '\''X-Spam-Status'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg spam_header_value '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{spam_header_value} || '\''Yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg archive_on_delivery '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{archive_on_delivery} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg set_rule_headers '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{set_rule_headers} || '\''yes'\''; }'
#--- spooler config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-spooler-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-spooler/example-config/spooler.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg smtp_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{smtp_port} || '\''25'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{log_level} || '\''3'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg max_threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{max_threads} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg fax_domain '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{fax_domain} || '\''fax.local'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg fax_international '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{fax_international} || '\''00'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg always_send_delegates '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{always_send_delegates} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg allow_redirect_spoofing '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{allow_redirect_spoofing} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg copy_delegate_mails '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{copy_delegate_mails} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg allow_delegate_meeting_request '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{allow_delegate_meeting_request} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg allow_send_to_everyone '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{allow_send_to_everyone} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg always_send_tnef '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{always_send_tnef} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg always_send_utf8 '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{always_send_utf8} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg charset_upgrade '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{charset_upgrade} || '\''windows-1252'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg expand_groups '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{expand_groups} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg archive_on_send '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{archive_on_send} || '\''no'\''; }'
#--- monitor config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-monitor-configuration-template ..."
echo "The monitor program sends quota warning mails to users who are over quota."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-monitor/example-config/monitor.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg quota_check_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{quota_check_interval} || '\''15'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg mailquota_resend_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{mailquota_resend_interval} || '\''1'\''; }'
#--- gateway config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-gateway-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-gateway/example-config/gateway.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg server_socket 'http://localhost:{${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{TCPPort}||'\''236'\'';}/zarafa'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-pop3'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-pop3'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8110'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3s_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-pop3s'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3s_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-pop3s'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8995'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8143'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imaps_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-imaps'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imaps_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-imaps'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8993'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_only_mailfolders '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_only_mailfolders} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_public_folders '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_public_folders} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_capability_idle '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_capability_idle} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_max_messagesize '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_max_messagesize} || '\''134217728'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_generate_utf8 '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_generate_utf8} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_expunge_on_delete '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_expunge_on_delete} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_store_rfc822 '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_store_rfc822} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_private_key_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.key/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.key'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_certificate_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_verify_client '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{ssl_verify_client} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg process_model '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{process_model} || '\''fork'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_enable_v2 '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{ssl_enable_v2} || '\''no'\''; }'
#--- ical config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-ical-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-ical/example-config/ical.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ical_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ical_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8088'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg icals_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-icals'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg icals_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-icals'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8089'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg server_socket 'http://localhost:{${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{TCPPort}||'\''236'\'';}/zarafa'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg process_model '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{process_model} || '\''fork'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_private_key_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.key/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.key'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_certificate_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_verify_client '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{ssl_verify_client} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg server_timezone '{$TimeZone}'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg default_charset '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{default_charset} || '\''utf-8'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg enable_ical_get '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{enable_ical_get} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_enable_v2 '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{ssl_enable_v2} || '\''no'\''; }'
#--- indexer config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-indexer-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-indexer/example-config/indexer.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg cleanup_lockfiles '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{cleanup_lockfiles} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg limit_results '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{limit_results} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_interval} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_threads} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_max_field_length '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_max_field_length} || '\''10000'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_merge_factor '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_merge_factor} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_max_buffered_docs '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_max_buffered_docs} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_min_merge_docs '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_min_merge_docs} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_max_merge_docs '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_max_merge_docs} || '\''2147483647'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_term_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_term_interval} || '\''128'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_cache_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_cache_timeout} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachments '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachments} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachment_max_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachment_max_size} || '\''5120'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachment_parser_max_memory '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachment_parser_max_memory} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachment_parser_max_cputime '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachment_parser_max_cputime} || '\''0'\''; }'
# Configuring SME-events : Templates to expand
/bin/echo "Setting up templates2expand-files"
/bin/echo "Configuring SME-events : Templates2expand"
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
Line 283: Line 930:
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/timezone-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/timezone-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
/bin/echo "Setting up services2adjust-links"
# Configuring SME-events : Services to adjust
/bin/echo "Configuring SME-events : Services2adjust"
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/machine-account-create/services2adjust
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/machine-account-create/services2adjust
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/group-create/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/group-create/services2adjust/zarafa-server
Line 298: Line 949:
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/timezone-update/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/timezone-update/services2adjust/zarafa-server
# Setting up SME-db-entries
/bin/echo "Enter the language of your choice for your zarafa-mailboxes and public store(s)."
/bin/echo "Values: en_US.UTF-8, en_GB.UTF-8, nl_NL.UTF-8, fr_FR.UTF-8, de_DE.UTF-8, ..."
/sbin/e-smith/config set zarafa service status enabled language $ZARAFALANGUAGE
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/sysconfig/zarafa
/bin/echo "Initialize-default-databases"
/bin/echo "Initialize-default-databases"
/bin/echo "Setting up db-entries for Zarafa"
/bin/echo "Setting up db-entries for Zarafa"
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop mysqld InnoDB enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop mysqld InnoDB enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop smtpd tnef2mime disabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop smtpd tnef2mime disabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server access private status enabled TCPPort 236 index_services_enabled yes
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server access private status enabled TCPPort 236 index_services_enabled yes
/bin/echo "Enter your user plugin. Values: unix or db (ldap is not supported, multicompany-support only with db-plugin)"
/bin/echo "Enter your user plugin."
/bin/echo "Values: unix or db (ldap is not supported, multicompany-support only with db-plugin)."
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server Plugin $USERPLUGIN
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server user_plugin $USERPLUGIN
if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == unix ]; then
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server user_plugin_config /etc/zarafa/unix.cfg
if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == db ]; then
if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == db ]; then
/bin/echo "Do you want to set up a multicompany-environment ? Values: yes or no"
/bin/echo "Do you want to set up a multicompany-environment ?"
/bin/echo "Values: yes or no."
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server Multicompany $MULTICOMPANY
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server Multicompany $MULTICOMPANY
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration delprop zarafa-server user_plugin_config
if [ "$MULTICOMPANY" == yes ]; then
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server enable_hosted_zarafa true
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server loginname_format %u.%c
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server enable_hosted_zarafa false
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server loginname_format %u
Line 330: Line 1,016:
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-dagent service status enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-dagent service status enabled
# Setting up the Zarafa-db
/bin/echo "Expanding the my.cnf-template"
/bin/echo "Expanding the my.cnf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/my.cnf
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/my.cnf
/bin/echo "Restarting mysqld"
/bin/echo "Restarting mysqld"
/usr/bin/sv t /service/mysqld
/usr/bin/sv t /service/mysqld
/bin/echo "Signal-event remoteaccess-update"
/bin/echo "Signal-event remoteaccess-update"
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event remoteaccess-update
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event remoteaccess-update
/bin/echo "Creating the Zarafa-database"
/bin/echo "Creating the Zarafa-database"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql.init start
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql.init start
/bin/echo "Expanding the Zarafa-templates"
# Expanding the Zarafa-configuration-templates
/bin/echo "Expanding the Zarafa-configuration-templates"
/bin/echo "Configuration of the Webaccess and Z-push"
# Configuration of the Webaccess
/bin/echo "Configuration of the Webaccess"
/bin/chown -R www:www /var/lib/zarafa-webaccess/tmp
/bin/chown -R www:www /var/lib/zarafa-webaccess/tmp
/bin/chown -R www:www /var/lib/zarafa-webapp/tmp
/bin/chown -R www:www /var/lib/zarafa-webapp/tmp
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webaccess.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webaccess.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webapp.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webapp.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/touch /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown www:www /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith
# Setting up more symbolic links
/bin/echo "Setting up more symbolic links"
/bin/echo "Setting up more symbolic links"
ln -s /lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8e /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8
ln -s /lib/libssl.so.0.9.8e /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8
if [ `getconf LONG_BIT` = "64" ]; then
ln -s /usr/lib64/zarafa /usr/lib/zarafa
ln -s /lib64/libcrypto.so.0.9.8e /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8
ln -s /lib64/libssl.so.0.9.8e /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8
ln -s /lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8e /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8
ln -s /lib/libssl.so.0.9.8e /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-dagent
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-dagent
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-gateway
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-gateway
Line 376: Line 1,100:
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-server
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-server
# Installing a license-key
/bin/echo "Installing a license-key"
/bin/echo "Installing a license-key"
if [ -x /usr/bin/zarafa-licensed ]; then
if [ -x /usr/bin/zarafa-licensed ]; then
if [ ! -f /etc/zarafa/license/base ]; then
if [ ! -f /etc/zarafa/license/base ]; then
Line 396: Line 1,127:
# Starting Zarafa
/bin/echo "Starting Zarafa-services"
/bin/echo "Starting Zarafa-services"
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services start
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services start
/bin/echo "Setting permissions on files"
/bin/echo "Setting permissions on files"
FILE=/var/log/zarafa/dagent.log; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 666 $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/zarafa/dagent.log; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 666 $FILE; fi
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-update
# Creating public store(s)
if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == unix ]; then
if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == unix ]; then
/bin/echo "creating Public store"
/bin/echo "creating Public store"
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --utf8 -s
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --utf8 -s
Line 409: Line 1,157:
if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == db ]; then
if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == db ]; then
if [ "$MULTICOMPANY" == no ]; then
if [ "$MULTICOMPANY" == no ]; then
/bin/echo "creating Public store"
/bin/echo "creating Public store"
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --utf8 -s
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --utf8 -s
Line 416: Line 1,166:
if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == db ]; then
if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == db ]; then
if [ "$MULTICOMPANY" == yes ]; then
if [ "$MULTICOMPANY" == yes ]; then
  /bin/echo "Make your first company. Enter your first companyname :"
  /bin/echo "Make your first company. Enter your first companyname :"
  /usr/bin/zarafa-admin --create-company "$COMPANYNAME"
  /usr/bin/zarafa-admin --create-company "$COMPANYNAME"
  /bin/echo "!!! REMEMBER !!! : for a multicompany-environment the username-format of the SME-user and the ZARAFA-user, has to be : [username].[companyname]."
  /bin/echo "!!! REMEMBER !!! : for a multicompany-environment the username-format of the SME-user and the ZARAFA-user,"
/bin/echo "has to be : [username].[companyname] !!!"
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-update ====
===== To save : =====
===== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-update =====
Line 431: Line 1,192:
/bin/echo "Stopping the Zarafa-services"
/bin/echo "Stopping the Zarafa-services"
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services stop
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services stop
#--- zarafa-configuration-helper-action ---
echo "Creating zarafa-configuration-helper-action ..."
cat <<HERE1 > /etc/e-smith/events/actions/helpers.inc
# -*- Mode: sh -*-
replace() {
# escape &-signs, and % for sed
value=\`echo \$value | sed -e 's/\&/\\\\\&/g' -e 's/\%/\\\\\%/g'\`
sed -i -e "s%\([[:space:]]*\$option[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\).*%\1\$value%" \$file
. /etc/e-smith/events/actions/helpers.inc
#--- sysconfig config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-sysconfig-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa
cat /etc/sysconfig/zarafa | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa ZARAFA_LOCALE '"{ ${'\''zarafa'\''}{language} || '\''en_US.UTF-8'\'' ; }"'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa ZARAFA_USERSCRIPT_LOCALE '"{ ${'\''zarafa'\''}{language} || '\''en_US.UTF-8'\'' ; }"'
#--- licensed config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-licensed-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-licensed/example-config/licensed.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-licensed'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-licensed'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-licensed'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
#--- server config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-server-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa/example-config/server.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_tcp_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_tcp_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_tcp_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''236'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_pipe_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_pipe_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_name '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_name} || '\''Zarafa'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg database_engine '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{database_engine} || '\''mysql'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg allow_local_users '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{allow_local_users} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg local_admin_users '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{local_admin_users} || '\''root'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg system_email_address '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{system_email_address} || '\''postmaster@localhost'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg session_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{session_timeout} || '\''300'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg license_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{license_timeout} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg audit_log_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{audit_log_enabled} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg audit_log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{audit_log_level} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg audit_log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{audit_log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_host '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{mysql_host} || '\''localhost'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{mysql_port} || '\''3306'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_user '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbUser} || '\''zarafa'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_password '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbPassword}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_database '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbName} || '\''zarafa'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg attachment_storage '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{attachment_storage} || '\''files'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg attachment_path '/home/e-smith/files/zarafa'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg attachment_compression '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{attachment_compression} || '\''6'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-ssl'\''}{server_ssl_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-ssl'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''237'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_key_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.pem/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.pem'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_key_pass '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbPassword}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_ca_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_ca_path '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sslkeys_path '/home/e-smith/ssl.pem'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{threads} || '\''8'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg watchdog_frequency '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{watchdog_frequency} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg watchdog_max_age '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{watchdog_max_age} || '\''500'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_max_keep_alive_requests '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_max_keep_alive_requests} || '\''100'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_recv_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_recv_timeout} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_read_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_read_timeout} || '\''60'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_send_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_send_timeout} || '\''60'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg softdelete_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{softdelete_lifetime} || '\''30'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sync_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{sync_lifetime} || '\''365'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sync_log_all_changes '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{sync_log_all_changes} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_sso '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_sso} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_gab '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_gab} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg auth_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{auth_method} || '\''plugin'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg pam_service '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{pam_service} || '\''passwd'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_cell_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_cell_size} || '\''268435456'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_object_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_object_size} || '\''5242880'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_indexedobject_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_indexedobject_size} || '\''16777216'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_quota_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_quota_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_quota_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_quota_lifetime} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_acl_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_acl_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_store_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_store_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_user_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_user_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_userdetails_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_userdetails_size} || '\''26214400'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_userdetails_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_userdetails_lifetime} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_server_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_server_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_server_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_server_lifetime} || '\''30'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg quota_warn '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{quota_warn} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg quota_soft '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{quota_soft} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg quota_hard '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{quota_hard} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg companyquota_warn '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{companyquota_warn} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg user_plugin '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{user_plugin} || '\''db'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg user_plugin_config '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{user_plugin_config}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg user_safe_mode '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{user_safe_mode} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg thread_stacksize '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{thread_stacksize} || '\''512'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_hosted_zarafa '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_hosted_zarafa} || '\''false'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_distributed_zarafa '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_distributed_zarafa} || '\''false'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg storename_format '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{storename_format} || '\''%f'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg loginname_format '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{loginname_format} || '\''%u'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg client_update_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{client_update_enabled} || '\''false'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg client_update_path '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{client_update_path} || '\''/var/lib/zarafa/client'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg client_update_log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{client_update_log_level} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg hide_everyone '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{hide_everyone} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg hide_system '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{hide_system} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg index_services_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{index_services_enabled} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg index_services_search_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{index_services_search_timeout} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg index_services_prefix_chars '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{index_services_prefix_chars} || '\''3'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_enhanced_ics '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_enhanced_ics} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sync_gab_realtime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{sync_gab_realtime} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg disabled_features '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{disabled_features}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg max_deferred_records '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{max_deferred_records} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg max_deferred_records_folder '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{max_deferred_records_folder} || '\''20'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg coredump_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{coredump_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_enable_v2 '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_ssl_enable_v2} || '\''no'\''; }'
