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AutoMySQLBackup with a DB configuration will create Daily, Weekly and Monthly backups of one or more of your MySQL databases from one or more of your MySQL servers.
[ AutoMySQLBackup] associates with DB configuration will create Daily, Weekly and Monthly backups of your MySQL databases. At least there is no panel in the server-manager but the configuration is quite simple with few commands listed above, handle by "config setprop automysqlbackup". I'm fairly sure that you do not have to modify huge options except the mail where logs and files are sent.
At least there is no panel in the server-manager but the configuration is quite simple with few commands listed above, handle by "config setprop automysqlbackup".
With this contribs you save your mysql databases in a simple way.
Other Features include:
*Email notification of backups
*Databases split and sent by mails
*Backup Compression and Encryption
*Configurable backup rotation (no db command yet, you have to do it manualy)
*Incremental database backups (no db command yet, you have to do it manualy)
=== Version ===
{{ #smeversion: smeserver-automysqlbackup}}
{{ #smeversion: automysqlbackup}}
[ stephdl] Stéphane de Labrusse AKA [[User:stephdl|Stephdl]]<br />
====For SME8====
This contrib is in the [[Stephdl|'''stephdl''']] repository, you have to enable it before to install the contrib
db yum_repositories set stephdl repository \
BaseURL\$releasever \
EnableGroups no GPGCheck yes \
Name "Mirror de Labrusse" \
GPGKey \
Visible yes status disabled
After adding it to the database updating the configuration file is required:
signal-event yum-modify
yum install --enablerepo=stephdl smeserver-automysqlbackup
config set UnsavedChanges no
====For SME9 and SME10====
yum install --enablerepo=smecontribs smeserver-automysqlbackup
config set UnsavedChanges no
Other Features include:
You can also install pigz for multi CPU support which can speed up your backups and remove the warning from the status email:
- Email notification of backups
- Backup Compression and Encryption
yum --enablerepo=epel install pigz
- Configurable backup rotation
- Incremental database backups
==smeserver Panel==
There is no panel for manage this contrib, you  have to play with db configuration command but normally the options by default could be sufficient.
==How to launch the backup==
You can launch manually the database backup by a command line with automysqlbackup in a root terminal.
otherwise every night, a cron job start à 4h00 AM to save your databases.
==DB command option==
If you want to see the db configuration of automysqlbackup.
config show automysqlbackup
You can adjust the time when start the cronJob
* Each 30 Minutes
  config setprop automysqlbackup Hour '*' Minute '*/30'
  signal-event automysqlbackup-update
* Each Hour
  config setprop automysqlbackup Hour '*/1' Minute 1
  signal-event automysqlbackup-update
* At 3 Hour Am
  config setprop automysqlbackup Hour 3 Minute 1
  signal-event automysqlbackup-update
===Backup directory===
It is the folder where you save you database backup '''(default is /root/backup/db)'''. This is the architecture of your backup folder.
{{note box|keep in mind that the /root folder is saved with the e-smith-backup of your server-manager}} 
#ls /root/backup/db/
daily  fullschema  latest  monthly  status  tmp  weekly
If you want to save in another place, you have to do the command below.
config setprop automysqlbackup Backupdir /path/to/other/folder
you have to create manually your new backup directory
mkdir -p /path/to/other/folder
===Backup a local directory===
the possibility is given to you to save a local directory by automysqlbackup. I suppose that you can not use it for large folder but for a web site with its database it could be useful. not activated by default
config setprop automysqlbackup Backup_local_files /path/to/folder
===Mysql53, Mysql55, Mysql57, MariaDB===
With SCL on SME you may be running other database versions.
