4,246 bytes added
, 22:12, 18 November 2018
==Importing Packages to buildsys==
This document describes how to import new packages to buildsys.
You will need Developer access to buildsys for this.
===Shell login with ssh===
It may benefit you to add an entry in your .ssh/config file like this:
host koozalishell
Hostname shell.koozali.org
User youruser
Port xxx
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa_buildsys
ForwardAgent yes
You can then shell in easily with
ssh koozalishell
You can also modify the relevant sections in the script below.
How to import a SRPM
Importing new srpm or tgz + spec file to buildsys.
==== On your LOCAL build machine====
It is assumed you have CVS in two directories in you home directory
First copy this into a file called ~/bin/importNewContrib
Note this is for Contrib packages. You can modify the script for Server packages by changing references from 'contribs' to 'server' and 'contribs$ver' to 'sme$ver'
<syntaxhighlight lang="Bash">
if [ $# -eq 0 ]
echo "No arguments supplied"
if [ $# -lt 2 ]
echo "Usage:
importNewContrib version pkgname [rpmpath]
# e.g. importNewContrib 9 smeserver-newcontrib
# e.g. importNewContrib 10 smeserver-mycontrib ~/smeserver-mycontribs-1.0-1.src.rpm"
cd ~/smecontribs/rpms
cvs -Q update -dPA 1>/dev/null
cd ~/smecontribs
cvs -Q -z3 -d:ext:YOURUSER@buildsrv.koozali.org:/cvsroot/smecontribs co -P rpms 1>/dev/null
# Alternatively if you have a .ssh/config entry as above
# cvs -Q -z3 -d:ext:koozalishell:/cvsroot/smecontribs co -P rpms 1>/dev/null
# better test would be to actually grep module file!
if [ -d ~/smecontribs/rpms/$pkgname ]
echo "Os package exists already"
cd ~/smecontribs/rpms
mkdir -p $pkgname/contribs$ver
touch $pkgname/contribs$ver/.cvsignore
touch $pkgname/contribs$ver/import.log
cvs add $pkgname
cvs add $pkgname/contribs$ver
cvs add $pkgname/contribs$ver/.cvsignore
cvs add $pkgname/contribs$ver/import.log
cvs commit -m "Prep for $pkgname import"
if ( $newmodule )
cd ~/smecontribs/CVSROOT
cvs -Q update -dPA 1>/dev/null
echo "$pkgname rpms/$pkgname &common" >> modules
linenumb=`cat modules |grep -n "#Start Auto-Maintenance" | grep -Eo '^[^:]+'`
# "#Start Auto-Maintenance"
#(head -n $linenumb; sort -nk$linenumb) < sample.txt 1<> sample.txt
(head -n $linenumb; sort) < modules 1<> modules
#echo "cvs commit -m \"adding $pkgname to modules\""
cvs commit -m "adding $pkgname to modules"
echo "##########################"
echo "do:"
echo "scp $rpmpath YOURUSER@buildsrv.koozali.org:/home/KOOZALI/YOURUSER/"
echo "now just do from buildsrv"
echo "cd ~/smecontribs"
echo "./common/cvs-import.sh -b contribs$ver -m 'Initial import' ../$rpmpath"
Set the file executable
chmod +x ~/bin/importNewContrib
From there do
importNewContrib 9 smeserver-mycontrib
After it is done you should find a new folder for
Also you should find your contrib listed in module file ~/smecontribs/CVSROOT/modules
As listed after the script you should send your srpm to the buildserver, one way is (replace ~/MYSRPM and YOURUSER)
scp ~/MYSRPM YOURUSER@buildsrv.koozali.org:/home/KOOZALI/YOURUSER/
Alternatively if set up
scp ~/MYSRPM koozalishell:/home/KOOZALI/YOURUSER/
====On THE KOOZALI BUILD SERVER (ssh YOURUSER@buildsrv.koozali.org)====
cd ~/smecontribs
./common/cvs-import.sh -b contribs$ver -m 'Initial import' ~/MYSRPM
And you are done importing !
====On your local build machine====
Go to directory and update the content from cvs and buildserver source
cd ~/smecontribs/rpms/smeserver-mycontrib/contribs9/
cvs update -dPA
make clean
make prep
make mockbuild
Edit your spec file in case you need it...
vim smeserver-mycontrib.spec
And commit
rm -f clog
cvs commit -m "$(make clog)"
make tag
make build
And done
How to import from a tar.gz
Create a srpm file
The import as above