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{{Warning box| 1st Sept 2022 A recent fix to rsync in rsync-3.1.2-11.el7_9.x86_64 causes Affa to silently fail. You will need to downgrade to an earlier version to use Affa v3. Affa 4 has fixes for this}}
=== Introduction ===
=== Introduction ===
There many ways to move a SME 7 Server installation to new hardware.  
There are many ways to move a SME Server installation to new hardware and also new versions of the SME Server software.  
This document describes a method using the '''[[Affa]]''' contrib.<br>
Affa makes it possible to move with a minimal downtime of the production server.<br>
This document describes a method using the '''[[Affa|Affa V3]]''' contrib.
In the following it is assumed that <code>prodIP</code> is the IP address of your production server and <code>newIP</code> is the IP address of the new server hardware. Replace both placeholders by your real IP addresses.
Affa gives 3 possibilities to move to new hardware, depending of the available hardware (1,2 or 3 servers, an usb disk) and on the acceptable downtime:
* Using the "rise" feature will convert the backup server into the new production server => 2 machines are needed - short downtime.
* Using the normal backup and restore functions:
:* with 2 machines (production server and backup server - long downtime) or 3 machines (old production server, backup server and new production server - short downtime)
:* with only 1 machine and an usb external disk (long downtime)
These 3 methods can also be used to upgrade from a lower version to a higher version of the SME software. This also work from SME 8.1 to 9.<br>
In the following it is assumed that <code>'''prodIP'''</code> is the IP address of your '''production server''' and <code>'''newIP'''</code> is the IP address of the new '''server hardware'''. Replace both placeholders by your real IP addresses.
=== Preparation ===
=== Using the "rise" feature ===
==== Production server ====
==== Preparation ====
Enable remote ssh access in the server-manager of <code>prodIP</code>.<br>
===== Production server =====
Enable remote administration ssh access in the server-manager of <code>prodIP</code>. This involves setting both the 'Secure shell access' for the local network, and the 'Allow administrative command line access over secure shell' setting, which must be set to 'Yes'. Also, you may have to set "Allow secure shell access using standard passwords" to 'Yes' as well.<br>
Log into the <code>prodIP</code> box and run an update<br>
Log into the <code>prodIP</code> box and run an update<br>
   Line 15: Line 31:  
If packages were updated signalling post-upgrade and reboot events is required.
If packages were updated signalling post-upgrade and reboot events is required.
==== New hardware ====
===== New hardware =====
Install SME Server from the latest CDROM/ISO. Assign an unused IP address (<code>newIP</code>) and disable DHCP.<br>
Install SME Server from the latest CDROM/ISO. Assign an unused IP address (<code>newIP</code>) and disable DHCP.<br>
Enable remote ssh access in the server-manager on the newIP box.
Enable remote ssh access in the server-manager on the newIP box.
Line 29: Line 45:     
Install the Affa RPM
Install the Affa RPM
  /usr/bin/yum install --enablerepo=smecontribs smeserver-affa
  Follow the latest instructions here: '''[[Affa#Installation_of_Affa_3|Affa Installation]]'''
Please remember to manually create directory for archive files:
mkdir /var/affa
{{Note box|During the transition from SME8 to SME9, contrib packages will be migrated to the SME9 contrib repository. If the contrib is not yet in the SME9 Contrib repository and an entry in the Q&A suggests it will install properly then you will need to install the contrib from the SME8 repository See:}}
<div style="text-align:left" class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" data-collapsetext="less &uarr;" data-expandtext="Obsolete Affa 2 instructions &darr;">
{{Note box|During the transition from SME7 to SME8, contrib packages will be migrated to the SME8 contrib repository. If the contrib is not yet in the SME8 Contrib repository and an entry in the Q&A suggests it will install properly then you will need to install the contrib from the SME7 repository See:}}
Configure Affa<br>
Configure Affa<br>
db affa set AffaGlobalDisable yes
  db affa set prodserv job
  db affa set prodserv job
  db affa setprop prodserv remoteHostName prodIP
  db affa setprop prodserv remoteHostName prodIP
  db affa setprop prodserv RPMCheck yes
  db affa setprop prodserv RPMCheck yes
affa --make-cronjobs
In this example you have an SME production server (<code>prodIP</code>) with IP<br>
You have a second SME box as your backup server (<code>newIP</code>) with IP<br>
The affa backup job will be called 'prodserv'.<br><br>
Login to your <code>newIP</code> as root and edit/create the file '''/etc/affa/prodserv.conf''' . Using e.g. editor ''nano'', add the following example job configuration text for jobname '''prodserv''' and adapt '''Include=XXXXX''' according the supplementary folders that must be backuped, e.g. due to installed contribs that works with /opt):
Description=Backup of smeserver.athome.xx
Then save your job configuration file.