#--- dagent config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-dagent-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-dagent/example-config/dagent.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_raw_message '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_raw_message} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg lmtp_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{lmtp_port} || '\''2003'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg lmtp_max_threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{lmtp_max_threads} || '\''20'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg process_model '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{process_model} || '\''fork'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg spam_header_name '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{spam_header_name} || '\''X-Spam-Status'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg spam_header_value '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{spam_header_value} || '\''Yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg archive_on_delivery '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{archive_on_delivery} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg set_rule_headers '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{set_rule_headers} || '\''yes'\''; }'
#--- spooler config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-spooler-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-spooler/example-config/spooler.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg smtp_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{smtp_port} || '\''25'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{log_level} || '\''3'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg max_threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{max_threads} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg fax_domain '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{fax_domain} || '\''fax.local'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg fax_international '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{fax_international} || '\''00'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg always_send_delegates '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{always_send_delegates} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg allow_redirect_spoofing '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{allow_redirect_spoofing} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg copy_delegate_mails '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{copy_delegate_mails} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg allow_delegate_meeting_request '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{allow_delegate_meeting_request} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg allow_send_to_everyone '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{allow_send_to_everyone} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg always_send_tnef '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{always_send_tnef} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg always_send_utf8 '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{always_send_utf8} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg charset_upgrade '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{charset_upgrade} || '\''windows-1252'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg expand_groups '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{expand_groups} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg archive_on_send '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{archive_on_send} || '\''no'\''; }'
#--- monitor config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-monitor-configuration-template ..."
echo "The monitor program sends quota warning mails to users who are over quota."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-monitor/example-config/monitor.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg quota_check_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{quota_check_interval} || '\''15'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg mailquota_resend_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{mailquota_resend_interval} || '\''1'\''; }'
#--- gateway config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-gateway-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-gateway/example-config/gateway.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg server_socket 'http://localhost:{${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{TCPPort}||'\''236'\'';}/zarafa'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-pop3'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-pop3'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8110'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3s_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-pop3s'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3s_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-pop3s'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8995'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8143'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imaps_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-imaps'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imaps_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-imaps'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8993'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_only_mailfolders '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_only_mailfolders} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_public_folders '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_public_folders} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_capability_idle '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_capability_idle} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_max_messagesize '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_max_messagesize} || '\''134217728'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_generate_utf8 '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_generate_utf8} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_expunge_on_delete '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_expunge_on_delete} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_store_rfc822 '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_store_rfc822} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_private_key_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.key/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.key'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_certificate_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_verify_client '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{ssl_verify_client} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg process_model '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{process_model} || '\''fork'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_enable_v2 '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{ssl_enable_v2} || '\''no'\''; }'
#--- ical config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-ical-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-ical/example-config/ical.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ical_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ical_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8088'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg icals_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-icals'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg icals_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-icals'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8089'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg server_socket 'http://localhost:{${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{TCPPort}||'\''236'\'';}/zarafa'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg process_model '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{process_model} || '\''fork'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_private_key_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.key/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.key'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_certificate_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_verify_client '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{ssl_verify_client} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg server_timezone '{$TimeZone}'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg default_charset '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{default_charset} || '\''utf-8'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg enable_ical_get '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{enable_ical_get} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_enable_v2 '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{ssl_enable_v2} || '\''no'\''; }'
#--- indexer config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-indexer-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-indexer/example-config/indexer.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg cleanup_lockfiles '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{cleanup_lockfiles} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg limit_results '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{limit_results} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_interval} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_threads} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_max_field_length '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_max_field_length} || '\''10000'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_merge_factor '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_merge_factor} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_max_buffered_docs '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_max_buffered_docs} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_min_merge_docs '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_min_merge_docs} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_max_merge_docs '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_max_merge_docs} || '\''2147483647'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_term_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_term_interval} || '\''128'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_cache_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_cache_timeout} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachments '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachments} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachment_max_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachment_max_size} || '\''5120'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachment_parser_max_memory '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachment_parser_max_memory} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachment_parser_max_cputime '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachment_parser_max_cputime} || '\''0'\''; }'
/bin/echo "webaccess config"
/bin/echo "webaccess config"
Line 437: Line 1,490:
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webaccess.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webaccess.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webapp.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webapp.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/touch /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown www:www /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
/bin/echo "Expanding Zarafa-templates"
/bin/echo "Expanding Zarafa-templates"
Line 459: Line 1,508:
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-user (ONLY FOR DB-PLUGIN) ====
===== To save : =====
=== Execute zarafa-install (see installscript above for 7.0.x !!!!) ===
  /bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-install
cd /etc/e-smith/events/actions/
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
== UPGRADING of Zarafa ==
=== VERSION 7.0.x (7.0.x -> 7.0.x) ===
==== Download via the Zarafawebsite the package for ZCP corresponding with the newest php53-mapi.rpm (cf. version above) ====
Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (ex. : /root/InstallZarafa) :
cd /to the installdirectory
cd /root/InstallZarafa
wget http://download.zarafa.com/community/final/7.0/[version]/zcp-[version]-rhel-5-[cpu-arch]-free.tar.gz
==== Unpack the corresponding package for ZCP :====
tar -zxvf zcp-*
==== Remove the devel packages ====
Go  (cd ./zcp-...) to the created subdirectory (zcp-...) :
cd ./zcp- ...
rm -f *-dev*.rpm
Move the windows-directory to an installshare in your network
==== Download the latest webapp.rpm too in the same subdirectory :====
wget http://download.zarafa.com/community/final/WebApp/[version]/rhel/[zarafa-webapp-version.noarch.rpm]
==== !!! Remove the existing php53-mapi.rpm first : !!! ====
rpm -e php53-mapi --nodeps
==== Install all rpm's in the unpacked package of ZCP and the webapp.rpm too :====
yum localinstall *.rpm
All packages have dependencies that cannot be resolved if you install only part of the rpm's.
If you only want to upgrade one package (ex. the Webapp) :
cd /to the new Webapp.rpm
rpm -Uvh --force zarafa-webapp-[version].noarch
==== Remove the default php-mapi.rpm ====
We have to remove the installation of the default php-mapi (because it's not built for php 5.3).
rpm -e php-mapi --nodeps
/bin/echo "Enter the username of the ZARAFA-user"
==== Install the NEW php53-mapi.rpm ====
/bin/echo "If you have a multicompany-setup, format of the SME-username and the ZARAFA-username"
-If you downloaded the rpm :
/bin/echo "has to be [username].[companyname] !!!"
/bin/echo "Enter password:"
rpm -Uvh --force php53-mapi
/bin/echo "Enter e-mail address:"
-If you did set the EPEL-repository :
read EMAIL
/bin/echo "Enter full name:"
yum install php53-mapi-[same ZCP-verion as above] --enablerepo=epel --enablerepo=epel-testing
/bin/echo "Executing..."
==== Execute zarafa-update (see upgradescript above for 7.0.x !!!!) ====
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin -c "$USERNAME" -p "$PASSWORD" -e "$EMAIL" -f "$FULLNAME"
cd /etc/e-smith/events/actions/
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin -l
/sbin/e-smith/db accounts setprop $USERNAME zarafa enabled
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-company (ONLY FOR DB-PLUGIN) ====
OPTIONAL : Search in the Zarafa-releasenotes for new keys/options in the config-files and adjust the values of these new keys/options in the zarafa-config-templates :
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
/bin/echo "Enter the companyname :"
/bin/echo "Executing..."
== INSTALLATION of Z-push (1.5.x or 2.0.x) ==
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --create-company "$COMPANYNAME"
* You can test if z-push is installed and functioning by going to http://[your-server-ip]/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync You should be presented with a login request, and if you cancel, you will see Z-Push info. If you see both, z-push is working just fine.
* If you experience (all of a sudden) z-push issues with your smartphone, please increase the PHP memory limit as descibed [http://wiki.contribs.org/Useful_Commands#Memory_Limit here]
* Please note that z-push version 2.1 works with the below 2.0.x instructions, but you need to install php-posix
yum install php-posix
=== ONLY FOR FIRST INSTALLATION : Make templates : ===
=== VERSION 1.5.x ===
==== Download the Z-push-package (version 1.5 !!)====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/db/configuration/migrate/80zarafa ====
wget http://zarafa-deutschland.de/z-push-download/final/1.5/[z-push-latest version]
    use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);
    my $rec = $DB->get('zarafa-server') || $DB->new_record('zarafa-server', {type => 'service'});
Save in an installdirectory, ex. : root/InstallZPush
    my $pw = $rec->prop('DbPassword');
==== Unpack the package for Z-push :====
    return "" if $pw;
    $rec->set_prop('DbPassword', sprintf("%15.0f", int( (1000000000000000) * rand() )));
Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (if you haven't done this yet) :
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa ====
cd /to the installdirectory
And unpack :
    my $db = ${'zarafa-server'}{DbName} || 'zarafa';
    my $user = ${'zarafa-server'}{DbUser} || 'zarafa';
    my $pass = ${'zarafa-server'}{DbPassword} || 'changeme';
    $OUT .= <<END
#! /bin/sh
    if [ -d /var/lib/mysql/$db ]; then
    /usr/bin/mysql <<EOF
    use $db;
    use mysql;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $db.* TO $user\@localhost
            IDENTIFIED BY '$pass';
    flush privileges;
tar -zxvf z-push-[latest version] -C /var/www/html
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates.metadata/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa ====
==== Change the name of the created z-push-directory in /var/www/html to 'z-push'====
==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa ====
===== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/z-push-install =====
# Locale setting for all Zarafa services
ZARAFA_LOCALE="{ ${'zarafa'}{language} || 'en_US.UTF-8' ; }"
# Locale setting for Zarafa userscripts
#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ---
ZARAFA_USERSCRIPT_LOCALE="{ ${'zarafa'}{language} || 'en_US.UTF-8' ; }"
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ..."
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ====
cat <<HERE1 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases
     # vim: ft=perl:
     # vim: ft=perl:
     $haveSSL = (exists ${modSSL}{status} and ${modSSL}{status} eq "enabled") ?  'yes' : 'no';
     \$haveSSL = (exists \${modSSL}{status} and \${modSSL}{status} eq "enabled") ?  'yes' : 'no';
     my $zwebmailStatus = $zarafa{'status'} || "disabled";
     my \$zwebmailStatus = \$zarafa{'status'} || "disabled";
     my $zwebmailAccessType = $zarafa{'access'} || "SSL";
     my \$zwebmailAccessType = \$zarafa{'access'} || "SSL";
     my $dirs;
     my \$dirs;
     $dirs{zarafa} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
     \$dirs{zarafa} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
     $dirs{webaccess} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
     \$dirs{webaccess} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
     $dirs{webmail} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
     \$dirs{webmail} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
     if ($imp{'status'} eq 'enabled') {$dirs{webmail} = ''};
     if (\$imp{'status'} eq 'enabled') {\$dirs{webmail} = ''};
     $dirs{webapp} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webapp';
     \$dirs{webapp} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webapp';
     $dirs{'Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync'} = '/var/www/html/z-push/index.php';
     \$dirs{'Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync'} = '/var/www/html/z-push/index.php';
     return "    # Zarafa is disabled in this VirtualHost\n"
     return "    # Zarafa is disabled in this VirtualHost\n"
                 unless $zwebmailStatus eq 'enabled';
                 unless \$zwebmailStatus eq 'enabled';
     foreach $place ('zarafa','webmail','webaccess','webapp','Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync')
     foreach \$place ('zarafa','webmail','webaccess','webapp','Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync')
         if (($port eq "80") && ($haveSSL eq 'yes') && ($zwebmailAccessType eq 'SSL'))
         if ((\$port eq "80") && (\$haveSSL eq 'yes') && (\$zwebmailAccessType eq 'SSL'))
             $OUT .= "    RewriteRule ^/$place(/.*|\$)    https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$place\$1 [L,R]\n";
             \$OUT .= "    RewriteRule ^/\$place(/.*|\\$)    https://%{HTTP_HOST}/\$place\\\$1 [L,R]\n";
         } else {
         } else {
             if (($dirs{$place}) ne '') {$OUT .= "    Alias /$place  $dirs{$place}\n"};
             if ((\$dirs{\$place}) ne '') {\$OUT .= "    Alias /\$place  \$dirs{\$place}\n"};
#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ---
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ====
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ..."
cat <<HERE2 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias
     my $zstatus = $zarafa{'status'};
     my \$zstatus = \$zarafa{'status'};
     if (defined $zstatus && $zstatus eq 'enabled')
     if (defined \$zstatus && \$zstatus eq 'enabled')
         $OUT .= qq(
         \$OUT .= qq(
# Zarafa specific configuration files.
# Zarafa specific configuration files.
Line 610: Line 1,684:
Alias /zarafa /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/
Alias /zarafa /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/
  <Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/>
  <Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/>
#  DirectoryIndex index.php
#  Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
#  AllowOverride Options
   Options -Indexes
   Options -Indexes
   AllowOverride All
   AllowOverride All
Line 640: Line 1,711:
     AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3
     AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3
     php_flag  magic_quotes_gpc  off
     php_flag  magic_quotes_gpc  off
<Directory /var/www/html/z-push/>
<Directory /var/www/html/z-push/>
Line 652: Line 1,723:
   php_flag magic_quotes_runtime off
   php_flag magic_quotes_runtime off
   php_flag short_open_tag on
   php_flag short_open_tag on
Line 658: Line 1,729:
       $OUT .= "# Zarafa Webmail is not configured as it is disabled in the config db";
       \$OUT .= "# Zarafa Webmail is not configured as it is disabled in the config db";
==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ====
# Configuration of Z-push
/bin/echo "Configuration of Z-push"
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi
server_bind =
/bin/echo "Need to debug Z-push ?"
/bin/echo "Values: yes or no."
if [ "$DEBUGZPUSH" == yes ]; then
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/touch /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown www:www /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
rm -f /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt
# Please refer to the administrator manual or manpage why HTTP is used rather than the UNIX socket.
server_socket = http://localhost:{${'zarafa-server'}{TCPPort}||'236';}/zarafa
/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
# Set this value to a name to show in the logon greeting to clients.
# Leave empty to use DNS to find this name.
/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
server_hostname =
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith
# Whether to show the hostname in the logon greeting to clients.
server_hostname_greeting = no
# drop privileges and run the process as this user
===== To save : =====
run_as_user =
# drop privileges and run the process as this group
run_as_group =  
===== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/z-push-update =====
# create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
pid_file = /var/run/zarafa-gateway.pid
# Configuration of Z-push
# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
running_path = /
/bin/echo "Configuration of Z-push"
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi
# enable/disable POP3, and POP3 listen port
pop3_enable = { if (${'zarafa-pop3'}{status} eq 'enabled') {'yes'} else {'no'}; }
/bin/echo "Need to debug Z-push ?"
pop3_port = { ${'zarafa-pop3'}{TCPPort} || '8110'; }
/bin/echo "Values: yes or no."
if [ "$DEBUGZPUSH" == yes ]; then
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/touch /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown www:www /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
rm -f /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt
# enable/disable Secure POP3, and Secure POP3 listen port
pop3s_enable = { if (${'zarafa-pop3s'}{status} eq 'enabled') {'yes'} else {'no'}; }
/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
pop3s_port = { ${'zarafa-pop3s'}{TCPPort} || '8995'; }
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
# enable/disable IMAP, and IMAP listen port
imap_enable = { if (${'zarafa-imap'}{status} eq 'enabled') {'yes'} else {'no'}; }
/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
imap_port = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{TCPPort} || '8143'; }
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith
# enable/disable Secure IMAP, and Secure IMAP listen port
imaps_enable = { if (${'zarafa-imaps'}{status} eq 'enabled') {'yes'} else {'no'}; }
imaps_port = { ${'zarafa-imaps'}{TCPPort} || '8993'; }
# Only mail folder for IMAP or all subfolders (calendar, contacts, tasks, etc. too)
imap_only_mailfolders = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{imap_only_mailfolders} || 'yes'; }
# Show Public folders for IMAP
imap_public_folders = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{imap_public_folders} || 'yes'; }
