* Replace 'ext3' with 'vfat' if your drive is formatted as fat32/vfat.
* Replace 'ext3' with 'vfat' if your drive is formatted as fat32/vfat.
* Replace /mnt/affadevice with the folder in which you want your USB drive mounted (here and in all "mount" commands)
* Replace /mnt/affadevice with the folder in which you want your USB drive mounted (here and in all "mount" commands)
* Make sure that the mount directory (/mnt/affadevice in this example) is empty! Linux will not mount a drive in a directory that is not empty.
* Make sure that the mount directory (/mnt/affadevice in this example) exists and is empty! Linux will not mount a drive in a directory that is not empty.
* Add multiple entries as described in [[USBDisks#The_Solution]] to meet your specific requirements.
* Add multiple entries as described in [[USBDisks#The_Solution]] to meet your specific requirements.