Difference between revisions of "MediaWiki:Common"

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document.onkeydown = function( e ) { if( e == null ) e = event if( testKey( e, 122 ) ) { //F11 appendCSS('#column-content {margin: 0 0 .6em 0;} #content {margin: 2.8em 0 0 0;} #p-logo, .generated-sidebar, #p-lang, #p-tb, #p-search {display:none;} #p-cactions {left: .1em;} #footer {display:none;}'); return false; }}function testKey( e, intKeyCode ) { if( window.createPopup ) return e.keyCode == intKeyCode else return e.which == intKeyCode}

Latest revision as of 05:29, 23 May 2017