# IMAP clients may use IDLE command
imap_capability_idle = yes
# The maximum size of an email that can be uploaded to the gateway
imap_max_messagesize = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{imap_max_messagesize} || '134217728'; }
# Override the e-mail charset and generate using utf-8 (when imap data is not present on the item)
imap_generate_utf8 = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{imap_generate_utf8} || 'no'; }
# Internally issue the expunge command to directly delete e-mail marked for deletion in IMAP.
imap_expunge_on_delete = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{imap_expunge_on_delete} || 'no'; }
# Store full rfc822 message during APPEND
imap_store_rfc822 = { ${'zarafa-imap'}{imap_store_rfc822} || 'yes'; }
# File with RSA key for SSL
ssl_private_key_file = /home/e-smith/ssl.key/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.key
#File with certificate for SSL
ssl_certificate_file = /home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt
# Verify client certificate
ssl_verify_client = { ${'zarafa-gateway'}{ssl_verify_client} || 'no'; }
# Client verify file and/or path
ssl_verify_file =
ssl_verify_path =
# Process model, using pthreads (thread) or processes (fork)
process_model = { ${'zarafa-gateway'}{process_model} || 'fork'; }
# Logging method (syslog, file)
log_method = { ${'zarafa-gateway'}{log_method} || 'file'; }
# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level = { ${'zarafa-gateway'}{log_level} || '2'; }
# Logfile for log_method = file, use '-' for stderr
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/gateway.log
# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-gateway'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }
==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg ====
===== To save : =====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ====
# drop privileges and run the process as this user
run_as_user =
# drop privileges and run the process as this group
==== See further : "Any version" ====
run_as_group =  
# create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
=== VERSION 2.0.x ===
pid_file = /var/run/zarafa-ical.pid
==== Download the Z-push-package (version 2.0 !!)====
wget http://zarafa-deutschland.de/z-push-download/final/2.0/[z-push-latest version]
# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
Save in an installdirectory, ex. : root/InstallZPush
running_path = /
# IP Address to bind to ( for ANY)
==== Unpack the package for Z-push :====
server_bind =
Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (if you haven't done this yet) :
# wether normal connections can be made to the ical server
cd /to the installdirectory
ical_enable = { if (${'zarafa-ical'}{status} eq 'enabled') {'yes'} else {'no'}; }
# port which the ical server listens on for normal connections
And unpack :
ical_port = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{TCPPort} || '8088'; }
# wether ssl connections can be made to the ical server
icals_enable = { if (${'zarafa-icals'}{status} eq 'enabled') {'yes'} else {'no'}; }
# port which the ical server listens on for ssl connections
icals_port = { ${'zarafa-icals'}{TCPPort} || '8089'; }
# default connection to the Zarafa server
# Please refer to the administrator manual or manpage why HTTP is used rather than the UNIX socket.
server_socket = http://localhost:{${'zarafa-server'}{TCPPort}||'236';}/zarafa
# Process model, using pthreads (thread) or processes (fork)
process_model = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{process_model} || 'fork'; }
# Logging method (syslog, file)
log_method = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{log_method} || 'file'; }
# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
tar -zxvf z-push-[latest version] -C /usr/share
log_level = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{log_level} || '2'; }
# Logfile for log_method = file, use '-' for stderr
==== Change the name of the created z-push-directory in /usr/share to 'z-push' ====
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/ical.log
# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }
# File with RSA key for SSL
ssl_private_key_file = /home/e-smith/ssl.key/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.key
# File with certificate for SSL
ssl_certificate_file = /home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt
# Verify client certificate
ssl_verify_client = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{ssl_verify_client} || 'no'; }
# Client verify file and/or path
ssl_verify_file =
ssl_verify_path =
# The timezone of the system clock
server_timezone = {$TimeZone}
# The charset of data to expect when the client doesn't specify any
default_charset = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{default_charset} || 'utf-8'; }
# Enable the iCalendar GET method for downloading calendars
enable_ical_get = { ${'zarafa-ical'}{enable_ical_get} || 'yes'; }
==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg ====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg ====
===== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/z-push-install =====
# IP Address to bind to ( for ANY)
# Set to if connections should only come from localhost
# and through the webserver proxy
server_bind =
# Accept normal TCP connections (not recommended to disable)
server_tcp_enabled = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_tcp_enabled} || 'yes'; }
# Port to bind to
server_tcp_port = { ${'zarafa-server'}{TCPPort} || '236'; }
# Accept unix pipe connections (not recommended to disable)
server_pipe_enabled = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_pipe_enabled} || 'yes'; }
# Unix socket location
server_pipe_name = /var/run/zarafa
server_pipe_priority    = /var/run/zarafa-prio
# Name for identifying the server in a multi-server environment
server_name = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_name} || 'Zarafa'; }
# Override the hostname of this server, used by Kerberos SSO if enabled
server_hostname =
# Database engine (mysql)
database_engine = { ${'zarafa-server'}{database_engine} || 'mysql'; }
# Allow connections from normal users through the unix socket
allow_local_users = { ${'zarafa-server'}{allow_local_users} || 'yes'; }
# local admin users who can connect to any store (use this for the zarafa-dagent)
# field is SPACE separated
# eg: local_admin_users = root vmail
local_admin_users = { ${'zarafa-server'}{local_admin_users} || 'root'; }
# e-mail address of the Zarafa System user
system_email_address = { ${'zarafa-server'}{system_email_address} || 'postmaster@localhost'; }
# drop privileges and run the process as this user
run_as_user =
# drop privileges and run the process as this group
run_as_group =
# create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
pid_file = /var/run/zarafa-server.pid
# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
running_path = /
# session timeout for clients. Values lower than 300 will be upped to 300
# automatically. If the server hears nothing from a client in session_timeout
# seconds, then the session is killed.
session_timeout = { ${'zarafa-server'}{session_timeout} || '300'; }
# Socket to connect to license server
license_socket = /var/run/zarafa-licensed
# Time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the license server before
# terminating the request.
license_timeout = { ${'zarafa-server'}{license_timeout} || '10'; }
# Logging method (syslog, file), syslog facility is 'mail'
log_method = { ${'zarafa-server'}{log_method} || 'file'; }
# Logfile (for log_method = file, '-' for stderr)
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/server.log
# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level = { ${'zarafa-server'}{log_level} || '2'; }
# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-server'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }
# Audit logging is by default not enabled
audit_log_enabled = { ${'zarafa-server'}{audit_log_enabled} || 'no'; }
# Audit logging method (syslog, file), syslog facility is 'authpriv'
audit_log_method = { ${'zarafa-server'}{audit_log_method} || 'syslog'; }
# Audit logfile (for log_method = file, '-' for stderr)
audit_log_file = /var/log/zarafa/audit.log
# Audit loglevel (0=no logging, 1=full logging)
audit_log_level = { ${'zarafa-server'}{audit_log_level} || '1'; }
# Audit log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
audit_log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-server'}{audit_log_timestamp} || '1'; }
# MYSQL SETTINGS (for database_engine = mysql)
# MySQL hostname to connect to for database access
mysql_host = { ${'zarafa-server'}{mysql_host} || 'localhost'; }
# MySQL port to connect with (usually 3306)
mysql_port = { ${'zarafa-server'}{mysql_port} || '3306'; }
# The user under which we connect with MySQL
mysql_user = { ${'zarafa-server'}{DbUser} || 'zarafa'; }
# The password for the user (leave empty for no password)
mysql_password = { ${'zarafa-server'}{DbPassword}; }
# Override the default MySQL socket to access mysql locally
# Works only if the mysql_host value is empty or 'localhost'
mysql_socket =
# Database to connect to
mysql_database = { ${'zarafa-server'}{DbName} || 'zarafa'; }
# Where to place attachments. Value can be 'database' or 'files'
attachment_storage = { ${'zarafa-server'}{attachment_storage} || 'files'; }
# When attachment_storage is 'files', use this path to store the files
attachment_path = /home/e-smith/files/zarafa
# Compression level for attachments when attachment_storage is 'files'.
# Set compression level for attachments disabled=0, max=9
attachment_compression = { ${'zarafa-server'}{attachment_compression} || '6'; }
# enable SSL support in server
server_ssl_enabled = { ${'zarafa-ssl'}{server_ssl_enabled} || 'yes'; }
# Listen for SSL connections on this port
server_ssl_port = { ${'zarafa-ssl'}{TCPPort} || '237'; }
# Required Server certificate, contains the certificate and the private key parts
server_ssl_key_file = /home/e-smith/ssl.pem/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.pem
# Password of Server certificate
server_ssl_key_pass = { ${'zarafa-server'}{DbPassword}; }
# Required Certificate Authority of server
server_ssl_ca_file = /home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt
# Path with CA certificates, e.g. /etc/ssl/certs
server_ssl_ca_path = /home/e-smith/ssl.crt
# Path of SSL Public keys of clients
sslkeys_path = /home/e-smith/ssl.pem
# Number of server threads
# default: 8
threads = { ${'zarafa-server'}{threads} || '8'; }
# Watchdog frequency. The number of watchdog checks per second.
# default: 1
watchdog_frequency = { ${'zarafa-server'}{watchdog_frequency} || '1'; }
# Watchdog max age. The maximum age in ms of a task before a
# new thread is started.
# default: 500
watchdog_max_age = { ${'zarafa-server'}{watchdog_max_age} || '500'; }
# Maximum SOAP keep_alive value
# default: 100
server_max_keep_alive_requests = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_max_keep_alive_requests} || '100'; }
# SOAP recv timeout value (time between requests)
# default: 5
server_recv_timeout = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_recv_timeout} || '5'; }
# SOAP read timeout value (time during requests)
# default: 60
server_read_timeout = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_read_timeout} || '60'; }
# SOAP send timeout value
# default: 60
server_send_timeout = { ${'zarafa-server'}{server_send_timeout} || '60'; }
# Softdelete clean cycle (in days) 0=never running
softdelete_lifetime = { ${'zarafa-server'}{softdelete_lifetime} || '30'; }
# Sync lifetime, removes all changes remembered for a client after x days of inactivity
sync_lifetime = { ${'zarafa-server'}{sync_lifetime} || '365'; }
# Set to 'yes' if all changes (for synchronization) to messages should be logged to the database
sync_log_all_changes = { ${'zarafa-server'}{sync_log_all_changes} || 'no'; }
# Set to 'yes' if you have Kerberos or NTLM correctly configured for single sign-on
enable_sso = { ${'zarafa-server'}{enable_sso} || 'no'; }
# Set to 'yes' if you want to show the GAB to your users
enable_gab = { ${'zarafa-server'}{enable_gab} || 'yes'; }
# Authentication can be through plugin (default, recommended), pam or kerberos
auth_method = { ${'zarafa-server'}{auth_method} || 'plugin'; }
# If auth_method is set to pam, you should provide the pam service name
pam_service = { ${'zarafa-server'}{pam_service} || 'passwd'; }
# To see the live cache usage, use 'zarafa-stats --system',
# or send a USR1 signal to the server, and read the logfile.
# Size in bytes of the 'cell' cache (should be set as high as you can afford to set it)
cache_cell_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_cell_size} || '268435456'; }
# Size in bytes of the 'object' cache
cache_object_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_object_size} || '5242880'; }
# Size in bytes of the 'indexed object' cache
cache_indexedobject_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_indexedobject_size} || '16777216'; }
# Size in bytes of the userquota details
cache_quota_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_quota_size} || '1048576'; }
# Lifetime for userquota details
cache_quota_lifetime = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_quota_lifetime} || '1'; }
# Size in bytes of the acl cache
cache_acl_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_acl_size} || '1048576'; }
# Size in bytes of the store id/guid cache
cache_store_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_store_size} || '1048576'; }
# Size in bytes of the 'user id' cache (this is allocated twice)
cache_user_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_user_size} || '1048576'; }
# Size in bytes of the 'user details' cache
cache_userdetails_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_userdetails_size} || '26214400'; }
# Lifetime for user details
cache_userdetails_lifetime = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_userdetails_lifetime} || '5'; }
# Size in bytes of the server details (multiserver setups only)
cache_server_size = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_server_size} || '1048576'; }
# Lifetime for server details (multiserver setups only)
cache_server_lifetime = { ${'zarafa-server'}{cache_server_lifetime} || '30'; }
# The default Warning Quota Level. Set to 0 to disable this level.
# The user will receive an email when this level is reached. Value is in Mb. Default value is 0.
quota_warn = { ${'zarafa-server'}{quota_warn} || '0'; }
# The default Soft Quota Level. Set to 0 to disable this level.
# The user will still receive mail, but sending new mail is prohibited, until objects are removed from the store.
# VALUE is in Mb. Default value is 0.
quota_soft = { ${'zarafa-server'}{quota_soft} || '0'; }
# The default Hard Quota Level. Set to 0 to disable this level.
# The user can not receive and send mail, until objects are removed from the store.
# Value is in Mb. Default value is 0.
quota_hard = { ${'zarafa-server'}{quota_hard} || '0'; }
# The default Warning Quota Level for multitenant public stores. Set to 0 to disable this level.
# The tenant administrator will receive an email when this level is reached. Value is in Mb. Default value is 0.
companyquota_warn      = { ${'zarafa-server'}{companyquota_warn} || '0'; }
# Name of the plugin that handles users
# Required, default = ldap
# Values: ldap, unix, db, ldapms (available in enterprise license)
user_plugin  = { ${'zarafa-server'}{Plugin} || 'db'; }
# configuration file of the user plugin, examples can be found in /usr/share/zarafa/example-config
  if (( ${'zarafa-server'}{Plugin} || 'db' ) eq 'unix')
  { 'user_plugin_config = /etc/zarafa/unix.cfg'; }
  elsif (( ${'zarafa-server'}{Plugin} || 'db' ) eq 'ldap')
  { 'user_plugin_config = /etc/zarafa/ldap.cfg'; }
# location of the zarafa plugins
# if you have a 64bit distribution, this probably should be changed to /usr/lib64/zarafa
plugin_path = /usr/lib/zarafa
# scripts which create stores for users from an external source
# used for ldap and unix plugins only
createuser_script = /etc/zarafa/userscripts/createuser
deleteuser_script = /etc/zarafa/userscripts/deleteuser
creategroup_script = /etc/zarafa/userscripts/creategroup
deletegroup_script = /etc/zarafa/userscripts/deletegroup
createcompany_script    = /etc/zarafa/userscripts/createcompany
deletecompany_script    = /etc/zarafa/userscripts/deletecompany
# Set this option to 'yes' to skip the creation and deletion of new users
# The action will be logged, so you can see if your changes to the plugin
# configuration are correct.
user_safe_mode = { ${'zarafa-server'}{user_safe_mode} || 'no'; }
# Thread size in KB, default is 512
# WARNING: Do not set too small, your server WILL crash
thread_stacksize = { ${'zarafa-server'}{thread_stacksize} || '512'; }
# Enable multi-tenancy environment
# When set to true it is possible to create tenants within the
# zarafa instance and assign all users and groups to particular
# tenants.
# When set to false, the normal single-tenancy environment is created.
  if (( ${'zarafa-server'}{Multicompany} || 'no' ) eq 'yes')
  { 'enable_hosted_zarafa = true'; }
  elsif (( ${'zarafa-server'}{Multicompany} || 'no' ) eq 'no')
  { 'enable_hosted_zarafa = false'; }
# Enable multi-server environment
# When set to true it is possible to place users and tenants on
# specific servers.
# When set to false, the normal single-server environment is created.
enable_distributed_zarafa = { ${'zarafa-server'}{enable_distributed_zarafa} || 'false'; }
# Display format of store name
# Allowed variables:
#  %u Username
#  %f Fullname
#  %c Teantname
# default: %f
storename_format = { ${'zarafa-server'}{storename_format} || '%f'; }
# Loginname format (for Multi-tenancy installations)
# When the user does not login through a system-wide unique
# username (like the email address) a unique name is created
# by combining the username and the tenantname.
# With this configuration option you can set how the
# loginname should be built up.
# Note: Do not use the = character in the format.
# Allowed variables:
#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ---
#  %u Username
#  %c Teantname
# default: %u
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ..."
  if (( ${'zarafa-server'}{Multicompany} || 'no' ) eq 'yes')
  { 'loginname_format = %u.%c'; }
cat <<HERE1 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases
  elsif (( ${'zarafa-server'}{Multicompany} || 'no' ) eq 'no')
  { 'loginname_format = %u'; }
# Set to yes for Windows clients to be able to download the latest
# Zarafa Outlook client from the Zarafa server
client_update_enabled = { ${'zarafa-server'}{client_update_enabled} || 'false'; }
# Place the correct Zarafa Outlook Client in this directory for
# Windows clients to download through the Zarafa server
client_update_path = { ${'zarafa-server'}{client_update_path} || '/var/lib/zarafa/client'; }
# Recieve update information from the client (0 = disabled, 1 = only on error, 2 = log always)
client_update_log_level = { ${'zarafa-server'}{client_update_log_level} || '1'; }
# Log location for the client auto update files
client_update_log_path = /var/log/zarafa/autoupdate
# Everyone is a special internal group, which contains every user and group
# You may want to disable this group from the Global Addressbook by setting
# this option to 'yes'. Administrators will still be able to see the group.
hide_everyone = { ${'zarafa-server'}{hide_everyone} || 'yes'; }
# System is a special internal user, which has super-admin privileges
# You may want to disable this user from the Global Addressbook by setting
# this option to 'yes'. Administrators will still be able to see the user.
hide_system = { ${'zarafa-server'}{hide_system} || 'yes'; }
# Use Indexing service for faster searching.
# Enabling this option requires the zarafa-indexer service to
# be running.
index_services_enabled = { ${'zarafa-server'}{index_services_enabled} || 'no'; }
# Path to the zarafa-indexer service, this option is only required
# if the server is going to make use of the indexing service.
index_services_path = file:///var/run/zarafa-indexer
# Time (in seconds) to wait for a connection to the zarafa-indexer service
# before terminating the indexed search request.
index_services_search_timeout = { ${'zarafa-server'}{index_services_search_timeout} || '10'; }
# Minimum length of a search term in characters to enable prefix searching
index_services_prefix_chars = { ${'zarafa-server'}{index_services_prefix_chars} || '3'; }
# Allow enhanced ICS operations to speedup synchronization with cached profiles.
# default: yes
enable_enhanced_ics = { ${'zarafa-server'}{enable_enhanced_ics} || 'yes'; }
# Synchronize GAB users on every open of the GAB (otherwise, only on
# zarafa-admin --sync)
sync_gab_realtime = { ${'zarafa-server'}{sync_gab_realtime} || 'yes'; }
# Disable features for users. Default all features are disabled. This
# list is space separated. Currently valid values: imap
disabled_features = { ${'zarafa-server'}{disabled_features}; }
# Maximum number of deferred records in total
max_deferred_records = { ${'zarafa-server'}{max_deferred_records} || '0'; }
# Maximum number of deferred records per folder
max_deferred_records_folder = { ${'zarafa-server'}{max_deferred_records_folder} || '20'; }
==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg ====
==== nano -w  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg/unix.cfg ====
use esmith::AccountsDB
    # vim: ft=perl:
# Any of these directives that are required, are only required if the
# userplugin parameter is set to unix.
# Charset used in /etc/passwd for the fullname of a user. Normally this
    \$haveSSL = (exists \${modSSL}{status} and \${modSSL}{status} eq "enabled") ?  'yes' : 'no';
# is us-ascii, but this can differ according to your setup.
    my \$zwebmailStatus = \$zarafa{'status'} || "disabled";
# The charset specified here must be supported by your iconv(1)
    my \$zwebmailAccessType = \$zarafa{'access'} || "SSL";
# setup. See iconv -l for all charsets.
fullname_charset = iso-8859-15
# Default email domain for constructing new users
    my \$dirs;
# Required, no default
    \$dirs{zarafa} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
default_domain = { ${'zarafa-server'}{DomainName} || $DomainName; }
    \$dirs{webaccess} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    \$dirs{webmail} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    if (\$imp{'status'} eq 'enabled') {\$dirs{webmail} = ''};
    \$dirs{webapp} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webapp';
    \$dirs{'Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync'} = '/usr/share/z-push/index.php';
# The lowest user id that is considered a regular user
    return "    # Zarafa is disabled in this VirtualHost\n"
# Optional, default = 1000
                unless \$zwebmailStatus eq 'enabled';
min_user_uid = 101
# The highest user id that is considered a regular user
    foreach \$place ('zarafa','webmail','webaccess','webapp','Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync')
# Optional, default = 10000
max_user_uid = 10000
        if ((\$port eq "80") && (\$haveSSL eq 'yes') && (\$zwebmailAccessType eq 'SSL'))
# A list of user ids that are not considered to be regular users
            \$OUT .= "   RewriteRule ^/\$place(/.*|\\$)    https://%{HTTP_HOST}/\$place\\\$1 [L,R]\n";
# Optional, default = empty
        } else {
# except_user_uids =
            if ((\$dirs{\$place}) ne '') {\$OUT .= "   Alias /\$place  \$dirs{\$place}\n"};
except_user_uids = {
$accounts = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro or die "Could not open AccountsDB";
while (($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota,
    $comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell) = getpwent())
$user = $accounts->get($name);
$OUT .= "$uid "
    unless $uid <= 101 or (defined $user and $user->prop('type') eq "user");
# The lowest group id that is considered a regular group
# Optional, default = 1000
min_group_gid = 5000
# The highest group id that is considered a regular group
# Optional, default = 10000
max_group_gid = 10000
# A list of group ids that are not considered to be regular groups
# Optional, default = empty
# except_group_gids =
except_group_gids = {
while (($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota,
    $comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell) = getpwent())
$group = $accounts->get($name);
$OUT .= "$gid "
    unless $gid < 5000 or (defined $group and $group->prop('type') eq "group");
# Create a user as non-active when it has this unix shell
non_login_shell = /bin/false
==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg ====
==== nano -w  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg ====
# Location of the index files
index_path          =  /var/lib/zarafa/index/
# run as specific user
run_as_user        =
# run as specific group
run_as_group        =
# control pid file
pid_file            =  /var/run/zarafa-indexer.pid
# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
running_path        =  /
# Force remove lockfiles on startup. Leaves possibly corrupt indexes on disk.
# See log for info of removed locks.
cleanup_lockfiles = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{cleanup_lockfiles} || 'no'; }
# Limit the number of results returned (0 = don't limit)
limit_results = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{limit_results} || '0'; }
#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ---
# Socket to find the connection to the Zarafa server.
# Use https to reach servers over the network
server_socket  =  file:///var/run/zarafa
# Login to the Zarafa server using this SSL Key
sslkey_file        = /etc/zarafa/ssl/indexer.pem
# The password of the SSL Key
sslkey_pass        = replace-with-server-cert-password
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ..."
cat <<HERE2 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias
    my \$zstatus = \$zarafa{'status'};
# binding address
    if (defined \$zstatus && \$zstatus eq 'enabled')
# To setup for multi-server, use: or
server_bind_name  =  file:///var/run/zarafa-indexer
        \$OUT .= qq(
# Zarafa specific configuration files.
# File with RSA key for SSL, used then server_bind_name uses https
Alias /zarafa /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/
ssl_private_key_file= /etc/zarafa/indexer/privkey.pem
<Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/>
  Options -Indexes
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  php_flag track_vars on
# File with certificate for SSL, used then server_bind_name uses https
Alias /webapp /usr/share/zarafa-webapp/
ssl_certificate_file= /etc/zarafa/indexer/cert.pem
<Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webapp/>
  Options -Indexes
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  php_flag track_vars on
<Directory /usr/share/z-push/>
  Options -Indexes
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3
  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  php_flag register_globals off
  php_flag magic_quotes_runtime off
  php_flag short_open_tag on
# Logging method (syslog, file)
log_method          =  { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{log_method} || 'file'; }
      \$OUT .= "# Zarafa Webmail is not configured as it is disabled in the config db";
# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level          =  { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{log_level} || '2'; }
# Configuration of Z-push
# Logfile for log_method = file, use '-' for stderr
log_file            =   /var/log/zarafa/indexer.log
/bin/echo "Configuration of Z-push"
FILE=/var/lib/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/echo -e "** $FILE already exists, skipping **\n"; else /bin/mkdir $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/lib/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/lib/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/echo -e "** $FILE already exists, skipping **\n"; else /bin/mkdir $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi
# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp      =  { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }
/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
# Indexing interval (in minutes)
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith
index_interval      =  { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_interval} || '5'; }
# Max number of indexing threads
index_threads      =  { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_threads} || '1'; }
# Max length of indexed data
index_max_field_length  = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_max_field_length} || '10000'; }