If you have a Letsencrypt certificate on the production server, then you should also include
Now check that your configuration is OK:
affa --configcheck
This should throw out no errors.<br>
Generate DSA keys and send the public key to the <code>prodIP</code> server<br>
Generate DSA keys and send the public key to the <code>prodIP</code> server<br>
affa --send-key prodserv
  affa --send-key prodserv
The answer from ProdIP server will be<br>
  Job prodserv: root@ProdIP's password:
enter the root ProdIP password. The answer will be:<br>
Public key sent to prodIP
=== Copying data ===
==== Copying data ====
Run the Affa job on the <code>newIP</code> box
Run the Affa job on the <code>newIP</code> box
   Line 51: Line 124:  
  less /var/affa/prodserv/rpms-missing.txt
  less /var/affa/prodserv/rpms-missing.txt
You will find a list of RPMs which are installed on <code>prodIP</code> but not on this server (<code>newIP</code>) and also RPMs installed with different versions. Install or update the listed RPMs. To verify you can run the steps of this chapter again. Finally the rpms-missing.txt should not list any RPMs.
You will find a list of RPMs which are installed on <code>prodIP</code> but not on this server (<code>newIP</code>) and also RPMs installed with different versions. Install or update the listed RPMs. To verify, you can run the steps of this chapter again. Finally the rpms-missing.txt should not list any RPMs.
=== Final data synchronization ===
In case you are upgrading the SME operating system to a higher version you may not only find the contribs installed in this list but all changes between the 2 systems - in this case you need to run this command on <code>prodIP</code>
To find out what contribs are installed on <code>prodIP</code>.
==== Final data synchronization ====
Ask your users to log off.<br>
Ask your users to log off.<br>
Log into the <code>prodIP</code> box and stop all services that can modify data.
Log into the <code>prodIP</code> box and stop all services that can modify data.
  SVC='qpsmtpd sqpsmtpd crond imap pop3 imaps pop3s ftp httpd-e-smith atalk smb qmail'  
For SME8 and SME7
  SVC='qpsmtpd sqpsmtpd crond pop3 imap imaps pop3s ftp httpd-e-smith atalk smb qmail'
for s in $SVC; do service $s stop; done
For SME9
SVC='qpsmtpd sqpsmtpd crond pop3 dovecot pop3s ftp httpd-e-smith smb qmail'  
  for s in $SVC; do service $s stop; done
  for s in $SVC; do service $s stop; done
   Line 67: Line 151:     
This run will complete very quickly as only differences since the the last run needs to be synchronsized.
This run will complete very quickly as only differences since the the last run needs to be synchronsized.
=== Switch over to the new hardware ===
==== Switch over to the new hardware ====
Log into the <code>prodIP</code> box and power it off
Log into the <code>prodIP</code> box and power it off
   Line 75: Line 160:  
Log into the <code>newIP</code> box and rise this server to your production server
Log into the <code>newIP</code> box and rise this server to your production server
  affa --rise prodserv
  affa --rise --all prodserv
This action will complete very quickly as only hardlinks are used and no data is physically moved.<br>
This action will complete very quickly as only hardlinks are used and no data is physically moved.<br>
'''''Note:''' Do not be scared if your prompt looks different!<br><br>''
Now do a reboot
Now do a reboot
   Line 86: Line 174:  
You now have an identical copy of your old production server running on the new hardware. Your users can now log on.
You now have an identical copy of your old production server running on the new hardware. Your users can now log on.
=== Cleaning up ===
==== Cleaning up ====
Remove the Affa archives
Remove the Affa archives
  /bin/rm -rf /var/affa
  /bin/rm -rf /var/affa
Remove the Affa packages
Remove the Affa packages and all status and configuration data
  yum remove smeserver-affa perl-Filesys-DiskFree
  yum remove smeserver-affa perl-Filesys-DiskFree
rm -f /etc/cron.d/affa-status /etc/cron.d/affa
rm -rf /home/e-smith/db/affa /home/e-smith/db/affa-report
rm -rf /var/log/affa
'''Note:''' Don't forget to clean up /var/affa. Otherwise you will waste disk space and see strange quota reports. See this [ forum thread] for details.