You must make sure you have a backup user for the newer databases
Creating backup user for default mysql53 database
*** If you add mysql55/mysql57 you must add a backup user ***
You can use the password from config show automysqlbackup
mysql55 -e " GRANT EVENT,SELECT,LOCK TABLES ON *.* TO backupuser@'localhost' "
mysql55 -u root -e "SET PASSWORD FOR backupuser@localhost = PASSWORD( ' -from config show automysqlbackup DbPassword- ' ) "
We can now choose other databases to backup:
mysql53, mysql55, mysql57, mariadb
You can enable or disable as follows:
config setprop automysqlbackup Mysql55 enabled
signal-event automysqlbackup-update
====For Koozali SME v10====
The default Maria 5.5 is included. To add Maria 10.5 added via the contrib:
[[User:stephdl|Stephane de Labrusse]]
config setprop automysqlbackup Mymaria105 enabled
signal-event smeserver-automysqlbackup-update
for the instant you have to download the rpm here and install it by the yum localinstall command
If you wish to encrypt your backups using openssl '''(no is default)'''
config setprop automysqlbackup Encrypt yes
you need to set a password '''(default is 01234567899876543210)'''
config setprop automysqlbackup Dbencrypt_password your-password
  wget http
{{Note box| This option may be useful when you want to save your databases outside of your server by sending them by mails. keep in mind to change the default password}}
yum localinstall
===DB command option===
To decrypt run :
====backup directory====
  openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in encrypted_file_name(ex: *.enc.gz) -out outputfilename.gz -pass pass:your-password
default "/root/backup/db"
  config setprop automysqlbackup Backupdir path/to/other/folder
you have to manualy make your new backup directory
example :
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -in daily_horde_2013-04-26_01h41m_Friday.sql.gz.enc -out daily_horde_2013-04-26_01h41m_Friday.sql.gz \
you can choose your type of mail send to the admin (by default)
  -pass pass:01234567899876543210
  config setprop automysqlbackup Mailcontent [option]
you can choose your type of mail send to the admin '''(log by default)'''
config setprop automysqlbackup Mailcontent option
option :
*log  : send only log file (default)
*log  : send only log file (default)
*files : send log file and sql files as attachments
*files : send log file and sql files as attachments
*stdout : will simply output the log to the screen if run manually.
*stdout : will simply output the log to the screen if run manually.
*quiet : Only send logs if an error occurs to the MAILADDR.
*quiet : Only send logs if an error occurs to the MAILADDR.
{{Tip box|Use the "'''files'''" option with the Mailcontent db to save your mysql databases in a mailbox outside of your server, moreover they are saved too in a local folder of your server (by default/root/backup/db)}}
You can choose the mail  account where you sent your mails '''(default is the mailbox admin of your server)'''.
Note that this may not work to places like Gmail or Microsoft as it bypasses DKIM etc and their checking is extremely strict.
config setprop automysqlbackup Mailto
you can determine the size of mails sent '''(default is 8000 KB)'''.
config setprop automysqlbackup Sizemail 8000
{{note box|keep in mind that a lot of smtp server reject mail bigger than 10 000 KB or 10MB}}
This should enable some logging to be emailed when it runs:
config setprop automysqlbackup debug enabled
signal-event smeserver-automysqlbackup-update
==Manual Settings==
There are many options you can modify in automysqlbackup, so for a personal need you can adjust by hand the files below. make a copy before.
cp /etc/automysqlbackup/myserver.conf /etc/automysqlbackup/myserver.conf-old
nano /etc/automysqlbackup/myserver.conf
===restoring a .sql file===
In a root terminal
cd /root/backup/db/
and choose your backup
gunzip file-name.sql.gz
Next you will need to use the mysql client to restore the DB from the sql file.
mysql database < /path/file.sql
NOTE: Make sure you use < and not > in the above command because you are piping the file.sql to mysql and not the other way around
If you want to play with another user or a remote mysql server you can use this command line
mysql --user=username --pass=password --host=dbserver database < /path/file.sql
===restoring databases sent by mail attachment===
The attachments have been split into multiple files, use this command line to combine them :
cat mail_attachment_2011-08-13_13h15m_* > mail_attachment_2011-08-13_13h15m.tar.bz2
and do this to extract the content
bunzip2 <mail_attachment_2011-08-13_13h15m.tar.bz2 | pax -rv
==Known Issues==
===Skip mysql.event===
* Warning: Skipping the data of table mysql.event. Specify the --events option explicitly. SOLVED in [[bugzilla:8146]]
See this discussion
=== Empty backupdir key===
* Don't leave this key blank or you may get errors:
config show automysqlbackup Backupdir
The system will try and default to /root/backup/db but you may get issues if it is empty
See bugs [[bugzilla:10655]] and [[bugzilla:10654]]
===Backup databases===
* Some solutions :
if we want to backup databases
mysqldump -uroot --events mysql > /tmp/mysql.sql
or if we don't want to backup them
mysqldump -uroot --events --ignore-table=mysql.event mysql > /tmp/mysql.sql
Please raise bugs under the SME-Contribs section in {{BugzillaFileBug|product=|component=|title=bugzilla}}and select the smeserver-automysqlbackup component or use
{{BugzillaFileBug|product=SME%20Contribs|component=smeserver-automysqlbackup |title=this link}}.
{{#bugzilla:columns=id,product,version,status,summary |sort=id |order=desc |disablecache=1 |component=smeserver-automysqlbackup |noresultsmessage="No open bugs found."}}
Only released version in smecontrib are listed here.
{{ #smechangelog: smeserver-automysqlbackup }}
[[Category: Contrib]]

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