# Number of documents per segments before segments are merged
index_merge_factor      = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_merge_factor} || '10'; }
# Max number of documents kept in memory before CLucene will write a new segment to disk
index_max_buffered_docs = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_max_buffered_docs} || '10'; }
# Minumum amount of documents in memory before index is written to disk
index_min_merge_docs    = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_min_merge_docs} || '10'; }
# Maximum number of documents in memory before index is written to disk
index_max_merge_docs    = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_max_merge_docs} || '2147483647'; }
# The fraction of terms in the "dictionary" which should be stored in RAM.
index_term_interval = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_term_interval} || '128'; }
# Timout for keeping Lucene cache open
index_cache_timeout = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_cache_timeout} || '0'; }
# Should attachments be indexed
index_attachments = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_attachments} || 'no'; }
# Maximum file size for attachments (in kb)
index_attachment_max_size = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_attachment_max_size} || '5120'; }
# Scripts to attachment to text parser
index_attachment_parser = /etc/zarafa/indexerscripts/attachments_parser
# Maximum amount of memory which a parser may use in bytes (set to 0 for unlimited)
# If this maximum is exceeded the parser will be killed
index_attachment_parser_max_memory = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_attachment_parser_max_memory} || '0'; }
# Maximim amount of CPU time (in seconds) which a parser may spend on parsing (set to 0 for unlimited)
# If this maximum is exceeded the parser will be killed
index_attachment_parser_max_cputime = { ${'zarafa-indexer'}{index_attachment_parser_max_cputime} || '0'; }
# Filter out parsing of attachment which has a mimetype from this list
# Only the first part of the mime needs to be given, like 'image'.
# This field is SPACE separated
index_attachment_mime_filter =
# Filter out parsing of attachment which has an extension from this list
# (only tested if mimetype was not found on the attachment)
# This field is SPACE separated
index_attachment_extension_filter =
# Don't index users from the following list
# field is SPACE separated
index_block_users =
# Don't index users from the following companies
# field is SPACE separated
index_block_companies =
# Index users only from the following servers (see server.cfg#server_name)
# If left empty, all servers will be allowed.
# field is SPACE separated
index_allow_servers =
==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg ====
===== To save : =====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg ====
===== nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/z-push-update =====
# Server unix socket location
server_socket = file:///var/run/zarafa
# Configuration of Z-push
# drop privileges and run the process as this user
run_as_user =  
/bin/echo "Configuration of Z-push"
FILE=/var/lib/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/echo -e "** $FILE already exists, skipping **\n"; else /bin/mkdir $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/lib/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/lib/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/echo -e "** $FILE already exists, skipping **\n"; else /bin/mkdir $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi
# drop privileges and run the process as this group
run_as_group =
/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
# create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
pid_file = /var/run/zarafa-monitor.pid
/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith
# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
running_path = /
# Logging method (syslog, file)
log_method = { ${'zarafa-monitor'}{log_method} || 'file'; }
# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level = { ${'zarafa-monitor'}{log_level} || '2'; }
# Logfile for log_method = file
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/monitor.log
# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-monitor'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }
# Note: server_socket must be set to https://servername:portname/zarafa
#      to use this type of login method
# Login to the Zarafa server using this SSL Key
sslkey_file = /etc/zarafa/ssl/monitor.pem
# The password of the SSL Key
sslkey_pass = replace-with-monitor-cert-password
# Quota check interval (in minutes)
quota_check_interval = { ${'zarafa-monitor'}{quota_check_interval} || '15'; }
# Quota mail interval in days
mailquota_resend_interval = { ${'zarafa-monitor'}{mailquota_resend_interval} || '1'; }
# Templates to be used for quota emails which are send to the user
# when the various user quota levels have been exceeded.
userquota_warning_template  =  /etc/zarafa/quotamail/userwarning.mail
userquota_soft_template    =  /etc/zarafa/quotamail/usersoft.mail
userquota_hard_template    =  /etc/zarafa/quotamail/userhard.mail
# Templates to be used for quota emails which are send to the company administrators
# when the various company quota levels have been exceeded.
companyquota_warning_template  =  /etc/zarafa/quotamail/companywarning.mail
companyquota_soft_template      =  /etc/zarafa/quotamail/companysoft.mail
companyquota_hard_template      =  /etc/zarafa/quotamail/companyhard.mail
==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg ====
===== To save : =====
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg ====
==== See further : "Any version" ====
# The socket that the license server will run on
=== ANY VERSION (1.5.x or 2.0.x)===
# default: /var/run/zarafa-licensed
==== Edit the config.php file in the Z-Push directory to fit your needs. ====
server_pipe_name = /var/run/zarafa-licensed
ex. Set your timezone in the config.php file.
# The URL on which we can contact zarafa-server
==== Execute z-push-install (see script above !!!!) ====
# default: file:///var/run/zarafa
server_socket = file:///var/run/zarafa-prio
# Login to the Zarafa server using this SSL Key
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/z-push-install
sslkey_file        = /etc/zarafa/ssl/licensed.pem
# The password of the SSL Key
cd /etc/e-smith/events/actions/
sslkey_pass        = replace-with-server-cert-password
# License path (should contain 'base' and CALs in other files)
license_path = /etc/zarafa/license
# drop privileges and run the process as this user
== UPGRADING of Z-push ==
run_as_user =  
=== VERSION 1.5 (1.5.x -> 1.5.x)===
==== Download the Z-push-package (version 1.5 !!)====
# drop privileges and run the process as this group
wget http://zarafa-deutschland.de/z-push-download/final/1.5/[z-push-latest version]
run_as_group =
# create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
Save in an installdirectory, ex. : root/InstallZPush
pid_file = /var/run/zarafa-licensed.pid
# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
==== Unpack the corresponding package for ZCP and the package for Z-push :====
running_path = /
Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (if you haven't done this yet) :
# Logging method (syslog, file)
cd /to the installdirectory
log_method = { ${'zarafa-licensed'}{log_method} || 'file'; }
# Logfile (for log_method = file, '-' for stderr)
And unpack :
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/licensed.log
# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
tar -zxvf z-push-[latest version] -C /var/www/html
log_level = { ${'zarafa-licensed'}{log_level} || '2'; }
# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
==== Change the name of the created z-push-directory in /var/www/html to 'z-push'====
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-licensed'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }
==== See further : "Any version" ====
=== VERSION 2.0 (2.0.x -> 2.0.x)===
==== Download the Z-push-package (version 2.0 !!)====
==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg ====
wget http://zarafa-deutschland.de/z-push-download/final/2.0/[z-push-latest version]
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg ====
Save in an installdirectory, ex. : root/InstallZPush
# Outgoing mailserver name or IP address
smtp_server = localhost
# Port number for outgoing mailserver
==== Unpack the package for Z-push :====
smtp_port = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{smtp_port} || '25'; }
# Server unix socket location
Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (if you haven't done this yet) :  
server_socket = file:///var/run/zarafa
# drop privileges and run the process as this user
cd /to the installdirectory
run_as_user =
# drop privileges and run the process as this group
And unpack :
run_as_group =
# create a pid file for stopping the service via the init.d scripts
pid_file = /var/run/zarafa-spooler.pid
# run server in this path (when not using the -F switch)
running_path = /
# Logging method (syslog, file)
log_method = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{log_method} || 'file'; }
# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
log_level = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{log_level} || '3'; }
# Logfile for log_method = file
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/spooler.log
# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }
# Note: server_socket must be set to https://servername:portname/zarafa
#      to use this type of login method
# Login to the Zarafa server using this SSL Key
sslkey_file = /etc/zarafa/ssl/spooler.pem
# The password of the SSL Key
sslkey_pass = replace-with-server-cert-password
# Maximum number of threads used to send outgoing messages
# Default: 5
max_threads = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{max_threads} || '5'; }
# When sending an email that must go to a fax address, the address
# will be rewritten to <phonenumber>@<fax_domain>
fax_domain = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{fax_domain} || 'fax.local'; }
# If the received number starts with a '+', it will be replaced by
# the fax_international value.
# eg. +3112345678@fax.local will be rewritten to 003112345678@fax.local
fax_international = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{fax_international} || '00'; }
# Set this value to 'yes' to let the spooler always send emails with
# delegates (other user than yourself in the From: header)
# In installations before 6.20, this value was always 'yes'.
# IMPORTANT: This feature overrides "send-as" functionality.
always_send_delegates = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{always_send_delegates} || 'no'; }
# Set this value to 'no' if you do NOT want to allow redirected e-mails
# being sent with their original 'FROM' header
allow_redirect_spoofing = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{allow_redirect_spoofing} || 'yes'; }
# Copies the sent mail of delegates and send-as mails in the
# "Sent Items" folder of the representer.
copy_delegate_mails = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{copy_delegate_mails} || 'yes'; }
# Allow to forward and sent a meeting request as delegate Zarafa and
# SMTP user.
allow_delegate_meeting_request = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{allow_delegate_meeting_request} || 'yes'; }
# Allow users to send email to the 'everyone' group
allow_send_to_everyone = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{allow_send_to_everyone} || 'yes'; }
# Set this value to 'yes' to always send meeting request information
# using TNEF method (winmail.dat attachments)
# Otherwise, the meeting request information is sent using
# iCalendar (calendar.ics attachment).
always_send_tnef = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{always_send_tnef} || 'no'; }
# Send all e-mail always using the UTF-8 charset.
# Normally, the requested charset is used, which can be any charset.
always_send_utf8 = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{always_send_utf8} || 'no'; }
# The us-ascii charset will be upgraded to this charset, to allow more
# use of high-characters. Not used when always_send_utf8 is enabled.
charset_upgrade = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{charset_upgrade} || 'windows-1252'; }
# Set this value to 'yes' if groups should be expanded to their
# members; This means that the receiving party will see the names
# of the group members in the To: header for example. If set to
# 'no', the name of the group will appear in the headers.
# Note: groups with email addresses are never expanded
expand_groups = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{expand_groups} || 'no'; }
# Enable archive_on_send to automatically archive all outgoing
# messages.
# This will do nothing if no archive is attached to the source mailbox.
archive_on_send = { ${'zarafa-spooler'}{archive_on_send} || 'no'; }
==== mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg ====
==== nano -w  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg ====
# connection to the zarafa server
server_socket = file:///var/run/zarafa
tar -zxvf z-push-[latest version] -C /usr/share
# Note: server_socket must be set to https://servername:portname/zarafa
#      to use this type of login method
# Login to the Zarafa server using this SSL Key
==== Change the name of the created z-push-directory in /usr/share to 'z-push'====
sslkey_file = /etc/zarafa/ssl/dagent.pem
==== See further : "Any version" ====
=== VERSION 1.5.x -> 2.0.x ===
# The password of the SSL Key
The easiest way to upgrade is to follow the steps for a new installation of version 2.0. The states of Z-Push 1.X are not compatible and there is no upgrade path, but as this version implements a fully automatic resynchronisation of devices it should not affect the users and work without the user interaction
sslkey_pass = replace-with-dagent-cert-password
==== Edit the config.php file in the Z-Push directory to fit your needs. ====
ex. Set your timezone in the config.php file.
# Logging method (syslog, file)
==== Execute z-push-update (see script above !!!!) ====
log_method = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{log_method} || 'file'; }
# Loglevel (0=no logging, 5=full logging)
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/z-push-update
log_level = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{log_level} || '2'; }
# Logfile for log_method = file, use '-' for stderr
cd /etc/e-smith/events/actions/
log_file = /var/log/zarafa/dagent.log
# Log timestamp - prefix each log line with timestamp in 'file' logging mode
log_timestamp = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{log_timestamp} || '1'; }
# Log raw message to a file
== Managing Zarafa-users/companies : ==
log_raw_message = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{log_raw_message} || 'no'; }
=== With Unix-plugin ===
# Log raw messages path
log_raw_message_path = /tmp
#  start dagent with -d to create an lmtp daemon of the zarafa-dagent
# binding address for LMTP daemon
# change to if you require connections over the network
server_bind =
# LMTP port to listen on for LMTP connections
lmtp_port = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{lmtp_port} || '2003'; }
# Maximum LMTP threads that ca be running simultaneously
# This is also limited by your SMTP server. (20 is the postfix default concurrency limit)
lmtp_max_threads = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{lmtp_max_threads} || '20'; }
# Process model for LMTP daemon, using pthreads (thread) or processes (fork)
process_model = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{process_model} || 'fork'; }
# run as specific user in LMTP mode.
#  make sure this user is listed in local_admin_users in your zarafa server config
#  or use SSL connections with certificates to login
run_as_user =
# run as specific group in LMTP mode.
run_as_group =
# control pid file
pid_file = /var/run/zarafa-dagent.pid
# The following e-mail header will mark the mail as spam, so the mail
# is placed in the Junk Mail folder, and not the Inbox.
# The name is case insensitive.
# set to empty to not use this detection scheme.
spam_header_name = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{spam_header_name} || 'X-Spam-Status'; }
# If the above header is found, and contains the following value
# the mail will be considered as spam.
# Notes:
#  - The value is case insensitive.
#  - Leading and trailing spaces are stripped.
#  - The word 'bayes' also contains the word 'yes'.
spam_header_value = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{spam_header_value} || 'Yes'; }
# Enable archive_on_delivery to automatically archive all incoming
# messages on delivery.
# This will do nothing if no archive is attached to the target mailbox.
archive_on_delivery = { ${'zarafa-dagent'}{archive_on_delivery} || 'no'; }
# Enable the addition of X-Zarafa-Rule-Action headers on messages
# that have been forwarded or replied by a rule.
# Default: yes
set_rule_headers = yes
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail/80Zarafa ====
  my $zarafa = $user->prop('zarafa') || 'disabled';
  my $zarafa2 = ${'zarafa-server'}{GlobalForward} || 'disabled';
  if ($zarafa eq 'enabled' || $zarafa2 eq 'enabled')
  { return "| /usr/bin/zarafa-dagent -q $USERNAME ; if [ \$\? -ne 0 ] ; then exit -1; else exit 99; fi;"
==== nano -w /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail-junkmail/01Zarafa ====
    # vim: ft=perl:
    die "USERNAME not set." unless defined ($USERNAME);
    use esmith::AccountsDB;
    $adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro or die "Couldn't open AccountsDB";
    $user = $adb->get($USERNAME) or die "No user $USERNAME in AccountsDB";
    my $zarafa = $user->prop('zarafa') || 'disabled';
    return "| /usr/bin/zarafa-dagent -qj $USERNAME ; if [ \$\? -ne 0 ] ; then exit -1; else exit 99; fi;"
          if ($zarafa eq 'enabled');
=== ONLY FOR FIRST INSTALLATION  : Execute zarafa-install : ===
If you are using SME Server 8.0 64-bit version, you have to create a symbolic link in '/usr/lib/zarafa' to '/usr/lib64/zarafa'
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-install
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
=== UPGRADING  : Execute zarafa-update : ===
Search in the Zarafa-releasenotes for new keys in the config-files and change the config-templates with these new keys
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot
=== Managing Zarafa-users/companies : ===
==== With Unix-plugin ====
Zarafa-users are created with the creation of a SME-user, but you have to enable delivery to zarafa for these SME-users.  
Zarafa-users are created with the creation of a SME-user, but you have to enable delivery to zarafa for these SME-users.  
===== Enable maildelivery to zarafa for a user : =====
==== Enable maildelivery to zarafa for a user : ====
  db accounts setprop [USERNAME] zarafa enabled
  db accounts setprop [USERNAME] zarafa enabled
===== Disable maildelivery to zarafa for a user : =====
==== Disable maildelivery to zarafa for a user : ====
  db accounts setprop [USERNAME] zarafa disabled
  db accounts setprop [USERNAME] zarafa disabled
===== Enable mail delivery to zarafa for ALL users (NOT RECOMMANDED - cf. junkmail-template not adjusted for GlobalForward) : =====
==== Enable mail delivery to zarafa for ALL users : ====
  config setprop zarafa-server GlobalForward enabled
  config setprop zarafa-server GlobalForward enabled
===== Other options for managing users =====
==== Other options for managing users ====
  zarafa-admin --help
  zarafa-admin --help
==== With DB-plugin ====
=== With DB-plugin ===
===== Create company (in a Multi-company-environment) =====
==== Create company (in a Multi-company-environment) ====
===== Create user =====
==== Create user ====
===== Disable maildelivery to zarafa for a user : =====
==== Disable maildelivery to zarafa for a user : ====
  db accounts setprop [USERNAME] zarafa disabled
  db accounts setprop [USERNAME] zarafa disabled
===== Other options for managing users/companies =====
==== Other options for managing users/companies ====
  zarafa-admin --help
  zarafa-admin --help
=== Usefull commands : ===
== Usefull commands : ==
==== Change db-entries (Change default-values in zarafa-config-files) ====
=== Change db-entries (Change default-values in zarafa-config-files) ===
  config setprop [zarafa-service] [key] [value]
  config setprop [zarafa-service] [key] [value]
  /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart
  /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart
===== Change loglevel to 5 (= max. (default = 2))=====
==== Change loglevel to 5 (= max. (default = 2))====
  config setprop zarafa-server log_level 5
  config setprop zarafa-server log_level 5
  config setprop zarafa-dagent log_level 5
  config setprop zarafa-dagent log_level 5
Line 1,966: Line 2,125:
  /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart
  /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart
===== Change index-interval to 60 minutes (= max. (default = 5))=====
==== Change index-interval to 60 minutes (= max. (default = 5))====
  config setprop zarafa-indexer index_interval 60
  config setprop zarafa-indexer index_interval 60
  /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart
  /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart
===== Setting system-email-address =====
==== Setting system-email-address ====
  config setprop zarafa-server system_email_address [admin@mydomain.com]  
  config setprop zarafa-server system_email_address [admin@mydomain.com]  
  /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart
  /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart
==== Debugging Z-push ====
=== Debugging Z-push 1.5.x (not for 2.0.x) ===
===== Disable (debugging is enabled by default in this howto) =====
==== Disable (debugging is enabled by default in this howto) ====
  rm -f /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt
  rm -f /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt
===== Enable after disabling (debugging is enabled by default in this howto) =====
==== Enable after disabling (debugging is enabled by default in this howto) ====
  /bin/touch /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt
  /bin/touch /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt
  /bin/chown www:www /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt
  /bin/chown www:www /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt
  /bin/chmod 755 /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt
  /bin/chmod 755 /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt
==== View userdetails ====
=== View userdetails ===
  zarafa-admin --details [user]
  zarafa-admin --details [user]
==== Setting send-emailadres for a user ====
=== Setting/Changing send-emailadres for a user ===
  zarafa-admin -u [user] -e [send-emailadres]
  zarafa-admin -u [user] -e [send-emailadres]
==== Quota-settings ====
=== Setting/Changing fullname for a user ===
zarafa-admin -u [user] -f "[full name]"
=== Quota-settings ===
  zarafa-admin -u [user] --qo y --qw 1600 --qs 1800 --qh 2000
  zarafa-admin -u [user] --qo y --qw 1600 --qs 1800 --qh 2000
==== Give a user administrator-privileges ====
=== Give a user administrator-privileges ===
  zarafa-admin -u [user] -a y
  zarafa-admin -u [user] -a y
=== Usefull plugins : ===
== Usefull plugins : ==
==== Password-plugin for webaccess (ONLY FOR DB-PLUGIN) ====
=== Password-plugin for webaccess (ONLY FOR DB-PLUGIN) ===
[https://community.zarafa.com/pg/plugins/project/157/developer/dw2412/passwd-plugin Dev-page]
[https://community.zarafa.com/pg/plugins/project/157/developer/dw2412/passwd-plugin Dev-page]
Line 2,008: Line 2,170:
  $passwd_cmd = "/usr/bin/zarafa-passwd -u '%s' -o '%s' -p '%s'";
  $passwd_cmd = "/usr/bin/zarafa-passwd -u '%s' -o '%s' -p '%s'";
=== Webmail : ===
=== Password-change by users from outsite your network for webaccess/webapp (IF USING THE UNIX PLUGIN) ===
==== Install Usermanager ====
[[UserManager]] : Install smeserver-userpanel and smeserver-userpanels
==== nano /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/28UserManagerProxyPass ====
    # vim: ft=perl:
    $haveSSL = (exists ${modSSL}{status} and ${modSSL}{status} eq "enabled") ?  'yes' : 'no';
    $plainTextAccess = ${'httpd-admin'}{PermitPlainTextAccess} || 'no';
    $OUT = '';
    foreach $place ('user-manager','server-common','user')
        if (($port eq "80") && ($haveSSL eq 'yes') && ($plainTextAccess ne 'yes'))
            $OUT .= "    RewriteRule ^/$place(/.*|\$)    https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$place\$1 [L,R,NC]\n";
        } else {
            $OUT .= "    ProxyPass /$place${'httpd-admin'}{TCPPort}/$place\n";
            $OUT .= "    ProxyPassReverse /$place${'httpd-admin'}{TCPPort}/$place\n";
        $OUT .= "    <Location /$place>\n";
        $OUT .= "        order deny,allow\n";
        $OUT .= "        deny from all\n";
        $OUT .= "        allow from all\n";   
        $OUT .= "    </Location>\n";
==== To save : ====
==== Via the Server-Manager : Delegate the userpanel-password to external users ====
Now these external users can change from outsite your network there sme-password : https://www.yourdomain.tld/user
=== WebApp - OwnCloud attachment plug-in ===
[https://community.zarafa.com/pg/plugins/project/16024/developer/h44z/webapp-owncloud-attachment-plugin OwnCloud attachment plug-in]
=== WebApp - Dropbox attachment plug-in===
[https://community.zarafa.com/pg/blog/read/14505/webapp-the-dropbox-plugin Dropbox plug-in]
== Webmail : ==
Access with a browser,
Access with a browser,
Line 2,016: Line 2,223:
  https://server/webapp (NEW VERSION OF WEBACCESS)
  https://server/webapp (NEW VERSION OF WEBACCESS)
=== Connecting Outlook : ===
== Connecting Outlook : ==
  On your Windowsclients, execute zarafaclient.msi (Moved earlier to an installshare in your network - cf. supra)
  On your Windowsclients, execute zarafaclient.msi (Moved earlier to an installshare in your network - cf. supra)
Line 2,022: Line 2,229:
  Configure Outlook (point it to your zarafaserver with the credentials of a created Zarafa-user (if DB-plugin : create Zarafa-users first))
  Configure Outlook (point it to your zarafaserver with the credentials of a created Zarafa-user (if DB-plugin : create Zarafa-users first))
=== Connecting other clients : ===
== Connecting other clients : ==
==== IMAP/POP3 ====
=== IMAP/POP3 ===
The default ports for Zarafa are 8000 + default values
The default ports for Zarafa are 8000 + default values
*so imap = 8143, imaps = 8993
*so imap = 8143, imaps = 8993
*so pop3 = 8110, pop3s = 8995
*so pop3 = 8110, pop3s = 8995
=== Zarafa-documentation : ===
== Zarafa-documentation : ==
==== Zarafa Administrator Manual ====
=== Zarafa Administrator Manual ===
[http://doc.zarafa.com/7.0/Administrator_Manual/en-US/html-single/index.html Zarafa Administrator Manual]<br>
[http://doc.zarafa.com/7.0/Administrator_Manual/en-US/html-single/index.html Zarafa Administrator Manual]<br>
[http://doc.zarafa.com/7.0/Release_Notes/en-US/html-single Release notes (changes in the Zarafa-configfiles)]
[http://doc.zarafa.com/7.0/Release_Notes/en-US/html-single Release notes (changes in the Zarafa-configfiles)]<br>
=== Zarafa User Manual ===
[http://doc.zarafa.com/trunk/User_Manual_WebApp/en-US/html/ Usermanual Zarafa-Webapp]
==== Help for the zarafa-admin-tool ====
=== Help for the zarafa-admin-tool ===
  zarafa-admin --help
  zarafa-admin --help
==== man-pages ====
=== man-pages ===
===== services-man-pages =====
==== services-man-pages ====
  man zarafa-server
  man zarafa-server
  man zarafa-monitor
  man zarafa-monitor
Line 2,046: Line 2,255:
  man zarafa-indexer
  man zarafa-indexer
  man zarafa-licensed
  man zarafa-licensed
===== configuation-man-pages =====
==== configuation-man-pages ====
  man zarafa-server.cfg
  man zarafa-server.cfg
  man zarafa-monitor.cfg
  man zarafa-monitor.cfg
Line 2,059: Line 2,268:
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in {{BugzillaFileBug|product=|component=|title=bugzilla}}and select the smeserver-zarafa-unix component or use {{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=smeserver-zarafa|title=this link}}.
[http://bugs.contribs.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&value0-0-0=Open&component=smeserver-zarafa&product=SME%20Contribs Search open bugs] for smeserver-zarafa at bugs.contribs.org
Zarafa: use their forum for zarafa specific bug reporting, http://forums.zarafa.com/
{{#bugzilla:columns=id,product,version,status,summary |sort=id|order=desc |component=smeserver-zarafa|noresultsmessage="No open bugs found."}}