==== Additional information ====
===== Performance =====
With this method you should be able to move a typical 500 Gbyte sized server to new hardware with downtime less than 20 minutes. The final sync and the rise time does not really depend on the total files size, but on the number of files and directories.
=== Using the backup and restore functions ===
The general working way is to make a backup of the old SME and to restore it on the new SME (upgraded or not).
The function "RPMCheck" can be used indirectly with the backup server (compare the list with the old and with the new hardware) to get the list of rpm's that are missing on the new hardware but it is not available for a backup on the external usb disk.
==== Preparation ====
Take a backup of the running old 'prod server' (see the above conf file ''/etc/affa/prodserv.conf'' ).
{{Note box| Like using the way based on "rise", your can take the first backup (takes long time) without stopping the services and the last one (is quick) after the logout of the users and the stop of the services }}
After the backup, set a temporary IP into the conf file of the backup job:
For a backup on an external usb disk, set:
and mount the disk. You should make a list of the installed rpm's too.
==== Install SME on the new hardware ====
Install at least the same version of SME you were running on the old hardware or a more recent one (e.g. from SME8 to SME9).
===== For the method based on a backup server: =====
* Set the '''temporary IP''' as internal address of the new hardware
* From the backup server create the ssh connection between the backup server and the new hardware by sending the ssh key:
  affa --send-key prodserv
The answer from Prod-temp-IP server will be<br>
Job prodserv: root@Prod-temp-IP's password:
enter the root Prod-temp-IP password. The answer will be:<br>
Public key sent to prod-temp-IP
===== External usb disk: =====
* Install "smeserver-affa" on the new hardware
* mount the usb disk on the same mountpoint than for the backup
* go into the archive and copy the .ini file into /etc/affa as conf file:
cd /mount/point/prodserv/scheduled.0
ls -a  ### to see the ini file
cp .prodserv.ini /etc/affa/
mv /etc/affa/.prodserv.ini /etc/affa/prodserv.conf
===== In case of upgrade SME8 to SME9 =====
The restoration of the default data (parameter "SMEServer=yes" into the conf file of the job) will configure yum repos for SME8 on the new server SME9!
In order to avoid this there are 2 possibilities:
* make a copy of both folders ''/etc/yum.repos.d'' and ''/etc/yum.smerepos.d'' before the restore. It will be helpful for reconfiguring by hand the repos for SME9 after the restore.
* add following into the conf file of the backup job:
before the last backup (of course if you will restore from the last backup - scheduled.0 - and not from an older one like weekly.2!)
==== Restore the data ====
From the backup server (or from the new production server in case of restoring from external usb disk) run:
affa --full-restore [--preserve-newer=no] [--delete=yes]  prodserv
To get 1:1 the state of the backup.
'''Keep in mind that:'''
:[--preserve-newer=no]: files on the remote server with modification time newer than on the backup are overwritten through the older ones of the backup.
:[--delete=yes]: all files on the remote server, which are not in the backup, are deleted.
{{Warning box|A full restore with --preserve-newer no and --delete yes reconstructs the server as it was at the time of the backup. That means, that all files created or server configuration changes made before the restore will be lost! }}
After the restore, the new prodserver will reboot.
'''Note for the case of 3 machines:''' Make sure that the old hardware is switched off or no more connect to the network before the new hardware reboots because the new hardware will take its IP after the reconfiguration.
=== Additional information ===
==== Tasks post restore ====  
==== Performance ====
With this method you should be able to move a typical 50 Gbyte sized server to new hardware with downtime less than 20 minutes. The final sync and the rise time does not really depend on the total files size, but on the number of files and directories.
==== SME 6 Server ====
Although Affa was designed for SME 7, you can move a SME 6 server to a hardware with SME 7 installed. But there are a few restrictions:
* You cannot yum update the SME 6
* You cannot use the RPM comparision, as SME 6 doesn't have yum installed and all packages would differ anyway. Skip <code>db affa setprop prodserv RPMCheck yes</code>
* You must set rsync--inplace to no:
db affa setprop prodserv rsync--inplace no
* If the backup job should be used for further backups of the new hardware, don't forget to replace the temporary IP of "Remotehost" through the previus set IP of the old server into the conf file of the affa job.
* In case of an OS upgrade, check and if necessary reconfigure the repositories of yum for the new version.
* The command <code>affa --rise prodserv</code> will complain about old-style db paths. Ignore these errors. After reboot login as admin on the '''local''' console and set the new Network Interfaces manually. Reboot again.
* You cannot work remotely.
[[Category: Howto]]
[[Category: Howto]]
[[Category: Backup]]
[[Category: Backup]]

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