Latest revision as of 13:56, 29 June 2016

PythonIcon.png Skill level: Advanced
The instructions on this page may require deviations from standard procedures. A good understanding of linux and Koozali SME Server is recommended.

Important.png Note:
This wiki page is specific to SME8 only.

There is a separate wiki page on how to install Zarafa 7.x on SME7 Zarafa on SME 7.

There is a separate wiki page with a fully automated install of Zarafa 7.1.x on SME9 that utilizes the unix plugin Zarafa on SME 9.

  • New zarafa-7.0.x- and z-push-install/upgradescripts for SME8
    These new scipts always take the default NEW-config-files from the zarafa.rpms (found in /usr/share/doc/zarafa/example-config/) and make SME-templates of these default config-files ! So, you will always have the newest templated config-files, even after upgrading to a new Zarafa-version with altered config-files !
    There is even more integration with the SME-perlDB too. (Most of the zarafa-config-keys can be set in the SME-perlDB !).
  • You can find a upgrade-path to Z-push 2.0 (tested with Zarafa 7.0.12 and Z-push 2.0.7).
  • For version 1.3 of the Webapp you need minimum zarafa 7.0.12.



Frederik POLLET : email


The latest version of smeserver-zarafa is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.

The latest version of zarafa is available in the SME repository, click on the version number(s) for more information.


Zarafa is a groupware-server which enables the sharing of mail, contacts, appointments, notes and tasks in a web-interface and/or Microsoft Outlook (or even other clients). It supports MAPI, POP3, IMAP, CalDAV/iCal. It can be used as a MS Exchange replacement, even featuring public folders. Connecting Microsoft Outlook with this groupware-server is simple, enabling most of the MS Exchange-functions.

Z-push is an implementation of Microsoft's ActiveSync protocol which is used 'over-the-air' for multi platform active sync devices, including Windows Mobile and active sync used on Apple's iPhone, Sony Ericsson and Nokia phones. Open source Z-Push enables any PHP-based groupware package to become fully syncable with any ActiveSync-compliant device.

Making some decisions before installing

Zarafa can be configured with 3 different 'user-backends' :

  • database (db)
  • unix-users
  • LDAP/AD (not implemented in this howto)

Using the db-plugin in the Zarafa-configuration, let you make your zarafa-users in the MySQL-zarafadatabase, with a separate user-password for every Zarafa-user and a store. So, you make your separated Zarafa-users and the stores for these Zarafa-users one by one in the Zarafa-MySQL-database with the zarafa-admin-tool and sripts in this howto. There is no syncronisation between the SME-user-passwords and the Zarafa-user-passwords. You can only enable maildelivery for a SME/unix-user to a Zarafa-user with the same logon-name.

When using the unix-plugin in the Zarafa-configuration, Zarafa makes a store for every SME/unix-user on your system, except for those who are excluded by the template used in this howto. Zarafa uses the passwords of the SME/unix-users. There are no separated Zarafa-users and no separated passwords. You can enable maildelivery for a SME/unix-user to Zarafa. Since the unix files do not contain enough information for Zarafa, there are some properties of a user that will be stored in the MySQL-zarafadatabase. These properties are the email address, overriding quota settings, and administrator settings. The zarafa-admin-tool has to be used to update these user properties. All other user-properties are done using the normal unix tools. The unix-plugin seems to be your best choice if all your SME-users will use Zarafa Webaccess/Microsoft Outlook, and you don't need a multicompany-environment.


In a multicompany-evironment every company has his own Global Adressbook and public folders.

A multicompany-evironment is only possible with the DB-plugin.

IMPORTANT : If you want to have a multicompany-environment, format of the SME/unix-username and the ZARAFA-username has to be [username].[companyname] !!!


Search latest php53-mapi.rpm for 7.0.x (NOT 7.1.x !)

SME8 uses PHP5.3
Unfortunately, PHP 5.1 and PHP 5.3 are ABI incompatible, that means that PHP modules that were compiled for PHP 5.1 (like the php-mapi.rpm compiled in the Zarafa-rpms for RHEL 5) can not be run using PHP 5.3 :


So, search on the EPEL-repositories the latest php53-mapi-package for 7.0.x (NOT 7.1.x !).


Set the epel-repository (incl. epel-testing) :

/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set epel repository \
Name 'Epel - EL5' \
BaseUrl 'http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/5/$basearch' \
MirrorList 'http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=epel-5&arch=$basearch' \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck yes \
GPGKey http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL \
Visible no \
status disabled 
/sbin/e-smith/db yum_repositories set epel-testing repository \
Name 'Epel-testing - EL5' \
BaseUrl 'http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/testing/5/$basearch' \
MirrorList 'http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=testing-epel5&arch=$basearch' \
EnableGroups no \
GPGCheck yes \
GPGKey http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/epel/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL \
Visible no \
status disabled 
signal-event yum-modify

Download via the Zarafawebsite the package for ZCP corresponding with the php53-mapi.rpm (cf. version above !!)

Make an installdirectory (ex. : /root/InstallZarafa)

mkdir -p /root/InstallZarafa

Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (ex. : /root/InstallZarafa) :

cd /to the installdirectory


cd /root/InstallZarafa
wget http://download.zarafa.com/community/final/7.0/[version]/zcp-[version]-rhel-5-[cpu-arch]-free.tar.gz

The 'free'-version has the ability to connect with Microsoft Outlook (default 3 users for free, buy zarafa-CAL's if you want more).

Unpack the corresponding package for ZCP :

tar -zxvf zcp-*

Remove the devel packages

Go (cd ./zcp-...) to the created subdirectory (zcp-...) :

cd ./zcp- ... 
rm -f *-dev*.rpm

Move the windows-directory to an installshare in your network

Download the latest webapp.rpm too in the same subdirectory :

wget http://download.zarafa.com/community/final/WebApp/[version]/rhel/[zarafa-webapp-version.noarch.rpm]

Install all rpm's in the unpacked package of ZCP and the webapp.rpm too :

yum localinstall *.rpm

All packages have dependencies that cannot be resolved if you install only part of the rpm's.

Remove the default php-mapi.rpm

We have to remove the installation of the default php-mapi (because it's not built for php 5.3).

rpm -e php-mapi --nodeps

Install the php53-mapi.rpm

-If you downloaded the rpm :

rpm -Uvh --force php53-mapi

-If you did set the EPEL-repository :

yum install php53-mapi-[same ZCP-verion as above] --enablerepo=epel --enablerepo=epel-testing

Make install/update-actions


nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-install
#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [ `whoami` != "root" ]; then
	echo "This installation must be run as user root."
	echo "Become root, and run this script again."
	exit 1

# Creating some Zarafa-actions

#--- zarafa-expand-templates ---
echo "Creating zarafa-expand-templates-action ..."
cat <<HERE1 > /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-expand-templates
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/server.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/unix.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg

#--- zarafa-services ---
echo "Creating zarafa-services-action ..."
cat <<HERE2 > /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services
if [ "\$1" == start ]; then
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent start
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway start
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical start
 if [ -a \$FILE ]; then \$FILE start; fi
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor start
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-spooler start
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-indexer start
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-server start
 exit 0
if [ "\$1" == stop ]; then
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent stop
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway stop
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical stop
 if [ -a \$FILE ]; then \$FILE stop; fi
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-indexer stop
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-spooler stop
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-server stop
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor stop  
 exit 0
if [ "\$1" == restart ]; then
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent stop
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway stop
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical stop
 if [ -a \$FILE ]; then \$FILE stop; fi
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor stop
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-indexer stop
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-spooler stop
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-server stop
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-dagent start
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-gateway start
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-ical start
 if [ -a \$FILE ]; then \$FILE start; fi
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-monitor start
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-server start
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-spooler start
 /etc/rc.d/init.d/zarafa-indexer start
 exit 0
if [ "\$1" == enabled ]; then
 config setprop zarafa-gateway status enabled
 config setprop zarafa-ical status enabled
 if [ -a \$FILE ]; then config setprop zarafa-licensed status enabled; fi
 config setprop zarafa-monitor status enabled
 config setprop zarafa-server status enabled
 config setprop zarafa-spooler status enabled
 config setprop zarafa-indexer status enabled
 config setprop zarafa-dagent status enabled
 exit 0
if [ "\$1" == disabled ]; then
 config setprop zarafa-gateway status disabled
 config setprop zarafa-ical status disabled
 if [ -a \$FILE ]; then config setprop zarafa-licensed status disabled; fi
 config setprop zarafa-monitor status disabled
 config setprop zarafa-server status disabled
 config setprop zarafa-spooler status disabled
 config setprop zarafa-indexer status disabled
 config setprop zarafa-dagent status disabled
 exit 0
echo "Usage: start|stop|restart|enabled|disabled"
exit 0

#--- zarafa-create-user-action ---
echo "Creating zarafa-create-user-action ..."
cat <<HERE3 > /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-user
/bin/echo "Enter the username of the ZARAFA-user"
/bin/echo "If you have a multicompany-setup, format of the SME-username and the ZARAFA-username"
/bin/echo "has to be [username].[companyname] !!!"
/bin/echo "Enter password:"
/bin/echo "Enter e-mail address:"
read EMAIL
/bin/echo "Enter full name:"
/bin/echo "Executing..."
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin -c "\$USERNAME" -p "\$PASSWORD" -e "\$EMAIL" -f "\$FULLNAME"
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin -l
/sbin/e-smith/db accounts setprop \$USERNAME zarafa enabled 

#--- zarafa-create-company-action ---
echo "Creating zarafa-create-company-action ..."
cat <<HERE4 > /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-company
/bin/echo "Enter the companyname :"
/bin/echo "Executing..."
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --create-company "\$COMPANYNAME"

/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-expand-templates
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-user
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-create-company

#--- zarafa-configuration-helper-action ---
echo "Creating zarafa-configuration-helper-action ..."
cat <<HERE5 > /etc/e-smith/events/actions/helpers.inc
# -*- Mode: sh -*-
replace() {
	# escape &-signs, and % for sed
	value=\`echo \$value | sed -e 's/\&/\\\\\&/g' -e 's/\%/\\\\\%/g'\`
	sed -i -e "s%\([[:space:]]*\$option[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\).*%\1\$value%" \$file


. /etc/e-smith/events/actions/helpers.inc

# Creating zarafa-db-creation-templates

#--- /etc/e-smith/db/configuration/migrate/80zarafa ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/db/configuration/migrate/80zarafa ..."
cat <<HERE6 > /etc/e-smith/db/configuration/migrate/80zarafa
    use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64);

    my \$rec = \$DB->get('zarafa-server') || \$DB->new_record('zarafa-server', {type => 'service'});

    my \$pw = \$rec->prop('DbPassword');
    return "" if \$pw;

    \$rec->set_prop('DbPassword', sprintf("%15.0f", int( (1000000000000000) * rand() )));

#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa ..."
cat <<HERE7 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa
    my \$db = \${'zarafa-server'}{DbName} || 'zarafa';
    my \$user = \${'zarafa-server'}{DbUser} || 'zarafa';
    my \$pass = \${'zarafa-server'}{DbPassword} || 'changeme';
    \$OUT .= <<END
#! /bin/sh
    if [ -d /var/lib/mysql/\$db ]; then
    /usr/bin/mysql <<EOF
    use \$db;
    use mysql;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON \$db.* TO \$user\@localhost
            IDENTIFIED BY '\$pass';
    flush privileges;

#--- /etc/e-smith/templates.metadata/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates.metadata/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa ..."
cat <<HERE8 > /etc/e-smith/templates.metadata/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa

# Creating SME-HTTPD-templates

#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ..."
cat <<HERE9 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases
    # vim: ft=perl:

    \$haveSSL = (exists \${modSSL}{status} and \${modSSL}{status} eq "enabled") ?  'yes' : 'no';
    my \$zwebmailStatus = \$zarafa{'status'} || "disabled";
    my \$zwebmailAccessType = \$zarafa{'access'} || "SSL";

    my \$dirs;
    \$dirs{zarafa} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    \$dirs{webaccess} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    \$dirs{webmail} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    if (\$imp{'status'} eq 'enabled') {\$dirs{webmail} = ''};
    \$dirs{webapp} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webapp';
    return "    # Zarafa is disabled in this VirtualHost\n"
                unless \$zwebmailStatus eq 'enabled';

    foreach \$place ('zarafa','webmail','webaccess','webapp')
        if ((\$port eq "80") && (\$haveSSL eq 'yes') && (\$zwebmailAccessType eq 'SSL'))
            \$OUT .= "    RewriteRule ^/\$place(/.*|\\$)    https://%{HTTP_HOST}/\$place\\\$1 [L,R]\n";
        } else {
            if ((\$dirs{\$place}) ne '') {\$OUT .= "    Alias	 /\$place   \$dirs{\$place}\n"};

#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ..."
cat <<HERE10 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias
    my \$zstatus = \$zarafa{'status'};

    if (defined \$zstatus && \$zstatus eq 'enabled')
        \$OUT .= qq(
# Zarafa specific configuration files.

Alias /zarafa /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/
 <Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/>
  Options -Indexes
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  php_flag track_vars on

Alias /webapp /usr/share/zarafa-webapp/
 <Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webapp/>
  Options -Indexes
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  php_flag track_vars on
       \$OUT .= "# Zarafa Webmail is not configured as it is disabled in the config db";

# Creating SME-QMAIL-user-templates

#--- /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail/80Zarafa ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail/80Zarafa ..."
cat <<HERE11 > /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail/80Zarafa
   my \$zarafa = \$user->prop('zarafa') || 'disabled';
   my \$zarafa2 = \${'zarafa-server'}{GlobalForward} || 'disabled';

   if (\$zarafa eq 'enabled' || \$zarafa2 eq 'enabled')
   { return "| /usr/bin/zarafa-dagent -q \$USERNAME ; if [ \\$\\? -ne 0 ] ; then exit -1; else exit 99; fi;"

#--- /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail-junkmail/01Zarafa ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail-junkmail/01Zarafa ..."
cat <<HERE12 > /etc/e-smith/templates-user/.qmail-junkmail/01Zarafa
    # vim: ft=perl:
    die "USERNAME not set." unless defined (\$USERNAME);

    use esmith::AccountsDB;
    \$adb = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro or die "Couldn't open AccountsDB";

    \$user = \$adb->get(\$USERNAME) or die "No user \$USERNAME in AccountsDB";

    my \$zarafa = \$user->prop('zarafa') || 'disabled';
    my \$zarafa2 = \${'zarafa-server'}{GlobalForward} || 'disabled';
    return "| /usr/bin/zarafa-dagent -qj \$USERNAME ; if [ \\$\\? -ne 0 ] ; then exit -1; else exit 99; fi;"
           if (\$zarafa eq 'enabled' || \$zarafa2 eq 'enabled');

# Creating Zarafa-configuration-templates

#--- unix config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-unix-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg
cat <<HERE13 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg/unix.cfg
use esmith::AccountsDB
# Any of these directives that are required, are only required if the
# userplugin parameter is set to unix.

# Charset used in /etc/passwd for the fullname of a user. Normally this
# is us-ascii, but this can differ according to your setup.
# The charset specified here must be supported by your iconv(1)
# setup. See iconv -l for all charsets.
fullname_charset = iso-8859-15

# Default email domain for constructing new users
# Required, no default
default_domain = { \${'zarafa-server'}{DomainName} || \$DomainName; }

# The lowest user id that is considered a regular user
# Optional, default = 1000
min_user_uid = 101

# The highest user id that is considered a regular user
# Optional, default = 10000
max_user_uid = 10000

# A list of user ids that are not considered to be regular users
# Optional, default = empty
# except_user_uids =
except_user_uids = {
\$accounts = esmith::AccountsDB->open_ro or die "Could not open AccountsDB";
while ((\$name, \$passwd, \$uid, \$gid, \$quota,
    \$comment, \$gcos, \$dir, \$shell) = getpwent())
\$user = \$accounts->get(\$name);
\$OUT .= "\$uid "
    unless \$uid <= 101 or (defined \$user and \$user->prop('type') eq "user");

# The lowest group id that is considered a regular group
# Optional, default = 1000
min_group_gid = 5000

# The highest group id that is considered a regular group
# Optional, default = 10000
max_group_gid = 10000

# A list of group ids that are not considered to be regular groups
# Optional, default = empty
# except_group_gids =
except_group_gids = {
while ((\$name, \$passwd, \$uid, \$gid, \$quota,
    \$comment, \$gcos, \$dir, \$shell) = getpwent())
\$group = \$accounts->get(\$name);
\$OUT .= "\$gid "
    unless \$gid < 5000 or (defined \$group and \$group->prop('type') eq "group");

# Create a user as non-active when it has this unix shell
non_login_shell = /bin/false

#--- sysconfig config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-sysconfig-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa
cat /etc/sysconfig/zarafa | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa ZARAFA_LOCALE '"{ ${'\''zarafa'\''}{language} || '\''en_US.UTF-8'\'' ; }"'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa ZARAFA_USERSCRIPT_LOCALE '"{ ${'\''zarafa'\''}{language} || '\''en_US.UTF-8'\'' ; }"'

#--- licensed config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-licensed-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-licensed/example-config/licensed.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-licensed'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-licensed'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-licensed'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'

#--- server config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-server-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa/example-config/server.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_tcp_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_tcp_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_tcp_port	'{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''236'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_pipe_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_pipe_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_name '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_name} || '\''Zarafa'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg database_engine '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{database_engine} || '\''mysql'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg allow_local_users '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{allow_local_users} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg local_admin_users '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{local_admin_users} || '\''root'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg system_email_address '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{system_email_address} || '\''postmaster@localhost'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg session_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{session_timeout} || '\''300'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg license_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{license_timeout} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg audit_log_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{audit_log_enabled} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg audit_log_level	'{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{audit_log_level} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg audit_log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{audit_log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_host '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{mysql_host} || '\''localhost'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{mysql_port} || '\''3306'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_user '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbUser} || '\''zarafa'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_password '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbPassword}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_database '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbName} || '\''zarafa'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg attachment_storage '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{attachment_storage} || '\''files'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg attachment_path '/home/e-smith/files/zarafa'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg attachment_compression '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{attachment_compression} || '\''6'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-ssl'\''}{server_ssl_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_port	'{ ${'\''zarafa-ssl'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''237'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_key_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.pem/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.pem'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_key_pass '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbPassword}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_ca_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_ca_path '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sslkeys_path '/home/e-smith/ssl.pem'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg threads	'{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{threads} || '\''8'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg watchdog_frequency '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{watchdog_frequency} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg watchdog_max_age '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{watchdog_max_age} || '\''500'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_max_keep_alive_requests '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_max_keep_alive_requests} || '\''100'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_recv_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_recv_timeout} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_read_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_read_timeout} || '\''60'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_send_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_send_timeout} || '\''60'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg softdelete_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{softdelete_lifetime} || '\''30'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sync_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{sync_lifetime} || '\''365'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sync_log_all_changes '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{sync_log_all_changes} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_sso '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_sso} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_gab '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_gab} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg auth_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{auth_method} || '\''plugin'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg pam_service '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{pam_service} || '\''passwd'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_cell_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_cell_size} || '\''268435456'\''; }' 
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_object_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_object_size} || '\''5242880'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_indexedobject_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_indexedobject_size} || '\''16777216'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_quota_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_quota_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_quota_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_quota_lifetime} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_acl_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_acl_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_store_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_store_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_user_size	'{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_user_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_userdetails_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_userdetails_size} || '\''26214400'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_userdetails_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_userdetails_lifetime} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_server_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_server_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_server_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_server_lifetime} || '\''30'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg quota_warn '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{quota_warn} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg quota_soft '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{quota_soft} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg quota_hard '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{quota_hard} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg companyquota_warn '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{companyquota_warn} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg user_plugin '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{user_plugin} || '\''db'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg user_plugin_config '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{user_plugin_config}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg user_safe_mode '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{user_safe_mode} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg thread_stacksize '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{thread_stacksize} || '\''512'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_hosted_zarafa '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_hosted_zarafa} || '\''false'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_distributed_zarafa '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_distributed_zarafa} || '\''false'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg storename_format '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{storename_format} || '\''%f'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg loginname_format '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{loginname_format} || '\''%u'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg client_update_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{client_update_enabled} || '\''false'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg client_update_path '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{client_update_path} || '\''/var/lib/zarafa/client'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg client_update_log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{client_update_log_level} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg hide_everyone '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{hide_everyone} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg hide_system '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{hide_system} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg index_services_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{index_services_enabled} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg index_services_search_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{index_services_search_timeout} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg index_services_prefix_chars '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{index_services_prefix_chars} || '\''3'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_enhanced_ics '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_enhanced_ics} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sync_gab_realtime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{sync_gab_realtime} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg disabled_features '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{disabled_features}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg max_deferred_records '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{max_deferred_records} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg max_deferred_records_folder '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{max_deferred_records_folder} || '\''20'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg coredump_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{coredump_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_enable_v2 '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_ssl_enable_v2} || '\''no'\''; }'

#--- dagent config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-dagent-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-dagent/example-config/dagent.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_raw_message '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_raw_message} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg lmtp_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{lmtp_port} || '\''2003'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg lmtp_max_threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{lmtp_max_threads} || '\''20'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg process_model '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{process_model} || '\''fork'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg spam_header_name '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{spam_header_name} || '\''X-Spam-Status'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg spam_header_value '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{spam_header_value} || '\''Yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg archive_on_delivery '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{archive_on_delivery} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg set_rule_headers '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{set_rule_headers} || '\''yes'\''; }'

#--- spooler config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-spooler-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-spooler/example-config/spooler.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg smtp_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{smtp_port} || '\''25'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{log_level} || '\''3'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg max_threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{max_threads} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg fax_domain '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{fax_domain} || '\''fax.local'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg fax_international '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{fax_international} || '\''00'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg always_send_delegates '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{always_send_delegates} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg allow_redirect_spoofing '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{allow_redirect_spoofing} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg copy_delegate_mails '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{copy_delegate_mails} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg allow_delegate_meeting_request '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{allow_delegate_meeting_request} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg allow_send_to_everyone '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{allow_send_to_everyone} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg always_send_tnef '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{always_send_tnef} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg always_send_utf8 '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{always_send_utf8} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg charset_upgrade '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{charset_upgrade} || '\''windows-1252'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg expand_groups '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{expand_groups} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg archive_on_send '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{archive_on_send} || '\''no'\''; }'

#--- monitor config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-monitor-configuration-template ..."
echo "The monitor program sends quota warning mails to users who are over quota."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-monitor/example-config/monitor.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg quota_check_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{quota_check_interval} || '\''15'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg mailquota_resend_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{mailquota_resend_interval} || '\''1'\''; }'

#--- gateway config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-gateway-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-gateway/example-config/gateway.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg server_socket 'http://localhost:{${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{TCPPort}||'\''236'\'';}/zarafa'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-pop3'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-pop3'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8110'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3s_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-pop3s'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3s_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-pop3s'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8995'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8143'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imaps_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-imaps'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imaps_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-imaps'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8993'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_only_mailfolders '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_only_mailfolders} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_public_folders '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_public_folders} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_capability_idle '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_capability_idle} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_max_messagesize '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_max_messagesize} || '\''134217728'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_generate_utf8 '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_generate_utf8} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_expunge_on_delete '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_expunge_on_delete} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_store_rfc822 '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_store_rfc822} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_private_key_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.key/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.key'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_certificate_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_verify_client '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{ssl_verify_client} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg process_model '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{process_model} || '\''fork'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_enable_v2 '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{ssl_enable_v2} || '\''no'\''; }'

#--- ical config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-ical-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-ical/example-config/ical.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ical_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ical_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8088'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg icals_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-icals'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg icals_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-icals'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8089'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg server_socket 'http://localhost:{${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{TCPPort}||'\''236'\'';}/zarafa'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg process_model '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{process_model} || '\''fork'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_private_key_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.key/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.key'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_certificate_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_verify_client '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{ssl_verify_client} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg server_timezone '{$TimeZone}'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg default_charset '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{default_charset} || '\''utf-8'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg enable_ical_get '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{enable_ical_get} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_enable_v2 '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{ssl_enable_v2} || '\''no'\''; }'

#--- indexer config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-indexer-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-indexer/example-config/indexer.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg cleanup_lockfiles '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{cleanup_lockfiles} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg limit_results	'{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{limit_results} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_interval} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_threads} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_max_field_length '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_max_field_length} || '\''10000'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_merge_factor '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_merge_factor} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_max_buffered_docs '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_max_buffered_docs} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_min_merge_docs '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_min_merge_docs} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_max_merge_docs '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_max_merge_docs} || '\''2147483647'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_term_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_term_interval} || '\''128'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_cache_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_cache_timeout} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachments '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachments} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachment_max_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachment_max_size} || '\''5120'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachment_parser_max_memory '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachment_parser_max_memory} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachment_parser_max_cputime '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachment_parser_max_cputime} || '\''0'\''; }'

# Configuring SME-events : Templates to expand

/bin/echo "Configuring SME-events : Templates2expand"
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/server.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/email-update/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/group-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/group-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/group-delete/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/group-delete/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/group-modify/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/group-modify/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/user-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/user-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/user-delete/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/user-delete/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/user-modify/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/user-modify/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/ibay-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/ibay-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/machine-account-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/machine-account-create/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/server.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/unix.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg
touch /etc/e-smith/events/post-upgrade/templates2expand/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg

# Configuring SME-events : Services to adjust

/bin/echo "Configuring SME-events : Services2adjust"
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/events/machine-account-create/services2adjust
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/group-create/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/group-delete/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/group-modify/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/user-create/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/user-delete/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/user-modify/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/ibay-create/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/machine-account-create/services2adjust/zarafa-server
ln -s reload /etc/e-smith/events/timezone-update/services2adjust/zarafa-server

# Setting up SME-db-entries

/bin/echo "Enter the language of your choice for your zarafa-mailboxes and public store(s)."
/bin/echo "Values: en_US.UTF-8, en_GB.UTF-8, nl_NL.UTF-8, fr_FR.UTF-8, de_DE.UTF-8, ..."
/sbin/e-smith/config set zarafa service status enabled language $ZARAFALANGUAGE
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/sysconfig/zarafa

/bin/echo "Initialize-default-databases"

/bin/echo "Setting up db-entries for Zarafa"
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop mysqld InnoDB enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop smtpd tnef2mime disabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server access private status enabled TCPPort 236 index_services_enabled yes
/bin/echo "Enter your user plugin."
/bin/echo "Values: unix or db (ldap is not supported, multicompany-support only with db-plugin)."
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server user_plugin $USERPLUGIN

if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == unix ]; then
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server user_plugin_config /etc/zarafa/unix.cfg

if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == db ]; then
/bin/echo "Do you want to set up a multicompany-environment ?"
/bin/echo "Values: yes or no."
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server Multicompany $MULTICOMPANY
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration delprop zarafa-server user_plugin_config
if [ "$MULTICOMPANY" == yes ]; then
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server enable_hosted_zarafa true
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server loginname_format %u.%c
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server enable_hosted_zarafa false
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa-server loginname_format %u

/sbin/e-smith/db configuration setprop zarafa access SSL
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-ical service access private status enabled TCPPort 8088
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-icals service access public status enabled TCPPort 8089
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-imap service access private status enabled TCPPort 8143
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-imaps service access public status enabled TCPPort 8993
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-pop3 service access private status enabled TCPPort 8110
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-pop3s service access public status enabled TCPPort 8995
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-ssl service access public status enabled TCPPort 237
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-gateway service status enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-spooler service status enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-monitor service status enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-indexer service status enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-licensed service status enabled
/sbin/e-smith/db configuration set zarafa-dagent service status enabled

# Setting up the Zarafa-db

/bin/echo "Expanding the my.cnf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/my.cnf

/bin/echo "Restarting mysqld"
/usr/bin/sv t /service/mysqld

/bin/echo "Signal-event remoteaccess-update"
/sbin/e-smith/signal-event remoteaccess-update

/bin/echo "Creating the Zarafa-database"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/e-smith/sql/init/80zarafa
/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql.init start

# Expanding the Zarafa-configuration-templates

/bin/echo "Expanding the Zarafa-configuration-templates"

# Configuration of the Webaccess

/bin/echo "Configuration of the Webaccess"
/bin/chown -R www:www /var/lib/zarafa-webaccess/tmp
/bin/chown -R www:www /var/lib/zarafa-webapp/tmp
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webaccess.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webapp.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi

/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith

# Setting up more symbolic links

/bin/echo "Setting up more symbolic links"
if [ `getconf LONG_BIT` = "64" ]; then
	ln -s /usr/lib64/zarafa /usr/lib/zarafa
	ln -s /lib64/libcrypto.so.0.9.8e /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8
	ln -s /lib64/libssl.so.0.9.8e /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8	
	ln -s /lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8e /usr/lib/libcrypto.so.0.9.8
	ln -s /lib/libssl.so.0.9.8e /usr/lib/libssl.so.0.9.8
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-dagent
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-gateway
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-indexer
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-licensed
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-monitor
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-spooler
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-ical
ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/e-smith-service /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S99zarafa-server

# Installing a license-key

/bin/echo "Installing a license-key"
if [ -x /usr/bin/zarafa-licensed ]; then
	if [ ! -f /etc/zarafa/license/base ]; then
		mkdir -p /etc/zarafa/license
		while [ ${#SERIAL} -ne 25 -a ${#SERIAL} -ne 0 ]; do
			if [ -n "$SERIAL" ]; then
				echo "Serial number must be 25 characters or empty"
			echo -ne "Server serial number (leave empty for none) []\t\t: "
			read SERIAL
		SERIAL=`echo $SERIAL | tr [a-z] [A-Z]`
		echo $SERIAL > /etc/zarafa/license/base
		echo "The correctness of the serial will be checked when the Zarafa-server starts."

# Starting Zarafa

/bin/echo "Starting Zarafa-services"
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services start

/bin/echo "Setting permissions on files"
FILE=/var/log/zarafa/dagent.log; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 666 $FILE; fi
/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-update

# Creating public store(s)

if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == unix ]; then
/bin/echo "creating Public store"
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --utf8 -s

if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == db ]; then
if [ "$MULTICOMPANY" == no ]; then
/bin/echo "creating Public store"
/usr/bin/zarafa-admin --utf8 -s

if [ "$USERPLUGIN" == db ]; then
if [ "$MULTICOMPANY" == yes ]; then
 /bin/echo "Make your first company. Enter your first companyname :"
 /usr/bin/zarafa-admin --create-company "$COMPANYNAME"
 /bin/echo "!!! REMEMBER !!! : for a multicompany-environment the username-format of the SME-user and the ZARAFA-user,"
 /bin/echo "has to be : [username].[companyname] !!!"

To save :


nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-update

/bin/echo "Stopping the Zarafa-services"
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services stop

#--- zarafa-configuration-helper-action ---
echo "Creating zarafa-configuration-helper-action ..."
cat <<HERE1 > /etc/e-smith/events/actions/helpers.inc
# -*- Mode: sh -*-
replace() {
	# escape &-signs, and % for sed
	value=\`echo \$value | sed -e 's/\&/\\\\\&/g' -e 's/\%/\\\\\%/g'\`
	sed -i -e "s%\([[:space:]]*\$option[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*\).*%\1\$value%" \$file


. /etc/e-smith/events/actions/helpers.inc

#--- sysconfig config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-sysconfig-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa
cat /etc/sysconfig/zarafa | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa ZARAFA_LOCALE '"{ ${'\''zarafa'\''}{language} || '\''en_US.UTF-8'\'' ; }"'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/sysconfig/zarafa/zarafa ZARAFA_USERSCRIPT_LOCALE '"{ ${'\''zarafa'\''}{language} || '\''en_US.UTF-8'\'' ; }"'

#--- licensed config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-licensed-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-licensed/example-config/licensed.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-licensed'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-licensed'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/licensed.cfg/licensed.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-licensed'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'

#--- server config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-server-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa/example-config/server.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_tcp_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_tcp_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_tcp_port	'{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''236'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_pipe_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_pipe_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_name '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_name} || '\''Zarafa'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg database_engine '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{database_engine} || '\''mysql'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg allow_local_users '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{allow_local_users} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg local_admin_users '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{local_admin_users} || '\''root'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg system_email_address '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{system_email_address} || '\''postmaster@localhost'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg session_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{session_timeout} || '\''300'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg license_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{license_timeout} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg audit_log_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{audit_log_enabled} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg audit_log_level	'{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{audit_log_level} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg audit_log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{audit_log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_host '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{mysql_host} || '\''localhost'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{mysql_port} || '\''3306'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_user '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbUser} || '\''zarafa'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_password '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbPassword}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg mysql_database '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbName} || '\''zarafa'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg attachment_storage '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{attachment_storage} || '\''files'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg attachment_path '/home/e-smith/files/zarafa'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg attachment_compression '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{attachment_compression} || '\''6'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-ssl'\''}{server_ssl_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_port	'{ ${'\''zarafa-ssl'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''237'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_key_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.pem/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.pem'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_key_pass '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{DbPassword}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_ca_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_ca_path '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sslkeys_path '/home/e-smith/ssl.pem'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg threads	'{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{threads} || '\''8'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg watchdog_frequency '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{watchdog_frequency} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg watchdog_max_age '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{watchdog_max_age} || '\''500'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_max_keep_alive_requests '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_max_keep_alive_requests} || '\''100'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_recv_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_recv_timeout} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_read_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_read_timeout} || '\''60'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_send_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_send_timeout} || '\''60'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg softdelete_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{softdelete_lifetime} || '\''30'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sync_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{sync_lifetime} || '\''365'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sync_log_all_changes '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{sync_log_all_changes} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_sso '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_sso} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_gab '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_gab} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg auth_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{auth_method} || '\''plugin'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg pam_service '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{pam_service} || '\''passwd'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_cell_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_cell_size} || '\''268435456'\''; }' 
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_object_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_object_size} || '\''5242880'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_indexedobject_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_indexedobject_size} || '\''16777216'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_quota_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_quota_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_quota_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_quota_lifetime} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_acl_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_acl_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_store_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_store_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_user_size	'{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_user_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_userdetails_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_userdetails_size} || '\''26214400'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_userdetails_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_userdetails_lifetime} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_server_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_server_size} || '\''1048576'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg cache_server_lifetime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{cache_server_lifetime} || '\''30'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg quota_warn '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{quota_warn} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg quota_soft '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{quota_soft} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg quota_hard '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{quota_hard} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg companyquota_warn '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{companyquota_warn} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg user_plugin '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{user_plugin} || '\''db'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg user_plugin_config '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{user_plugin_config}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg user_safe_mode '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{user_safe_mode} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg thread_stacksize '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{thread_stacksize} || '\''512'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_hosted_zarafa '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_hosted_zarafa} || '\''false'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_distributed_zarafa '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_distributed_zarafa} || '\''false'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg storename_format '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{storename_format} || '\''%f'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg loginname_format '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{loginname_format} || '\''%u'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg client_update_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{client_update_enabled} || '\''false'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg client_update_path '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{client_update_path} || '\''/var/lib/zarafa/client'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg client_update_log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{client_update_log_level} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg hide_everyone '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{hide_everyone} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg hide_system '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{hide_system} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg index_services_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{index_services_enabled} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg index_services_search_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{index_services_search_timeout} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg index_services_prefix_chars '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{index_services_prefix_chars} || '\''3'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg enable_enhanced_ics '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{enable_enhanced_ics} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg sync_gab_realtime '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{sync_gab_realtime} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg disabled_features '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{disabled_features}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg max_deferred_records '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{max_deferred_records} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg max_deferred_records_folder '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{max_deferred_records_folder} || '\''20'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg coredump_enabled '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{coredump_enabled} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/server.cfg/server.cfg server_ssl_enable_v2 '{ ${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{server_ssl_enable_v2} || '\''no'\''; }'

#--- dagent config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-dagent-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-dagent/example-config/dagent.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg log_raw_message '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{log_raw_message} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg lmtp_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{lmtp_port} || '\''2003'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg lmtp_max_threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{lmtp_max_threads} || '\''20'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg process_model '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{process_model} || '\''fork'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg spam_header_name '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{spam_header_name} || '\''X-Spam-Status'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg spam_header_value '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{spam_header_value} || '\''Yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg archive_on_delivery '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{archive_on_delivery} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/dagent.cfg/dagent.cfg set_rule_headers '{ ${'\''zarafa-dagent'\''}{set_rule_headers} || '\''yes'\''; }'

#--- spooler config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-spooler-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-spooler/example-config/spooler.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg smtp_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{smtp_port} || '\''25'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{log_level} || '\''3'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg max_threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{max_threads} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg fax_domain '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{fax_domain} || '\''fax.local'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg fax_international '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{fax_international} || '\''00'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg always_send_delegates '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{always_send_delegates} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg allow_redirect_spoofing '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{allow_redirect_spoofing} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg copy_delegate_mails '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{copy_delegate_mails} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg allow_delegate_meeting_request '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{allow_delegate_meeting_request} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg allow_send_to_everyone '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{allow_send_to_everyone} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg always_send_tnef '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{always_send_tnef} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg always_send_utf8 '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{always_send_utf8} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg charset_upgrade '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{charset_upgrade} || '\''windows-1252'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg expand_groups '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{expand_groups} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/spooler.cfg/spooler.cfg archive_on_send '{ ${'\''zarafa-spooler'\''}{archive_on_send} || '\''no'\''; }'

#--- monitor config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-monitor-configuration-template ..."
echo "The monitor program sends quota warning mails to users who are over quota."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-monitor/example-config/monitor.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg quota_check_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{quota_check_interval} || '\''15'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/monitor.cfg/monitor.cfg mailquota_resend_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-monitor'\''}{mailquota_resend_interval} || '\''1'\''; }'

#--- gateway config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-gateway-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-gateway/example-config/gateway.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg server_socket 'http://localhost:{${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{TCPPort}||'\''236'\'';}/zarafa'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-pop3'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-pop3'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8110'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3s_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-pop3s'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg pop3s_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-pop3s'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8995'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8143'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imaps_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-imaps'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imaps_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-imaps'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8993'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_only_mailfolders '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_only_mailfolders} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_public_folders '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_public_folders} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_capability_idle '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_capability_idle} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_max_messagesize '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_max_messagesize} || '\''134217728'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_generate_utf8 '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_generate_utf8} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_expunge_on_delete '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_expunge_on_delete} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg imap_store_rfc822 '{ ${'\''zarafa-imap'\''}{imap_store_rfc822} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_private_key_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.key/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.key'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_certificate_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_verify_client '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{ssl_verify_client} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg process_model '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{process_model} || '\''fork'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/gateway.cfg/gateway.cfg ssl_enable_v2 '{ ${'\''zarafa-gateway'\''}{ssl_enable_v2} || '\''no'\''; }'

#--- ical config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-ical-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-ical/example-config/ical.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ical_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ical_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8088'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg icals_enable '{ if (${'\''zarafa-icals'\''}{status} eq '\''enabled'\'') {'\''yes'\''} else {'\''no'\''}; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg icals_port '{ ${'\''zarafa-icals'\''}{TCPPort} || '\''8089'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg server_socket 'http://localhost:{${'\''zarafa-server'\''}{TCPPort}||'\''236'\'';}/zarafa'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg process_model '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{process_model} || '\''fork'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_private_key_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.key/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.key'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_certificate_file '/home/e-smith/ssl.crt/{$SystemName}.{$DomainName}.crt'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_verify_client '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{ssl_verify_client} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg server_timezone '{$TimeZone}'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg default_charset '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{default_charset} || '\''utf-8'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg enable_ical_get '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{enable_ical_get} || '\''yes'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/ical.cfg/ical.cfg ssl_enable_v2 '{ ${'\''zarafa-ical'\''}{ssl_enable_v2} || '\''no'\''; }'

#--- indexer config ---
echo "Creating zarafa-indexer-configuration-template ..."
mkdir -p /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg
cat /usr/share/doc/zarafa-indexer/example-config/indexer.cfg | sed -e 's/\r$//g' >  /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg cleanup_lockfiles '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{cleanup_lockfiles} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg limit_results	'{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{limit_results} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg log_method '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{log_method} || '\''file'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg log_level '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{log_level} || '\''2'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg log_timestamp '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{log_timestamp} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_interval} || '\''5'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_threads '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_threads} || '\''1'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_max_field_length '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_max_field_length} || '\''10000'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_merge_factor '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_merge_factor} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_max_buffered_docs '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_max_buffered_docs} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_min_merge_docs '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_min_merge_docs} || '\''10'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_max_merge_docs '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_max_merge_docs} || '\''2147483647'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_term_interval '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_term_interval} || '\''128'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_cache_timeout '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_cache_timeout} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachments '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachments} || '\''no'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachment_max_size '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachment_max_size} || '\''5120'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachment_parser_max_memory '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachment_parser_max_memory} || '\''0'\''; }'
replace /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/zarafa/indexer.cfg/indexer.cfg index_attachment_parser_max_cputime '{ ${'\''zarafa-indexer'\''}{index_attachment_parser_max_cputime} || '\''0'\''; }'

/bin/echo "webaccess config"
/bin/chown -R www:www /var/lib/zarafa-webaccess/tmp
/bin/chown -R www:www /var/lib/zarafa-webapp/tmp
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webaccess.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi
FILE=/etc/httpd/conf.d/zarafa-webapp.conf; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/rm -f $FILE; fi

/bin/echo "Expanding Zarafa-templates"

/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith

/bin/echo "Starting Zarafa-services"
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services start

/bin/echo "Setting permissions on files"
FILE=/var/log/zarafa/dagent.log; if [ -a $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 666 $FILE; fi

To save :

Execute zarafa-install (see installscript above for 7.0.x !!!!)

/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-install
cd /etc/e-smith/events/actions/
signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot


VERSION 7.0.x (7.0.x -> 7.0.x)

Download via the Zarafawebsite the package for ZCP corresponding with the newest php53-mapi.rpm (cf. version above)

Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (ex. : /root/InstallZarafa) :

cd /to the installdirectory


cd /root/InstallZarafa
wget http://download.zarafa.com/community/final/7.0/[version]/zcp-[version]-rhel-5-[cpu-arch]-free.tar.gz

Unpack the corresponding package for ZCP :

tar -zxvf zcp-*

Remove the devel packages

Go (cd ./zcp-...) to the created subdirectory (zcp-...) :

cd ./zcp- ... 
rm -f *-dev*.rpm

Move the windows-directory to an installshare in your network

Download the latest webapp.rpm too in the same subdirectory :

wget http://download.zarafa.com/community/final/WebApp/[version]/rhel/[zarafa-webapp-version.noarch.rpm]

!!! Remove the existing php53-mapi.rpm first : !!!

rpm -e php53-mapi --nodeps

Install all rpm's in the unpacked package of ZCP and the webapp.rpm too :

yum localinstall *.rpm

All packages have dependencies that cannot be resolved if you install only part of the rpm's.

If you only want to upgrade one package (ex. the Webapp) :

cd /to the new Webapp.rpm
rpm -Uvh --force zarafa-webapp-[version].noarch

Remove the default php-mapi.rpm

We have to remove the installation of the default php-mapi (because it's not built for php 5.3).

rpm -e php-mapi --nodeps

Install the NEW php53-mapi.rpm

-If you downloaded the rpm :

rpm -Uvh --force php53-mapi

-If you did set the EPEL-repository :

yum install php53-mapi-[same ZCP-verion as above] --enablerepo=epel --enablerepo=epel-testing

Execute zarafa-update (see upgradescript above for 7.0.x !!!!)

cd /etc/e-smith/events/actions/

OPTIONAL : Search in the Zarafa-releasenotes for new keys/options in the config-files and adjust the values of these new keys/options in the zarafa-config-templates :

signal-event post-upgrade; signal-event reboot

INSTALLATION of Z-push (1.5.x or 2.0.x)

  • You can test if z-push is installed and functioning by going to http://[your-server-ip]/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync You should be presented with a login request, and if you cancel, you will see Z-Push info. If you see both, z-push is working just fine.
  • If you experience (all of a sudden) z-push issues with your smartphone, please increase the PHP memory limit as descibed here
  • Please note that z-push version 2.1 works with the below 2.0.x instructions, but you need to install php-posix
yum install php-posix


Download the Z-push-package (version 1.5 !!)

wget http://zarafa-deutschland.de/z-push-download/final/1.5/[z-push-latest version]

Save in an installdirectory, ex. : root/InstallZPush

Unpack the package for Z-push :

Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (if you haven't done this yet) :

cd /to the installdirectory

And unpack :

tar -zxvf z-push-[latest version] -C /var/www/html

Change the name of the created z-push-directory in /var/www/html to 'z-push'


nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/z-push-install

#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ..."
cat <<HERE1 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases
    # vim: ft=perl:

    \$haveSSL = (exists \${modSSL}{status} and \${modSSL}{status} eq "enabled") ?  'yes' : 'no';
    my \$zwebmailStatus = \$zarafa{'status'} || "disabled";
    my \$zwebmailAccessType = \$zarafa{'access'} || "SSL";

    my \$dirs;
    \$dirs{zarafa} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    \$dirs{webaccess} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    \$dirs{webmail} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    if (\$imp{'status'} eq 'enabled') {\$dirs{webmail} = ''};
    \$dirs{webapp} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webapp';
    \$dirs{'Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync'} = '/var/www/html/z-push/index.php';

    return "    # Zarafa is disabled in this VirtualHost\n"
                unless \$zwebmailStatus eq 'enabled';

    foreach \$place ('zarafa','webmail','webaccess','webapp','Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync')
        if ((\$port eq "80") && (\$haveSSL eq 'yes') && (\$zwebmailAccessType eq 'SSL'))
            \$OUT .= "    RewriteRule ^/\$place(/.*|\\$)    https://%{HTTP_HOST}/\$place\\\$1 [L,R]\n";
        } else {
            if ((\$dirs{\$place}) ne '') {\$OUT .= "    Alias	 /\$place   \$dirs{\$place}\n"};

#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ..."
cat <<HERE2 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias
    my \$zstatus = \$zarafa{'status'};

    if (defined \$zstatus && \$zstatus eq 'enabled')
        \$OUT .= qq(
# Zarafa specific configuration files.

Alias /zarafa /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/
 <Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/>
  Options -Indexes
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  php_flag track_vars on

Alias /webapp /usr/share/zarafa-webapp/
 <Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webapp/>
  Options -Indexes
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  php_flag track_vars on
<Directory /var/www/html/>
    Options -Indexes
    AllowOverride All
    order allow,deny
    allow from all
    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3
    php_flag  magic_quotes_gpc  off

<Directory /var/www/html/z-push/>
   Options -Indexes
   AllowOverride All
   order allow,deny
   allow from all
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
   php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
   php_flag register_globals off
   php_flag magic_quotes_runtime off
   php_flag short_open_tag on

       \$OUT .= "# Zarafa Webmail is not configured as it is disabled in the config db";

# Configuration of Z-push

/bin/echo "Configuration of Z-push"
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi

/bin/echo "Need to debug Z-push ?"
/bin/echo "Values: yes or no."
if [ "$DEBUGZPUSH" == yes ]; then
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/touch /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown www:www /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
rm -f /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt

/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith

To save :


nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/z-push-update

# Configuration of Z-push

/bin/echo "Configuration of Z-push"
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi

/bin/echo "Need to debug Z-push ?"
/bin/echo "Values: yes or no."
if [ "$DEBUGZPUSH" == yes ]; then
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/touch /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown www:www /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
FILE=/var/www/html/z-push/state; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt; fi
rm -f /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt

/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith

To save :

See further : "Any version"


Download the Z-push-package (version 2.0 !!)

wget http://zarafa-deutschland.de/z-push-download/final/2.0/[z-push-latest version]

Save in an installdirectory, ex. : root/InstallZPush

Unpack the package for Z-push :

Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (if you haven't done this yet) :

cd /to the installdirectory

And unpack :

tar -zxvf z-push-[latest version] -C /usr/share

Change the name of the created z-push-directory in /usr/share to 'z-push'


nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/z-push-install

#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases ..."
cat <<HERE1 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/29ZarafaAliases
    # vim: ft=perl:

    \$haveSSL = (exists \${modSSL}{status} and \${modSSL}{status} eq "enabled") ?  'yes' : 'no';
    my \$zwebmailStatus = \$zarafa{'status'} || "disabled";
    my \$zwebmailAccessType = \$zarafa{'access'} || "SSL";

    my \$dirs;
    \$dirs{zarafa} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    \$dirs{webaccess} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    \$dirs{webmail} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webaccess';
    if (\$imp{'status'} eq 'enabled') {\$dirs{webmail} = ''};
    \$dirs{webapp} = '/usr/share/zarafa-webapp';
    \$dirs{'Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync'} = '/usr/share/z-push/index.php';

    return "    # Zarafa is disabled in this VirtualHost\n"
                unless \$zwebmailStatus eq 'enabled';

    foreach \$place ('zarafa','webmail','webaccess','webapp','Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync')
        if ((\$port eq "80") && (\$haveSSL eq 'yes') && (\$zwebmailAccessType eq 'SSL'))
            \$OUT .= "    RewriteRule ^/\$place(/.*|\\$)    https://%{HTTP_HOST}/\$place\\\$1 [L,R]\n";
        } else {
            if ((\$dirs{\$place}) ne '') {\$OUT .= "    Alias	 /\$place   \$dirs{\$place}\n"};

#--- /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ---
echo "Creating /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias ..."
cat <<HERE2 > /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/86ZarafaAlias
    my \$zstatus = \$zarafa{'status'};

    if (defined \$zstatus && \$zstatus eq 'enabled')
        \$OUT .= qq(
# Zarafa specific configuration files.

Alias /zarafa /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/
 <Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/>
  Options -Indexes
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  php_flag track_vars on

Alias /webapp /usr/share/zarafa-webapp/
 <Directory /usr/share/zarafa-webapp/>
  Options -Indexes
  AllowOverride All
  order allow,deny
  allow from all
  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
  php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
  php_flag track_vars on

<Directory /usr/share/z-push/>
   Options -Indexes
   AllowOverride All
   order allow,deny
   allow from all
   AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php3
   php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off
   php_flag register_globals off
   php_flag magic_quotes_runtime off
   php_flag short_open_tag on

       \$OUT .= "# Zarafa Webmail is not configured as it is disabled in the config db";

# Configuration of Z-push

/bin/echo "Configuration of Z-push"
FILE=/var/lib/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/echo -e "** $FILE already exists, skipping **\n"; else /bin/mkdir $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/lib/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/lib/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/echo -e "** $FILE already exists, skipping **\n"; else /bin/mkdir $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi

/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith

To save :


nano -w /etc/e-smith/events/actions/z-push-update

# Configuration of Z-push

/bin/echo "Configuration of Z-push"
FILE=/var/lib/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/echo -e "** $FILE already exists, skipping **\n"; else /bin/mkdir $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/lib/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/lib/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/echo -e "** $FILE already exists, skipping **\n"; else /bin/mkdir $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chown -R www:www $FILE; fi
FILE=/var/log/z-push; if [ -d $FILE ]; then /bin/chmod 755 $FILE; fi

/bin/echo "Expanding http.conf-template"
/sbin/e-smith/expand-template /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

/bin/echo "Restarting httpd"
/usr/bin/sv restart /service/httpd-e-smith

To save :

See further : "Any version"

ANY VERSION (1.5.x or 2.0.x)

Edit the config.php file in the Z-Push directory to fit your needs.

ex. Set your timezone in the config.php file.

Execute z-push-install (see script above !!!!)

/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/z-push-install
cd /etc/e-smith/events/actions/


VERSION 1.5 (1.5.x -> 1.5.x)

Download the Z-push-package (version 1.5 !!)

wget http://zarafa-deutschland.de/z-push-download/final/1.5/[z-push-latest version]

Save in an installdirectory, ex. : root/InstallZPush

Unpack the corresponding package for ZCP and the package for Z-push :

Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (if you haven't done this yet) :

cd /to the installdirectory

And unpack :

tar -zxvf z-push-[latest version] -C /var/www/html

Change the name of the created z-push-directory in /var/www/html to 'z-push'

See further : "Any version"

VERSION 2.0 (2.0.x -> 2.0.x)

Download the Z-push-package (version 2.0 !!)

wget http://zarafa-deutschland.de/z-push-download/final/2.0/[z-push-latest version]

Save in an installdirectory, ex. : root/InstallZPush

Unpack the package for Z-push :

Go (cd /...) to the installdirectory (if you haven't done this yet) :

cd /to the installdirectory

And unpack :

tar -zxvf z-push-[latest version] -C /usr/share

Change the name of the created z-push-directory in /usr/share to 'z-push'

See further : "Any version"

VERSION 1.5.x -> 2.0.x

The easiest way to upgrade is to follow the steps for a new installation of version 2.0. The states of Z-Push 1.X are not compatible and there is no upgrade path, but as this version implements a fully automatic resynchronisation of devices it should not affect the users and work without the user interaction


Edit the config.php file in the Z-Push directory to fit your needs.

ex. Set your timezone in the config.php file.

Execute z-push-update (see script above !!!!)

/bin/chmod 554 /etc/e-smith/events/actions/z-push-update
cd /etc/e-smith/events/actions/

Managing Zarafa-users/companies :

With Unix-plugin

Zarafa-users are created with the creation of a SME-user, but you have to enable delivery to zarafa for these SME-users.

Enable maildelivery to zarafa for a user :

db accounts setprop [USERNAME] zarafa enabled

Disable maildelivery to zarafa for a user :

db accounts setprop [USERNAME] zarafa disabled

Enable mail delivery to zarafa for ALL users :

config setprop zarafa-server GlobalForward enabled

Other options for managing users

zarafa-admin --help

With DB-plugin

Create company (in a Multi-company-environment)


Create user


Disable maildelivery to zarafa for a user :

db accounts setprop [USERNAME] zarafa disabled

Other options for managing users/companies

zarafa-admin --help

Usefull commands :

Change db-entries (Change default-values in zarafa-config-files)

config setprop [zarafa-service] [key] [value]
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart

Change loglevel to 5 (= max. (default = 2))

config setprop zarafa-server log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-dagent log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-spooler log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-monitor log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-ical log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-gateway log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-licensed log_level 5
config setprop zarafa-indexer log_level 5
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart

Change index-interval to 60 minutes (= max. (default = 5))

config setprop zarafa-indexer index_interval 60
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart

Setting system-email-address

config setprop zarafa-server system_email_address [admin@mydomain.com] 
/etc/e-smith/events/actions/zarafa-services restart

Debugging Z-push 1.5.x (not for 2.0.x)

Disable (debugging is enabled by default in this howto)

rm -f /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt

Enable after disabling (debugging is enabled by default in this howto)

/bin/touch /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt
/bin/chown www:www /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt
/bin/chmod 755 /var/www/html/z-push/debug.txt

View userdetails

zarafa-admin --details [user]

Setting/Changing send-emailadres for a user

zarafa-admin -u [user] -e [send-emailadres]

Setting/Changing fullname for a user

zarafa-admin -u [user] -f "[full name]"


zarafa-admin -u [user] --qo y --qw 1600 --qs 1800 --qh 2000

Give a user administrator-privileges

zarafa-admin -u [user] -a y

Usefull plugins :

Password-plugin for webaccess (ONLY FOR DB-PLUGIN)


After installation : in /var/lib/zarafa-webaccess/plugins/passwd/dialogs/pwdchange.php, change this line :

$passwd_cmd = "/usr/local/bin/zarafa-passwd -u %s -o %s -p %s";

to this :

$passwd_cmd = "/usr/bin/zarafa-passwd -u '%s' -o '%s' -p '%s'";

Password-change by users from outsite your network for webaccess/webapp (IF USING THE UNIX PLUGIN)

Install Usermanager

UserManager : Install smeserver-userpanel and smeserver-userpanels

nano /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf/VirtualHosts/28UserManagerProxyPass

    # vim: ft=perl:
    $haveSSL = (exists ${modSSL}{status} and ${modSSL}{status} eq "enabled") ?  'yes' : 'no';
    $plainTextAccess = ${'httpd-admin'}{PermitPlainTextAccess} || 'no';
    $OUT = '';
    foreach $place ('user-manager','server-common','user')
        if (($port eq "80") && ($haveSSL eq 'yes') && ($plainTextAccess ne 'yes'))
            $OUT .= "    RewriteRule ^/$place(/.*|\$)    https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$place\$1 [L,R,NC]\n";
        } else {
            $OUT .= "    ProxyPass /$place${'httpd-admin'}{TCPPort}/$place\n";
            $OUT .= "    ProxyPassReverse /$place${'httpd-admin'}{TCPPort}/$place\n";
        $OUT .= "    <Location /$place>\n";
        $OUT .= "        order deny,allow\n";
        $OUT .= "        deny from all\n";
        $OUT .= "        allow from all\n";    
        $OUT .= "    </Location>\n";

To save :


Via the Server-Manager : Delegate the userpanel-password to external users

Now these external users can change from outsite your network there sme-password : https://www.yourdomain.tld/user

WebApp - OwnCloud attachment plug-in

OwnCloud attachment plug-in

WebApp - Dropbox attachment plug-in

Dropbox plug-in

Webmail :

Access with a browser,

https://server/webmail (with Horde disabled '/server-manager > Email > Webmail Access')
https://server/webapp (NEW VERSION OF WEBACCESS)

Connecting Outlook :

On your Windowsclients, execute zarafaclient.msi (Moved earlier to an installshare in your network - cf. supra)
Configure Outlook (point it to your zarafaserver with the credentials of a created Zarafa-user (if DB-plugin : create Zarafa-users first))

Connecting other clients :


The default ports for Zarafa are 8000 + default values

  • so imap = 8143, imaps = 8993
  • so pop3 = 8110, pop3s = 8995

Zarafa-documentation :

Zarafa Administrator Manual

Zarafa Administrator Manual
Release notes (changes in the Zarafa-configfiles)

Zarafa User Manual

Usermanual Zarafa-Webapp

Help for the zarafa-admin-tool

zarafa-admin --help



man zarafa-server
man zarafa-monitor
man zarafa-dagent
man zarafa-gateway
man zarafa-spooler
man zarafa-ical
man zarafa-indexer
man zarafa-licensed


man zarafa-server.cfg
man zarafa-monitor.cfg
man zarafa-dagent.cfg
man zarafa-gateway.cfg
man zarafa-spooler.cfg
man zarafa-ical.cfg
man zarafa-indexer.cfg
man zarafa-licensed.cfg
man zarafa-unix.cfg


Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in bugzilla and select the smeserver-zarafa-unix component or use this link .

Search open bugs for smeserver-zarafa at bugs.contribs.org

Zarafa: use their forum for zarafa specific bug reporting, http://forums.zarafa.com/

IDProductVersionStatusSummary (22 tasks)
7195SME Contribs8.0UNCONFIRMEDLater php53-mapi version requested
7177SME Contribs8.0UNCONFIRMEDZarafa for SME8 custom templates
6746SME Contribs8.0UNCONFIRMEDNo configuration information in Panel
6683SME Contribs8.0UNCONFIRMEDZarafa7 on SME8b6, zarafa-monitor is complaining that Terminal locale is not UTF-8
6682SME Contribs8.0UNCONFIRMEDmysql password is not properly set on SME8b6
6648SME Contribs8.0UNCONFIRMEDText-string might need review
6552SME Contribs8.0CONFIRMEDZarafa webmail mobile does not work
6459SME Contribs7.5CONFIRMEDsmeserver-zarafa package has disappeared from the smecontribs repo
6357SME Contribs7.5CONFIRMEDAdd autodiscover functionality
6305SME Contribs7.5CONFIRMEDserver_timezone parameter missing in /etc/zarafa/ical.cfg
5972SME Contribs7.4CONFIRMEDExclude non valid users and groups from unix plugin
5901SME Contribs7.4CONFIRMEDUpdate Zarafa From 6.40.RC5 to RC6 Crash the DB
5847SME Contribs7.4CONFIRMEDzarafa-install not found!
5841SME Contribs7.4CONFIRMEDConfig error with Unknown option found
5789SME Contribs8.0CONFIRMEDmapi extension not found -- error with Zarafa on sme8b5 WIP
5731SME Contribs7.4CONFIRMEDZarafa doesn't use the modSSL certificate
5667SME Contribs7.4CONFIRMEDAllow for non alphabetical characters in the fullname field
5666SME Contribs7.4CONFIRMEDAllow for non alphanumeric characters in passwords
5561SME Contribs7.4CONFIRMEDLost zarafa users after recent yum updates
5524SME Contribs7.4CONFIRMEDdelivery failure notice of big mail stuck in zarafa
5413SME Contribs7.4CONFIRMEDNo access to icals port 8089 with access=public
4886SME Contribs7.4CONFIRMEDtrigger zarafa-update on updates of zarafa* rpms